Выпусков: 23

We are facing unprecedented times.
As a people.
As a nation.

I made Aliyah 3 years ago, making a home for myself in Israel. Now, as I find myself back in America, I am once again seeking to understand

This is not a time to run to fear. It’s a time to stand strong and dig deep to understand our personal and collective role as a Jew and, how we connect to Israel.

My Israel Narrative is my journey to answer these questions. And in doing so, to hopefully help others do the same.

My Israel Narrative Izzy Sakhaie

    • Общество и культура

We are facing unprecedented times.
As a people.
As a nation.

I made Aliyah 3 years ago, making a home for myself in Israel. Now, as I find myself back in America, I am once again seeking to understand

This is not a time to run to fear. It’s a time to stand strong and dig deep to understand our personal and collective role as a Jew and, how we connect to Israel.

My Israel Narrative is my journey to answer these questions. And in doing so, to hopefully help others do the same.

    From Escaping Iran to Netflix Superstar - Dr. Sheila Nazarian

    From Escaping Iran to Netflix Superstar - Dr. Sheila Nazarian

    How does an Iranian refugee take her experience and use it for the greater good? Dr. Nazarian's story is nothing short of a miracle. Her perseverance is reflected not only in her succesfull medical practice, but as an Emmy nominated Netflix star, AND fierce advocate for the Jewish people and Israel.

    I ask Dr. Nazarian what her experience was like coming to America, what it has been like experiencing “the same smells as Iran” in the once refuge of the US, and why she is investing so much energy in making sure this country doesn’t meet its demise.

    Follow Dr. Nazarian on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drsheilanaz...
    Check out Dr. Nazarian's podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...

    • 37 мин.
    Ester Rosenberg: Should All Jews REALLY Make Aliyah?

    Ester Rosenberg: Should All Jews REALLY Make Aliyah?

    Join me as I sit down with Ester, a good friend and one of the most knowledgeable (and passionate) people I know on all things Israel and Jewish history, as we dig deep on some of the “big” questions.

    The context of this interview is based on comments from an earlier interview with ​⁠@RabbiYYJacobson

    Listen in to hear about making Aliyah, our purpose in the diaspora and Israel, how to create a desire to be in Israel, moshiach, and much more.

    Leave your comments below to tell us your thoughts.

    • 1 ч. 25 мин.
    Special Guest Alert: My Dad

    Special Guest Alert: My Dad

    A little bit of a different kind of interview. I finally sat down with my dad to hear about his story as an Iranian immigrant to America during the time of the Iranian Revolution.

    We break down what it was like leaving a country you love and starting anew in somewhere totally foreign. I also ask him his take on the current happenings in the US and whether he sees any parallels with what he experienced being pushed out of Iran....

    Should we do a round 2? Leave your questions and comments below!

    • 36 мин.
    Aby Volcovich - IDF Reservist: Fighting On Two Fronts

    Aby Volcovich - IDF Reservist: Fighting On Two Fronts

    Aby Volcovich has spent the past 4 months on the front lines in Israel. Before Octoer 7th, he had just started a job with DiploAct, an organization that works strengthen Israsel's voice on the global stage. While serving in active duty, Aby hasn't taken off his "hasbara hat," sharing content from the field to help fight this tumultuous media war.

    When speaking, Aby shared how painful it was that he couldn't use his phone for the entire first month in battle; and not because he wanted to be scrolling on social media or calling friends and family. It was painful because he knew how the world was likely reacting to Israel's response and he wanted to be able to shed light on the situation.

    Aby is originally from Mexico, moving to Canada when he was a child, and later moving to Israel to serve as a lone soldier. Join me as I sit down with Aby to hear about his experience moving to Israel as a lone soldier, what he's seen during this war, the narrative he is trying to tell, and what he thinks we all need to be focusing on in these times.

    Be sure to follow Aby on insta https://www.instagram.com/abyvolco?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==
    Check out DiploAct's work: https://www.diploact.com/en

    • 44 мин.
    Doug Hershey - Israel IS Rising. Are You?

    Doug Hershey - Israel IS Rising. Are You?

    "Here’s some ancient prophecies. Some ancient writings. This is what is said would happen. Here’s a bunch of history, and then here’s some then and now photography based around those prophecies, and then you can decide whether you think this is that. But I’m just telling you nothing like this has ever happened before in history; specifically on this piece of land. And the prophets said this would happen. BUT, you can decide what you think is what.”  @doughersheyauthor7771 

    Whether writing or speaking, Doug Hershey shares from a perspective of historian and storyteller. His accounts of Israel, the Middle East and the awakening of bible prophecy are as intriguing as they are rare. The "Ancient Prophecy Modern Lens" series continues to document these Ancient Prophecies and their tangible fulfillments with a Modern Lens with a brand new online course, soon followed by the much anticipated upcoming photo book "Jerusalem Rising" available in summer of 2021!

    Doug is the founder of Ezra Adventures (EzraAdventures.com), a boutique travel and education company, specializing in exclusive customized small group travel throughout Israel and the Middle East.

    To keep up with the latest research or adventure, follow him at Doug Hershey Author on FB and IG:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/doughersheyauthor/?hl=en

    • 49 мин.
    House of Lev - They're Making Aliyah!

    House of Lev - They're Making Aliyah!

    “I do believe that we should have our sights set on Eretz Yisrael. 100%. At the same time, I also believe that there are sparks that are still scattered around the world. And I think that some people have a mission to go and elevate those sparks.”

    Akiva and Chava, aka  @houseoflev  were an incredible duo to connect with. They just announced - spoiler alert - that they're making Aliyah in the coming months with their whole family, only a few months after completing their conversion process. Oh, and get this, no one in the family has been to Israel before, besides Akiva! Talk about trusting your gut and diving right in.

    This is a conversation you don't want to miss.

    Mazal tov @houseoflev  and thank you for constantly sharing your authentic journey with all of us.

    • 50 мин.

Топ подкастов в категории «Общество и культура»

Психология с Александрой Яковлевой
Александра Яковлева
Дороже денег
Ксения Падерина
Горячая Линия с Мари Новосад
Мари Новосад
Мужской разговор
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Искусство для пацанчиков
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