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Selling Made Simple - Sometimes B2B sales professionals just don’t have the time to listen to an hour of content. This is where Selling Made Simple comes in with its 10-minute, practical episodes.

Salesman Podcast - The Salesman Podcast is the worlds most downloaded B2B sales podcast and is an Apple Award winning show. It helps sales professionals learn how to find buyers and win business from them in a modern, effective, and ethical way. The show has featured NASA astronauts, F1 drivers, Olympic athletes, UFC fighters, world leading neuroscientists and the world’s top sales experts as guests.

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The Salesman.com - podcast feed gives you the worlds best sales content.

Selling Made Simple - Sometimes B2B sales professionals just don’t have the time to listen to an hour of content. This is where Selling Made Simple comes in with its 10-minute, practical episodes.

Salesman Podcast - The Salesman Podcast is the worlds most downloaded B2B sales podcast and is an Apple Award winning show. It helps sales professionals learn how to find buyers and win business from them in a modern, effective, and ethical way. The show has featured NASA astronauts, F1 drivers, Olympic athletes, UFC fighters, world leading neuroscientists and the world’s top sales experts as guests.

    The Secret Formula to Ask Effective Sales Questions

    The Secret Formula to Ask Effective Sales Questions

    Ever feel like your sales questions are hitting a dead end? You ask, they answer “yes” or “no,” and the conversation goes nowhere.  What if there was a formula to ask questions that get your customers talking and expose their real needs? That's exactly what we'll crack the code on in this video. We'll break down the L.E.T.S. framework, a powerful tool to understand your customers and close more deals.

    Understanding Open-Ended and Closed-Ended Questions

    Before diving in, let's talk about question structure. Questions are either open-ended or closed-ended.

    Open-ended ones are like opening a gate, inviting a flood of thoughts.

    While closed-ended ones are like hitting a stop sign – you get a simple “yes” or “no.”

    In sales, we often rely on those quick “yes or no” questions. They're easy, but they limit your understanding of the customer's needs.

    The key is knowing when to use each type. Imagine you want to know if someone wants a promotion. A closed-ended question might be: “Would you be happy with a promotion?” But an open-ended question like: “What would an ideal career move look like for you?” gets you way more valuable information.

    Think of open-ended questions as conversation starters that uncover needs, while closed-ended ones help confirm details and move the conversation forward. We'll use both strategically in the L.E.T.S. framework.

    With that in mind, let’s break down the steps in this effective framework where each new type of question we ask, in this specific order takes us closer to getting the next step of the sales process agreed to and confirmed by the prospect

    Step #1: Logical Questions

    The first step is Logical Questions.  Think of these as getting down to business. These questions help you understand the specifics of what your customer wants to achieve. They're like gathering intel – the “what” and “how” of their situation.

    Here's an example: Let's say you're selling a new marketing tool. A good logical question might be, “Who else on your team would need to be on board to use this new system effectively?”  (Ask engagement question along the way)  This gets you thinking about who else has a say in the decision and how your product fits into their workflow.

    Logical questions can also be closed-ended to confirm specifics.  For instance, “Do we need to get the marketing director involved to make a decision on this tool?”   (Ask engagement question along the way)   See how that clarifies things?

    These logical questions set the stage for the next step, which is all about emotions. We'll dig into that in a minute, but for now, focus on getting those clear, fact-based questions out there. They'll help you understand the customer's situation and pave the way for a more emotional connection.

    Step #2: Emotional Questions

    Alright salespeople, got those logical questions down? Now let's add some feeling to the mix!  We're moving on to Emotional Questions.

    These questions dig into the “why” behind the customer's needs.  We talked about the “what” and “how” with logical questions, but here we want to understand what motivates them to solve this problem.

    Imagine you're selling a project management tool. A great emotional question might be: “If this new system helped streamline your projects, what would that mean for you?”   This gets them thinking beyond just the features and focuses on the positive impact it could have on their work life.

    Sometimes, people might not quite see the emotional benefit. That's where close-ended emotional questions come in.  For example, “Would getting this project management system finally eliminate some of the stress you feel managing deadlines?

    • 15 min
    Sales development representative? DO THIS!

    Sales development representative? DO THIS!

    As a Sales Development Representative, your role is to generate  inbound opportunities and optimize sales channels. Without a solid prospecting strategy, you might struggle to identify and capitalize on valuable leads. This could result in missed opportunities and stagnant sales growth. But to truly excel in your role, you need to master the four steps outlined in this video. Without these steps, converting leads into customers becomes challenging. Stay tuned as we dive into each step:

    Step #1: Conduct Thorough Research

    Alright, step one in our journey to sales mastery is all about hitting the books—or in our case, diving deep into research. Think of yourself as a detective, your mission? To uncover those hidden markets and channels where your dream customers are just waiting for someone like you to show up. It's not just about guessing where they might be; it's about using solid data to back up your moves. This means getting cozy with customer behavior, analyzing profiles, and even going a little deeper  with the insights to pinpoint exactly where these potential buyers are.

    So, how do you start? Begin with the basics:

    * What do your potential customers like?

    * Where do they hang out on?

    The best way to uncover this information is to look back at your previous customers and find the trends that link them together. Did they all come from the same sales channel? Same email within a cadence? Do they all want to discuss a specific product feature?

    It’s always better to reverse engineer success rather than trying to create it from scratch.

    Use this info to guide your prospecting efforts, making sure you're not just shooting in the dark.

    Now, you might be wondering, ‘What's next after finding where these folks are?' That's where the magic of lead generation comes into play. Stick around because that's the game we're diving into next.

    Step #2: Learn Lead Generation

    Moving on to step two, we’re talking about lead generation. This isn’t just a buzzword your marketing buddies throw around; it’s the bread and butter for any Sales Development Rep. Think about it like fishing – you’ve got your pond, you know exactly what you want to catch, now it’s time to put your line in the water.. But instead of fish, we’re after leads, and instead of a pond, we’re diving into those markets and channels we talked about earlier.

    To generate those sales leads you need to master the art and science of cold calling and emailing. Yes, I can hear the groans from here, but trust me, this is where the rubber meets the road. If you’re thinking of skipping this part, let me stop you right there. The top sales development reps?  They’re wizards at this game. Cold calling and emailing are your direct lines to potential leads, so it’s time to dial in your skills.

    First up, cold calling. This isn’t about just picking up the phone and hoping for the best. It’s about confidence, knowing your pitch inside and out, and most importantly, listening. That’s right, listening to the person on the other end can tell you everything you need to know to make that sale.

    And then there’s cold emailing. This is your chance to craft a message that not only gets opened but gets a response. Personalize it, make it relevant, and above all, make it clear what’s in it for them.

    Creating cold emails that book meetings is easy. Think about your content from the perspective of hitting the right person, with the right message, at the right time.

    And hey, once you’ve got a handle on this, it’s all about expanding your network. Stay tuned as we dive into networking next, because who you know can be just as important as what you sell.

    Step #3: Networking

    Alright, we’re moving into the realm of networking, and I’m not talking about your internet connection. This is step four, where face-to-face interaction becomes your secret weapon.

    • 13 min
    Ultimate Cold Email Tutorial - Book More Meetings in 2024

    Ultimate Cold Email Tutorial - Book More Meetings in 2024

    There are many Cold Email Tutorials on YouTube  but this is the most effective process that I know.

    If you've ever wondered why some cold emails set up meetings like clockwork while others vanish into the abyss, you're not alone.

    Every day, professionals spend an average of 2.5 hours checking their inboxes, sifting through a mix of potential opportunities and, let's face it, spam.

    The truth is, email remains a powerhouse for customer acquisition and retention, especially for small to medium businesses. But there's a fine line between a strategic cold email that opens doors and spammy attempts that end up ignored.

    The distinction? Personalization, relevance, and offering undeniable value.

    In this video , we're diving into a framework that sidesteps the common pitfalls of generic outreach and positions your emails to not just get opened, but to compel action.

    Get ready to transform your cold email approach from a shot in the dark to a strategic, meeting-booking machine.

    Step #1 Get Attention

    Alright, let's talk about the game opener in cold email outreach: grabbing your buyer's attention without coming off as a jester in the court of sales. You want to hit that sweet spot where your buyer's eyebrows go up in intrigue, not in disbelief. It's about striking the right balance between being eye-catching and maintaining the gravitas of a trusted advisor.

    First off, your secret weapons are the subject line and the first line of the email. Marketo says the magic number for subject lines is seven words. Yes, just seven! But how do you make those seven words count?

    You open a curiosity loop that leaves your buyer hanging on the edge of their seat, wanting more.

    Think of the curiosity loop  as the trailer to the blockbuster movie that is your email.

    A killer “How to” or “What if” subject line that hits right where it hurts, their biggest pain points, and will stand out in the prospects inbox.

    That’s the subject line sorted. What about the first line of the email?

    Add a touch of Self-interest – Everyone's favorite radio station is WIIFM (What's In It For Me?), right? Now, for the golden touch: personalization. It's not just about slapping their name at the top of your email. It's about that first line resonating so deeply it feels like you've read their diary.

    A quick comment on their latest feature launch or a nod to their recent hiring spree shows you're not just another spammer; you're someone who's done their homework and genuinely cares about what makes their heartbeat faster in business.

    And here's where it gets even better: when you mix this strategy with the power move we're going to reveal in step four, you'll see magic happen. It's like adding nitro to your sales engine.

    Step #2 Demonstrate Need

    So you've caught their eye without resorting to the digital equivalent of streaking through the internet yelling about rubber duckies. Now what? It's time to show you're not just another pretty subject line; you're here to solve real problems.

    This is where you have to Demonstrating the prospects Need.

    Think of it like this: You're not just telling the prospect  you understand their struggles; you're showing them. And how do you do that? Through the art of storytelling, my friend. It's all about painting a picture so vivid, your buyer can't help but see themselves in it.

    We're going to use what I like to call the Reality Gap Method. It's like mapping out a treasure hunt where X marks the spot of their future success, and you've got the map.

    * Current Reality: You acknowledge where they're at, maybe struggling to hit those sales targets or drowning in inefficient processes.

    * Future Reality: Then, you dazzle them with visions of what could be. Imagine hitting those targets so often they start setting them higher,

    • 18 min
    Unlocking the Secrets to Closing the Sale

    Unlocking the Secrets to Closing the Sale

    Closing the sales is tough, I get it. You do all the work building rapport and qualifying the lead, only to choke when it's time to seal the deal. Sound familiar?

    Many reps leave money on the table because they wait until the very end before asking the big “will you buy?” question.

    Talk about awkward! No wonder we avoid it. My buddy Sam would sweat bullets trying to close at the final sales meeting. But my other friend Walter takes a smoother approach by closing throughout the entire sales process. He asks micro-closing questions after each call to see if the prospect is ready to move forward. That way, there's no big scary finale – just a series of small commits.

    Want to boost your commissions? Then get comfortable asking for the sale my friend! Sprinkle micro-closes throughout your calls. The more times they say “yes”, the likelier it is they'll say YES to that final purchase.

    Stick around, as I'll share a the 3 simple steps to micro-close throughout the sales process.

    Step #1: “Does It Make Sense To [X]?”

    Alright, let's dive into the first step of micro-closing, which might just be the simplest tool in your sales toolkit.

    Have you ever thought about just asking, “Does it make sense to [X]?” depending on what you're selling? This isn't just a question; it's your secret weapon. “Does it make sense for us to get this installed for you next week?” or “How about we jump on a call to sketch out a rough business case for your manager?” It's smooth, isn't it?

    What's genius about this question is it's all about timing, not commitment. You're not cornering anyone; you're just checking if the stars align for a small step forward. If they hit you with a “no,” it's not about you; it's just not the right time. And that's your cue to figure out what needs to shift  for the buyer to move forward.

    Why does this ninja move work so well? First off, it drops the pressure. No one's expecting a laid-back question like that. You're updating the prospect  on the process, nudging them to think logically about the next step without the emotional baggage of a hard sell. And here's the kicker: it's simple. It's about collaboration, not coercion. You're showing you care about being on the same page, building trust and rapport without even trying.

    Now, if you're nodding along, thinking, “This could change the game,” you're right. But what if you get a “no”? Stick around because that's exactly what we're tackling next.

    Step #2. “What Do We Need To Do To Move This Forward?”

    Hit a “no” on your first micro-closing attempt? Don't sweat it. Remember, a “no” isn't a door slamming in your face; it's just a nudge towards a different path. So the prospect says, “Now's not the right time”? Perfect opportunity to pull out your next move.

    Ask the question: “What do we need to do to move this forward?” This isn't just any question; it's like asking for directions when you're a bit lost. It's collaborative, not confrontational.

    Your buyer is your co-pilot here, guiding you through their buying  process. They haven't shut down the idea of buying; they're just not ready to take the leap. Yet. By asking for their opinion on what the  next step should be, you're not guessing what they want; you're letting them lay down the roadmap. This way, you're not playing a guessing game; you're building a strategy together.

    And if you want to notch up your game, sprinkle a little bit of social proof into your question. Something like, “I hear you. Company X was in the same boat and found that doing Y helped them immensely. Could that be a step we explore?” It's subtle, yet powerful. It shows you're listening, and it leverages the ‘follow the leader' instinct we all have.

    Step #3. The Loop

    Ever felt like you're running in circles with a buyer,

    • 9 min
    How To Sell A Product: 2024 Step-by-Step Guide

    How To Sell A Product: 2024 Step-by-Step Guide

    In today's fast-paced market, knowing how to sell a product is crucial for business success,. he truth is, the art of selling has evolved, and staying ahead means adapting. The good news? I’m here to guide you through this transformation. To sell a product effectively, you need to navigate through six essential steps we'll uncover in this video. These steps are designed to not only grab attention but convert that interest into tangible sales. Let’s begin:

    Step #1: Find Your Ideal Customer Persona

    Kicking off our journey into mastering sales, the first thing you gotta nail down is finding your ideal customer persona. Think of this as detective work where you're piecing together a profile of your dream buyer. Why? Because aiming your pitch at the right crowd makes everything else smoother. You're looking for folks who get what you're selling, feel the pain it solves, and basically have their wallets out already.

    Now, you might be wondering, “How do I find these dream buyers?” Easy! Dive into your past sales and spot the common threads.

    * What job titles keep popping up?

    * Which industries?

    * Any patterns in company sizes or locations?

    This detective work helps you sketch out a buyer persona that’s not just a shot in the dark but a targeted blueprint of who you’re after.

    Now, why bother with all this profiling? Because knowing your ideal customer is like having a treasure map. It leads you to sales gold. Once you’ve got this down, crafting a killer value proposition becomes a piece of cake. That’s what we’re diving into next. Step #2: Build A Value Proposition

    Step #2: Define Your Value Proposition

    Alright, you've got your dream buyer in mind; now let's chat about your value proposition. Imagine you're at a party, and someone asks, “So, what do you do?” Your value proposition is that killer response that has them saying, “Wow, tell me more!”

    Instead of looking for the nearest exit. It's your sales pitch's secret sauce, promising your buyer why you're their best bet.

    Think of a value proposition as your business's pledge to your customers,

    minus the fluff and filler. It's where you spell out the perks of choosing you over the guy next door. But here’s the twist: it’s not just any promise; it’s a laser-focused, jargon-free promise that shows you get your buyer’s needs like no one else.

    Why’s it a big deal? Because when what you’re selling fits like a glove with what they’re itching for, it’s like magic. They’re more likely to say, “Where do I sign?” This alignment is crucial, and it’s your job to broadcast it loud and clear.

    Crafting this golden message isn’t something you leave to chance or pass off to a marketer who’s never chatted with your buyers. You've got to roll up your sleeves and build it yourself, with insights gleaned from understanding your audience inside out.

    A good structure to present your value proposition is – I help X person, solve Y problem, by doing Z thing.

    For me selling sales training to B2B salespeople and small business owners at Salesman.com I might say – I help B2B sellers, find and close more deals using proven, step-by-step frameworks.

    A rock-solid value proposition isn't just a nice-to-have. It's your secret sauce when we get to the last step: Closing. That's right, stick around because, in our last step, we’ll dive deep into how this all comes together to seal the deal.

    Step #3 Use A Cadence

    So, you've got a killer value proposition. Now, how do you get it in front of those dream buyers? Welcome to the world of sales cadence—a fancy way of saying “a killer follow-up plan.” Without a plan, you're just throwing darts in the dark, hoping to hit the bullseye.

    Here’s the deal: winging it in sales is like trying to bake a cake by guessing the ingredients. Spoiler alert – it doesn’t work.

    • 20 min
    5 Strategies to Increase Sales in 2024

    5 Strategies to Increase Sales in 2024

    In this video we cover 5 strategies to increase sales no matter what you sell or the industry you sell within.

    Strategy number one is to make your value proposition more specific.

    1: Specific Value Proposition

    The more specific your value proposition is, to the needs of your specific buyer the more meetings you’ll book from your prospecting and the higher your closing percentage rate will be.

    Most sellers try and aim for a broad value proposition during their cold outreach thinking that if they cast a wider net, they’ll hook more prospects onto a call.

    This isn’t how it works in reality.

    Imagine you need to get rid of a body. I won’t question why you have a body that you need to get rid of… but it needs to be gone ASAP.

    Lets say you get an email that offers to get rid of whatever waste you have in your home. Well that is somewhat compelling. But if you were to get an cold email that shares a new way of getting rid of a body, when they need to be disposed of FAST, then obviously that’s the one you’re going to reply to.

    You have to be bold with your value propositions when engaging with potential customers.

    You have to avoid playing in the zone of indifference. Push the fact that you can improve or solve a specific problem to get out of this zone of indifference in the middle that most sellers play within.

    Next up, I want you to stop talking about features and benefits.

    2: Features, Benefits, Desires

    Stop talking about the features and benefits of your product. Literally, nobody gives a shit.

    Your widget or software has this button? Comes in this colour? Does this thing?

    Nobody cares.

    Instead, focus on the buyers desires.

    Think of the buyer's desires being at the very core of their decision making process.

    Let me give you an example:

    * Feature – com Academy has step-by-step training videos.

    * Benefit – The training videos will help you better implement our frameworks.

    * Desire – We will remove the stress and overwhelm from executing an effective sales process and achieving your financial goals.

    This third layer of value that we call desire should be the focus of 90% of your communication to the buyer. This only shifts towards the end of the sales process when we might communicate more of the practical features of the product as the prospect justifies their emotional purchase decision with logic.

    Next let's take a look at how we can put the right desires in front of more of the right prospects.

    3: Refine Your ICP

    If you are booking meetings, then you should constantly be refining your ICP or Ideal Customer Persona.

    B2B sales becomes way easier when you put the right message, in front of the right person, at the right time.

    Once you’re booking a steady stream of meetings from your cold prospecting each week, it’s time to sit down and refine your ICP.

    Look at all the people who booked a meeting with you and see what they have in common. It could be:

    * Job titles

    * Industries

    * Locations

    * Company size

    * Specific goals

    * Target pain points

    * Current solution

    * Buying process

    * Technologies leveraged

    Your goal becomes simple: Find more of the people who buy big and buy quickly.

    Stop wasting time with the wrong prospects. Start spending more time with the people that actually want to work with you.

    Once you have a better idea of your ICP it’s time to start building a step-by-step sales cadence.

    4: Step-by-Step Sales Cadence

    Most salespeople live in what I call the roller coaster of sales. That is, some weeks they prospect, other weeks they don’t. Some days they cold call, other days they chase their tails with another random task.

    That leads to an up and down, boom and bust cycle of results and failure.

    • 11 min

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