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SendMe Radio is the sister company of SendMe Promotion we are a live streaming radio station and podcast that promotes the Gospel "We Promote the Gospel ". Listen to awesome interviews, powerful messages, Gospel music and ready the stories and be inspired by the stories of featured businesses SendMe Radio streams 24/7download our free app from the Google Play and Apple Store or command Alexa to play SendMe Radio.
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SendMe Radio Melanie Okorie

    • Religion och spiritualitet

SendMe Radio is the sister company of SendMe Promotion we are a live streaming radio station and podcast that promotes the Gospel "We Promote the Gospel ". Listen to awesome interviews, powerful messages, Gospel music and ready the stories and be inspired by the stories of featured businesses SendMe Radio streams 24/7download our free app from the Google Play and Apple Store or command Alexa to play SendMe Radio.
Listen to SendMe Radio on various platforms we are on the Apple and Google Podcast, Spotify, Public Radio and just Google SendMe Radio we are everywhere. Share us with your friends and family!

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    Day 69 - Psalms 69 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1132 - SendMe Radio

    Day 69 - Psalms 69 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 1132 - SendMe Radio

    Psalms 69: An Exegesis

    Psalms 69 is one of the most intense and passionate psalms in the Book of Psalms, attributed to King David. It is a psalm of lament, where the psalmist cries out to God in the midst of deep distress and persecution. The psalm is marked by its vivid imagery, emotional depth, and prophetic elements, often regarded as messianic in Christian interpretation.

    Structure and Content:

    The psalm can be divided into several sections, each reflecting a different aspect of the psalmist’s plea to God.

    1.Cry for Help (Verses 1-5):
    The psalm begins with a desperate plea for salvation. The imagery of deep waters and a miry pit illustrates the overwhelming nature of the psalmist’s suffering. He feels engulfed and unable to stand firm.
    “Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing; I have come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me.”
    2.Confession of Sins and Appeal for Mercy (Verses 5-12):
    The psalmist acknowledges his sins and faults but emphasizes that his suffering is primarily due to his faithfulness to God. He describes the scorn and mockery he faces from others.
    “O God, You know my foolishness; and my sins are not hidden from You. Let not those who wait for You, O Lord GOD of hosts, be ashamed because of me.”
    3.Prayer for Deliverance (Verses 13-18):
    David prays earnestly for God’s intervention. He appeals to God’s steadfast love and mercy, asking for deliverance from his dire situation.
    “But as for me, my prayer is to You, O LORD, in the acceptable time; O God, in the multitude of Your mercy, hear me in the truth of Your salvation.”
    4.Description of Suffering (Verses 19-21):
    The psalmist details the depth of his humiliation and rejection, which is often seen as a foreshadowing of the suffering of Christ.
    “Reproach has broken my heart, and I am full of heaviness; I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none. They also gave me gall for my food, and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.”
    5.Imprecation against Enemies (Verses 22-28):
    This section contains some of the most challenging verses, where the psalmist calls for judgment upon his persecutors. This reflects a raw, human desire for justice against those who have caused his suffering.
    “Let their table become a snare before them, and their well-being a trap. Let their eyes be darkened, so that they do not see; and make their loins shake continually.”
    6.Conclusion with Hope and Praise (Verses 29-36):
    Despite his anguish, the psalmist ends on a note of hope and praise. He expresses confidence that God will deliver him and that his faithfulness will ultimately lead to God’s glory.
    “But I am poor and sorrowful; let Your salvation, O God, set me up on high. I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving.”

    Theological Themes:

    1.Suffering and Persecution:
    The psalm vividly portrays the experience of suffering and persecution, highlighting the emotional and physical toll it takes on the faithful. It serves as a reminder of the struggles that believers may face and the importance of seeking God in times of distress.
    2.Confession and Repentance:
    The acknowledgment of personal sin and the plea for mercy underscore the importance of humility and repentance in the believer’s relationship with God.
    3.Divine Justice:
    The imprecatory prayers reflect a desire for divine justice, which can be understood as a cry for God to uphold righteousness and punish wickedness.
    4.Messianic Prophecy:
    Several verses in Psalm 69 are seen as prophetic references to the suffering of Christ, particularly verse 21, which is cited in the New Testament in relation to Jesus’ crucifixion.
    5.Hope and Praise:
    The psalmist’s...

    • 31 min
    Psalms 68 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-07-01-#923

    Psalms 68 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie 2024-07-01-#923

    Psalm 68 is a song of victory and triumph attributed to David. It celebrates God’s power and majesty, His protection of His people, and His triumph over His enemies. The psalm is rich with imagery and themes, invoking the history of Israel and God’s enduring presence and assistance.

    Key Themes and Verses

    1.God’s Majesty and Power:
    •Verse 1: “Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered; let those also who hate Him flee before Him.”
    •The psalm begins with a call for God to rise up and scatter His enemies, a theme that runs throughout the psalm, emphasizing God’s supreme power and authority over all creation.
    2.God as a Protector and Provider:
    •Verse 5: “A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation.”
    •This verse highlights God’s compassion and justice, presenting Him as a protector of the vulnerable and marginalized.
    3.Historical Reflection:
    •Verses 7-10: These verses reflect on Israel’s history, recalling God’s guidance and provision during the exodus and the journey through the wilderness.
    •Verse 8: “The earth shook; the heavens also dropped rain at the presence of God; Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel.”
    4.God’s Triumph and the Procession:
    •Verse 18: “You have ascended on high, You have led captivity captive; You have received gifts among men, even from the rebellious, that the Lord God might dwell there.”
    •This verse is often associated with Christ’s ascension in Christian theology, symbolizing victory over sin and death.
    5.Celebration and Praise:
    •Verses 24-27: These verses describe a joyous procession into the sanctuary, celebrating God’s presence among His people.
    •Verse 26: “Bless God in the congregations, the Lord, from the fountain of Israel.”
    6.God’s Universal Reign:
    •Verse 32: “Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth; Oh, sing praises to the Lord.”
    •This call to all nations to worship God underscores His universal sovereignty and the inclusiveness of His reign.
    7.Divine Justice and Vindication:
    •Verses 34-35: “Ascribe strength to God; His excellence is over Israel, and His strength is in the clouds. O God, You are more awesome than Your holy places. The God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people. Blessed be God!”
    •The psalm concludes with a declaration of God’s power and a blessing, reaffirming His role as the ultimate source of strength and justice.

    Interpretation and Application

    Psalm 68 serves as a powerful reminder of God’s might and His protective, nurturing character. For believers, it reinforces faith in God’s sovereignty and His active role in the world. It also encourages a sense of community and collective worship, as seen in the imagery of processions and congregational praise.

    In contemporary application, Psalm 68 can inspire confidence in God’s justice and provision, especially in times of trouble. It can also serve as a call to care for the vulnerable, reflecting God’s own compassion and justice as described in the psalm. The themes of triumph and victory can be particularly uplifting, providing hope and encouragement in the face of adversity.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/sendme-radio--732966/support.

    • 28 min
    Psalms 66 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Remove Every Power Restricting the Power of God in my Life Pastor Chidi Okorie

    Psalms 66 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Remove Every Power Restricting the Power of God in my Life Pastor Chidi Okorie

    Psalm 66 is a Psalm of thanksgiving and praise, celebrating God's mighty acts of deliverance and His faithfulness. It invites all the earth to join in worshiping God and recounts both communal and personal experiences of God's intervention and grace. Below is a detailed overview and commentary on Psalm 66:Overview of Psalm 66Title and Background: Psalm 66 is a hymn of praise that is not attributed to any specific author. It is characterized by a communal call to worship and personal thanksgiving, reflecting on God's mighty deeds and His responsiveness to prayer.Structure: Psalm 66 is composed of 20 verses and can be divided into three main sections:
    Verses 1-12: Communal Praise for God's Mighty ActsThe psalm begins with a call for all the earth to shout joyfully to God, sing His glory, and declare His marvelous deeds. It recounts God's historical acts of deliverance, such as the crossing of the Red Sea, and emphasizes His sovereign power over nations. The people are encouraged to bless God, who has preserved their lives and tested them, bringing them through trials to a place of abundance.Verses 13-15: Personal Thanksgiving and Fulfillment of VowsIn this section, the psalmist transitions to a personal expression of gratitude. He promises to enter God's house with burnt offerings and fulfill vows made during times of trouble. The psalmist details the offerings he will present, symbolizing his devotion and thankfulness to God for answering his prayers.Verses 16-20: Testimony of God's Faithfulness and Answered PrayerThe final section is a personal testimony, inviting others to hear how God has responded to the psalmist's cries for help. The psalmist declares that God has listened to his prayers and has not rejected his plea or withheld His love and faithfulness.Key Themes
    Universal Call to Worship:Psalm 66 opens with a call for all the earth to worship God, emphasizing that God's glory and mighty acts are worthy of global recognition and praise. This universal invitation highlights the inclusivity of worship and the acknowledgment of God's sovereignty by all creation.Celebration of God's Mighty Deeds:The psalm recounts historical acts of deliverance, such as the crossing of the Red Sea, showcasing God's power and faithfulness. These mighty deeds serve as a foundation for communal praise and trust in God's continued protection and guidance.Refining Through Trials:The psalm acknowledges that God tests and refines His people through trials. These experiences, though challenging, lead to a place of abundance and deeper reliance on God's provision and care.Personal Devotion and Thanksgiving:The psalmist's personal commitment to fulfill vows and offer sacrifices reflects a heart of devotion and gratitude. This personal thanksgiving underscores the importance of responding to God's faithfulness with tangible acts of worship and dedication.God's Responsiveness to Prayer:The testimony of answered prayer highlights God's attentiveness and willingness to respond to those who seek Him. The psalmist's experience of God's faithfulness in answering his cries serves as an encouragement for others to trust in God's responsiveness.ReflectionPsalm 66 serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of both communal and personal worship. It encourages believers to recognize and celebrate God's mighty deeds, to remain faithful through trials, and to offer sincere thanksgiving for answered prayers.Application in Contemporary Life:
    Engaging in Communal Worship:The call for all the earth to worship God emphasizes the significance of communal worship. Participating in corporate worship services and joining others in praise fosters a sense of unity and collective recognition of God's...

    • 46 min
    Psalms 41 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 268 SendMe Radio

    Psalms 41 - 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer with Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 268 SendMe Radio

    Psalm 41 is a psalm of David that centers on themes of compassion, divine deliverance, and betrayal. It begins with a blessing for those who consider the poor and ends with a prayer for mercy and a declaration of God’s faithfulness. Below is a detailed overview and commentary on Psalm 41:Overview of Psalm 41Title and Background: Psalm 41 is attributed to David and is the final psalm in the first book of the Psalter (Psalms 1-41). It reflects David’s personal experiences, possibly during a time of illness and betrayal.Structure: Psalm 41 is composed of 13 verses and can be divided into three main sections:Verses 1-3: Blessings for the CompassionateThe psalm begins with a pronouncement of blessings for those who consider the poor. David asserts that God will deliver, protect, and sustain such people, especially in times of trouble. The Lord will preserve them, bless them, and not surrender them to their foes. God will also support them on their sickbed and restore them from illness.Verses 4-9: David’s Plea and Description of BetrayalDavid transitions to a personal plea for mercy, acknowledging his sin and seeking healing from God. He describes the betrayal of his enemies who wish for his demise and even speak ill of him. The most painful aspect is the betrayal by a close friend, someone he trusted and shared meals with, which echoes the betrayal of Jesus by Judas in the New Testament.Verses 10-13: Prayer for Mercy and Declaration of God’s FaithfulnessIn the final section, David asks God for mercy, to raise him up so that he may repay his enemies. He expresses confidence that God delights in him because his enemy does not triumph over him. David concludes with a declaration of God’s faithfulness, asserting his integrity and trust in the Lord. The psalm ends with a doxology, praising God, the Lord of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.Key ThemesCompassion and Divine Favor:The opening verses highlight the blessings that come to those who are compassionate towards the poor. This theme underscores the importance of kindness and the reciprocal nature of divine favor.Human Frailty and Divine Mercy:David’s plea for mercy and healing reflects human vulnerability and the need for God’s grace. Acknowledging sin and seeking divine forgiveness is a key aspect of the relationship between God and believers.Betrayal and Trust:The psalm poignantly addresses the pain of betrayal, especially by close friends. This theme resonates deeply with the human experience of trust and betrayal, emphasizing the importance of relying on God even when human relationships falter.God’s Protection and Faithfulness:David expresses confidence in God’s protection and faithfulness. Despite his adversities, he believes that God upholds his integrity and delivers him from his enemies. This assurance of divine support is a recurring theme in the Psalms.Praise and Doxology:The psalm concludes with a doxology, a statement of praise to God. This ending highlights the importance of worship and recognition of God’s eternal sovereignty and goodness.ReflectionPsalm 41 provides a multifaceted view of the life of faith, encompassing compassion, vulnerability, betrayal, and trust in God’s unwavering faithfulness. It encourages believers to show kindness, seek God’s mercy, and rely on His protection and justice.Application in Contemporary Life:Cultivating Compassion:The blessings pronounced on those who consider the poor encourage believers to cultivate compassion and actively support those in need. Acts of kindness are not only beneficial to others but also draw divine favor and protection.Seeking Divine Mercy:David’s acknowledgment of his sin and plea for mercy serve as a model for believers to...

    • 41 min
    Psalms - 39 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 266 SendMe Radio

    Psalms - 39 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 266 SendMe Radio

    Psalm 39 is a reflective and introspective psalm attributed to David, often considered a wisdom psalm due to its contemplative nature. It delves into themes of human mortality, the brevity of life, and the futility of worldly pursuits, ultimately turning towards a hope in God. Below is a detailed commentary and overview of Psalm 39:Overview of Psalm 39Title and Background: Psalm 39 is directed to Jeduthun, the chief musician, and is attributed to David. Jeduthun was one of the three Levitical choir leaders appointed by David, indicating that this psalm was meant for public worship and musical accompaniment.Structure: Psalm 39 is composed of 13 verses and can be divided into several sections:Verses 1-3: The Psalmist's Struggle with SilenceDavid begins by expressing his resolve to guard his ways and keep silent, especially in the presence of the wicked. However, his silence causes internal turmoil, and his heart burns within him as he contemplates the brevity and vanity of life.Verses 4-6: Meditation on the Brevity of LifeDavid asks God to help him understand the shortness of his life and the fleeting nature of human existence. He acknowledges that human life is but a breath and that people busy themselves in vain, amassing wealth without knowing who will ultimately benefit from it.Verses 7-11: A Plea for Deliverance and ForgivenessIn this section, David turns his focus to God, seeking deliverance and placing his hope in the Lord. He asks God to save him from his transgressions and not to make him the scorn of fools. David recognizes that God's discipline has consumed his strength, likening human life to a mere breath.Verses 12-13: A Final Plea for MercyThe psalm concludes with a heartfelt plea for God to hear his prayer and to show mercy. David describes himself as a sojourner, a temporary resident on earth, and asks God to turn away His gaze of discipline so that he might find some relief before his life ends.Key ThemesHuman Mortality and the Brevity of Life:One of the central themes of Psalm 39 is the transient nature of human life. David reflects on how short and fleeting life is, likening it to a breath or a shadow. This contemplation serves to remind believers of their mortality and the need to focus on eternal matters.The Vanity of Worldly Pursuits:David observes that much of human activity is ultimately vain. People toil and amass wealth, but these efforts are temporary and often benefit others. This theme echoes the sentiments found in the Book of Ecclesiastes, emphasizing the futility of worldly endeavors apart from God.Divine Discipline and Human Frailty:The psalm acknowledges God's discipline and the frailty of human beings. David experiences physical and emotional weakness, recognizing that it is God who chastises and refines him. This awareness leads to a plea for mercy and relief from suffering.Hope and Trust in God:Despite the somber reflections on life and mortality, Psalm 39 is ultimately a psalm of hope. David turns to God, placing his trust in Him and seeking deliverance. His hope is rooted in the belief that God is attentive to his prayers and capable of providing comfort and relief.ReflectionPsalm 39 serves as a profound meditation on the human condition, urging believers to reflect on the temporary nature of life and the importance of placing their hope in God. It encourages a perspective that values eternal truths over fleeting worldly gains.Application in Contemporary Life:Reflecting on Mortality:In a fast-paced and often materialistic world, Psalm 39 invites individuals to pause and reflect on their mortality. This reflection can lead to a reevaluation of priorities, emphasizing the significance of spiritual and eternal...

    • 49 min
    Psalms - 40 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 267 SendMe Radio

    Psalms - 40 150 Days of Psalms Mountain Top Prayer Pastor Chidi Okorie Episode 267 SendMe Radio

    Psalm 40 is a psalm of David that blends thanksgiving, lament, and a plea for deliverance. It begins with a celebration of God's past deliverance and moves into a request for God's continued help amidst ongoing troubles. The psalm reflects David's trust in God and his commitment to proclaim God's faithfulness. Below is a detailed overview and commentary on Psalm 40:Overview of Psalm 40Title and Background: Psalm 40 is attributed to David and is intended for the music director. It is a psalm that combines elements of praise, thanksgiving, and supplication, showcasing David’s personal experience of God’s deliverance and his ongoing reliance on God.Structure: Psalm 40 is composed of 17 verses and can be divided into three main sections:
    Verses 1-5: Thanksgiving for Past DeliveranceDavid begins by recounting how he waited patiently for the Lord, who heard his cry and delivered him from a desolate pit and miry clay. God set his feet on solid ground and put a new song of praise in his mouth. David reflects on the blessings that come to those who trust in the Lord and acknowledges God's wondrous deeds.Verses 6-10: Commitment to Obedience and ProclamationDavid declares that God does not desire sacrifices and offerings but rather a heart that delights in doing His will. He emphasizes that God’s law is written within his heart. David commits to proclaiming God’s righteousness, faithfulness, and salvation, sharing God's steadfast love and truth with the congregation.Verses 11-17: Plea for Continued Help and DeliveranceThe final section shifts to a plea for God's mercy and deliverance from ongoing troubles. David acknowledges his own sins and the threats from enemies who seek to harm him. He prays for God’s swift help and protection, expressing confidence that those who seek the Lord will rejoice and be glad, while those who seek his harm will be confounded and put to shame.Key Themes
    Divine Deliverance and Trust:The psalm opens with a testimony of God’s deliverance, illustrating the importance of trusting in the Lord. David’s experience of being rescued from a pit symbolizes God’s power to save and establish those who rely on Him.Obedience Over Sacrifice:A significant theme in Psalm 40 is the emphasis on obedience and a willing heart over ritual sacrifices. David highlights that God desires a relationship marked by obedience and a heartfelt commitment to His will.Proclamation of God’s Faithfulness:David’s commitment to proclaim God’s faithfulness and salvation underscores the importance of sharing personal testimonies of God’s goodness. He recognizes that public declaration of God's deeds strengthens the faith of the community.Human Frailty and Divine Mercy:The latter part of the psalm reflects David’s awareness of his own sinfulness and need for God’s mercy. He openly confesses his struggles and dependence on God’s ongoing support and protection.Joy in Seeking God:David expresses that those who seek the Lord will experience joy and gladness. This theme reinforces the idea that true happiness and fulfillment come from a relationship with God.ReflectionPsalm 40 serves as an inspiring testament to the power of patience, trust, and obedience in the life of a believer. It encourages a deepened faith through the remembrance of past deliverances and a commitment to proclaiming God's faithfulness.Application in Contemporary Life:
    Patience and Trust in God:David’s patient waiting for the Lord’s deliverance encourages believers to trust in God’s timing. Even in difficult circumstances, maintaining faith and patience can lead to profound experiences of God’s rescue and support.Heartfelt Obedience:The emphasis on obedience over ritual highlights the...

    • 59 min

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