Epizoda: 32

The name of this podcast comes from the Greek word meaning life. It’s also an acronym for the full name of the podcast, Biology Through Audio. My goal is to introduce listeners to biology in a way that helps them understand, explain, compare, and evaluate different biological phenomena that we encounter every day. To do this, I’ll draw from current events, past events, and what I think are some really interesting biological examples. At the end of each episode, you’ll find supporting references and additional resources in case you want to explore further.

BioTA Podcast J. Phil Gibson

    • Znanost

The name of this podcast comes from the Greek word meaning life. It’s also an acronym for the full name of the podcast, Biology Through Audio. My goal is to introduce listeners to biology in a way that helps them understand, explain, compare, and evaluate different biological phenomena that we encounter every day. To do this, I’ll draw from current events, past events, and what I think are some really interesting biological examples. At the end of each episode, you’ll find supporting references and additional resources in case you want to explore further.

    Citizen Science – #037

    Citizen Science – #037

    While the terms citizen science and community science emerged and began gaining broad attention in the 1990s, the collaboration between scientists and the public has a rich history spanning over a century. Today, numerous citizen science projects covering a wide range of topics invite public participation. Innovative educators are now involving students to enhance STEM education and foster new forms of community engagement. Join us in this episode as we speak with experts to learn about citizen science and its transformative potential in communities, education, and beyond!

    Boulder Apple Tree Project – #036

    Boulder Apple Tree Project – #036

    Apples are a household favorite, but have you ever wondered why some varieties are common, but others are rare, coveted heirlooms? Or thought about the epic journey that brought apples from their birthplace in Central Asia to orchards spanning the globe or maybe your own yard? And why don't we grow apple trees from seeds? We were curious too, which led us to invite Dr. Lisa Corwin and Amy Dunbar-Wallace onto BioTA to describe the thrilling story and science behind the Boulder Apple Tree Project, a citizen science initiative dedicated to discovering and safeguarding rare apple cultivars and preserving a living history of this beloved fruit.

    • 27 min
    Cooper Bison Skull – #35

    Cooper Bison Skull – #35

    What can an ancient bison skull tell us about human history? In this episode we talk with Dr. Leland Bement, an archaeologist from the Oklahoma Archaeological Survey who helped in discovering the oldest intentionally painted artefact ever found in the US. Using techniques that included standard archaeological practices as well as interdisciplinary collaborations, Bement’s team was not only able to figure out the story of the Cooper Bison Skull, but they also got a window into the past to learn more about the Folsom people who painted it. 

    • 27 min
    Biofilms – #34

    Biofilms – #34

    What does brushing your teeth have to do with the search for extraterrestrial life? To answer that question, you have to shrink down and explore the microscopic world of bacterial biofilms. In this episode three microbiologists will guide us through the world of these fascinating microbial communities by looking at what they are, how they impact our health, and how they may be similar to the life we are looking for in outer space.  

    • 20 min
    Scientific Identity, an Interview with Dr. Bryan Dewsbury – 33

    Scientific Identity, an Interview with Dr. Bryan Dewsbury – 33

    What does it mean to be a scientist? How do you think about yourself as a scientist? In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Bryan Dewsbury to explore what scientific identity is and what he has learned about its development through his Science Education and Society research program at Florida International University. Dive into how they are working to improve STEM education for everyone and support a diverse, inclusive space for the next generation of scientists.  

    • 36 min
    Amphibian Apocalypse? – 032

    Amphibian Apocalypse? – 032

    What are amphibians, why are they important, and how could a fungus be threatening their existence? Is there anything we can do to help them? We asked Dr. Cameron Siler and Jessa Watters from the Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History to answer these questions and more to help us learn if there is an amphibian extinction apocalypse , its causes, and potential solutions. 

    • 23 min

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