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A weekly podcast in which two New Orleanian flâneurs extemporize for one hour on a matter dear to their hearts

Talking bout Practice: a podcast Billy Ray Stupendous & Th Mza

    • Общество и культура

A weekly podcast in which two New Orleanian flâneurs extemporize for one hour on a matter dear to their hearts

    TbP 22: Get Paid for Being You (f/ Victor Cayro & Sarianna)

    TbP 22: Get Paid for Being You (f/ Victor Cayro & Sarianna)

    download on iTunes Our best ?  Prah'ly not.  Our drunkest ?  Mos def.  Sally Jane Black and I sit down w/ two artists of enormous appeal & imagination, Sarianna Senpai and Victor Cayro, to discuss ☀ day jobs ☀ -- i.e., what they do when they're not working.  Th conversation gets derailed early & continuously, as loves to happen when you been drinking out of cups of pure kindness    00:00  "Break Yr Heart" performed by Sarianna    02:52  Intro | first day job     05:42  Hijacked chemo drugs     08:42  Disgusting viral vids | what chemo drugs feel like | Gimme confessions    12:42  Dayjob joke | about jokes | FB is my dayjob     15:21  Deepest darkest confession | spacemen versus aliens      19:00  Th election | cowboys versus indians | Jason Statham | George Clooney | th exploding car scene | cinema    27:13  Victor's and Sarianna's night jobs | Bittersweet Romance | Sarianna's movie music | Sveener & the Shmiel (David B. Sharp 2009) | The American Astronaut (Cory McAbee 2001) | Tiptoes (Matthew Bright 2003)     36:49  My landlord listens to this podcast | our day jobs | suicidegirls.com | "person that cares about you"     43:42  Myspace | My day job was myspace | I used myspace as my Livejournal | shoutout to K. Thor Jensen again     50:03  Sarianna's day job | transgender controversy    54:42  Untranslatable visual scene | guns | bootstraps 1:00:04  Jane's day job | Top 40 hits assessed by Jane | Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Tobe Hooper 1974) review by Jane | low-income housing app | Trump & bootstraps &  foodstamps | Th Rock 1:08:03  Asians | An unknown Asian artist on FB disses Victor | mixed-race peoples | "Fuck them all, it takes a village, break all the hymens" -- Sanders | Victor Cayro suicide hotline | a testament to honesty & practice | "Hit her in the hair"  1:22:06  David Bowie | cameo by Victor's 14-year-old bride Becca 1:26:02  Seal | about this podcast | special-order t-shirt | Victor's day job(s) | How'd you meet yr girlfriend ?   1:36:19  I'm not confident at all | booty & groceries | Jane's disavowal | children & germs  1:40:33  Life cycle of th pinworm | Good night, Sally Jane Black | pinworm strategy  1:45:27  Dysentery in Peru | Peruvian rotisserie chicken | race & class  1:56:33  "My Island" performed by Paulette Williams  

    TbP 21: Actually ... Love (f/ Joe Stremph)

    TbP 21: Actually ... Love (f/ Joe Stremph)

    download on iTunes Sally Jane Black and I welcome that hero-legend of Regular Guy Style, Joe Stremph, to th studio to chat for two hours bout th consensus Most Important Topic o.A.T., though since this is 2016, we couldn't resist throwing some Trump in there, too    00:00  "Today I Met the Girl I'm Gonna Marry" performed by Nation of Ulysses    01:47  Hi, Joe Stremph     04:11  What's the most f****d up thing you've done for love? | th Anime Girl     19:24  The very first thing I said to my future wife | Jimmy Eat World     30:47  Aspirational romantic comedies | not an alcoholic | day we first kissed : 10 Feb 1996                 | what Jews are like | bad maps | musicals     58:00  If love stops existing, do you think there's something that could replace it ?   1:08:00  Accurate cinema on love | Roseanne | Parenthood  1:13:55  Tech difficulties | Victor Cayro cameo | adieu Sally | My Stupid Brother (Jesse                   Peretz 2011)  1:21:55  Han versus Luke | more tech diff | th one-on-one version of you  1:27:27  Th desire to be understood and to be psychic | "praise in public, critique in private"                     ethic | (off th record discussion)  1:36:33  Winning & humility | a scenario that contains potential for mutual understanding                       | kneejerk liberals, kneejerk conservatives, Trump, risk, & accountability 1:49:07  Risk & love | Doblering | vulnerability & desire | weaponizing intimacy  1:55:02  Engagement | more tech diff | devaluation of jokes, devaluation of engagement                           | cool Internet meetings | adult friends | and more tech diff | distance  2:10:42  "Your Wonderful, Sweet, Sweet Love" performed by Th Supremes  

    TbP 20: Talking bout Music (f/ Paul G, Lauren M, & Phil B)

    TbP 20: Talking bout Music (f/ Paul G, Lauren M, & Phil B)

    download on iTunes Thank you for time- and space-travelling back to New Orleans of April 2015 to listen to this podcast live & in person, where Billy Ray Stupendous & I caught up w/ Phil B and Lauren M of el jay fame, & Paul G of two-sport fame (football/trombone), to marvel @ th chart success of Laurie Anderson, th cross-cultural transcendence of Anne Murray, and th unlikely history of Branson, MO We tried something new and inserted songs right in th middle of th 'cast -- enjoy, use yr whole heart, control yr gun, spread wings, get loved, be good to yr ears  Table of contents: 00:00:00  "Spasticus Autisticus" performed by Ian Dury 00:05:05  Texas, Missouri, & Toronto | favourite Canadian band | bad bands from America | John Tesh 00:13:24  New show format | earliest musical memories 00:22:04   "Fly Robin Fly" performed by Silver Convention 00:25:51  Hairless down there area | when disco was a thing  00:27:16  What is music, anyhow ? | chopping time up | Time, mortality, & harmony | tribes again 00:31:16  Th insignificance of lyrics | What about hip-hop ? | rapgenius 00:41:07  Scientific fact:  singing along feels good 00:44:00  The Dusty Triangle  00:45:52  "You're Dead" performed by Norma Tanega 00:48:12  "Walking My Cat Named Dog" | how to discover music | what we know bout Kate Bush 00:55:24   "Running Up That Hill" performed by Kate Bush 01:00:16  MTV | Maxwell | Velvet Underground type of deal | "Why Should I Love U?" | "... all the friends I was girls with ..." | Sandman & The Dreaming 01:07:58  Gloomy Spectrum Disorder, Goonies Spectrum Disorder | baby on th podcast  01:12:44  Ginger Baker and ⚡ time ⚡  |  "Th sun is God" -- JMW Turner 01:15:42  Censorship for babbies | Nevermind | rock stars who namedrop bands 01:21:24  File-collecting vs social life | Austin Psych Fest 01:26:00  Music is Children's Music | gift from an adult | parental record collections  01:32:49  Country | Staunton VA | Branson MO | Bald Knobbers 01:39:49  "Old Aunt Dinah" performed by Butter Boy 01:41:11  Metal Machine Music | "O Superman" 01:44:33  Th race card 01:46:33  Culture as taking |  Kurt Cobain's problems | growing up in bumfuck | 120 Minutes 01:52:49  Trombone & American football 01:58:52  Nerds & th experience of music 02:03:07  Why do you think so many people are total assholes ...? | Grouper & Bob Dylan | free Belle & Sebastian image consultation 02:13:55  Hip-hop, St Louis, Ferguson, and involuntary political awareness 02:25:11  Bonus Track: "Ok Denn" performed by Pill

    TbP 19: G.O.A.T.

    TbP 19: G.O.A.T.

    download on iTunes This one went off th rails pretty early on w/r/t its intended topic and never got back on, fully.  Billy Ray's original intention, I think, was to set up th parameters of what it means to be th Greatest Of All Time, and den debate various G.O.A.T. candidates over various fields of endeavour.  Instead we ended up talking bout Livejournal again 80% of th time, general Internet ethics (10%), Stevie Wonder (5%), and gay filmmakers (5%).  Idlewild, Ryan Jackson, Abbas Kiarostami, bell hooks, James Booker, Los Bros Hernandez, Alison Bechdel, Akira Kurosawa, Sergei Parajanov, Persepolis, and Charlie bit me are namedropped in passing.  We are joined this week by Rena J of el jay fame, who was gracious enough to join us on v. short notice and ended up being our first ⚡solo⚡ guest in many moons after our other guest passed out drunk Listen close for th G.E.O.A.T. (greatest ending of all time) Table of contents: 00:00:00  "Sir Duke" performed by Stevie Wonder 00:03:52  Nominal attempt to stick to a topic | blah dee blah dee blahHH | etc etc etc 01:59:38  Bonus Track: a great way to start a mixtape or end a podcast

    TbP 18: Aesthetes

    TbP 18: Aesthetes

    download on iTunes Went ahead and annotated this one, since it's a Saturday a.m. & I'm ill & industrious, and idle hands are th devil's playthings.  My initial idea was to encourage discussion bout how beauty can be this world's most powerful idea -- that, Helen aside, human people are launching 1,000 ships every hour on behalf of their versions of beauty -- that, @ core, most fights can be reduced to incompatible visions of what beautiful means and what ugly means.  That discussion never happened in an explicit way here, though it is nestled incognito under th discussion that did happen.  Billy Ray Stupendous & I could not be more pleased w/ th results.  We are joined this week by two luminaries of th el gay planet -- Jinx Malone and Mister Eden -- whose imprints on my own consciousness are deep not due to in-yr-face proselytizing, sensory bombardment, or even daily familiarity -- both remain, to my mind, foreigners who vacation in whatever country mine is -- but rather through th consistent, insistent, sneaky internal logic(s) of their worldviews ⚡⚡⚡⚡ Table of contents: 00:00:00  "Cannibal Holocaust (Main Theme)" composed & conducted by Riz Ortolani 00:02:55  Intro guests | vague outline of topic | Oscar Wilde quote re shooting piano players | personal aesthetics vs branding  00:10:21  A very horror childhood | "... goofy ... visceral excitement ..." | th devaluation of fandom 00:13:24  False memory | psychosexual childhood | th Hammer Films dynasty  00:19:00  Obsession | Blue Velvet (David Lynch 1986), dayface, & nightface 00:22:22  The Hidden Observer | neurosis or superpower | th writerly attitude | th universal fascinating inner life 00:27:33  Driven by unseen forces vs conspicuous curation | not-caring vs caring | ⚡millennials⚡, YOLO, FOMO, & Burning Man 00:34:51  Infinite, oceanic, & eternal | virtuous buzzkill | "You should feel the horror" | Cannibal Holocaust (Ruggero Deodato 1980) | "disgusting hipster irony bullshit" | Inland Empire (Lynch 2006) 00:40:08  Billy's reclusive cinemania | MZA's risk advocacy | Jason X (Jim Isaac 2002) | black audiences | movies as sports 00:44:44  Fulci vs Romero | Burial Ground: the Nights of Terror (Andrea Bianchi 1981) | Blind Dead series | The Exorcist (William Friedkin 1973) vs Rosemary's Baby (Roman Polanski 1968)  00:51:24  Cinemaphobias | :poop: | rape | Mike Kitchell shoutout  00:58:39  Th end of sex & violence | economics of inoffense | Quentin Tarantino | Jackie Brown (Tarantino 1997) | talent in bad films  01:07:11  Talking bout practice in bad films | Jess Franco & visual passion | th virtue of knowing what you're getting into | unstoppable zoom on bush | Barbed Wire Dolls (Jesús Franco 1975) | God's Gun (Gianfranco Parolini 1975) 01:15:00 Patrick McGoohan | Scanners (David Cronenberg 1981) | Jinx's shrine to the Paddy | "destructive glee"  01:18:49  Regarding television | Columbo | Peter Falk, Hollywood rebel | Twin Peaks | "exasperated by the episodic nature of TV" | Breaking Bad etc | compactness of cinema vs cultural sprawl | British TV | Lost 01:30:33  Feature-length film's incompatibility w/ th novel | talking bout adaptations | novels vs short stories | writing for no audience | Zombieland (Ruben Fleischer 2009) 01:37:42  Return to Driven by Unseen Forces | anthology of el jay writing | honesty, unself-consciousness, Jess Franco, accidents, & el jay | ello.com | "zone of sincerity"  01:45:07  On being part of no movement | kommentude & th "accidental discovery of something unplanned" | "the sister I wish I had" | song discussion | farewell adieu 01:51:08  Bonus Track: "Giu' la Testa" composed & conducted by Ennio Morricone

    TbP 17: Serial

    TbP 17: Serial

    download on iTunes This is th one you been waiting for.  By "you" I mean "Kathleen O" because she's on this one.  It's bout serial killers.  I play th curious novice; Kathleen & Billy Ray Stupendous play th seasoned veterans showing me th ropes.  Th ropes, th knives, th axes, th guns, th fire, and th bare veiny hands Kathleen took copious notes for this one.  Keep an ear out for some of history's most famous -- Jeff Dahmer, Ed Gein, Jack th Ripper, John Wayne Gacy -- as well as lesser-known pop anti-stars.  Billy and I share th same favourite killer, it turns out 👊✊✂💀🍀🔫👻 Table of contents: 00:00:00  "Red Right Hand" performed by Nick Cave & th Bad Seeds 00:06:06  wah-WAH wah-WAH wah-WAH wah-WAH [adults speaking]  01:08:24  I enjoy a moment of microsleep mid-podcast and den have to call for an ⚡⚡INTERMISSION⚡⚡ 02:04:24  Bonus Track: "Psycho" performed by Jack Kittel

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