Выпусков: 160

Learn how to cultivate a more productive mindset, form sustainable habits, and create a lifestyle that supports both your goals and your wellbeing with host, Monica Reinagel. Drawing on decades of expertise and experience, Monica provides guidance on navigating the challenging process of behavior change in a fun and accessible way. Learn more and find show notes for every episode at https://changeacademypodcast.com

Change Academy Monica Reinagel

    • Образование

Learn how to cultivate a more productive mindset, form sustainable habits, and create a lifestyle that supports both your goals and your wellbeing with host, Monica Reinagel. Drawing on decades of expertise and experience, Monica provides guidance on navigating the challenging process of behavior change in a fun and accessible way. Learn more and find show notes for every episode at https://changeacademypodcast.com

    How we cheat ourselves of the future we dream of

    How we cheat ourselves of the future we dream of

    I'm betting you aspire to a future life that is at least a little bit better than it is now—perhaps you'll be a bit healthier, less stressed, more content. You're working towards a future in which you have achieved certain goals or milestones.
    What we don't always realize (or fully acknowledge) is that the choices we make today, the actions we do or do not take, are actually creating that future. For better or worse.  Let’s make sure that Future You doesn’t look back at today’s choices with regret.
    Key Takeaways
    Stop waiting for the "perfect time" to start working towards your goals – resolve to begin today. Remember that obstacles and challenges are part of life's fabric, not temporary disruptions. Learn to progress despite them. Be aware of how often you prioritize others' needs over your own goals and the impact this may have on your life's trajectory.Commit to taking action, even if you're unsure of the perfect first step. Action often leads to clarity. Be willing to tolerate the discomfort of developing new skills or habits, rather than avoiding it and deferring your progress. It's important not to just visualize your end goal, but also the daily effort required to achieve it. Mentioned
    Change Academy #139: Finding your whyChange Academy #106 Why insight isn’t enoughChange Academy #6: The hidden cost of unmet goals
    Join us in the Weighless program

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    • 16 мин.
    How being selfish can be an act of service

    How being selfish can be an act of service

    Over the past 9 or so months, Karen has lost about 25% of her weight. Which is a big deal. But it’s really not the headline of her story. Her story is really about shedding her lifelong identity as the one who could do everything for everyone. Instead, she realized that focusing on her own physical and emotional health was not only the most caring thing she could do for herself but was also the most caring thing she could do for all the people she cared about.
    Karen is one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever worked with and I want you to meet her. 
    Key Takeaways
    You may be tempted to focus on the behaviors that you want to change. But developing healthier strategies to manage life's challenges is key to sustainable transformation.Prioritizing self-care may feel uncomfortable at first. But investing in your own wellbeing enhances your capacity to be there for others. It's not selfish; it's necessary. Stepping back can create space for others to rise to the occasion. You may be surprised at the growth and resilience this empowers in those around you. Change is an ongoing journey of growth, not a race to a fixed destination. Allow your vision of a "good life" to continue to evolve as you do. Be courageous in examining the patterns and beliefs that have kept you stuck. Take a "leap of faith" that the temporary discomfort of change will be worth it. Mentioned:Stress and Emotional Eating programWeighless program

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    • 27 мин.
    Roadmap for Success: The practices that lead to real change

    Roadmap for Success: The practices that lead to real change

    Do you know what separates the people who achieve lasting change from those who stay stuck? I’ve worked with hundreds of clients over the years and some clear patterns have definitely emerged.
    In this episode, I share the attitudes and behaviors that my most successful clients all embody - insights that can help propel your own progress, whether you're working with a coach privately, or in a group, or going it alone.  You'll learn practical strategies for taking ownership, staying motivated, and making real progress towards your goals. 
    Key Takeaways
    Only when we are willing to take responsibility for our actions (or inactions) can we make the changes needed to achieve our goals.Regular reflection is critical to internalizing what you are learning and maintaining progress. Rather than passively waiting for solutions, think ahead, ask for what you need, and seek feedback. Commit to viewing failures as opportunities to learn and refine your strategies, rather than as reasons to give up.A coach's role is to provide perspective, accountability, collaborative problem-solving, and support. The motivation and the willingness to do the work must come from you.Mentioned
    Weighless Program enrollment information

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    • 25 мин.
    Growth Factor: How to ask for (and receive) feedback

    Growth Factor: How to ask for (and receive) feedback

    Dr. Bethy Campbell joins Monica to discuss the rewards and potential pitfalls of seeking feedback–in both your professional and personal relationships. Concrete strategies and real-world examples show you how to elicit the most constructive feedback and then how to process and act on it for maximum benefit.
    Whether you're looking to improve your communication, enhance your work performance, or strengthen your personal relationships, this conversation is a must-listen for anyone committed to continuous improvement and personal growth.
    Key Takeaways
    If what you are really seeking is validation or reassurance, ask for that instead of asking for feedback. Asking first for specific examples of what is going well can make it easier to benefit from any constructive criticism that follows. Remember that giving feedback (especially to someone you care about) can be just as scary or challenging as being on the receiving end. When receiving feedback, confirming that you heard what the other person said is more important than disputing details or offering explanations.When feedback elicits a big emotional response, simply thank the person for their feedback and ask for time to process before responding. Get in touch
    Send us an email (hello@changeacademypodcast.com)
    Leave us a voicemail (changeacademypodcast.com/voicemail)

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    • 33 мин.
    When motivation is a struggle, it's time to realign your why

    When motivation is a struggle, it's time to realign your why

    In this episode, we’re exploring an aspect of change that can be really tricky: figuring out why making this change is important to you. 
    It doesn’t sound like it would be that hard.  But often it takes a little digging to get at the true heart of our WHY, our compelling reason. 
    Whether your goals have to do with your health, finances, career, relationships, or anything else, uncovering your compelling reason is crucial. Because it not only increases your chances of success; it also bolsters your overall mental and emotional health. 
    Key Takeaways
    Knowing what you want to change (or how you’re going to go about it) often isn’t enough to overcome the counter-pressure of the status quo.A lack of alignment between our goals and our values causes internal conflict that reduces our resilience to everyday stresses.When we pursue changes or goals that are about other people’s expectations or approval, succeeding may not be as satisfying or rewarding as we thinkWanting to avoid something bad is just as valid a reason as wanting to obtain something good. But it is a different sort of why.Action Steps
    Make a list of your reasons for wanting to accomplish a certain goal or create a specific change. For each reason, ask yourself: But why do I want that? What would that bring into my life? Then what? Keep asking that question until your answers feel connected to what you value most.Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event?  Learn more.

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    • 18 мин.
    How to make sure you've set the right goals

    How to make sure you've set the right goals

    We are a society of goal-setters. If you’re not setting and achieving goals, you’re not living your best life. Or so we’re told. And goals do have their place. The thing is that goals (alone) are not enough to really move us forward in the ways that matter most. In order to that, they have to be woven into a larger fabric that also includes our core values. In this episode, we talk about how to do that.
    A goal often involves achieving a certain result or crossing a certain finish line. But goals often lose their power to motivate us as soon as we achieve them.An objective goes beyond “I want to achieve this” more into the territory of “this is who and how I want to be.”Think about what objective or identity each of your goals contributes to. This ensures that even short-term achievements are connected to long-term objectives. Listening to podcasts does not create change. You have to actually put these insights and tools to work in your own life.Mentioned:Interested in having Monica present at your next live or virtual event?  Learn more.

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    • 12 мин.

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Музей «Гараж»
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