152 episodes

This podcast is dedicated to providing you with the help you need to fix your lower back pain and sciatica. From specific diagnoses, myths and injuries to the low back, to strategies to recover, we're here to help get your Back In Shape. This podcast is an extension of the Back In Shape Program, an online back rehabilitation program that helps members from all over the world. Created by the founders of The Mayfair Clinic, a specialist back and neck pain clinic in central London and winner of the prestigious Queens Award For Enterprise Innovation In 2020.

Back In Shape Podcast Back In Shape

    • Health & Fitness

This podcast is dedicated to providing you with the help you need to fix your lower back pain and sciatica. From specific diagnoses, myths and injuries to the low back, to strategies to recover, we're here to help get your Back In Shape. This podcast is an extension of the Back In Shape Program, an online back rehabilitation program that helps members from all over the world. Created by the founders of The Mayfair Clinic, a specialist back and neck pain clinic in central London and winner of the prestigious Queens Award For Enterprise Innovation In 2020.

    Low Back Pain Eliminated For Good: Real Strategies That Work

    Low Back Pain Eliminated For Good: Real Strategies That Work

    🚀 Eliminate Low Back Pain for Good: Proven Strategies🏋️‍♂️

    🔍 Understanding Lower Back Pain:
    Back pain can be more challenging than other injuries, but with the right approach, lasting relief is achievable.

    📚 Diagnosing Back Pain:
    Pseudo-diagnoses: Terms like "Chronic Low Back Pain" don’t specify the cause.
    Real Diagnoses: Conditions like "Lumbar disc herniation" pinpoint the injured structure.

    🚫 The Muscle Spasm Myth:
    Muscles are rarely the main issue in back pain. Misdiagnoses and incorrect treatments often hinder healing.

    🔑 Real Cause of Low Back Pain:
    Back pain often results from the spine's inability to handle body load, leading to stiffness and muscle spasms.

    💡 Four-Part Strategy for Lasting Relief:

    Part 1: Immediate Pain Reduction
    Control Your Core: Engage your core muscles to stabilize the spine.
    Mobilize Your Hips: Perform a 10-minute hip mobility routine to relieve lower back strain.
    Decompress Your Spine: Use safe decompression stretches a few times daily.
    Hot and Cold Therapy: Alternate between heat and cold packs on the lower back.

    Part 2: Building a Strong Foundation
    Learn Essential Movements: Master squats, hip hinges, and reverse lunges with proper form.
    Apply Lessons to Daily Life: Maintain proper posture and movement throughout the day.

    Part 3: Strengthening Your Back
    Gradual Load Exposure: Use resistance bands to add safe load to key exercises.
    Long-Term Strength Building: Progress with weights using dumbbells, kettlebells, and barbells.

    Part 4: Specialist Treatments
    Basic Natural Treatments: Use treatments like osteopathy, physiotherapy, and massage to improve mobility.
    Advanced Therapies: IDD Therapy: Applies spinal decompression to relieve disc pressure.
    Class IV Laser Therapy: Targets injured tissues to optimize healing.

    🛠️ Start Your Recovery Today:
    Follow these strategies for immediate relief and long-term back health.
    Utilize available resources like the "Fixing Back Pain Masterclass."
    📈 With dedication to these steps, you can eliminate lower back pain for good and enjoy a pain-free life.

    📚 Resources:
    📖 https://backinshapeprogram.com/2024/05/low-back-pain-eliminated-for-good-real-strategies-that-work/

    #BackPainRelief #SpineHealth #CoreStrength #LongTermRecovery

    0:00 Introduction
    1:01 Diagnosis: Incomplete VS Complete
    2:10 A Real Diagnosis
    3:09 Back Pain: The Big Myth
    4:58 Failed Spinal Loading
    7:55 Fix Back Pain In 4 Steps
    8:27 Part 1: Control Your Core
    9:42 Part 1: Demo Core Engagement
    11:31 Part 1: Mobilising Your Hips
    12:47 Part 1: Decompress Your Back
    15:04 Part 1: Review
    15:55 Part 2: Build A Healthy Spine
    17:11 Part 2: Demo Squat
    18:06 Mistakes: Squat
    18:33 Part 2: Demo Hip Hinge
    19:19 Mistakes: Hip Hinge
    19:40 Part 2: Demo Reverse Lunge
    20:19 Mistakes: Reverse Lunge
    21:05 Part 2: Extra Tips
    22:42 Part 3: Building Strength
    25:02 Part 4: Long-Term Results
    27:28 Stretching For Flexibility
    28:39 Support Treatment Options
    29:04 Therapy: Type 1
    31:00 Therapy: Type 2
    31:57 Overview: Final Thoughts

    • 32 min
    Gut Inflammation & Lower Back Pain: The Missing Link

    Gut Inflammation & Lower Back Pain: The Missing Link

    🔗 Poor Gut Health & Lower Back Pain: The Surprising Connection 🤕🌀

    We explored the one thing you're probably missing that's linking the two issues.

    🧐 Ever wondered why gut health issues like Crohn's Disease or IBS worsen your lower back pain? Today, we explore a vital but often overlooked link between your digestive system's health and your back discomfort.

    👀 Key Insights:
    The majority of lower back pain originates from the lower lumbar spine, particularly at the L4-L5 and L5-S1 segments, influenced by modern lifestyle habits.
    Symptoms can vary from aching in the lower back to sciatica, affecting leg sensations due to nerve compression.
    Common movements like pelvic tucks or yoga poses can unintentionally aggravate these conditions by flattening the natural curve of the lumbar spine.

    🧬 Why Gut Health Matters:
    Gut flare-ups often lead to postures that exacerbate back pain, like curling over in discomfort or frequent trips to the bathroom, which replicate harmful spinal movements.
    Those with chronic gut issues may find that these episodes intensify the mechanics that lead to back pain.

    🔄 Managing the Link:
    Understanding this connection is crucial for managing both gut health and back pain effectively.
    Appropriate rehabilitation and mindful management of gut symptoms can mitigate the impact on the back, helping in longer-term recovery and comfort.

    👉 Take Action: Being aware of how gut health affects your back can guide more effective treatment and lifestyle adjustments. Remember, managing one can help alleviate the other.

    📚 For more tips and detailed guidance on handling back pain with gut health issues, check out our resources or join our comprehensive recovery programs.

    📚 Resources:
    📖 https://backinshapeprogram.com/2024/05/gut-inflammation-lower-back-pain-the-missing-link/

    #GutHealth #BackPainRelief #WellnessConnection #HealthEducation

    0:34: Understanding: Low Back Pain
    1:08: Lumbar Spine: L4-L5 & L5-S1
    2:01: What Causes Back Pain
    3:41: Gut Health: The Main Link
    5:51: Strategies To Help Your Back
    6:45: Final Thoughts

    • 7 min
    Herniated Disc Recovery: The WORST Movement Mistake You're Making

    Herniated Disc Recovery: The WORST Movement Mistake You're Making

    🚫 The #1 Movement to AVOID for Herniated Disc Recovery!🏋️‍♂️ Today's video we cover this movement leak too many people with herniated discs do, unknowingly.
    👉 Need Help With Your Back Pain? Check this full video out now "Fixing Back Pain Master Class" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIYFt7qQbJw

    📚 Resources:
    📖 https://backinshapeprogram.com/2024/04/the-worst-movement-for-herniated-disc-recovery-avoid-at-all-costs/

    👀 Ever wonder why your recovery from a herniated disc hits a snag despite regular workouts? There's one common gym movement that might be the culprit behind those frustrating relapses and flare-ups!

    📉 Why It's Missed: This risky movement often goes unnoticed because it's part of common exercises like squats and deadlifts. It happens when your pelvic tucks under at the end of these motions due to tight hamstrings and limited hip mobility. This "pelvic tuck" or "butt wink" can drastically increase stress on your lower back, aggravating your herniated disc.

    🛑 The Danger: Especially harmful if you have issues with your L4-L5 or L5-S1 discs, this movement can destabilise an already compromised area of your spine, leading to pain and setbacks in your recovery.

    🔍 Control and Focus: Learn how to maintain a neutral spine with precise muscle engagement and avoid the pitfalls of this movement. We cover practical steps to monitor and improve your technique to ensure safe training and strength-building.

    📏 The Tape Test: An invaluable method to detect when you're losing form during exercises. This simple test can help you maintain control and avoid putting undue pressure on your herniated disc.

    🏋️‍♀️ Adjust Your Training: Understand the importance of knowing your limits and avoiding heavy lifting that can exacerbate your condition. Tips on how to gradually increase weight and maintain good form are crucial.

    📚 Long-Term Strategy: Discover safer workout modifications and why avoiding certain high-risk exercises can significantly benefit your recovery process.

    🤕 Resources for Recovery: Don’t miss out on our additional tools and programs designed to aid your journey back to full health, including decompression techniques and a comprehensive recovery program.

    #HerniatedDiscRecovery #GymSafety #BackHealth #WorkoutTips

    0:00 Introduction
    0:43 Why We Miss It?
    1:16 The Movement: Pelvic Tuck
    1:52 Why Flexion Is Bad?
    2:29 2 Parts Of Healing
    3:39 Control Pelvic Tuck
    5:19 The Tape Test
    6:29 Be Wary Of Relapse
    9:08 Feel The Heaviness
    10:16 Strategy 1: Add Range Of Motion
    11:21 Strategy 2: Lean On Single Leg
    14:13 Overview: Final Thoughts

    • 15 min
    Prevent Lower Back Pain Post-Marathon: Do These 5 Things

    Prevent Lower Back Pain Post-Marathon: Do These 5 Things

    🏃‍♂️ 5 Post-Marathon Tips to Avoid Back Pain🏃‍♀️

    Running a marathon is a remarkable achievement, but it can also put a significant strain on your lower back. To help you recover properly and prevent back pain after crossing the finish line, we've compiled a list of 5 essential post-marathon practices. These simple yet effective tips can make a big difference in how your back feels in the days following the race. 🎽🛌

    3 Key Exercises for Strengthening Weak Knees & Alleviating Back Pain💪🏋️‍♂️

    Weak knees aren't just a knee problem; they can significantly impact your lower back health too. Dive into our latest video for 3 essential exercises that you can do right at home to strengthen your knees and, by extension, protect your lower back from pain. 🏠

    Whether you're just starting on your journey to stronger knees or looking to escalate your routine, these exercises are scalable to your fitness level. 🌟

    Here's a breakdown of what you need to know:

    Gentle Decompression: Right after the marathon, perform gentle stretches to decompress your lower back. This includes the bed decompression stretch and the towel stretch, which help alleviate pressure on your spine, particularly beneficial for the L4, L5, and S1 discs.🛏️

    Lumbar Spine Priority: Immediately after finishing, focus on stretches that support lumbar recovery. This helps mitigate the impact of tens of thousands of steps taken during the marathon. 🔄

    Circulation Improvement: Utilise hot and cold therapy to manage inflammation and speed up recovery. This contrast therapy is particularly effective in reducing back pain and promoting faster healing. ❄️🔥

    Muscle Stiffness Reduction: Employ self-massage tools like massage guns to relieve muscle stiffness in your hips and legs, which can indirectly benefit your lower back. This approach is preferable to aggressive stretching, which might exacerbate any existing issues. 💆‍♂️

    Stay Active: Keep moving after the marathon to prevent stiffness and promote better muscle recovery. Gentle activities like walking or swimming can help maintain mobility without putting additional strain on your body. 🚶‍♀️🏊‍♂️

    Incorporating these practices not only aids in your immediate recovery but also sets the stage for healthier back in the long term. Whether you're an experienced marathoner or a first-timer, these tips will help ensure that your back pain doesn't overshadow your accomplishment.

    Watch our detailed guide on these practices and start implementing them to enjoy a quicker, more comfortable recovery post-marathon!

    📚 Resources:

    📖 https://backinshapeprogram.com/2024/04/5-ways-to-avoid-back-pain-after-running-the-marathon/

    #MarathonRecovery #BackPainRelief #RunningHealth


    0:00 Introduction
    1:34 Strategy 1: Bed Decompression
    3:29 Strategy 2: Lordosis Support
    4:56 Strategy 3: Hot & Cold Therapy
    7:25 Strategy 4: Self Massage
    11:30 Strategy 5: Stay Active
    12:01 Overview: Final Thoughts

    • 14 min
    Relieve Low Back Pain Instantly With These 5 Stretches At Home

    Relieve Low Back Pain Instantly With These 5 Stretches At Home

    🚀🤕 Top 5 Home Stretches for Instant Lower Back Pain Relief 🤕🚀

    Struggling with lower back pain or sciatica and desperate for immediate relief? Our latest video unveils 5 essential stretches you can do right at home to alleviate your discomfort on the spot. 🏡✨ Whether it's a chronic issue or a sudden flare-up, these stretches are designed to provide relief without worsening the problem. 🛑

    Here's What You'll Discover:
    Decompression Stretches: Learn how to take immediate pressure off your lower back with simple yet effective decompression techniques. 🎈

    Towel Decompression Stretch: Utilise a rolled-up bath towel to support and gently stretch your lower back.

    Bed Decompression: A unique method to gently pump your lower back discs, promoting relief and healing.

    Side of the Bed Stretch: An alternative decompression stretch for those who might struggle to lie down.

    Muscle Release Stretches: Target the tension in your hamstring and hip flexors that contribute to lower back pain. 🧘‍♂️

    Modified Hamstring Stretch: Safely stretch the back of your thigh without compromising your lower back.

    Modified Hip Flexor Stretch: Ease the front of your hips to reduce the pull on your lower back.

    Why It's Important:

    🤯 Relieve the root cause of your back pain by regularly taking pressure off the discs and spine.
    🚫 Avoid common mistakes in stretches that can actually make your lower back worse.
    💪 Prepare your body for long-term recovery by incorporating these stretches into your routine.

    Whether you're dealing with excruciating pain or looking to manage a chronic condition, these stretches offer a beacon of hope. Dive into our video now to learn each stretch in detail, with specific points to ensure they're done correctly for maximum benefit. 🌟

    Watch Now and start your journey to a more comfortable life, free from lower back pain!

    📚 https://backinshapeprogram.com/2024/04/top-5-stretches-for-instant-lower-back-pain-relief-at-home/

    #LowerBackPainRelief #HomeStretches #SciaticaRelief

    0:00 Introduction
    0:27 Stretch 1: Towel Decompression
    1:55 Stretch 2: Bed Decompression
    3:34 Stretch 3: Side Of The Bed Stretch
    5:42 Stretching: Release The Hips
    6:50 Stretch 4: Hamstring Stretch
    8:05 Stretch 5: Hip Flexor Stretch
    9:37 Bonus Tip: Blending The Stretches
    10:19 Bonus Tip: Finishing With Ice & Heat
    10:47 Overview: Final Thoughts

    • 12 min
    IDD Therapy To Fix Your Lumbar Disc Bulge Without Surgery

    IDD Therapy To Fix Your Lumbar Disc Bulge Without Surgery

    🚫💡 Discover IDD Therapy: A Non-Surgical Solution for Disc Bulges and Lower Back Pain 💡🚫

    Struggling with a disc bulge or herniation causing lower back pain or sciatica? 🤕 Before you consider surgery, there's a non-surgical approach worth exploring. Our latest video dives into IDD Therapy for spinal decompression, offering a beacon of hope for those suffering from the most common root causes of lower back pain.

    📚 https://backinshapeprogram.com/2024/04/idd-therapy-to-fix-your-disc-bulge-without-surgery/

    What You'll Learn:

    Understanding Disc Bulges: Get to grips with how L4-L5 and L5-S1 disc bulges contribute to lower back pain and sciatica.

    The Power of IDD Therapy: Explore how Intervertebral Differential Dynamics (IDD) Therapy can decompress your lumbar spine, alleviating pain by targeting the affected disc directly. 🎯

    Immediate and Long-Term Relief: Discover strategies to relieve pain right away and long-term approaches to rebuild strength in your lower back for enduring health. 💪

    Why IDD Therapy?

    Non-Surgical Option: A real alternative to surgical intervention, aiming to heal and recover your disc bulge without going under the knife. 🚑➡️🛌

    Supports Natural Healing: Learn how IDD Therapy enhances the natural exchange of nutrients and hydration in the disc, promoting healing and stabilization. 🔄

    Combination with Rehabilitation: Find out how combining IDD Therapy with specific rehabilitation exercises can supercharge your recovery and prevent future issues. 🏋️‍♂️


    Prep Work is Key: Engaging in simple exercises to engage your core and move correctly is crucial before starting IDD Therapy.

    Avoid the Wrong Moves: Steer clear of exercises that worsen your condition, focusing instead on those that strengthen and support your back's recovery. ❌

    Embrace Comprehensive Care: Understand the importance of a holistic approach, integrating IDD Therapy with other treatments and proper at-home care for the best results. 🔄

    Whether you're in the throes of back pain despair or simply seeking an effective treatment path, this video is a must-watch. 🎥 Dive in now to explore how IDD Therapy, combined with the right knowledge and exercises, can transform your journey to a pain-free life. 🌟

    Watch Now and take the first step towards healing your back without surgery!

    #IDDTherapy #BackPainRelief #spinaldecompression


    0:00 Introduction
    0:08 Root Cause: Lumber Disc Injury
    1:22 The Truth: Your Back Pain
    3:02 Step 1: Prep Your Back
    5:18 Step 2: Having IDD Therapy
    8:16 Step 3: Rehab At Home
    8:32 Strategy 1: Have Decompression
    10:46 Strategy 2: Skills & Strength
    12:39 Warning: What To Avoid
    15:12 Step 4: Healing & Remodelling
    18:16 Overview: Final Thoughts

    • 20 min

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