128 avsnitt

For the first time in history, all of humanity is interconnected. Imagine the impact of that.
This is a podcast for social geeks in the prime of life who watch the news with a gnawing feeling of emptiness. It is one mind’s attempt to find answers to the most ridiculously big questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?
Pretentious? You bet.
For full experience: youtube.com/c/MindtheShift
Patreon https://www.patreon.com/user?u=46828009
Paypal https://paypal.me/andersbolling?country.x=SE&locale.x=sv_SE

Mind the Shift Anders Bolling

    • Samhälle och kultur
    • 5,0 • 10 betyg

For the first time in history, all of humanity is interconnected. Imagine the impact of that.
This is a podcast for social geeks in the prime of life who watch the news with a gnawing feeling of emptiness. It is one mind’s attempt to find answers to the most ridiculously big questions: Who are we? Where do we come from? Where are we going?
Pretentious? You bet.
For full experience: youtube.com/c/MindtheShift
Patreon https://www.patreon.com/user?u=46828009
Paypal https://paypal.me/andersbolling?country.x=SE&locale.x=sv_SE

    Dare to Choose New Paths – Agneta Sjödin

    Dare to Choose New Paths – Agneta Sjödin

    Agneta Sjödin is a media celebrity in Sweden. She started out her career as a tv entertainer and to some extent she also worked with journalism. But she was always a seeker, and lately, she has focused on her inner journey, which she has also shared with her fans in several books and in a podcast. She has evolved into something of a Swedish Oprah, if you will.
    I got to know Agneta earlier this year, and it was obvious that we have similar worldviews and share many thoughts, ideas and musings. It shows in this conversation (I sometimes talk as if I were the guest …)
    Spirituality was always there, from early childhood, she says. Her father took her to Sunday school. She never became a “proper” Christian, but she kept the spiritual side of it.
    “I knew I wanted to serve in some way.”
    Agneta rose to fame early on in her career. Her authenticity and presence made her greatly popular. She mainly hosted entertainment shows but also a morning news show.
    Do you follow the news today?
    “No. The news is rehashed, and they don't give you any hope or energy.”
    One trend Agneta has noticed with certain unease is the demand from activists that you take a stand in every new conflict. As a celebrity, she is particularly vulnerable to it.
    “The wars today are not only taking place on the ground, they are in people’s heads all over the world”, she says.
    “As a public figure, you are harassed if you don’t take a stand. Why don’t they demand we take a stand against war in general?”
    Agneta has become ever more interested in ETs and the UFO/UAP phenomenon. We talk quite a bit about that, and we delve into information about wars in outer space that would be considered controversial to most people.
    Her latest book, Våga välja nya vägar (Dare to Choose New Paths), focuses a lot on the inner journey. It’s important to find your higher purpose, Agneta points out. But that doesn’t mean to divorce yourself from everyday life.
    “There is a Zen saying that before enlightenment you chop wood and carry water, and after enlightenment you chop wood and carry water.”
    Agneta and I agree that pain is inevitable but suffering optional. We suffer when we linger on pain.
    “But it’s difficult to tell people that they don’t have to suffer. ‘How can I not suffer when the world looks like this?’, they say”
    Love is the creative force of the universe, but most of us don’t fully realize that.
    “We live more in fear than in love on this planet. Even if you fall in love, you instantly start worrying: ‘what if he/she leaves me?’.”
    “I have struggled with relationships”, she says. “But I have had things to learn in that area. I am good at loving myself now.”
    Is consciousness God?
    “I don't use that word a lot. But for me it’s more like divine love”, Agneta says.
    “It's the intelligence of everything. We’re all a part of that intelligence. Nothing ever dies.”
    In our conversation we also touch on – all too briefly – another topic that both Agneta and I are passionate about, the origins of civilization. She recently visited the enigmatic megalithic site of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey.

    Agneta's website
    Agneta's books
    Agneta on Instagram
    Agneta on Facebook

    • 57 min
    Civilization is Insanely Old – Mario Buildreps

    Civilization is Insanely Old – Mario Buildreps

    For general info about Mario and his work, check out the first episode with him, including show notes:

    In this second episode we touch on a few novel issues:
    ✔ Mario and his associates have now found evidence of up to twelve ancient positions of the north pole, including the present one (every shift from one position to the next is associated with an expansion phase, which entails cataclysmic events).
    ✔ The so-called great unconformity in geology is something geologists are reluctant to discuss. It refers to a huge “missing link” in the earth’s layers (rather a massive void): anywhere from several hundred million years up to one and a half billion years of geological history is missing. Periodic expansion could explain this, says Mario.
    ✔ Ice ages are not what we have been taught, a recurring enlargement of the ice sheets around the poles due to colder climate. No, it is basically the same “ice age”, forced to shift position every time the earth is in an expansion phase. Only when the north pole is positioned on land will glaciers build up and eventually form an ice sheet. The last position before this one was on Greenland. Hence the lingering ice sheet there.
    ✔ The earth expands due to two forces that have the same source:
    • Flares from solar storms add to the planet’s mass in the form of subatomic particles that easily penetrate the crust.
    • The same solar storms also blast away the earth’s atmosphere, little by little, which causes decompression.
    ✔ The giant floods described in myths and legends may not have been the result of rapidly melting ice caps. The water masses may have erupted from inside the earth. The equivalent of ten oceans of water is trapped in a mineral called ringwoodite in the planet’s mantle.
    ✔ Many independent archaeology and anthropology history researchers over interpret the significance of the Younger Dryas period. While dramatic, it is not even the most dramatic climate event during the latest ice age (latter part of Pleistocene), says Mario.
    ✔ Mario is still working on his magnum opus, the book about his theory on an expanding earth and its surprising connection to evidence for extremely ancient civilizations. Hopefully out in 2025.

    First episode with Mario

    Mario’s website Antiquity Reborn
    Mario’s Youtube channel
    Mario’s email address: buildreps@gmail.com

    • 1 tim. 41 min
    125. "Paranormal" is Perfectly Normal – Dean Radin

    125. "Paranormal" is Perfectly Normal – Dean Radin

    Professor Dean Radin is one of the world’s leading authorities on psychic phenomena. He is the chief scientist at IONS, the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
    “I don’t like the word ‘paranormal’ when referring to these experiences”, Dean says.
    “Paranormal phenomena cover such a huge range of things that are strange, that it tends to collapse psychic experiences into things like search for Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster. But psychic phenomena, like synchronicities, are extremely common.”
    Are psychic phenomena akin to spiritual experiences?
    “I would say there is an overlap.”
    The overlap, he explains, is when people say they have felt a strange, very intimate sense of connection with other people or with things elsewhere.
    “The line between science and spirituality is arbitrary. There is a spectrum.”
    A synchronicity can be described as ‘smart luck’, as opposed to ‘dumb luck’.
    “In many ways the kind of research that I do attempts to evoke synchronicities in the laboratory. What some would call a coincidence we would call a synchronicity when we study for instance telepathy”, Dean says.
    As we record this episode, Dean Radin is conducting an experiment aimed to test the quantum observer effect.
    “To test it properly it takes an act of subjective awareness of what is going on. It is correlated to brain activity, but it is not physical. Maybe that’s what will break the chain and cause the measurement to actually occur.”
    “If the results are replicated in lots of different laboratories, it directly informs an outstanding and long standing problem in the interpretation of quantum mechanics.”
    The ‘Sigil’ experiment, as it is called, is due to be finished by the end of April.
    The placebo effect is basically the same phenomenon – mind affecting matter.
    “Can we see differences in the behavior of cells, be it plants or the human body, depending on what people are beaming mentally at them? The answer is yes.”
    “For everything from photons, to chemical processes, to cells, to small animals, to human physiology and maybe all the way up to the global level, we do see that consciousness seems to be involved at every single stage.”
    And yet there are so many skeptics, and so many psi researchers are being mocked.
    “In mainstream science, these things are taboo. I know many academics have these experiences themselves, but you can’t talk about it, at the risk of your career”, Dean says.
    “Materialism is an extremely powerful worldview. So powerful that it has given rise to the technologies we have today. But it leaves out something.”
    However, in the last 30 years, the philosophy of idealism has begun to penetrate within the sciences, according to Dean Radin. Idealism posits that consciousness is fundamental and that matter arises from it.
    “You see it in physics, in psychology, in neuroscience and in mathematics.”
    There is a materialist ‘police’ that is active on Wikipedia and in public debate. But it is a vociferous minority, Dean thinks.
    “They are only maintaining the taboo. But taboos don’t last forever. When you talk to academics privately after a couple of beers, everyone eventually reports they have experiences of this kind, and most are actually interested.”
    So, if idealism is penetrating science and things seem to be changing, what will be the final nail in the coffin for the taboo?
    Judging from the brief opening in consciousness studies that was seen in the 60s and 70s, Dean thinks the renewed research on psychedelics might be that nail. Another candidate is quantum biology. Scientists now suggest that the brain operates in quantum ways.
    “That was a very fringy idea 30 years ago.”

    Dean’s personal website
    IONS website

    • 1 tim. 21 min
    124. Love and Time – Julia Mossbridge

    124. Love and Time – Julia Mossbridge

    Julia Mossbridge is a scientist in the true sense of the word, a curious and open-minded investigator and seeker. She has balanced beautifully on the perceived border between traditional science and the esoteric realms.

    She has created two institutes, whereof one bears the intriguing name The Institute for Love and Time (TILT). It is about creating technologies that support wellbeing related to feeling unconditional love.

    How can love and time go together?

    “Both are powerful and healing to humans”, Julia says.

    On a deeper level, she explains, people experience that when the boundaries of time are removed, the conditions of connection are also removed, which opens the door to unconditional love.

    The way Julia describes the experience of time is somewhat at odds with the “live in the now” mantra. We can extend the self in time, she says. And by doing that we break down boundaries.

    “It gives you a lot more chances to do good for yourself and the world. It doesn’t have to be all at once. We have all this time.”

    “Folks say you can’t do anything about the past, and the future is all about potentialities, so you can only do something about it in the now. The reason this is so enticing is that we’re built to experience free will. So that’s how we’re gonna make a lot of money on self-help books”, Julia laughs.

    “I think it’s a racket. I think it makes people look for control rather than take responsibility.”

    In reality, we are not in control. Everything we experience has already happened. That has even been measured (the thought of doing something sudden arises after we’ve done it).

    “To even come close to being in control, we must extend the definition of ‘I’. To really be in control we must extend it indefinitely to include the whole universe and everything that has happened and everything that is going to happen.”

    The Iroquios have a word for this extension: the long body.

    Julia Mossbridge has done extensive research on precognition, the intuitive knowledge about a future event. She uses a metaphor: An event that triggers precognition is like a stick in the stream of consciousness. The stick creates a wake, which is the slowly fading memory of the event after it has happened. But on the front end it also creates an area where the “arrow of time” is reversed.

    “There's backpressure. The stream of consciousness ‘prepares’ itself to go around the stick.” 

    Precognition most commonly appears in dreams.

    “The conscious mind is like our story of what is happening, but the unconscious mind really has access to all the incoming data from the universe”, Julia says.

    She agrees with psychology pioneer William James that the brain is like a filter.

    “When your brain is damaged, you're not changing consciousness, you're changing the capacity to receive it.”

    She is also in agreement with the theories of cognitive psychologist Donald Hoffman, who describes physical reality as an interface, where living beings are “conscious agents”. If we were to look “under the hood” (which may be what enlightenment entails), we would see a completely different reality that doesn’t make sense in the physical world.

    Mossbridge also delves into what AI does to us, and with us, and what we can do with AI.

    “Human potential is going to explode with AI if we do it right. It can be a partner in our evolution. We are in this together.”

    Julia’s bio:

    Affiliate professor in the Dept. of Biophysics and Physics at University of San Diego

    Senior consultant with Tangible IQ

    Co-founder of TILT: The Institute for Love and Time

    Founder of Mossbridge Institute

    Author and co-author of multiple books and scientific articles related to time travel, artificial intelligence and unconditional love

    PhD in Communication Sciences and Disorders (Northwestern University)

    MA in Neuroscience (UC San Francisco)

    BA in Neuroscience with highest honors (Oberlin College)

    • 1 tim. 22 min
    123. There Is No Death – Craig Hogan

    123. There Is No Death – Craig Hogan

    Why are we so afraid to die, I ask afterlife expert, researcher, coach and writer Craig Hogan.
    “It’s a misunderstanding. People think this life is all there is. But we don’t die. Transition happens seamlessly. There is no pain.”
    Craig Hogan and his associates try to teach people about this.
    If we knew we were immortal, we would arguably live our lives differently. We wouldn’t pursue things selfishly. We would realize we are on this journey together with the people around us.
    There are innumerable reports from people who have been in contact with deceased loved ones.
    Craig has himself had many experiences in which he has communicated with the other side.
    There are also many widely known accounts of contacts with the afterlife, such as the ones of Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, Raymond Moody and J.B. Phillips.
    Anybody can get in touch with the deceased, says Craig Hogan. You don’t have to go through a medium. But you need to go into a meditative state and empty your mind. Ask a question or make a statement to the deceased person you want to contact.
    “You will get responses immediately, in one chunk, not in words. It’s telepathic”, says Craig.
    So what is the afterlife like?
    “We need consistency, so it’s very much like our earth life. People have bodies. There are houses and streets and different cultures and nationalities. People first use the language they are used to, but after a while they drop language, because they don't need it. It is like earth but without the problems. There is no old age and no ailments.”
    When we pass, we don’t actually go anywhere, Craig explains. It’s already here. It’s all about a change of focus. It's like changing the frequency on the ‘life radio’.
    For some there is a ‘second death’. These people don’t understand that they have passed at first. Or they don’t want to leave the earth plane for some reason – they may have unfinished business, or they don’t want to leave the sensual pleasures, or they are afraid they are going to go to hell.
    “So they stay earthbound for a while. They walk around, ride buses, and go to church. Some become poltergeists.”
    “Then there is another category of almost demonic influences. These are negative thought forms produced by people or groups of people who want to impede other people’s progress because of the anger and violence that exist on earth.”
    But eventually, all go to life after this and get to have a respite. There is no hell.
    “This earth plane is a school. The purpose is to teach us lessons. We are growing in love and compassion”, says Craig.
    Before we are born our souls and guides get together and plan the circumstances and the kinds of struggles we will have in life. Afterwards we can share our learning with others that are within our higher self.
    Reincarnation is misunderstood, according to Craig. We stay the individuals we are, but we are part of a higher self which has thousands of people in it.
    When a new life is planned, the planning group will take pieces from other lifes, so that the new person will learn lessons that were not previously learned. That is where past life regression comes from, Craig explains. Lives are intertwined. You tap into experiences of another life.
    “So, we don’t come back as some other person.”
    Humanity once knew about the afterlife but forgot. However, when we regain that knowledge, it will be on a higher level. We have understandings today that humankind has never had, Craig points out.
    “We are in the most mature state of understanding the life after this life. We are going far beyond the insights we used to have.”
    Within a few centuries, a new kind of earth will arise, he thinks.
    “There is no need to feel fear about the end of this life. There is no end.”

    Craig's organization Seek Reality

    • 1 tim. 3 min
    122. The Maya Saw this World Coming – Carl Johan Calleman

    122. The Maya Saw this World Coming – Carl Johan Calleman

    The ancient Maya taught that consciousness is primary, and that matter is the manifestation of a thought, if you will, that arose in the all-encompassing primordial consciousness.

    This knowledge is at the core of the work of Carl Johan Calleman. He is originally a trained biologist and chemist, but he has dedicated most of his career to studying the wisdom of the Maya and has written eight books on the subject.

    There is a hidden meaning behind the mythical plumed serpent, theme of the Kukulcan pyramid in Chichen Itzá, Carl Johan explains:

    Consciousness has expressed itself gradually in the universe – it has come in nine waves.

    The first wave was what modern science calls the Big Bang.

    This worldview means that evolution undoubtedly takes place, but it is purposeful, not random.

    “Established science has been fighting this idea of a living universe for a long time”, says Carl Johan.

    Why do the structures of the universe on all levels hold together? Because there is an underlying purpose, and because the universe is holographic: an atom is subordinate to a molecule, which is subordinate to a cell, which is subordinate to a whole organism, which is subordinate to a planet, a solar system, a galaxy and so on.

    “Otherwise everything would be just floating around in a soup of nothingness.”

    Evolution is quantized, as Calleman sees it. It takes quantum leaps, namely in the form of the Mayans’ nine waves, which in turn have peaks and valleys.

    This entails that technically advanced civilizations could not have existed before the sixth wave, which was activated in 3,115 BCE.

    “Yes, this is what you should expect if you adhere to the idea of a quantized evolution. It should not happen gradually.”

    With every new wave, a new state of consciousness becomes downloadable. The human mind changes.

    The peaks and valleys correspond to creative and destructive periods in humanity. The rise and the collapse of empires, for instance.

    The ninth wave is the final one. And it is already here. Forget the trope around 21 December 2012 – the ninth wave was activated in March of 2011. That year was indeed eventful.

    All the earlier waves are still running. Not every human and not every other organism will be fully influenced by the most recent wave. Some remain in a lower vibration. Myriad animals and plants that came into creation with earlier waves are still here.

    But the ninth wave makes it possible to reach peak consciousness.

    “That’s where we’re meant to go. That’s the highest frequency.”

    This ascension, as some call it, will be easier for the younger generations, Carl Johan Calleman thinks.

    “They will be able to create  peace and unity, a form of heaven on Earth. But the time period until that happens will be very difficult. Maybe we will see a global dictatorship.”

    • 1 tim. 24 min


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Fluffis2222 ,

The swedish smorgasbord of facts and views

Looking to confirm what you already “know”? Maybe this is not your podcast. If you however wish to expand your beliefs and questions, this is the right place to be. Very interesting guests and I also appreciate the professionalism of Anders. Journalism at its best, far from click baits and always choosing the same perspective. The future looks bright!

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