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I have been asked for my perspective on news from folks who have been disheartened by all the craziness being reported recently. I take my knowledge from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Law of Attraction to see things like the news from a more positive perspective. In this podcast I share my unique perspective to help others take control of their lives and their minds to be less pessimistic and more optimistic in order to live a happier life.


Rose Colored News Barbara Wegner

    • Религия и духовность

I have been asked for my perspective on news from folks who have been disheartened by all the craziness being reported recently. I take my knowledge from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Law of Attraction to see things like the news from a more positive perspective. In this podcast I share my unique perspective to help others take control of their lives and their minds to be less pessimistic and more optimistic in order to live a happier life.


    What Your Car Troubles Say About You

    What Your Car Troubles Say About You

    Your driving can say a lot about you. I bet they could make a quiz asking about your driving style and have somewhat accurate results for what your take on life is also. I believe what vehicle we drive says a lot about us if we could see the correlations. What type of vehicle you drive, and what goes wrong with it, are all likely saying a lot about you. Wouldn’t you like to know what it’s saying?
    As I was turning the steering wheel the other day and it was moaning and whining, I thought about that time I stood up after physical therapy and sighed. My dad heard me and suddenly he thought my back pain was worse than he had originally perceived it to be. I think I was more tired than in pain, but yes, I moan, cry out, or sigh when I get up at times. I forgot he was there. I probably would have not made a noise had I remembered he was in the house that day. Yes, it hurts when I stand up from a seated position. When my car is getting ready to move directions it moans. When I get ready to move directions I moan. Is it correlated? What do you think? I think it probably is.
    My Car, Myself: A Dictionary of the Psychological Link to You And Your Car Issues
    Michael J. Lincoln, Ph. D. wrote this book, “My Car, Myself” to give people the chance to understand the correlation.
    I bought this book. I only have a few problems with my car. I recently fixed one. I can look those up and see if it seems accurate or not. But I can’t tell if every dictionary term in this book would be accurate for others. And, I think, like a dream, the interpretation could or should be best done by the person having the issue. Like I mentioned with the moaning steering wheel.
    I will share a couple of examples, but I don’t want to share too much from the book, so that it takes away revenue from Michael. Below is some of the dictionary entry for Steering Wheel. Before this entry is Power Steering, and after there’s more about Steering Wheel Anti-Theft Device, and Steering Wheel Lock. So there are a few entries for the wheel. I don’t think those others are relevant to a wheel whining though.
    Steering Wheel
    “Direction-determination disruption.” They are having real problems with conflicted motivations, dysfunctional decision processes, and self-direction difficulties. They can’t arrive at an effective goal-selection or intention-implementation process at present. It is the result of severely dysfunctional family distortions of their direction-determination system.
    They are being given intense feedback that they simply must take charge of their life, yet they can no longer afford to be at the mercy of the family’s disruptive processes.
    Steering Wheel Position Adjustment
    “Generalized Discomfort.” No matter how hard they try, they just can’t seem to find a smoothly functioning place to be coming from in their direction-determination.
    Many internal conflicts and dysfunctional intervention programs are arising from their formative family experience, with the result that there is just no workable position from which they can operate. They are being promoted to work on clearing the dysfunctional self-direction distortions generated by their formative experience.
    You can see some similarities between those that come from the “steering wheel” by itself. But they are slightly different. I know that I have conflicts between the way I was brought up and what I “should” be doing for a living (according to family). It was assumed that I should go to college and get a stable job working for someone else. But I have a desire to work for myself, and with that comes with (what looks like to others) instability.
    I think if you can have faith in the law of attraction, you can feel stable in those laws of the universe regardless of what your job is. But trust me, that conflicts with the way I grew up. I can see how this definition of the problem could say something about me.
    I also want to point out that I’m working to fix my back pain (with the ph

    • 15 мин.
    Milking Good Things - A Change of Pace

    Milking Good Things - A Change of Pace

    We have a tendency, due to past momentum of thinking negatively, to discard our positive feelings when they occur. Once you notice it you can’t stop noticing it. If you have been picked on, teased, or abused because of your looks, you may find it very difficult to accept a compliment on looking nice today. If you are used to meeting inconsiderate people, meeting someone who is considerate may be a nice change of pace. But rather than appreciate it, you’ll swipe it away with thoughts such as, “Maybe he’s playing games and trying to get something from me,” or, “It’s a shame most people are so inconsiderate, that this person stands out.”
    Why Can’t You Be Happy?
    Why can’t you let yourself enjoy the positive feelings when they occur? It is momentum as I’ve said. You have been thinking negatively about these topics for so long that when something doesn’t match your beliefs about a subject, it can cause cognitive dissonance. God-Source, the universe, your higher self, your inner being (however you want to think about it) is attracting positive situations into your life all of the time. But we have these blinders on (our negative, limiting beliefs) that keep us from seeing and appreciating the good there is out there.
    Question Your Beliefs
    Beliefs are thoughts you’ve continued to think over and over and usually started when you were a child and were simply trying to make sense of the world. Your parents, friends, or teachers may have told you something and then you start to see those patterns playing out and simply believed them, rather than question if there were examples when those beliefs were not true. The question, “Is it true?” is important to ask when you notice a negative, limiting belief of yours.
    Milk The Good Experiences
    If you have a belief that people are inconsiderate and you see someone being kind and thoughtful, rather than immediately re-membering (playing over your memories of people who are inconsiderate reinforcing your negative beliefs), take time out to focus on appreciating this person.
    Your brain is experiencing cognitive dissonance and it is trying to get back to your normal pattern of thought. As Dr. Joe Dispenza says “neurons that fire together wire together.” In this example, you have created a link between people and inconsiderate acts. Your brain is not used to putting people and considerate acts together. But you can start to create new associations. It starts with appreciating that a person who is being considerate exists. Notice it.
    When you first start to milk an experience like this it may feel like a fluke. That’s okay. It takes time for your brain to open and start to associate the opposite of something you’ve had a long habit of thinking.
    Start New Affirmations
    But if you do this enough, noticing every time someone is considerate, eventually you break your old belief that all people are inconsiderate. You can then start new affirmations for yourself such as, “I meet considerate people.” You should believe an affirmation when you say it or think it. You shouldn’t lie to yourself. But at this point, you should believe this affirmation because you’ve had experiences meeting them.
    Other Examples
    I gave a pretty clear example in thinking most people are inconsiderate and shifting that belief through appreciation and then affirmations. You will have to be mindful and check where you have specific negative, limiting beliefs and milk when you have good experiences that counteract those beliefs.
    Another belief could be, “I don’t have enough money to buy that.” Remember, you should believe your affirmation, so this won’t work in circumstances where you don’t have credit, but here’s an example. You could ask yourself, “Is it true? Is it true that I don’t have enough money to buy it?” You may find out that you could buy it if you put it on credit. It isn’t wise to buy it on credit if you don’t have the cash to pay it off. But the be

    • 8 мин.
    Episode 5: The Power of “Let’s Go, Brandon!”Episode 5: The Power of “Let’s Go, Brandon!”

    Episode 5: The Power of “Let’s Go, Brandon!”Episode 5: The Power of “Let’s Go, Brandon!”

    Yes, the phrase, "Fuck Joe Biden," may be about placing Joe as the "Persecutor" and the US citizens as the "Victim," in the drama triangle. That really depends on the person. However, I would suggest that the phrase, "Let's Go, Brandon," re-brands it, so to speak, in a show of power. The phrase, "Let's Go, Brandon" has multiple meanings and means different things to different people. To me, it means something like, "Fuck you mainstream-corporate media propaganda. We don't believe you. Joe Biden sucks as President." To me, it's about being authentic and vocal, and unifying with the rest of the citizens who have been censored for so long.

    What does it mean to you? Feel free to leave a comment on the podcast page on the website.

    In this podcast I read through the article, "‘Let’s go Brandon’ is more than just a funny anti-Biden meme. It empowers Americans against the ‘fact-checkers’ and censors" by Robert Bridge and add some commentary. I'll leave links below to everything I discussed in the episode.

    The phrase "Let's Go, Brandon!" being more viral than any disease shows that people are finally finding their voice and realizing they're not alone. The media has censored people for so long that they felt like they were the only ones thinking these thoughts. Censorship creates echo chambers and then the mainstream narrative drowns out what they don't want you to think about. But people aren't allowing themselves to be censored as much and they're finding out they're not alone.

    I also discuss Biden seemingly trying to co-opt the phrase. But I don't believe he'll be powerful enough to do it. So take a listen, and enjoy!

    Mentioned in the podcast:

    ‘Let’s go Brandon’ is more than just a funny anti-Biden meme. It empowers Americans against the ‘fact-checkers’ and censors http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2021/october/23/let-s-go-brandon-is-more-than-just-a-funny-anti-biden-meme-it-empowers-americans-against-the-fact-checkers-and-censors/

    Biden Brings Out Disabled Man Named Brandon In Apparent Attempt To Co-opt ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Meme https://generaldispatch.whatfinger.com/biden-brings-out-disabled-man-named-brandon-in-apparent-attempt-to-co-opt-lets-go-brandon-meme/

    YouTube deletes rapper's 'Let's Go Brandon' song claiming 'medical misinformation' https://www.foxnews.com/politics/youtube-deletes-rappers-lets-go-brandon-song-medical-misinformation

    Feeling Powerless vs Powerful https://www.minds.com/asabovebelow/blog/feeling-powerless-vs-powerful-1285922443692609556?referrer=asabovebelow

    Why Do We Rest on The Weekend? https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1278750021088448522?referrer=asabovebelow

    President Biden, his powerlessness and the Law of Attraction https://youtu.be/kI4tVD2MubQ

    Get full access to As Above / Below LOA at lawofattraction.substack.com/subscribe

    • 23 мин.
    Episode 4: Tipping the Scales of Justice & the Minnesota RiotsEpisode 4: Tipping the Scales of Justice & the Minnesota Riots

    Episode 4: Tipping the Scales of Justice & the Minnesota RiotsEpisode 4: Tipping the Scales of Justice & the Minnesota Riots

    Tipping the Scales of Justice

    "Unequal weights are an abomination to the Lord, and false scales are not good." Proverbs 20:23

    Democrats have all, ignorantly, been weighing in how they believe the George Floyd trial should go. If you are not a jury member listening to all of the evidence and hearing all of the discussions, then you are ignorant. In my opinion, those who are ignorant should not say publicly what the verdict should be. Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, Joe Biden and the Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey have all weighed in on their beliefs after the judge warned elected officials to be careful.

    The judge said, "I wish elected officials would stop talking about this case, especially in a manner that is disrespectful to the rule of law and to the judicial branch and our function. I think if they want to give their opinions, they should do so in a respectful-- and in a manner that is consistent with their oath to the constitution, to respect a co-equal branch of government."

    In the past, when people has faith in the judicial branch of the government, people would defer to the jury's opinion because they were the ones who say all the evidence. Now people make decisions, on limited evidence, before there is even a trial. This is another sign that there is a lack of faith in our government these days.

    Minnesota Riots

    My family lives in Minnesota and I grew up close to this area. I see the people as if they could be my family. Because of that, I empathize with them having to deal with the riots. I like knowing that police are there protecting people from criminals. I don't like the police feeling unwanted, or undesired because of a few people. In this podcast, I also discuss feeling a sense of safety because of police, versus feeling safety because of the law of attraction or my faith in God-Source.

    Shifting Thoughts From Worry to Faith

    I go through my thought process as I discuss what upsets me about this situation. And I show how I challenge my beliefs to get to a more positive mindset. The beginning starts with me being frustrated and angry. Though I am pretty peaceful, compared to the general hysterics seen these days. Throughout the podcast I discuss my other views based on the law of attraction. And, eventually, I get to a place of feeling like everything is working out in the large picture.

    I apologize if I ramble too much or get side-tracked too much for your liking, but this is just how my mind works through things when I'm out of alignment with God-Source and trying to find my way back into alignment. Hopefully someone finds this glimpse into my thought processes helpful.

    Thoughts After the Verdict

    The jury came back very quickly on this case and judged him as guilty on all counts. Because of the social atmosphere it is difficult to know if they did so based on the evidence, fear, or prejudice. I truly don't have faith in our government at this point, but I could have said that yesterday. My belief that the government may not be fair and just has no bearing on my belief that the law of attraction is just and always fair.

    I personally think all the "rot in hell" and celebrating that people are doing is in bad taste. Many have lost all empathy. It reminds me of Pharisees and Jews cheering on Jesus being sentenced to death. Some would hate that comparison, but I know most cops take on the role they do to protect people. Also my comparison here is much more for the evil glee in the people who sent someone to death/hell, than it was about the person found guilty. I find celebrating, publicly, whenever anyone has something bad happen to them is childish, immature behavior. There is actually a word for it in German, Schadenfreude. The word I focused on for the new year was Compersion or Mudita, which is actually the opposite of this Schadenfreude. That kind of goes along with what I talk about in the podcast of tuning to the opposite of that which you do not like.

    From outsi

    • 56 мин.
    Episode 3: Systemic Racism and the Law of AttractionEpisode 3: Systemic Racism and the Law of Attraction

    Episode 3: Systemic Racism and the Law of AttractionEpisode 3: Systemic Racism and the Law of Attraction

    Systemic racism is defined as a form of racism that is embedded through laws within society or an organization. According to that definition, when Target decided to pledge to spend more than 2 Billion dollars at Black-Owned Businesses to fight systemic racism, they actually were deciding to become it. A business can only sell so many products. And if you decide to sell more Black-Owned products, you are inevitably deciding to cut those of other skin colors out of your business. It's a bold, racist move they've made.

    In this podcast episode, I discuss racism from a law of attraction perspective. I also illustrate the drama triangle dynamics involved in it. In this case, Target is taking on the Savior role and deciding the black business owners are a "Victim", unable to sell their own products and in need of help.

    I forgot to mention in the podcast, if someone says that what Target did was right/moral, this means that they identify as a "savior" (hero/social justice warrior) trying to protect Black-Business Owners, whom they view as a "victims". These people will then turn to anyone who disagrees with them (those who say that what Target did was racist) and place them into the "persecutor" role. They do this because they don't want their drama triangle game to end. There is actually an acronym for this turn-around, DARVO. DARVO stands for deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender. If you understand this, it makes it a lot easier to not get pulled back into the drama with people who don't want to give drama up.

    Police Altercations

    At the end of the podcast I also discuss the recent article about the cops who pepper sprayed a Black Army Lieutenant at gunpoint and mention George Floyd. The subject here is how people who feel powerless find each other and how when you feel powerful, you won't end up in situations such as these.

    Mentioned in the podcast:

    Cleaning The World: What Can I Do? https://asabovebelowloa.com/cleaning-the-world-what-can-i-do

    Target pledges to spend more than $2B at Black-owned businesses https://www.kare11.com/article/money/business/target-spend-2-billion-black-owned-businesses/89-07d69f20-0f63-48be-832c-daecb206cd82

    Black Lives Matter & The Victim Mentality https://asabovebelowloa.com/black-lives-matter-the-victim-mentality

    Our President is not our Savior - Exit the Drama Triangle & Focus On Personal Responsibility https://youtu.be/4f40dXAurLQ

    The Unbearable Whiteness of Hiking and How to Solve It sierraclub.org/outdoors/2016/12/unbearable-whiteness-hiking-and-how-solve-it

    Michigan Making the Outdoors More Accessible to People of Color https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/in-michigan-making-the-outdoors-more-accessible-to-people-of-color

    Critical Race Theory is a Victimization Cult https://newdiscourses.com/2020/06/critical-race-theory-victimization-cult

    Stunning Insult: Biden Says Minorities Don’t Know How To Get Online So He Will Spend $1B To Help Them https://www.gopusa.com/stunning-insult-biden-says-minorities-dont-know-how-to-get-online-so-he-will-spend-1b-to-help-them/

    FLASHBACK: Morgan Freeman on Ending Racism: ‘Stop Talking About It’ -- Black History Month is 'Ridiculous' https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/michael-w-chapman/flashback-morgan-freeman-ending-racism-stop-talking-about-it-black-history

    Stakeholder Capitalism, Or “Everyone! Come Sue My Company” https://finance.townhall.com/columnists/scottshepard/2021/04/07/stakeholder-capitalism-or-everyone-come-sue-my-company-n2587527

    Cops Caught on Video Holding a Black Army Lieutenant at Gunpoint, Then Pepper-Spraying Him https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3dm3m/cops-caught-on-video-holding-a-black-army-lieutenant-at-gunpoint-then-pepper-spraying-him

    Candace Owen's: Will Corporations Go Broke For Turning Woke? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Av_c44JXNWs

    Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democrat Plantation by Candace Owens https:/

    • 30 мин.
    Episode 2: Vaccine PassportsEpisode 2: Vaccine Passports

    Episode 2: Vaccine PassportsEpisode 2: Vaccine Passports

    There are people afraid of getting COVID because other people are not getting the COVID-19 vaccine so they want to make vaccine passports required. There are people afraid of having to get an experimental vaccine in order to work, to fly, leave the country, or even go to a sporting event. They both have the same fear. They fear that they don't have power over their body and their health. They think someone else is going to have the power to make them unhealthy. It's the same fear, which means they attract each other according to the law of attraction.

    In this episode I discuss that fear and feeling of powerlessness. I discuss how it's negatively affecting our society and ruining our media and entertainment, and I also give tips on what to do to get rid of it. One of which is to focus on where you are powerful (in the circle of control).

    Mentioned in the podcast:

    The Happiness Advantage: How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life https://amzn.to/3rzzNcw

    COVID-19 Shines Light On Fear And Powerlessness https://asabovebelowloa.com/covid-19-shines-light-on-fear-and-powerlessness

    The Body (And The World) Was Designed To Heal Itself https://asabovebelowloa.com/the-body-and-the-world-was-designed-to-heal-itself

    Your Beliefs Can Lead To Freedom Or Slavery https://asabovebelowloa.com/your-beliefs-can-lead-to-freedom-or-slavery

    Michael Singer https://untetheredsoul.com/beyond-the-books

    Get full access to As Above / Below LOA at lawofattraction.substack.com/subscribe

    • 27 мин.

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