Epizoda: 1

Pollution is the entry of harmful chemicals into a given environment. This phenomenon affects the balance of said environment and makes it an unsafe environment.

The causes of environmental pollution depend on several agents and vary according to the ecosystem they affect.

Discover more in this podcast.

How Is The Earth Polluted‪?‬ Find Out How!

    • Znanost

Pollution is the entry of harmful chemicals into a given environment. This phenomenon affects the balance of said environment and makes it an unsafe environment.

The causes of environmental pollution depend on several agents and vary according to the ecosystem they affect.

Discover more in this podcast.

    How Does Pollution Affect The Earth?

    How Does Pollution Affect The Earth?

    We are increasingly aware of the importance of caring for the environment. But, could you list the seven most important types of environmental pollution?

    There is still a lot to do if we want the generations to come to have a planet to inherit.

    The consequences of a polluted world are known: climate change, greenhouse effect, global warming ... Let's know what types of environmental pollution exist.

    • 23 min

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