Following the recent publication of a landmark review paper exploring the dietary strategies for the remission of type 2 diabetes, we thought it would be great to get some of the researchers themselves together in the Dietitian Café to unpack the research. Harriet is joined by three of the authors of this paper, GP Dr David Unwin and Registered Dietitians Dr Duane Mellor and Dr Adrian Brown.Dr David Unwin is a fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners. He works at Norwood NHS Surgery in Southport where he has cared for the same population since 1986. To date, 105/206 of his patients with type 2 diabetes who chose a low carb approach have achieved drug-free remission. He’s published research into improving blood pressure, lipid profiles and liver function by reducing dietary carbohydrates, especially sugar. Dr Adrian Brown is a Research Fellow and Lecturer at University College London and a Senior Specialist Weight Management Dietitian with over 15 years of experience. His research centres around obesity, type 2 diabetes, bariatric surgery, weight stigma and use of low energy diets. He is an Honorary Academic at Public Health England and Vice-Chair of the Specialist Obesity Group for the BDA.Dr Duane Mellor is the Aston Medical School lead for Nutrition and Evidence-Based Medicine, and the Associate Dean for Education in the College of Health and Life Sciences. He has a background in clinical dietetics supporting people living with diabetes and moved into medical education when joining Aston University. Duane has maintained his research and practice interest in diabetes care working as a committee member of the BDA’s Diabetes Specialist Group and supporting the development of nutritional management guidelines. In this episode we’ll be unpacking the evidence for the effectiveness of varying dietary strategies at putting type 2 diabetes into remission. We’ll discuss the methodology and findings of this review paper, as well as asking the authors what their thoughts are on current diabetes management and any glaring gaps in clinical training.Show Notes:Dietary strategies for remission of type 2 diabetes: A narrative review Renal function in patients following a low carbohydrate diet for type 2 diabetes: a review of the literature and analysis of routine clinical data from a primary care service over 7 years Unwin D, Unwin J, Crocombe D, Delon C, Guess N, Wong C.Twitter Handles:Dr David Unwin: @lowcarbGPDr Adrian Brown: @BrownAdeyDr Duane Mellor: @DrDuaneRD
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- FrecvențăActualizată bisăptămânal
- Publicat9 noiembrie 2021, 20:59 UTC
- Durată1h 2m
- EvaluareAdecvat