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Hosted by Jennifer Hoffman. Your resource for inspiration, motivation, and enlightenment to set your energy GPS to rich, happy, and successful living.

High Vibes Living with Jennifer Jennifer Hoffman

    • Общество и культура

Hosted by Jennifer Hoffman. Your resource for inspiration, motivation, and enlightenment to set your energy GPS to rich, happy, and successful living.

    June 2024 Energy Report

    June 2024 Energy Report

    Here we are in a new month and we start this one with the fireworks of May still reverberating throughout the cosmos. You have to admit, 24+ X-Class solar flares including 3 in the past 24 hours is something special and it is going to have some kind of effect. And it has. As I have been saying for months, June is going to bring up a lot of changes. It’s a wild card in wild times so buckle up and keep shining.
    With all of that energy swirling around transformation is the name of the game and we are setting up for it in June from Day 1. If you have been waiting for changes or hoping for some extra energy it comes this month. And it’s also the month represented by the goddess Juno, symbol of love and marriage, as well as women’s health, fertility, and child birth. Get ready for a whirlwind of a month with big surprises, energy moves, and a few wild cards along the way.

    • 16 мин.
    Time for an Energy Field Cleanup

    Time for an Energy Field Cleanup

    If you haven’t figured it out by now we had 20 X Class solar flares last week – yes 20 and that was not all, we also had dozens of M and C class solar flares. It was a week to remember. The excitement doesn’t happen at the time of the solar flares though, it happens afterwards, when we have to process the energy we have been bombarded with. Some people feel this more than others but everyone is impacted in some way.

    We start a new week of charm, potential, and a little bit of luck as we finally break the Aries/Taurus logjam only to move part of it to Gemini. So we move from action and value to communication and karma. The fun doesn’t stop. But seriously, we are in a good position to make strong headway on our ascension path with all of the resources we have available to us. And we have a spiritual trifecta with Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune! It’s a blessed, lucky week so gear up, fly high, and shine on.

    • 20 мин.
    May 2024 Energy Report

    May 2024 Energy Report

    As we roll into another month you may think ‘here we go again’ but that would be unwise because nothing is as it seems and everything is shifting we just are not aware of it all. I have a theory about that which I will discuss in the May Energy Report.
    May opens with some beautiful blessings and that sets the tone for a month whose theme is abundance, fertility, new growth and beginnings, and the earth. Named after the Greek goddess Maia, the month of May is the start of the growing season so its focus is new growth, blooming, and fresh starts.
    This month is part of the period I said would be a time of great change and revelation and we are here. So much of what we have done in the past decades, especially the past 5 years, has been a preparation for our new levels of expansion and ascension. We are becoming more multi-dimensional as we move from polarity to duality, from chaos to congruence, and from discord to harmony. We are still moving towards these final choices and it’s all part of the path. May’s Energy Report is a beacon of hope as well as a clarion call to act and embrace our full energetic potential and then reach for higher vibes.

    • 20 мин.
    Breaking the spiritual bubble

    Breaking the spiritual bubble

    If you live in the US this week begins with the day of reckoning, it’s tax day for individual taxes and it’s a day when a lot of people are angry, upset, and scared – especially if they cannot pay their taxes. Paying taxes Is not fun and with the dismal level of representation we receive from our governments (around the world), paying taxes to fund their corruption, deceit, greed, and fraud is the last thing any of us wants to do. But I pay my taxes with a smile and claim my tenfold return and move on.

    We’re still in the energy echoes of the April 8 eclipse and in that strange astro lineup with all of the planets (including Pluto) in the first two and last two signs. This is drawing us into a dark/light confrontation on the individual and collective levels. And with Pluto holding the light in Aquarius by himself, reminding us that the 5D energy is our goal and he’s holding that energetic space for us, we know what the outcome will be.
    This is full integration now, we are fully integrating 5D into 3D and seeing the results. Keep the lights shining, and get out of your spiritual bubble. It’s time to focus on the collective, not the darkness and you can’t do that if you have isolated yourself from what you call ‘the world’.

    • 17 мин.
    Karma, trauma, worms, and lighting it up

    Karma, trauma, worms, and lighting it up

    We are in full transformation mode, with a capital T even with the current Mercury retrograde. Rather than slowing things down it seems to be speeding everything up. Not surprising with this week’s total solar eclipse and heavy Aries action that has only been repeated once, in 1726, in the last 2000 years. We do live in interesting times.
    Most astrologers say that eclipses never reveal and I disagree. They reveal the darkness by hiding or obscuring the light and in today’s world that is saying a lot. Watch for big revelations and a lot of very disturbing and unsettling news as well as people admitting that they were on the wrong side or path. In your personal life, you’re going to see the darkness of your own past rise up for attention. It’s time to cut the cords to all of those dark memories and start shining the bright light of new potentials in your life. You have a choice to sit in the dark or rise to the light.
    Now it’s not going to be all sweetness and light and I do believe there will be some very tough times in the next few weeks and months (until late June) as we continue to be faced with powerful energy downloads and big energy shifts. In fact, what is going to happen is your actions that are not grounded in your 5D creativity and are compelled by your 3D karma and soul trauma are going to be brought to your attention in ways you cannot ignore. What you do with this information is up to you but it’s not something you can push to the back of your closet now. It’s all right in front of us and represents lifetimes of energy habits, trauma, and karma. That’s why this week’s newsletter is about the WORMs of karma and trauma and why it’s time to lighten up. And if you think this post sounds familiar it is because it was posted a year ago but it is so relevant today that I thought I would re-share it.

    • 28 мин.
    April 2024 Energy Report

    April 2024 Energy Report

    Was March exciting enough for you? We are now moving into April and this is the month everyone has been talking about since it’s featuring the total solar eclipse. Well, we have those fairly often and they are impressive but it isn’t the only exciting thing about April. There’s lots more happening for us in the days and weeks ahead and we will be talking about it in this month’s energy report.
    If it feels like 3D is turning into Crazyville and things just fet more insane and absurd every day, it’s part of the awakening. It’s the dis-integration of 3D, the removal of the veil of density that we have been living with for centuries. As 5D energy pokes holes into 3D we begin to see what it is really all about. No more illusions or delusions, this is the real truth in front of us. But we have alternatives to Crazyville and that is our own path which is the best solution because we are the transformation agents – we are the ones who bring the light to allow ascension to happen. And we’ll have lots of opportunities for that in April.
    This expansion, growth, and transformation will continue through the year so don’t think you have to do it all this month. Just get started and see what comes next. That’s the April Energy Report’s message.

    • 29 мин.

Топ подкастов в категории «Общество и культура»

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Мари Новосад
Психология с Александрой Яковлевой
Александра Яковлева
Дороже денег
Ксения Падерина
Мужской разговор
дочь разбойника
Искусство для пацанчиков
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