130 avsnitt

Internal Medicine / Healthcare Systems / Design / EHR / Technology

Gregory Schmidt, MD Gregory Schmidt MD

    • Vetenskap

Internal Medicine / Healthcare Systems / Design / EHR / Technology

    Healthcare's low Digitization Index

    Healthcare's low Digitization Index

    Healthcare remains one of the least digitized sectors of the economy. Article: https://www.gregoryschmidt.com/articles/healthcare-digitization-index

    • 5 min
    Healthcare productivity is the (second) worst

    Healthcare productivity is the (second) worst

    Between 1990 and 2007 healthcare was the second worst sector of the USA economy in productivity improvement. In fact it had become less productive with time.
    Article: https:/www.gregoryschmidt.com/articles/healthcare-productivity-2014

    • 2 min
    Growth in healthcare spending outpaces growth in GDP

    Growth in healthcare spending outpaces growth in GDP

    Countries spend more on healthcare each year than their economy grows. Can this continue forever? Article: www.gregoryschmidt.com/articles/growth-healthcare-vs-gdp #HealthEcon

    • 6 min
    CBC hides inflammatory article published on Nursing Day

    CBC hides inflammatory article published on Nursing Day

    CBC News published an article on Nursing Day that provoked public outcry. It turns out that the details of the original article were incorrect. CBC proceeded to rewrite the article (a new headline, byline, and content) but the new article was published overtop of their existing article. 

    • 7 min
    Single-sentence summaries improve EHR data display

    Single-sentence summaries improve EHR data display

    The addition of single-sentence summaries can dramatically improve the information communicated when generating summaries of patient data. This example focuses on trying to display that two consultations occurred in the same day.
    Article: https://www.gregoryschmidt.com/articles/single-sentence-summaries

    • 9 min
    Risks of using medical story arcs

    Risks of using medical story arcs

    When we fit the patient's narrative into a typical medical story arc, we risk making diagnostic errors.
    Article: https://www.gregoryschmidt.com/articles/risks-of-using-medical-story-arcs

    • 11 min

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