20 avsnitt

Join comedians, filmmakers, and super nerds Max Mielecki and Alex Pappas as they discuss the fine medium of art with words on it. Come back every week to see them interview a new guest about one of their favorite properties to find out why they're so great, if they'd hold up today, and so much more.

Panel Perfect Max Mielecki & Alex Pappas

    • TV och film

Join comedians, filmmakers, and super nerds Max Mielecki and Alex Pappas as they discuss the fine medium of art with words on it. Come back every week to see them interview a new guest about one of their favorite properties to find out why they're so great, if they'd hold up today, and so much more.

    Panel Perfect #16: House of X Part 2

    Panel Perfect #16: House of X Part 2

    Welcome back, loyal listeners, for Part 2 of our astonishing X-Men X-Travaganza with guest Granison Crawford! (A Phrasing we simply couldn't resist.) We'll cut right to the chase here, contained in this amazing episode:

    - Why are the X-Men all hot? 

    - What is it about the X-Men that keeps people coming back? Is it the characters, the themes, or Max's theory that every book's "weird factor" keeps things fresh?

    - Seriously, why aren't there Mutant models? Beast worries more about being blue and furry than any real issues.

    - What mutant power would you have? (And why some popular choices would probably suck.)

    That's it for now, folks! We'll be taking another short break as we prep the next few episodes, but Panel Perfect will return! Until then, keep being awesome, folks!







    • 39 min
    Panel Perfect #15: House of X (w/ Granison Crawford)

    Panel Perfect #15: House of X (w/ Granison Crawford)

    Greetings, true believers! Welcome back to another edition of the electrifying piece of entertainment that we call Panel Perfect. This week, Max and Alex welcome Granison Crawford onto the show to discuss the superhero series everyone's talking about, House of X! (And it's follow up, Dawn of X). Contained this installment:

    - If the Marvel Universe can cure Vampires, is Blade out of a job?

    - What about Jonathan Hickman's writing style makes his X-Men books so refreshing?

    - Seriously though, does Blade have a union, and how powerful is it?

    - With the X-Men forming their own nation, how does House of X explore their relationship to the rest of the world?

    - Does Blade have to lobby for Vampire rights? There's too many questions here.

    - What is it about the X-Men that keeps people coming back to their wonderfully weird corner of the universe?

    This discussion was actually so long and lively we turned into a double episode! Stay Tuned for Part 2 next week! See you there, folks!







    • 46 min
    Extras: Bad Boys are Back (w/ Paul Naegle)

    Extras: Bad Boys are Back (w/ Paul Naegle)

    What's up, true believers! We're working hard on the next batch of episodes! In the meantime, check out this tangent we went on with comedian Paul Naegle about the about of money it would take to live your life the way Martin Lawrence and Will Smith do in the Bad Boys saga. 

    We'll be back with a fresh, full episode next week, so sit tight and allow this extra to delight!







    • 12 min
    Extras: Zener: Master of the Mind Review

    Extras: Zener: Master of the Mind Review

    Welcome back, true believers! We've got a special treat for you this week. New publishing startup NRG Comics has provided us with an advance copy of their upcoming superhero epic Zener: Master of the Mind, and Max and Alex have got all the juicy details! What did they like? Where could it go in the future? Listen in for the answers to all those questions and more!

    Check out Zener for yourself on Webtoons here: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/zener-master-of-the-mind/list?title_no=384241&webtoon-platform-redirect=true

    (And stay tuned for their upcoming Indiegogo campaign!)

    Thanks to NRG Comics for hooking us up! We'll be back next week with another dose of comic-inspired mayhem (and if you're in the Seattle area, remember to look out for Alex at Emerald City Comic Con March 12-15).





    • 12 min
    Panel Perfect #14: Flashpoint (w/ Paul Naegle

    Panel Perfect #14: Flashpoint (w/ Paul Naegle

    Welcome back, folks! Panel Perfect has returned with your weekly dose of insights and excitement related to positively talking about the printed page! This week comedian and literature junkie Paul Naegle joins our hosts to talk about either the greatest or worst story to happen to the DCU: Flashpoint, the modern Flash classic/trainwreck from Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert. 

    Contained in this mighty episode: 

    - Alex literally can't contain his excitement that this is a Flash episode.

    - Paul wonders if superhero stories have now devolved into simply packaging franchise elements together

    - Max wonders why the ending of Flashpoint soured so many people on the book.

    - How and Why did Batman get left in the care of his Butler? The panel discusses.

    - Alex maintains he'll believe in a Flash movie when he sees it.

    That's all for now, true believers! We'll be back next week with more comic-infused excitement!







    • 1 tim. 3 min
    Panel Perfect #13: The Boys (w/ Alfred Konuwa)

    Panel Perfect #13: The Boys (w/ Alfred Konuwa)

    Welcome back, folks! Panel Perfect has returned to rescue you from boredom, and we've brought Forbes' Wrestling Writer (Yes, they have one!) Alfred Konuwa along for the ride! This week we take a look at another Garth Ennis property, the indie comic turned Amazon-fueled sleeper hit The Boys. In this episode:

    - Alfred talks about how the indie scene got him back into comics after falling in love with superheroes as a kid.

    - Max ponders the implications of corporate bureaucracy on superheroes.

    - Alex finds the world of One Punch Man terrifying from a risk management perspective.

    - Is The Boys the most realistic depiction of what a superhero organization would be like in real life?

    - What is it about Garth Ennis that makes him want to explore the dark side of modern life?

    That's all for now, but keep an eye out for some more bonus content coming soon! (And our usual episodes, dropping every friday!) Keep it classy, true believers!







    • 1 tim. 1 min.

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