2 min

Children with Value Children with Value

    • Odgajanje

An introduction of who I am and what this project is about .Hi I'm tatiana can I just say thank you so much for you being here
Like im cheering for you right now
You can do this ,Yes yes Yeass
You invested time in learning something of value and I AM HERE FOR YOU

for those who don't know me I work in childcare for four years i have been proud to have met such amazing parents from my work and part of their children's growth progress.
I created this project to create value for parents or future parents .
And I know what you might be thinking How does a non parent who's worked in a nursery have anything to offer? I'm here to tell you that I do and its all about perspective, you see if I waited till I had all of the qualifications and all the knowledge possible when would I ever feel ready? Very much like parenting ,there isn't such thing as being ready so through the experience I do currently have I am here to share it with you guys. I will reference books and quotes and information that will
be done in a dynamic way.

And I will also have a reflective moment where you can think of how can you become someone of Value to impact your childs life?

If was to ask you to recall a memory on something that you heard as a child that you wish you hadn't ,I'm sure you can come up with at least 2 things.
Having that in mind what kind of memory ,on how you speak with your children do you want your child to hold?

With that being said I am excited that you joined in this journey and I cant wait to see the amazing things that are going to happen in the meantime stay tuned.

An introduction of who I am and what this project is about .Hi I'm tatiana can I just say thank you so much for you being here
Like im cheering for you right now
You can do this ,Yes yes Yeass
You invested time in learning something of value and I AM HERE FOR YOU

for those who don't know me I work in childcare for four years i have been proud to have met such amazing parents from my work and part of their children's growth progress.
I created this project to create value for parents or future parents .
And I know what you might be thinking How does a non parent who's worked in a nursery have anything to offer? I'm here to tell you that I do and its all about perspective, you see if I waited till I had all of the qualifications and all the knowledge possible when would I ever feel ready? Very much like parenting ,there isn't such thing as being ready so through the experience I do currently have I am here to share it with you guys. I will reference books and quotes and information that will
be done in a dynamic way.

And I will also have a reflective moment where you can think of how can you become someone of Value to impact your childs life?

If was to ask you to recall a memory on something that you heard as a child that you wish you hadn't ,I'm sure you can come up with at least 2 things.
Having that in mind what kind of memory ,on how you speak with your children do you want your child to hold?

With that being said I am excited that you joined in this journey and I cant wait to see the amazing things that are going to happen in the meantime stay tuned.

2 min