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Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!

FluentFiction - Slovak FluentFiction.org

    • Utbildning

Are you ready to supercharge your Slovak listening comprehension?

Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovak, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovak and English.

This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bratislava, Košice, or High Tatras? Maybe you want to speak Slovak with your grandparents from Banská Bystrica?

Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in Slovakia, the heartland where the Slovak language is primarily spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovak listening comprehension.

Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Zlepšte svoje počúvacie schopnosti s našimi slovenskými príbehmi ešte dnes!

    Healing Hikes: A Journey Through Sorrow in the Tatra Mountains

    Healing Hikes: A Journey Through Sorrow in the Tatra Mountains

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Healing Hikes: A Journey Through Sorrow in the Tatra Mountains
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: V teplých letných dňoch sa Tatra Mountains ukazovali v celej svojej kráse.
    En: On warm summer days, the Tatra Mountains showcased their full splendor.

    Sk: Velké zelené lúky, strmé štíty a čistý vzduch.
    En: Vast green meadows, steep peaks, and clean air.

    Sk: Bolo to miesto, kde Marek a Eva vždy chodievali s rodinou na letné túry.
    En: It was a place where Marek and Eva always went with their family for summer hikes.

    Sk: Eva sa postavila k oknu a dívala sa na hory.
    En: Eva stood by the window, gazing at the mountains.

    Sk: "Marek, poďme tento rok znova na túru," povedala s nádejou v hlase.
    En: "Marek, let's go hiking again this year," she said hopefully.

    Sk: Marek sedel na pohovke a pokrútil hlavou.
    En: Marek was sitting on the sofa and shook his head.

    Sk: "Neviem, Eva.
    En: "I don't know, Eva.

    Sk: Nemám chuť.
    En: I don't feel like it.

    Sk: Po otcovej smrti mi to už nedáva zmysel.
    En: Since Father's death, it no longer makes sense to me."

    Sk: "Eva sa nevzdávala.
    En: Eva didn't give up.

    Sk: Poznala Marekov smútok, ale vedela, že by mu to pomohlo.
    En: She knew Marek's sorrow, but she also knew it would help him.

    Sk: "Otec by chcel, aby sme pokračovali v tejto tradícii.
    En: "Father would want us to continue this tradition.

    Sk: Vždy nás to spájalo ako rodinu.
    En: It always brought our family together.

    Sk: Prosím, poď.
    En: Please, let's go.

    Sk: Táto túra nám môže pomôcť.
    En: This hike could help us."

    Sk: "Marek si povzdychol.
    En: Marek sighed.

    Sk: Eva mala pravdu, ale jeho srdce bolo stále ťažké.
    En: Eva was right, but his heart was still heavy.

    Sk: "Dobre.
    En: "Alright.

    Sk: Pokúsim sa," povedal po chvíli.
    En: I'll try," he said after a moment.

    Sk: Eva sa usmiala.
    En: Eva smiled.

    Sk: Bol to začiatok.
    En: It was a beginning.

    Sk: Na druhý deň ráno sa vybrali na cestu.
    En: The next morning, they set off on their journey.

    Sk: Cesta bola náročná, ale tá krása okolo nich dodávala energiu.
    En: The path was challenging, but the beauty around them energized them.

    Sk: Stúpali vyššie a vyššie, hovoriach o starých príbehoch.
    En: They climbed higher and higher, talking about old stories.

    Sk: Po čase prišli na miesto, kde vždy robievali prestávku.
    En: After some time, they arrived at the spot where they always took a break.

    Sk: Pozreli sa na okolie.
    En: They looked around.

    Sk: Výhľad bol nádherný.
    En: The view was stunning.

    Sk: Náhle Marek pocítil silný smútok.
    En: Suddenly, Marek felt a strong wave of sadness.

    Sk: "Prečo som súhlasil?
    En: "Why did I agree?

    Sk: Nemôžem to zvládnuť," zamrmlal.
    En: I can't handle this," he murmured.

    Sk: Eva k nemu prišla a položila mu ruku na plece.
    En: Eva approached him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

    Sk: "Marek, je to ťažké, viem.
    En: "Marek, it's tough, I know.

    Sk: Ale otočme túto bolesť na spomienky.
    En: But let's turn this pain into memories.

    Sk: Otec by bol na nás hrdý.
    En: Father would be proud of us."

    Sk: "Marek sa zadíval na hory.
    En: Marek gazed at the mountains.

    Sk: Náhle videl všetky spoločné chvíle, ktoré tu...

    • 15 min
    Resilience in the Tatras: A Tale of Courage, Fear, and Friendship

    Resilience in the Tatras: A Tale of Courage, Fear, and Friendship

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Resilience in the Tatras: A Tale of Courage, Fear, and Friendship
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: V tichom horskom dedinke, utopené v letnej zeleni, sa príbeh začal.
    En: In a quiet mountain village, nestled in summer greenery, the story began.

    Sk: Milan, jeho sestra Petra a ich priateľka Jana sa vydali na náročnú túru v Tatrách.
    En: Milan, his sister Petra, and their friend Jana set out on a challenging hike in the Tatras.

    Sk: Hory boli strmé a krásne.
    En: The mountains were steep and beautiful.

    Sk: Petra, plná energie a odvážnosti, viedla skupinu, zatiaľ čo Jana kráčala s opatrnosťou.
    En: Petra, full of energy and bravery, led the group, while Jana walked with caution.

    Sk: Milan, so svojimi 29 rokmi a túžbou dokázať si odvahu, vyšiel na výlet rozhodnutý úspešne zvládnuť túto výzvu.
    En: Milan, at 29 years old and eager to prove his courage, embarked on the hike determined to conquer this challenge.

    Sk: Bolo horúce letné ráno.
    En: It was a hot summer morning.

    Sk: Vzduch bol svieži a vôňa lesa ich sprevádzala.
    En: The air was fresh and the scent of the forest enveloped them.

    Sk: Milan však, bez varovania, začal pociťovať svrbenie na koži a ťažobu na hrudi.
    En: However, without warning, Milan began to feel itching on his skin and heaviness in his chest.

    Sk: Vedel, že jeho alergická reakcia sa zhoršuje, ale nechcel zastaviť.
    En: He knew his allergic reaction was worsening, but he didn't want to stop.

    Sk: 'Všetko bude v poriadku,' presviedčal sám seba a pokračoval v chôdzi.
    En: 'Everything will be fine,' he assured himself and kept walking.

    Sk: Petra s Janou si však začali všímať, že niečo nie je v poriadku.
    En: However, Petra and Jana started to notice that something was wrong.

    Sk: 'Milan, si v poriadku?' spýtala sa Petra s obavou v hlase.
    En: 'Milan, are you okay?' Petra asked with concern in her voice.

    Sk: Milan sa len usmial a prikývol, hoci jeho dych sa stával stále ťažším.
    En: Milan just smiled and nodded, although his breath was becoming increasingly labored.

    Sk: Po niekoľkých kilometroch sa Milan zrazu zrútil na zem.
    En: After a few kilometers, Milan suddenly collapsed to the ground.

    Sk: Petra rýchlo priskočila k nemu a Jana sa rozplakala.
    En: Petra quickly rushed to him, and Jana burst into tears.

    Sk: 'Milan! Čo sa deje?' zvolala Petra.
    En: 'Milan! What's happening?' shouted Petra.

    Sk: 'Musíme niečo urobiť!' dodala Jana v panike.
    En: 'We have to do something!' added Jana in panic.

    Sk: Petra vedela, že musí konať rýchlo.
    En: Petra knew she had to act quickly.

    Sk: Vybrala svoj prenosný lekársky kufrík a zamerala sa na prvú pomoc.
    En: She took out her portable medical kit and focused on first aid.

    Sk: 'Milan, musíš mi povedať pravdu. Je to alergia, však?' spýtala sa jemne a naliehavo.
    En: 'Milan, you need to tell me the truth. It's an allergy, isn't it?' she asked gently and urgently.

    Sk: Milan, v bolesti a strachu, konečne priznal, 'Áno, mám alergiu... bojím sa nemocníc.'
    En: Milan, in pain and fear, finally admitted, 'Yes, I have an allergy... I'm afraid of hospitals.'

    Sk: Petra nepodľahla panike.
    En: Petra did not succumb to panic.

    Sk: Použila svoje medicínske vedomosti na stabilizáciu Milana, podala mu lieky a zlepšovala mu dýchanie.
    En: She used her medical knowledge to stabilize Milan, administered medications, and...

    • 17 min
    Reuniting History: A Family's Journey at Bratislava Castle

    Reuniting History: A Family's Journey at Bratislava Castle

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Reuniting History: A Family's Journey at Bratislava Castle
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: V jedno krásne, slnečné odpoludnie, nad mestom Bratislava svietilo jasné slnko.
    En: On one beautiful, sunny afternoon, the bright sun shone over the city of Bratislava.

    Sk: Na Bratislavskom hrade sa zhromaždila jedna rodina.
    En: A family gathered at Bratislava Castle.

    Sk: Ján, Katarína a Marek sa stretli pred veľkou bránou hradu.
    En: John, Catherine, and Mark met in front of the castle's big gate.

    Sk: Ján sa zasmial a povedal: "Som rád, že sme sa tu stretli.
    En: John laughed and said, "I'm glad we met here."

    Sk: " Katarína prikývla a Marek dodal: "Je to skvelé miesto na rodinné stretnutie.
    En: Catherine nodded, and Mark added, "This is a great place for a family reunion."

    Sk: "Vstúpili dovnútra hradu a obdivovali staroveké múry.
    En: They entered the castle and admired the ancient walls.

    Sk: Ján sa zastavil pred veľkou mapou: "Toto je história našej krajiny," povedal.
    En: John stopped in front of a large map: "This is the history of our country," he said.

    Sk: Katarína a Marek sa priblížili, aby si ju pozreli bližšie.
    En: Catherine and Mark came closer to take a better look.

    Sk: "Kde začneme?
    En: "Where shall we start?"

    Sk: " opýtal sa Ján.
    En: John asked.

    Sk: Katarína odpovedala: "Poďme najprv na vežu.
    En: Catherine replied, "Let's go to the tower first."

    Sk: " Marek súhlasil: "Výhľad odtiaľ bude úžasný.
    En: Mark agreed, "The view from there will be amazing."

    Sk: "Vyšli po schodoch na vežu.
    En: They climbed the stairs to the tower.

    Sk: Výhľad na Bratislavu ich očaril.
    En: The view of Bratislava captivated them.

    Sk: Videli Dunaj, staré mesto a nové budovy.
    En: They saw the Danube, the old town, and new buildings.

    Sk: Katarína ukázala na most: "Tam dole bývam," povedala.
    En: Catherine pointed to a bridge: "I live down there," she said.

    Sk: Po dlhom prechádzke sa rozhodli oddýchnuť si v záhrade hradu.
    En: After a long walk, they decided to rest in the castle garden.

    Sk: Sadli si na lavičku pod stromom.
    En: They sat on a bench under a tree.

    Sk: Ján vytiahol starú rodinnú fotografiu.
    En: John pulled out an old family photograph.

    Sk: "Pozrite," povedal.
    En: "Look," he said.

    Sk: "To sú naši starí rodičia.
    En: "These are our grandparents.

    Sk: Stretli sa tu pred mnohými rokmi.
    En: They met here many years ago."

    Sk: "Katarína sa usmiala: "Je to úžasné, že sme tu teraz my.
    En: Catherine smiled: "It's amazing that we are here now."

    Sk: " Marek dodal: "Rodina je to najdôležitejšie.
    En: Mark added, "Family is the most important thing."

    Sk: "Ako slnko začalo zapadať, všetci traja kráčali späť k vchodu hradu.
    En: As the sun began to set, all three walked back to the castle entrance.

    Sk: Ján povedal: "Toto bolo krásne stretnutie.
    En: John said, "This was a beautiful meeting."

    Sk: " Katarína a Marek prikývli.
    En: Catherine and Mark nodded.

    Sk: Cítili sa zjednotení s históriou a so svojou rodinou.
    En: They felt united with history and with their family.

    Sk: Spolu odišli z hradu, no vedeli, že sa sem raz vrátia.
    En: They left the castle together, but they knew they would return one day.

    Sk: Bratislavský hrad sa stal symbolom ich putovania po stopách rodiny.br...

    • 13 min
    A Historical Journey: Discover the Secrets of Bratislava Castle

    A Historical Journey: Discover the Secrets of Bratislava Castle

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: A Historical Journey: Discover the Secrets of Bratislava Castle
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: V slnečné ráno, Bratislava dýchala pokojom.
    En: On a sunny morning, Bratislava was breathing with tranquility.

    Sk: Ján, Mária a Lukáš sa stretli pred bránou Bratislavského hradu.
    En: Ján, Mária, and Lukáš met in front of the gate of Bratislava Castle.

    Sk: Vzduch bol čerstvý a vtáky spievali svoje piesne.
    En: The air was fresh and birds sang their songs.

    Sk: Čakala ich prehliadka hradu.
    En: They were awaiting a tour of the castle.

    Sk: Všetci boli nadšení a zvedaví.
    En: Everyone was excited and curious.

    Sk: Prvá zastávka bola Hlavná veža.
    En: The first stop was the Main Tower.

    Sk: Sprievodca rozprával: "Túto vežu postavili v 13. storočí."
    En: The guide explained, "This tower was built in the 13th century."

    Sk: Mária si predstavila rytierov, ktorí strážili hrad.
    En: Mária imagined the knights guarding the castle.

    Sk: "Veža je symbol moci," pokračoval sprievodca.
    En: "The tower is a symbol of power," the guide continued.

    Sk: Lukáš si v duchu predstavoval, ako by vyzeral v brnení.
    En: Lukáš pictured himself in armor.

    Sk: Ján, viac zaujatý architektúrou, obdivoval každý kameň.
    En: Ján, more taken by the architecture, admired every stone.

    Sk: Prešli do kráľovských komnát.
    En: They moved into the royal chambers.

    Sk: "Tu žil kráľ a jeho rodina," vysvetľoval sprievodca.
    En: "This is where the king and his family lived," the guide explained.

    Sk: Mária si všimla krásne gobelíny na stenách.
    En: Mária noticed the beautiful tapestries on the walls.

    Sk: "Kráľovská rodina jedla z týchto stôl," dodal sprievodca a ukázal na starý drevený stôl.
    En: "The royal family dined at this table," the guide added, pointing to an old wooden table.

    Sk: Ján pociťoval atmosféru minulosti, zatiaľ čo Lukáš sníval o bohatých hodoch.
    En: Ján felt the atmosphere of the past, while Lukáš dreamed of lavish feasts.

    Sk: Potom prišli do hradnej kaplnky.
    En: Next, they came to the castle chapel.

    Sk: "Toto je miesto pokoja a modlitby," povedal sprievodca ticho.
    En: "This is a place of peace and prayer," the guide said quietly.

    Sk: Svetlo sviečok vytvorilo teplú atmosféru.
    En: The candlelight created a warm atmosphere.

    Sk: Mária cítila duchovnú silu kaplnky.
    En: Mária felt the spiritual power of the chapel.

    Sk: Ján premýšľal o histórii a o tom, koľko ľudí sa tu muselo modliť.
    En: Ján thought about the history and how many people must have prayed here.

    Sk: Lukáš bol unesený krásou vitráží.
    En: Lukáš was captivated by the beauty of the stained-glass windows.

    Sk: Prehliadka pokračovala na nádvorie.
    En: The tour continued to the courtyard.

    Sk: "Tu sa konali slávnosti a trhy," povedal sprievodca a ukázal široké nádvorie.
    En: "This is where festivals and markets were held," the guide said, pointing to the vast courtyard.

    Sk: Ján si predstavil stánky s rôznymi delikatesami.
    En: Ján imagined stalls with various delicacies.

    Sk: Mária videla v duchu ľudí tancujúcich a spievajúcich.
    En: Mária envisioned people dancing and singing.

    Sk: Lukáš si predstavoval hry a súťaže.
    En: Lukáš imagined games and competitions.

    Sk: Kým sa prehliadka blížila ku koncu, sprievodca povedal, "Hrad je srdce Bratislavy.
    En: As the...

    • 16 min
    Overcoming Final Exam Fears: A Week in Bratislava

    Overcoming Final Exam Fears: A Week in Bratislava

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Overcoming Final Exam Fears: A Week in Bratislava
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: V sobotu ráno v Bratislave v malom byte na treťom poschodí, Ján a Zuzana sedeli pri kuchynskom stole.
    En: On Saturday morning in Bratislava, in a small apartment on the third floor, Ján and Zuzana were sitting at the kitchen table.

    Sk: Boli to študenti, ktorí sa pripravovali na maturitné skúšky.
    En: They were students preparing for their final exams.

    Sk: Na stole boli učebnice, perá a poznámky.
    En: On the table were textbooks, pens, and notes.

    Sk: „Zuzana, máme už len týždeň na prípravu,“ povedal Ján s obavou v hlase.
    En: “Zuzana, we only have one week left to prepare,” said Ján with concern in his voice.

    Sk: „Viem, Ján,“ odpovedala Zuzana, „ale musíme byť pokojní. Spoločne to zvládneme.“
    En: “I know, Ján,” responded Zuzana, “but we have to stay calm. We’ll get through this together.”

    Sk: Ján sa pozrel z okna.
    En: Ján looked out the window.

    Sk: „Dnes je krásny deň. Mali by sme študovať vonku.“
    En: “It's a beautiful day today. We should study outside.”

    Sk: Zuzana sa usmiala.
    En: Zuzana smiled.

    Sk: „Dobrý nápad, Ján! Poďme do Medickej záhrady.“
    En: “Good idea, Ján! Let’s go to Medická Garden.”

    Sk: Za malú chvíľu boli študenti v Medickej záhrade.
    En: Soon after, the students were in Medická Garden.

    Sk: Slnko svietilo, vtáci spievali a vzduch bol svieži.
    En: The sun was shining, birds were singing, and the air was fresh.

    Sk: Našli si tiché miesto na lavičke pod stromom.
    En: They found a quiet spot on a bench under a tree.

    Sk: Otvorili učebnice.
    En: They opened their textbooks.

    Sk: Čítali si nahlas, pýtali sa navzájom otázky a pomáhali si, keď niečo nevedeli.
    En: They read aloud, asked each other questions, and helped one another when something was unclear.

    Sk: „Ján, čo je podstatné na tejto básni?“ spýtala sa Zuzana.
    En: “Ján, what is significant about this poem?” asked Zuzana.

    Sk: „Význam je v symbolizme a emóciách,“ odpovedal Ján s úsmevom.
    En: “The significance is in the symbolism and emotions,” answered Ján with a smile.

    Sk: „Treba to chápať ako obraz našich pocitov.“
    En: “You need to understand it as a picture of our feelings.”

    Sk: Študovali celé dopoludnie.
    En: They studied all morning.

    Sk: Obed si dali v blízkom bistre. Potom sa vrátili do záhrady.
    En: They had lunch at a nearby bistro and then returned to the garden.

    Sk: Po týždni plnom práce prišiel deň maturitných skúšok.
    En: After a week full of hard work, the day of the final exams arrived.

    Sk: Ján a Zuzana boli nervózni, ale pripravení.
    En: Ján and Zuzana were nervous but prepared.

    Sk: Pred školou si ešte raz prešli poznámky.
    En: Before entering the school, they went over their notes one last time.

    Sk: „Zvládneme to,“ povedala Zuzana a silno stisla Jánovu ruku.
    En: “We can do this,” said Zuzana, squeezing Ján’s hand tightly.

    Sk: Po skúške sa stretli pred školou.
    En: After the exam, they met in front of the school.

    Sk: „Ako to šlo?“ spýtal sa Ján.
    En: “How did it go?” asked Ján.

    Sk: „Myslím, že dobre,“ odpovedala Zuzana so smiechom.
    En: “I think it went well,” answered Zuzana with laughter.

    Sk: „A ty?“
    En: “And you?”

    Sk: „Tiež,“ usmial sa Ján.
    En: “The same,” smiled Ján.

    Sk: „Sme šikovní!“
    En: “We did great!”

    • 14 min
    Rescue Mission in the High Tatras: Hospitality & Heroism Tale

    Rescue Mission in the High Tatras: Hospitality & Heroism Tale

    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Rescue Mission in the High Tatras: Hospitality & Heroism Tale
    Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:

    Story Transcript:

    Sk: V hlbokých lesoch Vysokých Tatier sa skrýva malá horská chata.
    En: In the deep forests of the High Tatras, a small mountain cabin is hidden.

    Sk: Chata patrí rodine Novákových.
    En: The cabin belongs to the Novák family.

    Sk: Jana, Marek a Zuzana tam pracujú každý deň.
    En: Jana, Marek, and Zuzana work there every day.

    Sk: Janu často vidíme pri recepcii.
    En: Jana is often seen at the reception desk.

    Sk: Má na starosti hosťov.
    En: She is in charge of the guests.

    Sk: Usmieva sa a víta turistov.
    En: She smiles and welcomes tourists.

    Sk: Marek rád varí.
    En: Marek loves to cook.

    Sk: Jeho guláš a koláče sú vyhlásené v celom údolí.
    En: His goulash and cakes are famous throughout the valley.

    Sk: Zuzana je najmladšia, ale je veľmi šikovná.
    En: Zuzana is the youngest, but she is very skillful.

    Sk: Starostlivo upratuje izby.
    En: She carefully cleans the rooms.

    Sk: Ráno v horách je krásne.
    En: Morning in the mountains is beautiful.

    Sk: Vzduch je čerstvý a vôňa stromov je všade.
    En: The air is fresh, and the smell of trees is everywhere.

    Sk: Jana otvára chatu a pripravuje raňajky pre hostí.
    En: Jana opens the cabin and prepares breakfast for the guests.

    Sk: Marek si obúva topánky a ide do kuchyne.
    En: Marek puts on his shoes and heads to the kitchen.

    Sk: Za chvíľu začne pražiť kávu a varí ovsenú kašu.
    En: Soon, he starts roasting coffee and cooking oatmeal.

    Sk: Zuzana prichádza neskôr, keď je slnko už vyššie na oblohe.
    En: Zuzana arrives later, when the sun is already higher in the sky.

    Sk: Jedného dňa prichádza nová skupina turistov.
    En: One day, a new group of tourists arrives.

    Sk: Sú unavení z dlhého výletu.
    En: They are tired from the long trip.

    Sk: Jana im rýchlo pripraví izby.
    En: Jana quickly prepares their rooms.

    Sk: Marek sa pustí do varenia obeda.
    En: Marek starts cooking lunch.

    Sk: Po obede hostia odchádzajú na prechádzku.
    En: After lunch, the guests go for a walk.

    Sk: Zrazu začne pršať.
    En: Suddenly, it starts to rain.

    Sk: Búrka sa približuje a nebeží sa stmievať.
    En: A storm approaches, and the sky begins to darken.

    Sk: Zuzana pozrie do oblohy a vidí, ako sa mraky zhlukujú.
    En: Zuzana looks at the sky and sees the clouds gathering.

    Sk: Marek sa strachuje o turistov.
    En: Marek worries about the tourists.

    Sk: "Čo ak sa stratia?" pýta sa Jana.
    En: “What if they get lost?” he asks Jana.

    Sk: Jana súhlasí.
    En: Jana agrees.

    Sk: "Musíme ich nájsť," hovorí.
    En: “We have to find them,” she says.

    Sk: Obliekajú si nepremokavé bundy a berú so sebou svetlá.
    En: They put on waterproof jackets and take lights with them.

    Sk: Zuzana zostáva v chate, aby informovala ostatných.
    En: Zuzana stays at the cabin to inform the others.

    Sk: Hľadaní nie je ľahké.
    En: The search is not easy.

    Sk: V lese je tmavo a stromy sú mokré.
    En: The forest is dark, and the trees are wet.

    Sk: Jana a Marek hľadajú stopy.
    En: Jana and Marek look for tracks.

    Sk: Všade počuť šum dažďa.
    En: The sound of rain is everywhere.

    Sk: Nakoniec Marek uvidí turistov v diaľke.
    En: Finally, Marek sees the...

    • 15 min

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