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    第2177期:Giant Ocean Reptile Discovered by Father, Daughter

    第2177期:Giant Ocean Reptile Discovered by Father, Daughter

    An ancient fossil found by a girl and her father on a beach in England belongs to a creature that might have been among the largest animals ever on Earth.
    Researchers said in a recent study that the fossilized bone, called a surangular, was from a reptile called an ichthyosaur that lived in the sea. Based on its size, compared to the same bone in closely related ichthyosaurs, the researchers estimated that the creature was between 22 and 26 meters long. They named it Ichthyotitan severnensis.
    研究人员在最近的一项研究中表示,这块被称为“苏拉格”的骨骼化石来自一种生活在海中的鱼龙爬行动物。 根据其大小,与密切相关的鱼龙的同一块骨头相比,研究人员估计该生物的长度在 22 至 26 米之间。 他们将其命名为 Ichthyotitan severnensis。
    That would make it possibly the largest known marine reptile. Its size would be close to the largest whales alive today. The blue whale, considered the largest animal ever to have lived, can reach about 30 meters in length.
    这将使它可能成为已知最大的海洋爬行动物。 它的大小接近当今现存最大的鲸鱼。 蓝鲸被认为是有史以来最大的动物,体长可达 30 米左右。
    Marine reptiles lived in the world's oceans at the same time that dinosaurs lived on the land. Ichthyosaurs disappeared 90 million years ago. They came in several sizes. The creatures ate fish and other sea animals.
    海洋爬行动物生活在世界各地的海洋中,同时恐龙生活在陆地上。 鱼龙在九千万年前就消失了。 它们有多种尺寸。 这些生物吃鱼和其他海洋动物。
    Ichthyotitan, however, is known only from two jawbones. The jaw forms the lower part of the mouth.
    然而,鱼泰坦仅通过两块颌骨而被了解。 下颌形成嘴的下部。
    Ruby Reynolds and her father Justin Reynolds found one of the bones in 2020 at Blue Anchor in Somerset. The other bone is from a different Ichthyotitan individual found in 2016, along the Somerset coast at Lilstock.
    鲁比·雷诺兹 (Ruby Reynolds) 和她的父亲贾斯汀·雷诺兹 (Justin Reynolds) 于 2020 年在萨默塞特郡的蓝锚发现了其中一根骨头。 另一块骨头来自于 2016 年在利尔斯托克萨默塞特海岸发现的另一个鱼泰坦个体。
    Dean Lomax was the lead writer of the study published recently in PLOS ONE. Lomax said, "It is quite remarkable to think that gigantic, blue whale-sized ichthyosaurs were swimming in the oceans around the time that dinosaurs were walking on land in what is now the UK (Britain) during the Triassic Period.”
    Dean Lomax 是最近在 PLOS ONE 上发表的这项研究的主要作者。 洛马克斯说:“在三叠纪时期,在现在的英国,恐龙在陆地上行走的时候,巨大的蓝鲸大小的鱼龙正在海洋中游泳,这是非常值得注意的。”
    The Triassic Period describes a time over 200 million years ago.
    Ruby Reynolds was 11 at the time she and her father discovered the fossil surangular bone on the beach. Ruby continued to search the area and found a second piece - much larger than the first - partly buried in the ground. They then contacted Lomax, an ichthyosaur expert, and more parts of the bone were unearthed.
    鲁比·雷诺兹 (Ruby Reynolds) 和父亲在海滩上发现了角骨化石时,她才 11 岁。 鲁比继续搜寻该地区,发现了第二块——比第一块大得多——部分埋在地下。 随后他们联系了鱼龙专家洛马克斯,更多的骨头部分被挖掘出来。
    Ruby’s part in the discovery has led to comparisons with Mary Anning. Anning was a 19th century British fossil hunter who, among other things, discovered ichthyosaur fossils when she was 12.

    • 5 мин.
    第2176b期:Clothing Industry Wonders about Effect of AI on Models

    第2176b期:Clothing Industry Wonders about Effect of AI on Models

    As a person of color, I felt this painfully myself.”
    Musandu said he is seeing a demand for his services, but his product is designed to supplement traditional photography not replace it. The goal is to help a buyer make better decisions and reduce product returns and waste.
    Musandu 表示,他看到了对其服务的需求,但他的产品旨在补充传统摄影,而不是取代它。 目标是帮助买家做出更好的决策并减少产品退货和浪费。
    In addition, he said, the company creates new jobs for computer programmers, who train the systems that create the models.
    “If brands are serious about inclusion efforts, they will continue to hire these models of color,” Musandu said.
    Others in the fashion industry are fully using AI. Cameron Wilson is a former fashion photographer who started a company in Britain called The Diigitals. Wilson, who is white, designed a Black, female model named Shudu in 2017. Wilson was criticized for creating a Black model. But Shudu was used in jobs for companies like Louis Vuitton and BMW. It also helped the human model Alexsandrah. She has worked in fashion shows as a real-life version of the AI model.
    时尚界的其他人正在充分利用人工智能。 卡梅伦·威尔逊 (Cameron Wilson) 是一位前时尚摄影师,他在英国创办了一家名为 The Diigitals 的公司。 威尔逊是白人,他在 2017 年设计了一位名为 Shudu 的黑人女模特。威尔逊因创造黑人模特而受到批评。 但 Shudu 曾在路易威登和宝马等公司工作过。 它还帮助了人体模型亚历山德拉。 她曾作为现实版的人工智能模特参加时装秀。
    Alexsandrah said she is proud of her work that has come from The Diigitals. “The future generations can look back at and be like, ‘These are the pioneers,’” she said.
    Alexsandrah 表示她对 The Diigitals 的作品感到自豪。 “子孙后代回顾过去时会说,‘他们是先驱者’,”她说。
    Other models are not feeling so good about AI. Yve Edmond works as a “fit model.” She tries on clothes for companies who want to see how their designs fit a real person. She worries that the AI modeling companies are using images and videos of real people to train their systems. She calls that a violation because humans are not being paid for their part in the technology.
    其他模型对人工智能的感觉不太好。 伊夫·埃德蒙 (Yve Edmond) 是一名“试衣模特”。 她为那些想看看自己的设计是否适合真人的公司试穿衣服。 她担心人工智能建模公司正在使用真人的图像和视频来训练他们的系统。 她称这是一种违规行为,因为人类在技术中的贡献并没有得到报酬。
    Edmond said she was called for a photo session, but there were no new clothes. She was asked to move her body in certain ways and walk for a recording. The client said it was “research.” Edmond said she felt “swindled.”
    埃德蒙说,她被要求拍照,但没有新衣服。 她被要求以某种方式移动身体并步行进行录音。 客户说这是“研究”。 埃德蒙说她感觉“被骗了”。
    Unlike film actors and writers, who went on strike to protest the use of AI without a legal agreement, there are no similar labor groups for models.
    Ziff, of Model Alliance, is pushing for labor laws for fashion workers. The state of New York is working on the Fashion Workers Act. The law would include laws related to models who are used in AI. A model would need to give written permission to a

    • 4 мин.
    第2176a期:Clothing Industry Wonders about Effect of AI on Models

    第2176a期:Clothing Industry Wonders about Effect of AI on Models

    Alexsandrah is a fashion model in London. She has a twin.
    Alexsandrah 是伦敦的一名时装模特。 她有一个双胞胎。
    But her twin is not her sister.
    The twin is a product of Artificial Intelligence, or AI.
    Whenever Alexsandrah is not available to work with a photographer, the virtual twin takes her place.
    每当 Alexsandrah 无法与摄影师合作时,虚拟双胞胎就会取代她的位置。
    When a company chooses to use the AI Alexsandrah, the real-life version gets paid. Alexsandrah said her AI twin is exactly like her.
    当一家公司选择使用人工智能 Alexsandrah 时,现实生活中的版本就会获得报酬。 Alexsandrah 说她的人工智能双胞胎和她一模一样。
    Alexandrah’s twin is an example of how computer images are influencing creative industries.
    Those in favor of using AI in fashion say the virtual models permit companies to show possible buyers how their clothing looks on people of all shapes and sizes. In the real world, it would be difficult and costly to find a model for every skin color and body shape.
    那些支持在时尚界使用人工智能的人表示,虚拟模特可以让公司向潜在买家展示他们的衣服穿在各种身材和体型的人身上是什么样子。 在现实世界中,找到适合每种肤色和体型的模特既困难又昂贵。
    The companies that make clothing say using AI prevents people from buying their products, trying them on at home, and then sending them back if they dislike them. The problem is that AI models can take work away from human models, makeup artists and photographers.
    服装制造公司表示,使用人工智能可以防止人们购买他们的产品,在家试穿,如果不喜欢就将其退回。 问题在于人工智能模型可能会抢走真人模特、化妆师和摄影师的工作。
    The fashion industry has often been criticized for using models who are only white or tall or who fit one idea of beauty. Activists for including many groups in fashion say some companies could seem like they are employing minorities when they are just using AI models.
    时尚界经常因使用白人或高个子模特或符合一种审美观念的模特而受到批评。 支持将许多时尚群体纳入其中的活动人士表示,一些公司在使用人工智能模型时可能看起来像是在雇佣少数群体。
    Sara Ziff is a former fashion model who started Model Alliance, a nonprofit group for workers’ rights in the fashion industry. Ziff said the use of AI shows there is a difference between the industry’s words and its actions.
    萨拉·齐夫 (Sara Ziff) 是一名前时装模特,她创办了模特联盟 (Model Alliance),这是一个致力于时尚行业工人权利的非营利组织。 Ziff 表示,人工智能的使用表明该行业的言行之间存在差异。
    Levi Strauss is an American clothing company known for its blue jeans. In March 2023, the company said it would be testing AI-generated models from a company in Amsterdam. The aim was to show how its clothing fit people of all sizes. But after criticism, the company said it would not reduce its use of human models.
    李维斯 (Levi Strauss) 是一家美国服装公司,以其蓝色牛仔裤而闻名。 2023 年 3 月,该公司表示将测试阿姆斯特丹一家公司的人工智能生成模型。 目的是展示其服装如何适合各种身材的人。 但在受到批评后,该公司表示不会减少人体模型的使用。
    Levi Strauss said it would not “substitute” AI for action toward its “diversity, equity and inclusion goals.”
    The Associated Press (AP) recently asked some clothing businesses to state their position on t

    • 4 мин.
    第2175期:Study Finds Many New Cancer Drugs Show Limited Success

    第2175期:Study Finds Many New Cancer Drugs Show Limited Success

    A new study has found that 41 percent of cancer drugs receiving accelerated government approval do not improve survival or quality of life.
    一项新研究发现,41% 获得政府加速批准的抗癌药物并不能改善生存或生活质量。
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) accelerated approval program aims to get new drugs to patients as quickly as possible. But the effectiveness of the drugs differs.
    美国食品和药物管理局 (FDA) 的加速审批计划旨在尽快为患者提供新药。 但药物的功效不同。
    The program was created in 1992 to speed up the approval of HIV drugs. Today, about 85 percent of accelerated approvals go to cancer drugs.
    该计划创建于 1992 年,旨在加快艾滋病毒药物的审批速度。 如今,大约 85% 的加速批准用于抗癌药物。
    The program helps the FDA collect data on early results of approved drugs. In exchange, drug companies are expected to use the data to do additional testing. They are to produce better evidence before drugs receive normal approval.
    该计划帮助 FDA 收集已批准药物的早期结果数据。 作为交换,制药公司预计将使用这些数据进行额外的测试。 他们将在药物获得正常批准之前提供更好的证据。
    The new study suggests most cancer drugs given accelerated approval do not improve or extend patients’ lives within five years.
    Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel is a cancer specialist and bioethicist at the University of Pennsylvania. He was not involved in the research.
    Ezekiel Emanuel 博士是宾夕法尼亚大学的癌症专家和生物伦理学家。 他没有参与这项研究。
    Emanuel told The Associated Press (AP) he thinks five years should be enough time to examine the effectiveness of new drugs. “Thousands of people are getting those drugs. That seems a mistake if we don’t know whether they work or not," he added.
    伊曼纽尔告诉美联社(美联社),他认为五年应该有足够的时间来检验新药的有效性。 “成千上万的人正在服用这些药物。 如果我们不知道它们是否有效,那似乎是一个错误,”他补充道。
    It is up to the FDA or the drug company to withdraw drugs that do not perform well. Sometimes the FDA decides that less clear evidence is good enough to give full approval.
    FDA 或制药公司有权撤回表现不佳的药物。 有时 FDA 认为不太明确的证据足以给予完全批准。
    The new study found that between 2013 and 2017, 46 cancer drugs were given accelerated approval. Of those, 63 percent were moved to normal approval. Forty-three percent demonstrated a good medical result in tests.
    新研究发现,2013年至2017年间,有46种抗癌药物获得加速批准。 其中,63% 转为正常批准。 百分之四十三的人在测试中表现出良好的医疗结果。
    The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. It was also discussed at the recent meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in San Diego, California.
    该研究发表在《美国医学会杂志》上。 最近在加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥举行的美国癌症研究协会会议上也讨论了这一问题。
    Dr. Edward Cliff of Harvard Medical School was a co-writer of the study. He told the AP it is unclear how much cancer patients understand about drugs with accelerated approval. “We raise the question: Is that uncertainty being conveyed to patients?” he said.
    哈佛医学院的爱德华·克里夫博士是该研究的合著者。 他告诉美联社,目前尚不清楚癌症患者对加速批准药物的了解程度。 “我们提出一个问题:这种不确定性是否传达给了患者?” 他说。
    Drugs that received accelerated approval may be the only chance for patients with rare or advanced cancers, said Dr. Jennifer Litton. She is with the

    • 4 мин.
    第2174期:Taylor Swift joins world's richest on billionaire list

    第2174期:Taylor Swift joins world's richest on billionaire list

    It's been quite a 12 months for Taylor Swift. She's in the middle of a record-breaking tour and stole the show at this year's Grammy Awards.
    Now she's entered the Forbes World's Billionaires List for the first time with an estimated worth of $1.1bn, ranking among the likes of the tech tycoons Jeff Bezos and Sam Altman, who created the AI chatbot, ChatGPT. 
    现在,泰勒·斯威夫特以11亿美元的财富估值首次登上福布斯全球亿万富豪榜,加入了科技大亨杰夫·贝索斯和人工智能聊天机器人 ChatGPT (聊天生成型预训练变换模型)创始人萨姆·奥尔特曼等人之列。
    The French luxury goods titan Bernard Arnault and his family topped the chart with an estimated worth of $233bn, followed by Elon Musk, who owns X, formerly Twitter, with $195bn.
    法国奢侈品巨头伯纳德·阿尔诺及家族以2330亿美元的财富估值位居榜首,排名第二的是埃隆·马斯克,个人财富约为1950亿美元,他是社交媒体平台 “X”(前身为推特)的所有者。
    in the middle of 正忙于record-breaking 破纪录的stole the show 大放异彩,抢尽风头Grammy Awards 格莱美奖estimated worth 财富估值ranking (在榜上)排在…the likes of …之类tech tycoons 科技大亨AI chatbot 人工智能聊天机器人topped the chart 位居榜首,排名第一formerly 以前

    • 35 сек.
    第2173期:A new sport for Paris 2024

    第2173期:A new sport for Paris 2024

    Have you heard of these dance moves? The lego leg? A clock blender? Helicopter? Don't worry. By the end of the summer, you may know all these words! Paris is preparing to host the Olympic and Paralympic games, and a new sport will be making its debut.
    您听说过这些舞蹈动作吗? 乐高腿? 时钟搅拌机? 直升机? 不用担心。 到夏天结束时,你可能会知道所有这些单词! 巴黎正在准备举办奥运会和残奥会,一项新的运动项目将首次亮相。
    Breaking is also known as breakdancing. The dance sport is characterised by stylised footwork, acrobatic movements and freezing, where the B-boy or B-girl stops all movement, often upside down and balancing on one hand. From power moves like windmills and head spins, breakdancers really push the limits of physicality and creativity.
    霹雳舞也称为霹雳舞。 这项舞蹈运动的特点是程式化的步法、杂技动作和冻结,其中 B-boy 或 B-girl 停止所有动作,通常是倒立并用一只手保持平衡。 通过风车和旋转等力量动作,霹雳舞者真正突破了身体素质和创造力的极限。
    It was in the streets of the Bronx, New York, in the 1970s that breaking emerged as a revolutionary dance form, deeply rooted in hip-hop culture. It's come a long way from there to the world stage in Paris. Athletes from around the world will showcase their skills in one-on-one battles, where each dancer has 60 seconds to impress the judges with their improvisation and proficiency in six criteria: creativity, versatility, performance skills, personality, technique and musicality.
    20 世纪 70 年代,在纽约布朗克斯的街道上,霹雳舞作为一种革命性的舞蹈形式出现,深深植根于嘻哈文化中。 从那里到巴黎的世界舞台已经走了很长的路。 来自世界各地的运动员将在一对一的比赛中展示他们的技能,每位舞者有 60 秒的时间通过他们的即兴表演和对六个标准的熟练程度给评委留下深刻印象:创造力、多才多艺、表演技巧、个性、技术和音乐性。
    However, as breaking moves from a lifestyle to a competitive sport, some fear it risks losing its spontaneity and creativity. Thorsten Sufke, President of the Berlin Dance Sport Association, emphasises that breaking is an expression of urban culture, representing the raw energy of the streets, while B-Boy Carl Ferdinand Beccard expresses concerns that the Olympic format may suppress the artistic freedom of breaking, reducing it to a checklist of predefined moves.
    然而,随着突破从一种生活方式转变为一项竞技运动,一些人担心它可能会失去其自发性和创造力。 柏林舞蹈运动协会主席托尔斯滕·萨夫克 (Thorsten Sufke) 强调霹雳舞是城市文化的一种表达,代表着街道的原始能量,而街舞男孩卡尔·费迪南德·贝卡德 (Carl Ferdinand Beccard) 则担心奥运会形式可能会压制霹雳舞的艺术自由, 将其简化为预定义动作清单。
    Whichever way you look at it, you can expect thrilling dance performances never before seen at an Olympics this summer.
    breaking 霹雳舞stylised 风格化的acrobatic 杂技般的freezing 定格动作B-boy 男霹雳舞者B-girl 女霹雳舞者windmill “风车” 动作head spin 头转动作push the limit 突破极限root 在…扎根hip-hop 嘻哈showcase 展示battle 对抗赛improvisation 即兴表演proficiency 水平,能力versatility 多样性musicality 音乐性spontaneity 自发性predefined 预先明确的,预先设定的move 动作

    • 2 мин.

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