144 episódios

You're in a good relationship with an amazing partner, yet your jealousy, anxiety, and constant overthinking gets in the way of your enjoyment. Instead of living your best life, you're stuck stalking, controlling, blaming, judging, comparing, and showing up as your worst self...This is the Elite Girlfriend Podcast.In this space, we get what it's like to have a crazy, grumpy girlfriend brain. To make up scenarios that hurt your own feelings. To misinterpret your partner in all the worst ways. To want to punish your partner for things they haven't even done. To always be prepared, just in case something goes wrong.But this is also a space where we learn how to manage that crazy brain and all those triggering emotions with curiosity and compassion. Being an Elite Girlfriend is not something you're either born with or without. It's a skill that anyone can master at any point in their life.You are an Elite Girlfriend in the making. Let's get to work.

The Elite Girlfriend Podcast Katrin Berndt

    • Sociedade e cultura

You're in a good relationship with an amazing partner, yet your jealousy, anxiety, and constant overthinking gets in the way of your enjoyment. Instead of living your best life, you're stuck stalking, controlling, blaming, judging, comparing, and showing up as your worst self...This is the Elite Girlfriend Podcast.In this space, we get what it's like to have a crazy, grumpy girlfriend brain. To make up scenarios that hurt your own feelings. To misinterpret your partner in all the worst ways. To want to punish your partner for things they haven't even done. To always be prepared, just in case something goes wrong.But this is also a space where we learn how to manage that crazy brain and all those triggering emotions with curiosity and compassion. Being an Elite Girlfriend is not something you're either born with or without. It's a skill that anyone can master at any point in their life.You are an Elite Girlfriend in the making. Let's get to work.

    122. Are You Confusing Love & Respect with Obedience?

    122. Are You Confusing Love & Respect with Obedience?

    We all want partners who love and respect us. But does that also mean that they should obey us?In this week's episode, I talk about love and respect vs. obedience and why it's so easy to confuse the two. Even though obedience feels good, it does not have a place in a healthy, adult relationship.Life would be a lot easier if everyone just obeyed us all the time, but that's not how it works. And we need to learn to be okay with that.Work with me:https://www.katrinberndt.com/Contact:https://www....

    • 16 min
    121. How to Be an Elite Girlfriend When Life Gets You Down

    121. How to Be an Elite Girlfriend When Life Gets You Down

    Expecting ourselves to be on top physically and mentally 24/7 is entirely unreasonable. Being an Elite Girlfriend is not about being super-human and never struggling with anything.In this week's episode, I share what it means to show up as an Elite Girlfriend even when life gets you down. Whether it's hunger, stress, lack of sleep, grief, PMS, or any other issues you might be struggling with. Work with me:https://www.katrinberndt.com/Contact:https://www.katrinberndt.com/https...

    • 15 min
    120. Why Not Lose Your Shit (If Your Partner Deserves It)?

    120. Why Not Lose Your Shit (If Your Partner Deserves It)?

    Is there a superior way of living your life regarding being calm and collected vs. emotional and explosive? Is one better than the other or can you just pick and choose which fits you?In this week's episode, we explore the possible pros and cons of the two and I explain how I personally decided what was right for me. Work with me:https://www.katrinberndt.com/Contact:https://www.katrinberndt.com/https://www.instagram.com/elitegirlfriendpodcast

    • 25 min
    119. The Forbidden Episode (Your Partner's Brain 101)

    119. The Forbidden Episode (Your Partner's Brain 101)

    Your partner is not a problem to be fixed. They are not your child, your project, or your responsibility. And 9 times out of 10, we stay out of your partner's brain because you have no power there anyway.But in this week's episode, we do dive into your partner's brain. We explore how it works and how it might show up in your relationship. Understanding how their brain works can be a very powerful way for you to stop judging and show some more compassion for the person you love.PS. I just chan...

    • 37 min
    118. What to Do When Your Grumpy Behavior Is ALSO Reasonable

    118. What to Do When Your Grumpy Behavior Is ALSO Reasonable

    "I'm obviously triggered right now and all I want to do is ___... I know I shouldn't, but doing ___ is also reasonable in this situation! HELP!"Sound familiar? If you have ever struggled to decide whether or not to act on something because it's both unhealthy AND reasonable, this episode is for you. I give you my rule of thumb for situations like this and give you a peek into the next step once you master the first one.Remember! Not acting on reasonable behavior is not a forever kind of thing...

    • 16 min
    117. 3 Questions to Ask Yourself BEFORE Acting On Your Trigger

    117. 3 Questions to Ask Yourself BEFORE Acting On Your Trigger

    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are clearly triggered, you feel awful, you can feel the urgency inside of you to act, and you know exactly what you want to do to punish your partner in that moment?If so, this is the episode for you. I will walk you through three powerful questions to ask yourself in that moment that will help you slow down, pause, and regain access to your "intelligent" brain.Work with me:https://www.katrinberndt.com/Contact:https://www.katrinberndt.com/...

    • 20 min

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