25 episódios

Continuous Practice will Bring out the Spontaneity in you!

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Continuous Practice will Bring out the Spontaneity in you!

    Skill Up 24: My 2021 Journey

    Skill Up 24: My 2021 Journey

    First, I want to talk about the happiest experience I had this 2021. When the year started, I was so hopeful that restrictions and COVID protocols will be lifted and that everything will be back to normal. One of the most iconic moment happened last March 15, when my parents celebrated their wedding anniversary. It was just a simple celebration with barbeque, samgyeopsal ( which is a popular Korean dish that is commonly served with thick, fatty slices of pork belly meat.), also we swum with my nieces and nephews in our inflatable pool and just enjoyed the entire day hanging out together. I think I considered it as the happiest moment of the year because though the COVID restrictions were not yet lifted, my mom's restrictions for us to do things that we want were gone and it's the first time it happened. I was really flabbergasted that day. Yeah, let me just tell you that my mom is so traditional and still treated us like kids though we are already adults. 

    Second is the saddest moment of this year it's when my uncle died. Actually we're not that close to each other but I was so moved by his experiences in life that I really treasured him and worked hard to help him in his everyday expenses for his family. As I told you in my last story, I really care about people who are too vulnerable. Just to tell you something about his life. He's wife just died 2 years ago, he got into an accident last year where he lost his fingers and almost died. Left with 5 small kids, he needed to work all day to earn for a living and at the same time look after his children. I just became so sad that time because I had a lot of plans for him. I planned on giving him and his kids gifts and provide food for their celebration this Christmas. I also planned on throwing a surprise party for his birthday. But all those things are not going to happen since he's already gone. I just regretted not doing those plans earlier before he left.

    Moving forward, though I was recently grieving about his death. Another hope shined in front of me. So this goes to the third big chunk of my year. This is when I had a breakthrough.

    It was last September when I heard the news that I passed the examination I took and was accepted for the training for my dream job which is in the BFP (Bureau of Fire Protection). I was so ecstatic that time and felt I'm on cloud 9. I have waited for this time to come and God already answered my prayers.

    Now, I'm preparing for that training and I'll continue working hard in this dream that is almost at hand.

    Chunking these three made me realize that life will not always be a straight tunnel for the journey but a roller coaster which will let you experience the different ups and downs of life. But the good thing is, you know that when you go down, the next way for you to take is going up. So if you are in the falling part of the roller coaster, wait for the rising moment which is your breakthrough.

    Now, I'm done with my story. It's time for you to share yours.

    As I told you, today is going to be a bit different so, for your challenge you need to use any words, phrasal verbs or idioms to describe each chunk.

    By the way, here are the specific chunks for your story: 

    -happiest moment

    -saddest moment 



    Make sure to talk about the ones that happened this year.

    Also, don't forget to mention the vocabulary that you used by the end of your recording.

    For example, for me, I used:




    Good luck in your future endeavors. Till we meet again! Ciao!

    • 5 min
    Skill Up 23: A Simple Act of Kindness

    Skill Up 23: A Simple Act of Kindness

    Hi! I arrived home a bit late today. I just have to wait for the rain to stop before I go home. It's really a gloomy day and my story might make you cry while listening.

    You might think that I'm a lazy person not to bring umbrella knowing that it's already a rainy season here. Let me just tell you that I always bring umbrella whenever I leave the house.

    It's just that, I have experienced another consequence of my actions. Remember that in my last story I talked about the consequences of being a yes-man? I forgot to tell you that I have another personality like that. I tend to help people whenever I think they needed it, even to the point that I have to sacrifice myself. It might sound so dramatic.

    I don't know, whenever I see people needing help especially those who are old, too young or with disability. My body automatically reacted to the situation as if I'm a robot programmed to serve others. Though there were lots of instances wherein some of them tresspass on the kindness I offered and just deceived me pretending to be poor or sick. 

    Back to the story. I was on my way home when I noticed an old man in the street walking under the rain pushing his small cart of dirty ice cream. Without thinking twice, I immediately approached him and offered my umbrella. He said that it's okay and I should not bother doing it. But I insisted and asked him to go the the waiting shed and just wait for the rain to stop.

    Good thing, he agreed.

    There, we had a short conversation and I was so moved by his story. He said that he's already 68, living with his wife because their children already have their own families and lived in different cities. He also said that the reason why he's working hard to sell all those ice creams even on a rainy night (which is a time where selling ice cream won't be appropriate) is because of his wife. She is currently sick and he needs money to buy her medicine.

    I almost cried. So even though an ice cream is not complementing to the weather, I bought all the 13 ice creams left in his cart. Don't get me wrong, I'm not that rich but I believe I'm still living pretty well compared to the old man. Then I also insisted on buying his wife's medicine and offered him my umbrella in case the rain falls again. I also gave him my jacket since he walked under the rain for quite a long time and was shivering a lot.

    I did all those things out of kindness and I always will. I'm not sharing this for them to requite my kindness or to gain praise but to tell everyone that we should be thankful of what we have even though it's less or not what we wished for. As much as possible extend your hand and give the best help that you can give to others. Maybe the reason why you are in a fortunate situation is because you have the purpose to serve others.

    Help doesn't need to be too big or monetary. Help doesn't need to be an object. You can offer help by giving a piece of advice, a greeting or even a simple smile.

    Try doing these things starting today. It will make a difference. Not just to others but also to you.

    Speaking of you... What's the kindest thing or simplest act of kindness you've done to someone today? It would be lovely to hear them.

    As always, I require you to use these vocabulary I used:

    1.TRESPASS ON (sth) - to unfairly use someone else's ideas, time, help, etc. for your own advantage:

    2.OUT OF KINDNESS - because of one's altruistic generosity or goodwill, without personal or ulterior motivations.

    3. REQUITE - (verb) make appropriate return for (a favor, service, or wrongdoing).

    • 5 min
    Skill Up 22: Iconic Personality

    Skill Up 22: Iconic Personality

    Hi, it's me again! How are you?

    I just wanna tell you that I feel so tired today. I just woke up from my sleep after 1 and a half day staying awake. Yeah that's true. I think you noticed it in my voice.

    You might think of the reason why. No worries, it's just one of the consequences of being a "YES-MAN". 

    Oh! Yes-man means a person who agrees with everything their employer, leader, or anyone says in order to please them.

    So this is what happened. A week ago, my cousin told me that he needed some help for his wedding, but it's just for the renewal of their vows that's why he said that it'll just be a simple celebration. But, little did I know that they didn't plan much for it and on the day before the wedding there were still a lot of things to be done. 

    So as a yes-man/yes-person, I was of service to them. I offered a lot of help from designing the church and designing the candles, to preparing the video presentation that will be played during the reception.

    Take note: I have to wake up early for the next day since the wedding will start at 9:30 am. Curious why I should wake up early? Because again, I'm a yes-person so I also said yes when my other cousin who is a make up artist asked for assistance. Knowing myself, I know I can't wake up early if I sleep since I did a lot of things for the entire day. So I didn't sleep until 5 am just to arrive early to the hotel.

    On the day of the wedding, without sleep, I played three roles which are really exhausting. First from being an assistant to the stylist, to doing the technical for the sound system and finally, being the instant official photographer so imagine doing all those three just because I have an auto answer to all requests which is a YES. It's really tiring to the point that my high heels got broken so I have to walk barefooted until the event finished.

    I believe that if we will have a trip down to the memory lane about that wedding, they will remember my broken shoe or me being a YES-MAN... All the time.

    Experiencing these things almost every time when someone asks even for a simple request or even when I still have a lot of things to do make people remember me for being a YES-MAN or a person whom they know won't reject their requests. I think, I am doing this not because I want to please people but because I want to avoid conflict or argument with others.

    But, as time passes by, I noticed that it's giving a positive result to others but not to me. So I started working on it by trying to say NO in some requests that I believe I can't accomplish or commit to. 

    In your case, what do you think is your personality that people will remember? Mind sharing it to me and tell me why.

    I hope you'll be a yes-man as well when I request you to use these vocabulary that I used earlier.

    1. YES-MAN - (noun) a person who agrees with everything their employer, leader, or anyone says in order to please them.

    2. BE OF SERVICE - to help or be useful to someone.

    3. TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE - it refers to an occasion when people remember or talk about things that happened in the past.

    So, say YES and start telling me your cool personality.

    • 4 min
    Skill Up 21: The Unique You!

    Skill Up 21: The Unique You!

    Have you sometimes find yourself different or wished you stand out?

    When I was a kid, I thought I was a horse of a different color among all the kids I play with because I can visualize different images especially of a human face in random surfaces or things. For example, when I'm doing my thing in the toilet, I sometimes see faces with different expressions on the unfinished concrete of the toilet's floor or sometimes I can see animal or human form in shadows or clouds. I remember one moment when I immediately got out of the toilet because I saw a creepy face on the broken portion of the tiled wall with its eyes looking at me . This thing really freaked me out.

    I really thought that I was the only one who can do it but I just recently read about the word APOPHENIA. It is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things for example seeing shapes in clouds or faces on a surface. And it exactly talks about what I thought only I can.

    But the good thing about having apophenia is that I became more imaginative and creative to the point that I turned out to be too witty which is good in giving humorous speeches and catching audience attention. I also noticed that it helped me in analyzing ideas, solving puzzles and critical thinking activities. 

    I was able to pass a lot of examinations as well though some of the questions were not included in the ones I reviewed because I can easily identify the relationship of the question to the unfamiliar answer through the structure of the word. I don't know. It's hard to explain this skill but this is the one I found different from others.

    Actually, it helped me a lot even in the field that I have chosen which is to work in the film and advertising industry. Because here, you need to think of a catchy title for a movie or a tagline for an advertisement. I have tried this a lot during my internship.

    This skill also helped me in constructing the message I delivered in some of my preaching in the church, or in preparing speeches for the public speaking activities I joined. I can say that I am adept at creating or crafting new words or phrases from combined words which will be catchy for the audience.

    How was my skill? Do you find it interesting or annoying? How about you? What is the unique skill that you have and why do you consider it different from others? 

    I'm excited to hear your story. But before you do that, try to check out these vocabulary and make sure to use them in your sentences.

    1.STAND OUT - to be noticeable

    2. A HORSE OF A DIFFERENT COLOR -one who does things differently from others

    3.ADEPT - (adj) very skilled or proficient at something

    Note: Make sure to use the preposition AT after the word adept (ex: He is adept at cutting papers)

    By the way, are you missing the extra challenges? Here's one.

    Aside from the vocabulary given, I challenge you to use any adjective that you know that starts with letter C(example: cautious,cynical, callous,etc).

    You might think it's hard. No it's not.

    I know you are skillful for this so start recording your story. Good luck!

    • 4 min
    Skill Up 20: Let's Get Musical

    Skill Up 20: Let's Get Musical

    Have you ever been shy or scared of showing off or even telling someone your talent? 

    No worries, today you have to face your fear, because you need to share your talent through a story.

    Let me do it first.

    When I was young, I remember taking a music lesson for learning how to play Bandurria. It's a musical instrument with a minimum of 12 strings so imagine how hard it was learning how to play it. At first, I'm into playing it but as time passes by, I noticed that it's not the kind of instrument that you can play where people will be able to sing along with you. So, I decided to learn how to play the guitar on my own since my mom didn't have enough money to pay for an instructor. I was able to learn it but I realized that it's too big and not so handy enough to be carried during trips. So I learned how to play the Ukulele instead. Aside from being handy, its chords are easier than the ones in the guitar.

    Actually, I'm still playing it until now but even before I master it, my heart starts looking for something else...for something unique. Then, I realized that I want to play a musical instrument that is not commonly played in our place. And there's this instrument that I found relaxing to hear so why not try playing it.

    This is called Kalimba or sometimes called the thumb piano since it sounds like a piano and it's played using the thumb. How easy it is to explain the meaning of the name. As easy as how you can play it. It only has numbers and letters engraved on the thin plates. So for you to play a song, you mainly just need to have a good memory to remember them. Since I mentioned that it sounds like a piano I believe you can now imagine how relaxing it is to the ears.

    Imagine how I had a change of tune. From stringed instruments to a percussion instrument. 

    It just means that you can have another string to your bow if you didn't succeed in the others or if you don't feel like pursuing them anymore. Just make sure to learn assiduously  at the moment you are into enhancing or learning something.

    It seems like you are excited to share your story and musical talent now. Go on, you can do it. Just make sure to use these vocabulary that I used earlier.

    1. SING ALONG - to sing a piece of music while someone else is singing or playing it

    2. CHANGE YOUR TUNE - to change your opinion completely, especially because you know it will bring you an advantage

    3. ANOTHER STRING TO THE BOW - If you have another string to your bow, you have an extra skill that you can use if you do not succeed using your main skill

    4. ASSIDUOUSLY - (adv) with great care and perseverance.

    You might be surprised since there are more words to your challenge. I have added some since I believe that you have already improved at this point.

    You can now hit the record button!

    • 4 min
    Skill Up 19: Sport I'm Good At

    Skill Up 19: Sport I'm Good At

    In the last episode we talked about a remarkable athlete. Now, let's continue talking about sports but this time let's talk about a sport that we are good at.

    Growing up, I was exposed to sports. Almost 90% of my family and relatives are players. My mom and siblings are all volleyball players. Most of my cousins are either volleyball or basketball players which are common sports here in the Philippines. Even some of my cousins' husbands and wives are players too. That's why it's not a problem having a sports event during our family reunion.

    I believe it's obvious. My favorite sport is volleyball and I'm good at it. I started playing this game when I was in grade 4 and on the same year, I have joined a lot of competitions and suffered a lot of trainings as well.

    Aside from competing for my school, I also competed in my town during festivals where I was earning money that serves as an extra allowance for my own expenses. I also earned more whenever I'm receiving awards like best setter, best spiker or even MVP. And aside from the monetary reward, the appreciation of people and the feeling of winning are the ones that I was aching for the most.

    It seems like I'm bragging right now, but I just want to show how this sport that I enjoyed helped me learn a lot of things in life.

    In the early years in college, I became the captain ball of our team which means there were more pressure on my shoulders. I had to motivate my team to play harder and at the same time I had to perform to set an example for them. Another factor why I hated this position is that I don't want to hurt other people's feelings so as much as possible I tried cheering them up though at the back of my mind I wanted to scold them for not focusing on the game. 

    Playing as the captain of the team taught me a lot. 

    A team is not going to work without its members but at the same time, the leader is there to serve as the light that shows them the way to success rather than the light that burns their hope. 

    One of the most important traits that you should have as a leader is TRUST. You should trust your teammates throughout the game and let them do their part to contribute to the team's success.

    In the last years playing in college, they changed my position from setter to spiker. I'm happier because there was lesser burden but I still felt the pressure because our coach still expected a lot from me. All of them thought of me as the ace of the team so almost all of the balls were set to me though I look exhausted trying to catch up with the momentum of the game. In this position, I learned that you should be a go-getter not just in this position but in whichever position you are in. 

    Whatever the set will be given to you, you should always do your best to score a point for that opportunity. Because the setter have given it a lot of thought before setting that ball to you.

    We had also experienced a lot of crucial moments where our opponent's score was ahead of us wherein a few mistake will mean a lot. It helped me hone my character in not giving up and not being audacious in taking actions. At the end, we were able to blow the competition away. Not just because of our individual skills but also because of the teamwork, trust, and  the sense of responsibility that each member has.

    Now, I wanna hear the sport that you are good at and your experiences in it. Try to be creative in telling that using these words that I used.

    1. ACE - (noun) a person with a high level of knowledge or skill in a field

    2. GO-GETTER - someone who is very energetic, determined to be successful, and able to deal with new or difficult situations easily

    3. BLOW THE COMPETITION AWAY - win easily 

    Let's get the ball rolling!

    • 5 min

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