19 min

How State and Federal Regulators Share Information Simply Stated - All Things Finance

    • Stat och kommun

Regulators take confidentiality seriously. So, when regulators from different states, agencies, or industries need to communicate, how do they do it? As it turns out, regulators spend months (and sometimes years) carefully setting up the infrastructure and processes so that, when the need arises to communicate with one another, they know exactly what can be shared with whom and when.This week, Matt Lambert sits down with me to talk through these "information sharing agreements," why they matt...

Regulators take confidentiality seriously. So, when regulators from different states, agencies, or industries need to communicate, how do they do it? As it turns out, regulators spend months (and sometimes years) carefully setting up the infrastructure and processes so that, when the need arises to communicate with one another, they know exactly what can be shared with whom and when.This week, Matt Lambert sits down with me to talk through these "information sharing agreements," why they matt...

19 min

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