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SendMe Radio Melanie Okorie

    • Religião e espiritualidades

SendMe Radio is the sister company of SendMe Promotion we are a live streaming radio station and podcast that promotes the Gospel "We Promote the Gospel ". Listen to awesome interviews, powerful messages, Gospel music and ready the stories and be inspired by the stories of featured businesses SendMe Radio streams 24/7download our free app from the Google Play and Apple Store or command Alexa to play SendMe Radio.
Listen to SendMe Radio on various platforms we are on the Apple and Google Podcast, Spotify, Public Radio and just Google SendMe Radio we are everywhere. Share us with your friends and family!

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    Day 72 - Psalms 72 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1136 - SendMe Radio

    Day 72 - Psalms 72 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1136 - SendMe Radio

    Psalm 72 is a prayer for the king, traditionally attributed to Solomon, though some scholars suggest it might have been written by David for Solomon. This royal psalm emphasizes the king’s role in administering justice, caring for the poor, and fostering prosperity throughout the land. It also anticipates a reign of righteousness that extends globally, making it a messianic psalm pointing towards the ultimate fulfillment in Christ.

    Overview of Psalm 72

    Title and Background:
    Psalm 72 is titled “Of Solomon,” which can mean it was written by Solomon or for Solomon. It is a royal psalm that outlines the ideals for a king’s reign, focusing on justice, prosperity, and the well-being of the people.

    Psalm 72 is composed of 20 verses and can be divided into several sections:

    1.Verses 1-4: A Prayer for Righteous Rule
    •The psalm opens with a petition for God to endow the king with justice and righteousness. It highlights the king’s duty to judge the people fairly, especially the afflicted, and to deliver the needy.
    2.Verses 5-7: Blessings of a Righteous Reign
    •These verses describe the enduring nature of a just reign, likening it to the refreshing rain that nurtures the earth. The righteous king’s reign will bring prosperity and peace, extending as long as the moon endures.
    3.Verses 8-11: Universal Dominion
    •The psalm anticipates the king’s dominion from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth. It envisions foreign kings and nations bringing tribute and bowing before him, acknowledging his sovereignty.
    4.Verses 12-14: Compassion for the Needy
    •The king is portrayed as a compassionate ruler who rescues the needy and the oppressed. His care for the vulnerable is highlighted as a key aspect of his righteous rule.
    5.Verses 15-17: Prosperity and Blessing
    •The psalm prays for the king’s long life and for the prosperity of the land. It speaks of abundant grain, flourishing cities, and blessings upon the people. The king’s name and legacy will endure forever, bringing blessings to all nations.
    6.Verses 18-20: Doxology
    •The psalm concludes with a doxology, praising God for His wondrous deeds and His eternal glory. This doxology marks the end of the second book of the Psalter (Psalms 42-72).

    Key Themes

    1.Righteousness and Justice:
    •The central theme of Psalm 72 is the king’s role in administering justice and righteousness. A just ruler ensures fairness, protects the oppressed, and provides for the needy, reflecting God’s own justice.
    2.Prosperity and Peace:
    •The psalm associates a righteous reign with prosperity and peace. When a king rules justly, the land flourishes, and the people experience well-being and abundance.
    3.Universal Reign:
    •Psalm 72 envisions the king’s dominion extending globally, with foreign nations acknowledging his authority. This universal aspect points to the messianic fulfillment in Christ, whose reign encompasses all nations.
    4.Compassion and Care:
    •Compassion for the needy is a hallmark of a righteous king. The psalm emphasizes the importance of caring for the vulnerable and delivering those who suffer from oppression.
    5.Enduring Legacy:
    •The psalm prays for the king’s enduring legacy and continuous blessings upon his reign. His name and influence will bring blessings to all nations, lasting through generations.


    Psalm 72 offers a vision of ideal kingship that combines justice, compassion, and prosperity. It sets a high standard for leadership, emphasizing the importance of righteousness and care for the vulnerable. This psalm also carries messianic overtones, pointing to the ultimate fulfillment in the reign of Jesus Christ.

    Application in Contemporary Life:

    1.Leadership and Justice:
    •Psalm 72 provides a model for contemporary...

    • 35 min
    Day 71 - Psalms 71 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1135 - SendMe Radio

    Day 71 - Psalms 71 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1135 - SendMe Radio

    Psalms 71: A Commentary and Reflection


    Psalms 71 is a heartfelt prayer of an aged believer who seeks refuge and deliverance in God. This Psalm beautifully illustrates a journey of faith, trust, and resilience through life’s trials and tribulations. It reflects the psalmist’s lifelong reliance on God and his plea for continued support in his old age.

    Structure and Themes

    Psalms 71 can be divided into several sections, each highlighting different aspects of the psalmist’s prayer:

    1.Verses 1-4: A Plea for Refuge and Deliverance
    The psalmist begins by seeking God’s protection and deliverance from his enemies. He acknowledges God as his rock and fortress, expressing trust in God’s ability to save and protect him.
    2.Verses 5-8: A Testimony of Lifelong Trust
    Here, the psalmist reflects on his lifelong faith in God. From his youth, he has relied on God, who has been his constant source of hope and strength. This section emphasizes a deep, personal relationship with God that has been sustained throughout the psalmist’s life.
    3.Verses 9-13: A Plea in Old Age
    As the psalmist faces the challenges of aging, he pleads with God not to abandon him in his old age. He is acutely aware of his vulnerabilities and the threats from his enemies, who see his weakened state as an opportunity to harm him. Despite these fears, the psalmist’s faith remains steadfast.
    4.Verses 14-18: A Declaration of Continued Praise
    Despite the adversities, the psalmist vows to continue praising God and proclaiming His righteousness and salvation. He expresses a desire to declare God’s mighty acts to future generations, highlighting the importance of testimony and legacy.
    5.Verses 19-21: Acknowledgment of God’s Righteousness and Past Deliverances
    The psalmist praises God’s righteousness, which reaches to the heavens. He recounts the times God has delivered him from troubles in the past, expressing confidence that God will continue to restore and comfort him.
    6.Verses 22-24: A Commitment to Praise
    The psalmist concludes with a commitment to praise God with music and song. He rejoices in God’s faithfulness and promises to speak of God’s righteousness all day long.


    Psalms 71 resonates deeply with anyone who has experienced the ebb and flow of faith through the different stages of life. It is a reminder that faith is not a fleeting emotion but a lifelong journey. The psalmist’s unwavering trust in God, despite the inevitabilities of aging and the persistence of enemies, serves as an inspiring example of resilience and devotion.

    This Psalm also highlights the importance of reflection and testimony. By recounting God’s past deliverances, the psalmist strengthens his faith and provides a powerful witness to others. In our own lives, remembering how God has been our rock and fortress in past trials can fortify our trust in Him during current and future challenges.

    Moreover, Psalms 71 underscores the significance of praising God continually. The psalmist’s commitment to praise, even in the face of adversity, teaches us the power of worship and gratitude. It encourages us to cultivate a heart of praise, recognizing that God’s faithfulness and righteousness are worthy of celebration at all times.


    Psalms 71 is a profound expression of faith, trust, and resilience. It invites us to reflect on our own journey with God, to remember His faithfulness, and to commit to praising Him through all seasons of life. As we navigate the challenges and blessings of our own lives, may we, like the psalmist, find our refuge and strength in the unchanging nature of our God.

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    • 34 min
    Day 70 - Psalms 70 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-07-02-#924 (1)

    Day 70 - Psalms 70 Mountain Top Prayer 150 Days of Psalms Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-07-02-#924 (1)

    Psalm 70: A Plea for Urgent HelpPsalm 70 is a brief yet fervent prayer attributed to David, seeking urgent help and deliverance from God. It is closely related to Psalm 40:13-17, almost a verbatim repetition, emphasizing its themes of urgent plea and deliverance. This psalm is characterized by its intense sense of urgency and reliance on God's swift intervention.Overview of Psalm 70Title and Background: Psalm 70 is titled "For the director of music. Of David. A petition." It is a psalm of lament and supplication, where David calls upon God to quickly rescue him from his enemies and those who seek his harm.Structure: Psalm 70 is composed of five verses and can be divided into three main sections:
    Verses 1: A Call for Immediate HelpDavid opens with an urgent plea for God to hasten to his aid. The repeated call for quick intervention underscores the dire situation he is facing. This verse sets the tone for the entire psalm, emphasizing the need for prompt assistance.Verses 2-3: Petition Against EnemiesDavid describes his adversaries, asking God to bring shame and confusion upon them. He prays for their downfall, using strong language to depict their malicious intent. This section highlights the threat posed by his enemies and his trust in God to deliver him from their schemes.Verses 4-5: Joy for the Faithful and a Final PleaIn contrast to the fate of his enemies, David prays that all who seek God rejoice and be glad in Him. He expresses a desire for those who love God's salvation to continually praise Him. The psalm concludes with a personal plea, acknowledging David's neediness and reiterating his call for God's swift rescue.Key Themes
    Urgency in Prayer:The overriding theme of Psalm 70 is the urgency of David's plea. He repeatedly calls for God to hurry and help him, reflecting a deep sense of desperation and dependence on divine intervention.Divine Justice:David's prayer for his enemies to be put to shame and confusion underscores his belief in God's justice. He trusts that God will vindicate him and deal with those who seek his harm.Joy and Praise Among the Faithful:Amidst his plea for help, David includes a prayer for the joy and gladness of those who seek God. This highlights the contrasting fates of the righteous and the wicked, with the righteous finding joy in God's salvation.Personal Humility and Dependence:David acknowledges his poor and needy state, emphasizing his complete reliance on God. This humility and recognition of his own vulnerability are central to his plea for divine assistance.ReflectionPsalm 70 is a powerful expression of urgent need and unwavering faith. Despite its brevity, it encapsulates profound themes of divine justice, personal humility, and the joy of the faithful. David's intense plea for quick deliverance and his confidence in God's intervention offer valuable lessons for contemporary believers.Application in Contemporary Life:
    Urgent Prayer in Times of Crisis:Psalm 70 teaches believers that it is appropriate to urgently call upon God in times of crisis. When facing dire circumstances, turning to God with fervent prayer can bring comfort and hope.Trust in Divine Justice:The psalm underscores the importance of trusting in God's justice. Believers can find solace in the belief that God will ultimately vindicate the righteous and deal with those who act maliciously.Joy in Seeking God:Even in the midst of personal turmoil, the psalmist prays for the joy and gladness of those who seek God. This encourages believers to maintain their faith and find joy in their relationship with God, regardless of their circumstances.Humility and Dependence on God:David's acknowledgment of his own...

    • 34 min
    Day 69 - Psalms 69 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1132 - SendMe Radio

    Day 69 - Psalms 69 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1132 - SendMe Radio

    Psalms 69: An Exegesis

    Psalms 69 is one of the most intense and passionate psalms in the Book of Psalms, attributed to King David. It is a psalm of lament, where the psalmist cries out to God in the midst of deep distress and persecution. The psalm is marked by its vivid imagery, emotional depth, and prophetic elements, often regarded as messianic in Christian interpretation.

    Structure and Content:

    The psalm can be divided into several sections, each reflecting a different aspect of the psalmist’s plea to God.

    1.Cry for Help (Verses 1-5):
    The psalm begins with a desperate plea for salvation. The imagery of deep waters and a miry pit illustrates the overwhelming nature of the psalmist’s suffering. He feels engulfed and unable to stand firm.
    “Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing; I have come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me.”
    2.Confession of Sins and Appeal for Mercy (Verses 5-12):
    The psalmist acknowledges his sins and faults but emphasizes that his suffering is primarily due to his faithfulness to God. He describes the scorn and mockery he faces from others.
    “O God, You know my foolishness; and my sins are not hidden from You. Let not those who wait for You, O Lord GOD of hosts, be ashamed because of me.”
    3.Prayer for Deliverance (Verses 13-18):
    David prays earnestly for God’s intervention. He appeals to God’s steadfast love and mercy, asking for deliverance from his dire situation.
    “But as for me, my prayer is to You, O LORD, in the acceptable time; O God, in the multitude of Your mercy, hear me in the truth of Your salvation.”
    4.Description of Suffering (Verses 19-21):
    The psalmist details the depth of his humiliation and rejection, which is often seen as a foreshadowing of the suffering of Christ.
    “Reproach has broken my heart, and I am full of heaviness; I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none. They also gave me gall for my food, and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.”
    5.Imprecation against Enemies (Verses 22-28):
    This section contains some of the most challenging verses, where the psalmist calls for judgment upon his persecutors. This reflects a raw, human desire for justice against those who have caused his suffering.
    “Let their table become a snare before them, and their well-being a trap. Let their eyes be darkened, so that they do not see; and make their loins shake continually.”
    6.Conclusion with Hope and Praise (Verses 29-36):
    Despite his anguish, the psalmist ends on a note of hope and praise. He expresses confidence that God will deliver him and that his faithfulness will ultimately lead to God’s glory.
    “But I am poor and sorrowful; let Your salvation, O God, set me up on high. I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving.”

    Theological Themes:

    1.Suffering and Persecution:
    The psalm vividly portrays the experience of suffering and persecution, highlighting the emotional and physical toll it takes on the faithful. It serves as a reminder of the struggles that believers may face and the importance of seeking God in times of distress.
    2.Confession and Repentance:
    The acknowledgment of personal sin and the plea for mercy underscore the importance of humility and repentance in the believer’s relationship with God.
    3.Divine Justice:
    The imprecatory prayers reflect a desire for divine justice, which can be understood as a cry for God to uphold righteousness and punish wickedness.
    4.Messianic Prophecy:
    Several verses in Psalm 69 are seen as prophetic references to the suffering of Christ, particularly verse 21, which is cited in the New Testament in relation to Jesus’ crucifixion.
    5.Hope and Praise:
    The psalmist’s...

    • 31 min
    Psalms 68 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-07-01-#923

    Psalms 68 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-07-01-#923

    Psalm 68 is a song of victory and triumph attributed to David. It celebrates God’s power and majesty, His protection of His people, and His triumph over His enemies. The psalm is rich with imagery and themes, invoking the history of Israel and God’s enduring presence and assistance.

    Key Themes and Verses

    1.God’s Majesty and Power:
    •Verse 1: “Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered; let those also who hate Him flee before Him.”
    •The psalm begins with a call for God to rise up and scatter His enemies, a theme that runs throughout the psalm, emphasizing God’s supreme power and authority over all creation.
    2.God as a Protector and Provider:
    •Verse 5: “A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation.”
    •This verse highlights God’s compassion and justice, presenting Him as a protector of the vulnerable and marginalized.
    3.Historical Reflection:
    •Verses 7-10: These verses reflect on Israel’s history, recalling God’s guidance and provision during the exodus and the journey through the wilderness.
    •Verse 8: “The earth shook; the heavens also dropped rain at the presence of God; Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel.”
    4.God’s Triumph and the Procession:
    •Verse 18: “You have ascended on high, You have led captivity captive; You have received gifts among men, even from the rebellious, that the Lord God might dwell there.”
    •This verse is often associated with Christ’s ascension in Christian theology, symbolizing victory over sin and death.
    5.Celebration and Praise:
    •Verses 24-27: These verses describe a joyous procession into the sanctuary, celebrating God’s presence among His people.
    •Verse 26: “Bless God in the congregations, the Lord, from the fountain of Israel.”
    6.God’s Universal Reign:
    •Verse 32: “Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth; Oh, sing praises to the Lord.”
    •This call to all nations to worship God underscores His universal sovereignty and the inclusiveness of His reign.
    7.Divine Justice and Vindication:
    •Verses 34-35: “Ascribe strength to God; His excellence is over Israel, and His strength is in the clouds. O God, You are more awesome than Your holy places. The God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people. Blessed be God!”
    •The psalm concludes with a declaration of God’s power and a blessing, reaffirming His role as the ultimate source of strength and justice.

    Interpretation and Application

    Psalm 68 serves as a powerful reminder of God’s might and His protective, nurturing character. For believers, it reinforces faith in God’s sovereignty and His active role in the world. It also encourages a sense of community and collective worship, as seen in the imagery of processions and congregational praise.

    In contemporary application, Psalm 68 can inspire confidence in God’s justice and provision, especially in times of trouble. It can also serve as a call to care for the vulnerable, reflecting God’s own compassion and justice as described in the psalm. The themes of triumph and victory can be particularly uplifting, providing hope and encouragement in the face of adversity.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/sendme-radio--732966/support.

    • 28 min
    Psalms 66 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Remove Every Power Restricting the Power of God in my Life Pastor Chidi Okorie

    Psalms 66 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Remove Every Power Restricting the Power of God in my Life Pastor Chidi Okorie

    Psalm 66 is a Psalm of thanksgiving and praise, celebrating God's mighty acts of deliverance and His faithfulness. It invites all the earth to join in worshiping God and recounts both communal and personal experiences of God's intervention and grace. Below is a detailed overview and commentary on Psalm 66:Overview of Psalm 66Title and Background: Psalm 66 is a hymn of praise that is not attributed to any specific author. It is characterized by a communal call to worship and personal thanksgiving, reflecting on God's mighty deeds and His responsiveness to prayer.Structure: Psalm 66 is composed of 20 verses and can be divided into three main sections:
    Verses 1-12: Communal Praise for God's Mighty ActsThe psalm begins with a call for all the earth to shout joyfully to God, sing His glory, and declare His marvelous deeds. It recounts God's historical acts of deliverance, such as the crossing of the Red Sea, and emphasizes His sovereign power over nations. The people are encouraged to bless God, who has preserved their lives and tested them, bringing them through trials to a place of abundance.Verses 13-15: Personal Thanksgiving and Fulfillment of VowsIn this section, the psalmist transitions to a personal expression of gratitude. He promises to enter God's house with burnt offerings and fulfill vows made during times of trouble. The psalmist details the offerings he will present, symbolizing his devotion and thankfulness to God for answering his prayers.Verses 16-20: Testimony of God's Faithfulness and Answered PrayerThe final section is a personal testimony, inviting others to hear how God has responded to the psalmist's cries for help. The psalmist declares that God has listened to his prayers and has not rejected his plea or withheld His love and faithfulness.Key Themes
    Universal Call to Worship:Psalm 66 opens with a call for all the earth to worship God, emphasizing that God's glory and mighty acts are worthy of global recognition and praise. This universal invitation highlights the inclusivity of worship and the acknowledgment of God's sovereignty by all creation.Celebration of God's Mighty Deeds:The psalm recounts historical acts of deliverance, such as the crossing of the Red Sea, showcasing God's power and faithfulness. These mighty deeds serve as a foundation for communal praise and trust in God's continued protection and guidance.Refining Through Trials:The psalm acknowledges that God tests and refines His people through trials. These experiences, though challenging, lead to a place of abundance and deeper reliance on God's provision and care.Personal Devotion and Thanksgiving:The psalmist's personal commitment to fulfill vows and offer sacrifices reflects a heart of devotion and gratitude. This personal thanksgiving underscores the importance of responding to God's faithfulness with tangible acts of worship and dedication.God's Responsiveness to Prayer:The testimony of answered prayer highlights God's attentiveness and willingness to respond to those who seek Him. The psalmist's experience of God's faithfulness in answering his cries serves as an encouragement for others to trust in God's responsiveness.ReflectionPsalm 66 serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of both communal and personal worship. It encourages believers to recognize and celebrate God's mighty deeds, to remain faithful through trials, and to offer sincere thanksgiving for answered prayers.Application in Contemporary Life:
    Engaging in Communal Worship:The call for all the earth to worship God emphasizes the significance of communal worship. Participating in corporate worship services and joining others in praise fosters a sense of unity and collective recognition of God's...

    • 46 min

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