6 episódios

Welcome to Three Days to Thrive with Robynn Anton, the marketing podcast that turns chaos into clarity. Are you a small business owner, entrepreneur, freelancer, or coach who wants to take part or all of their business online? If so, then this podcast is for you.

Three Days to Thrive is a podcast designed to help you quickly and easily create content (in three days or less) that your prospects will love, promote yourself as a thought leader in your industry, and build a business that thrives. From eBooks to blogging, to creating a website and writing emails that get attention – if you have laser focus and the right guide – you can do these projects in just a few days.
Don’t wait another day to start that book, update your website, or blog about the projects you’ve been meaning to share.

Today is the day. Listen up, pay attention, then get busy! Let’s do this!

Three Days to Thrive with Robynn Anton Robynn Anton

    • Negócios

Welcome to Three Days to Thrive with Robynn Anton, the marketing podcast that turns chaos into clarity. Are you a small business owner, entrepreneur, freelancer, or coach who wants to take part or all of their business online? If so, then this podcast is for you.

Three Days to Thrive is a podcast designed to help you quickly and easily create content (in three days or less) that your prospects will love, promote yourself as a thought leader in your industry, and build a business that thrives. From eBooks to blogging, to creating a website and writing emails that get attention – if you have laser focus and the right guide – you can do these projects in just a few days.
Don’t wait another day to start that book, update your website, or blog about the projects you’ve been meaning to share.

Today is the day. Listen up, pay attention, then get busy! Let’s do this!

    #6 Your Blueprint for Getting Online Quickly & Easily

    #6 Your Blueprint for Getting Online Quickly & Easily

    Ready to Get Online?
    The 9 Step Blueprint to Getting Online Quickly & Easily
    By Robynn Anton, The Go-To-Expert
    1. Find a MENTOR (preferably me!)
    Find someone you TRUST who has been there and done that! Copycat their ideas, do not recreate the wheel (yet!). Figure out what you like about their style – what attracted you to them in the first place, and mirror your brand in a similar way.
    Make sure you find ONE person and STICK with them, otherwise you will find yourself ALL OVER the place, spinning your wheels.
    Pick. Stick. Succeed.
    2. Pick your NICHE
    What do you want to be known for in your industry? Becoming the Go-To-Expert in your industry can change the course of your business.
    3. Claim your AUDIENCE
    Decide who you want to serve – your primary ideal customer or client (your PIC). Pick ONE PERSON and talk to THEM. Others will follow.
    4. Define your VALUE
    How do you help your clients succeed? Make sure you are able to articulate your VALUE.
    Before you can generate leads or sales online – You HAVE to have something to share with your prospects that offers them VALUE. This content will be used to connect and engage with your prospects and prove that you know what you are doing – and you are an expert in your field.
    Examples of valuable content might include an eBook, a case study, a video/interview, an article – something that shows your expertise in your industry. I suggest writing an eBook – it’s easier than you think with the right guide.
    6. Update your WEBSITE
    Make sure your website speaks to your PIC. Also, make sure it is EASY to buy from you or connect with you from your website. Don’t make them search for your offer!
    7. Start a FACEBOOK page for your business
    Start posting tips and advice from your one piece of VALUABLE content (no need to come up with NEW content each week, use what you have created and share it in snippets.) Start with 10 evergreen posts and then add weekly from there.
     8. Decide HOW you want to communicate with your audience regularly
    Podcast, Facebook Live, blogging, videos, weekly tips & advice posts, etc. Pick something FUN! If you like the talk – starting a podcast is EASY and inexpensive. If you like to WRITE – plan on blogging tips and advice each week or customer updates to show them what you are working on!
    9. Start to build your EMAIL list off of your social media platforms
    Offer free content in exchange for your prospect’s email.
    Then, send a weekly email using the content from your weekly Facebook posts – like weekly Tips & Advice!
    For more information on getting started online or to download The 9 Step Blueprint for Getting Online Quickly & Easily CLICK HERE.
    About Robynn
    As an author and former co-host of the entrepreneurial Radio Show American Dreamers, Three Days to Thrive, Host Robynn Anton takes this CRITICALLY-FOCUSED podcast and walks you through the things you should be doing RIGHT NOW to connect and engage with your prospects online. No fluff. No drawn-out explanations - just critically-focused information. Take action today, and see your business THRIVE!
    For more show notes, worksheets on this topic, and  the latest episodes, please visit RobynnAnton.com/podcast
    For more information on Robynn's book Three Days to Thrive: How to Write an eBook in Three Days or Less  >> CLICK HERE
    To get updates on new episodes, please SUBSCRIBE now!

    • 19 min
    #5 What is your VALUE?

    #5 What is your VALUE?

    How do you define the VALUE you bring your customers?
    When someone asks you what do you do, are you excited to answer that question?
    Do you know how to explain what you do?
    Have you thought about what you do in terms of the explicit VALUE you bring your customers? Or do you respond randomly and blurt out whatever is on the top of your mind at the moment?
    Determining your VALUE is a foundational step in creating a profitable business – whether you're online or offline. So how do you decipher exactly what it is you do for your customers?
    If you are an IT consultant, some of you might say – I work with you to determine what software solutions would help you solve your challenges. If you are a business coach – I help you with business growth strategies.
    But think about it - anyone can say that, right? I would assume all consultants or even businesses in general, say that in some form or another.
    But your VALUE isn't just in recommending or providing strategies or solutions –
    Your VALUE is in your ability to determine and identify the correct PROBLEMS that are causing the challenges your prospects are facing.
    Just like Ford always said – if he had asked his customers what they wanted – they would have said a faster horse. Your clients don't always understand what they need.
    You are an EXPERT in your field. You understand what causes problems and how to solve them at a deeper level than your customers – that is why they NEED you.
    So really think about that. What is your VALUE? 

    • 13 min
    #4 Who is Your Primary, Ideal Customer, or PIC? (Three Days to Thrive FOUNDATIONAL Step)

    #4 Who is Your Primary, Ideal Customer, or PIC? (Three Days to Thrive FOUNDATIONAL Step)

    Do you know your Primary Ideal Client/Customer, or your PIC?  This is the person who truly needs what you have to offer. This is the person, that if they knew you, they would be thrilled to see you or hear from you.
    You may have already determined your target audience, but to go online, you need to be even more specific.
    Attracting prospects or buyers online is a lot like going to a party.
    Think of a time you went to a party and you saw someone who looked interesting.  You wanted to meet them and get to know them. I would assume you didn’t just go up to them and start talking in generalities. You most likely started by making small talk about them specifically. Maybe you asked a question like, “Are those your children over there?” Or maybe you made a statement like, “I see that you were looking at that painting. Do you like to paint?” These are statements and questions that show that you are interested in THEM.
    That's how you have to think about online marketing. With all of the advertising and messages out there, you need to TALK specifically to ONE person to grab their attention.  Think of it like saying, "Hey Robynn, I see you have your own business, you have a house full of kids and pets and no time to yourself – I can relate!”  This is a little direct, but hopefully, you get my point.
    If you just said, “Hey, I think you will like what I am selling,” I would probably ignore you online.
    Whether or not you have been in business forever or you are brand new to all of this, you need to run through this exercise and pinpoint the ONE person you will be selling to or trying to attract online. I am not saying no one else will be attracted to your offering and join in on the conversation, but what I am saying is -  if you don't PIC one person to talk to NO ONE will listen.
    So, before you do anything online, you need to determine WHO it is you want to talk to.
    Here is a list of questions designed to narrow down and really get to know your PIC (Primary Ideal Client/Customer):
    Who do you think will buy your product or service?
    Who needs your product or service?
    What is their gender?
    What is their status – married, single, divorced?
    What is their income?
    What type of education do they have?
    What does a typical day look like for them?
    What do they worry about?
    What do they like to do in their free time?
    How do you find your ideal customer online?
    Are they online?
    Are they busy working all day, so maybe you can reach through email?
    Who are their influencers?
    Can you attract them on social media?
    Are they more business and only on LinkedIn?
    What types of books or magazines do they read?
    What types of blogs do they read?
    Do they listen to podcasts?
    Where else do they like to hang out online?
    Are they on Instagram, FB, Pinterest, Twitter?
    What type of Facebook Group might they be a part of?
    Are they involved in networking groups?
    A lot of your answers might be guessing at first, don’t worry about it - guess for now. You need to start somewhere.
    If you answer these questions (and then some), it could change your business.
    It could change your life. and how you feel about online marketing
    Remember – you need to think of your customer as one person – your PIC – your primary ideal customer. Pretend you are talking to one person at a party – who are they? What do they look like? What are their interests? What would you want to say to them? How would you want them to feel about you?
    One of the marketing gurus I follow is Brian Moran – he missed the boat when he first tried to sell a book to high school baseball players. He quickly realized he needed to be talking to their parents – the ones with the money to spend!
    TIP: Figure out - who you want to reach and if they can afford what you have to offer.
    ABOUT THREE DAYS TO THRIVE with Robynn AntonAs an author and former co-host of the entrepreneurial Radio Show American Dreamers, Three Days to Thrive, Host Robynn Anton takes this CRITICALLY-FOCUSED podcas

    • 23 min
    #3 Pick a Niche, Any Niche, Well, Sort of (Three Days to Thrive: FOUNDATIONAL Step)

    #3 Pick a Niche, Any Niche, Well, Sort of (Three Days to Thrive: FOUNDATIONAL Step)

    Today we are going to talk about defining your online niche.
    In some cases, as a business owner, you already have a well-defined niche, but for online purposes and to become a thought leader and attract prospects online
    – you may need to narrow down your niche and be more focused than you have been traditionally. For some of you, you may not have ever really thought about your niche – you just do what you do. So play along with me, and let's dive deep into determining your niche.
    First, let's define niche vs. your primary, ideal customer
    Your niche – is the topic or content you are focusing on
    Your PIC or your primary ideal customer is who you are trying to attract or talk to online.
    When you go online with a part of your business, YOU NICHE  should be your deepest passion – what are you most passionate about in your business?
    As a THOUGHT LEADER - you need to figure out what it is you want to be known for in your industry.
    If you choose the right topic, you will be very successful and busy working on this topic and sharing more and more information about this topic with your prospects, so make sure it's a topic you LOVE. Make sure it's something you care about and get excited about because then when you know you need to work on something – you are thrilled to take the time to do it.
    For example, a lot of us work with different types of businesses or clients. If you are a business consultant - you may have technology clients, education clients, financial clients. If you are an attorney, your client base could be very diversified, depending on your field or practice. Same for a doctor. In my caser, I am a marketing strategist. I've worked with all types of businesses. But for my purpose of taking information online, I am focusing on helping small business owners. You have ALWAYS been my deepest business passion.
    I love meeting business owners for lunch and helping them talk through ideas and strategies to grow their business. So I knew, when I finally decided to take the leap and go online, I would focus on small business owners or someone who has a specialty they want to share, so you know your stuff, but you just aren't sure where to start to get their business online or to get yourself out there as a thought leader in your industry.
    So, where do you start when you are defining your niche?
    We start with your PASSION
    Your PASSION is the one thing that excites you the most.
    What are 5 things you are most passionate about in your business– before you think about anything – answer this question without thought.
    Helping business owners and entrepreneurs
    Writing and creating new things that don't exist
    Creating ROI for my clients – to prove what I do helps them
    Learning new ways of doing things and Keeping everyone informed
    Being recognized as someone who knows what they are doing
    Making money – you need to be passionate about making money, but you also need to be passionate about what it is you are doing if you want to be AUTHENTIC.
    Now, think about your GIFT. Your gift is a little different than your passions.
    Your GIFT is the one thing that you do best with the least amount of effort.
    That is your GIFT.
    My gift is inspiring people. That's what I absolutely love to do, and think I do well. I make people excited to get involved, move forward- I ignite action.
    Now you need to use this information, and you need to define your WHY. Some of this may seem redundant, but if you answer all of the questions – you will be able to really narrow down what you are doing, why you are doing it, and the message you will use to attract your prospects.
    Why are you in business?
    Why should anyone care about what you do?
    Why are you good at what you do?
    Think about WHY people come to you for help

    You have your own unique story and how you help your prospects – whether it be with a product or a service
    List the problems that you solve for your customers or clients
    Problem 1
    Problem 2
    Problem 3

    Here's also something to

    • 16 min
    #2 Where should you start to get yourself online? (Three Days to Thrive: FOUNDATIONAL Step)

    #2 Where should you start to get yourself online? (Three Days to Thrive: FOUNDATIONAL Step)

    Sometimes you just need to take action and get things done. All the planning in the world doesn’t do you any good if you don’t TAKE ACTION.
    So, I will be talking to you today about what's holding you back from taking action from getting yourself out there online and moving forward as a thought leader in your industry?
    There are three things that I think you would agree are holding you back from getting yourself out there…
    You think you're swamped running your business and you just don’t have time to do anything else or add one more project to your plate
    You don’t see the value in what it is you think you want to do, for example – you know you need to update your website but you don’t think its really that important
    You don’t make marketing online or marketing, in general, a priority
    BUT deep down - there are two reasons that you haven’t moved forward
    1. Because you are afraid -you are afraid no one is going to pay attention and you are afraid you will put all of this work into something and no one will care.
    2. Another thing that stops you is perfectionism –you don’t want to put something out there online that doesn't look good. You don’t want to embarrass yourself especially online.
    But I can tell you right now -you have to start somewhere. Things will get better and easier> You might even think wow – I am really good at this and then six months from now you will look back and laugh and think wow, Oh my gosh, I can't believe I did there. Don’t worry about it. Stop. No one cares- and if they do care – they aren’t your target audience.
    As a matter of fact, I am the prime example of an x-procrastinator. When I finally convinced myself that it was time to stop putting off creating the business that I have always wanted – and I just needed to get something done – I sat down at my computer and within a day I had my first eBook written. Just this past week, I decided I wanted to start a podcast. I always knew this is where I was headed, but I never took the time to actually do it.
    Do you know how good it feels to set a goal and accomplish it? 
    Sometimes you just need the guidance– from someone who is in your same shoes. I know I have been a radio show host in the past, but I have never created my own podcast. I don’t have all of the right equipment yet, but I’m doing it anyway.
    I’m recording the episodes on my cell phone
    I'm editing in Camtasia and
    I'm uploading the podcast to Podbean where I hosted my radio show after it went live
    I took selfies on a timer to come up with my photo and removed the background at remove.bg – best tool ever for removing your background
    I created my logo on CANVA.com for free
    And I created the logo and description box on a WordDoc and saved it as a jpg using the snipping tool  
    AND BOOM! Now, I have my own podcast. It really is that easy!
    I can tell you right now, if you take the time to determine your online niche, your target audience, and how you can add value to your prospects and clients- you will nail it. You will meet them where they need you because this is where you are an expert. And it will be so exciting to share your information when you know that they can really use what you are creating.
    Remember- I’m not asking you to create content on topics you don’t know. You know your stuff. You know what you’re good at. The content you will be creating will be focused on something you know and have been successful doing – either on your own or with your clients or customers. I am here to help you figure out what to create and how to create it quickly & easily with step-by-step checklists and guides.
    So think about – what it is you’re good at? What comes naturally to you in your business?  Do you give advice, do you develop programs, do you offer products and services that support someone else’s life or business? Think about it.  I want you to get as excited as I am– I want you pumped up and thinking -- I got this!
    Think about what

    • 12 min
    #1 Are you ready to get ONLINE? (Three Days to Thrive: FOUNDATIONAL Step)

    #1 Are you ready to get ONLINE? (Three Days to Thrive: FOUNDATIONAL Step)

    As a marketing strategist, writer, and the former co-host of the entrepreneurial Talk Radio Show American Dreamers, Host Robynn Anton takes this CRITICALLY-FOCUSED marketing podcast (most shows are under 15 minutes) and walks you through the projects you should be doing RIGHT NOW to connect and engage with your prospects online. No fluff. No drawn-out explanations - just critically-focused information. Take action today and see your business THRIVE!
    Listen in today for a better understanding of how the Three Days to Thrive podcast can help you get established online as an expert in your field. If you are a small business owner, entrepreneur, or coach trying to figure out how to take all or part of your business online - be sure to join me along MY JOURNEY of turning my traditional marketing agency into a thriving online business where I help you take your business and succeed online as well.
    For more show notes and worksheets on this topic and for more episodes, please visit RobynnAnton.com/projects
    For more information on Robynn's book Three Days to Thrive: How to Write an eBook in Three Days or Less  >> CLICK HERE
    To get updates on new episodes, please SUBSCRIBE now!

    • 13 min

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