30 episodes

Voiced by veteran talk show host Adam McManus and written by radio-host and pastor Kevin Swanson and a team of other staff writers, The World View in 5 Minutes is a round-up of the daily news from a Biblical perspective. And, perhaps most uniquely, you will often hear applicable Scriptures paired with the stories themselves. It’s part Paul Harvey, part R.C. Sproul.

You’ll get hooked to the most definitively Christian overview of the news including politics, pop culture, the church, and tracing God’s sovereign hand in the affairs of man.

The WorldView in 5 Minutes The WorldView in 5 Minutes

    • News

Voiced by veteran talk show host Adam McManus and written by radio-host and pastor Kevin Swanson and a team of other staff writers, The World View in 5 Minutes is a round-up of the daily news from a Biblical perspective. And, perhaps most uniquely, you will often hear applicable Scriptures paired with the stories themselves. It’s part Paul Harvey, part R.C. Sproul.

You’ll get hooked to the most definitively Christian overview of the news including politics, pop culture, the church, and tracing God’s sovereign hand in the affairs of man.

    Hunter Biden found guilty, What prompted homeschool mom of 8 to give $1,000 to The Worldview, European Christians who take a stand for Biblical morality are despised

    Hunter Biden found guilty, What prompted homeschool mom of 8 to give $1,000 to The Worldview, European Christians who take a stand for Biblical morality are despised

    It’s Wednesday, June 12th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
    By Jonathan Clark
    10 years since 13,000 Christian families fled Mosul, Iraq
    This month marks 10 years since the Islamic State seized control of the city of Mosul and the Nineveh Plains in northern Iraq.
    Over 13,000 Christian families fled the area. Iraqi forces finally liberated Mosul from ISIS in 2017. But the conflict left the city in ruins. Since then, about 9,000 families have returned.
    Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil told Christian Today, “Churches are being filled again. … All those sad and terrifying memories are still there, but at least [the Christian families] could start building and showing that the future is in [their] hands.” 
    Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Iraq, ranked 16th on the Open Doors’ World Watch List of nations where it is most difficult to be a Christian. 
    Psalm 147:2-3 says, “The LORD builds up Jerusalem; He gathers together the outcasts of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”
    Right-wing parties picked up seats in European Union
    The European Union held elections over the last week for membership in the European Parliament.
    Centrist parties retained dominance in the parliament. However, right-wing parties picked up seats at the expense of left-wing parties. If the conservative parties united, they would form the second largest bloc in the parliament. 
    Nile Gardiner, a British conservative commentator, told Fox News the elections were “a massive rejection of open borders, mass migration, the far left, green agenda that is being pushed by many European governments. … This was one of the most significant electoral outcomes in recent European history.”
    Gardiner also said this.
    GARDINER: “In continental Europe, I think there are real sweeping ideological political changes that are taking place whereby European electorates have really had enough of ruling left wing elites that have been in power for such a long time. They want to see change. They want to see secure borders. They want to see an end to mass migration.”
    European Christians who take a stand for Biblical morality are despised
    Christians in the United Kingdom are facing marginalization for their beliefs. A report by Voice for Justice UK found those who oppose sexually perverted lifestyles are the most likely to face attack. 
    Fifty-six percent of the Christian respondents reported experiencing hostility for sharing their religious beliefs. That number rose to 61% for those under 35.
    The report noted, “Often respondents felt that discrimination against other religions was given attention; what was ignored was discrimination against the Christian faith.”
    In Matthew 10:32, Jesus said, “Whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in Heaven.”
    U.S. doctors’ group: Stop puberty blockers and surgeries for confused kids
    In the United States, the American College of Pediatricians issued the Doctors Protecting Children Declaration last Thursday. 
    The declaration calls on U.S. medical organizations to "follow the science and their European professional colleagues and immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex.” 
    Eighteen medical groups and nearly 100 healthcare professionals have signed the statement. 
    Nvidia worth $3 trillion
    American tech company Nvidia  surpassed $3 trillion in market capitalization last Wednesday.
    Nvidia produces most of the semiconductor chips used by Artificial Intelligence technology. The company’s stock surged nearly 150% this year.
    It’s now the second most valuable company in the world, outpacing Apple but still behind Microsoft. 
    Hunter Biden found guilty
    On Tuesday, a federal jury found Hunter B

    Tony Evans stepped down over sin, Southern Baptists debate whether women should pastor churches, Wheel of Fortune’s Pat Sajak retires

    Tony Evans stepped down over sin, Southern Baptists debate whether women should pastor churches, Wheel of Fortune’s Pat Sajak retires

    It’s Tuesday, June 11th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
    Colorado Christian baker dragged into court again
    Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys will be back in the Colorado Supreme Court next week in defense of Jack Phillips. The Christian baker has been under attack by homosexual activists since 2017.  
    This time, an attorney filed a lawsuit for Phillips’ refusal to bake a cake celebrating a pseudo-gender transition. So far, 23 states, 6 Colorado legislators, and several free-speech advocates filed friend-of-the-court briefs in support of Phillips.
    Christian widow in India fears for her life
    A widow from India’s Chhattisgarh State witnessed her husband’s killing for his Christian faith last month. And now she fears for her own life and remains in hiding.  
    Jime Kawasi herself was treated at a hospital after the mob attack which included 20 villagers. In an interview with Morning Star News, she said, “I want to continue to follow and serve Jesus. It was for this Jesus that my husband was willing to be faithful to the point of death; I too will follow in his footsteps. Please pray for me. I need your prayers.”
    Is France moving right?
    Could France be migrating away from its leftist positions? 
    French President Emmanuel Macron announced new elections to take place on June 30 and July 7. Elections held over the weekend indicate that the right-leaning opposition party, National Rally, has gained some ground.  
    Both Italy and Germany leaned right over the most recent weekend elections as well.
    Federal judge: No requirement for prescription for Abortion Pill
    An American federal judge struck down a North Carolina law limiting the distribution of the Abortion Kill Pill Mifepristone, reports The Associated Press.
    The order issued last week removes the requirement of a doctor’s prescription for the pills, as well as the disallowance of mailing the pill. U.S. District Judge Catherine Eagles wrote that the North Carolina law, Senate Bill 20, was in unlawful conflict with the authority of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
    Tony Evans stepped down over sin
    Author and pastor Tony Evans has announced to his Dallas, Texas church he will be stepping down from ministry due to sin.
    In a statement released on the Oak Cliff Bible Church website, Evans said, “When we fall short of that standard due to sin, we are required to repent and restore our relationship with God. A number of years ago, I fell short of that standard. I am, therefore, required to apply the same biblical standard of repentance and restoration to myself that I have applied to others.
    “While I have committed no crime, I did not use righteous judgment in my actions. In light of this, I am stepping away from my pastoral duties and am submitting to a healing and restoration process established by the elders. This will afford me a needed time of spiritual recovery and healing.”
    Southern Baptists debate whether women should pastor churches
    The Southern Baptist convention convenes this week in Indianapolis, Indiana. At issue is a proposed amendment forbidding women pastors.
    Southern Baptist President J.D. Greer has registered his opposition to the amendment because of its effect on minority churches who refer to some women in their congregations as pastors.
    Dr. Albert Mohler has affirmed his support for the amendment.
    MOHLER: “Some churches are quite honestly, straightforwardly telling us that they are basically out of sync with the Southern Baptist Convention on the issue of women preaching and women holding a pastoral office. …
    “It's really important we recognize that this is an issue of Biblical obedience. This is not just a question of Biblical interpretation. And the moment we begin defining some issues as just matters of Biblical interpretation, the question becomes well, ‘Which are those?’ Obviously, the liberal Protestant denominations hav

    Israeli Defense Forces rescue four hostages from Gaza, Voddie Baucham: Pervasive sexual sin sign of God’s judgment, Biden’s DOJ indicts doctor who exposed transgender child mutilation at TX hospital

    Israeli Defense Forces rescue four hostages from Gaza, Voddie Baucham: Pervasive sexual sin sign of God’s judgment, Biden’s DOJ indicts doctor who exposed transgender child mutilation at TX hospital

    It’s Monday, June 10th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
    By Adam McManus
    $130,000 for funeral expenses for martyred missionary couple in Haiti
    More than $130,000 has been raised online for the funeral and related expenses of husband and wife missionaries who were murdered in Haiti, reports MyChristianDaily.com.
    Davy and Natalie Lloyd, who served with Missions in Haiti, were killed in a gang attack, as violence has engulfed the nation.
    One GoFundMe campaign has raised close to $57,000, while a second fundraising effort has raised over $76,000.
    However, while the generosity of Christians has been exemplary, MissouriNet reports that online scammers are taking advantage of people wanting to help the families.
    Missouri State Rep. Ben Baker, who is the father of Natalie, explained that con artists have been creating fake fundraising pages to try and steal donations meant to help bring his daughter’s body and her husband’s body back to the U.S.
    Israeli Defense Forces rescue four hostages from Gaza
    Four Israeli hostages were rescued 245 days into their captivity, reports The Jerusalem Post.
    Working with other law enforcement officials, the Israeli Defense Forces, rescued them from two separate nearby locations in central Gaza in a high-risk joint operation.
    They include Noa Argamani, age 25, Almog Meir, age 21, Andrey Kozlov, age 27, and Shlomi Ziv, age 40, all of whom were kidnapped by Hamas and brought to the Gaza Strip from the 'Nova' party.
    This is the third such successful operation to rescue hostages since the war started on October 7th.
    An uncertain number of Palestinian terrorists and civilians were killed during the operation. The Israeli Defense Forces implied that dozens of terrorists were killed, but left open the possibility that potentially some dozens of Palestinian civilians might have also been killed.
    Interestingly, the U.S. provided intelligence on the hostages before Israel’s successful rescue operation.
    Biden’s DOJ indicts doctor who exposed transgender child mutilation at TX hospital
    Here in America, Biden’s so-called “Department of Justice” is at it again.
    This time it indicted a small-town surgeon who revealed that ghastly transgender surgeries were being secretly committed on minors at Texas Children’s Hospital after the hospital had purportedly discontinued its transgender program, reports LifeSiteNews.com.   
    Dr. Eithan Haim identified himself earlier this year as the anonymous whistleblower who provided evidence of the ongoing so-called “sex-change procedures” for children as young as 11 to Manhattan Institute journalist Christopher Rufo last year. Dr. Haim said that U.S. marshals showed up at his home earlier this week, summoning him to court to face four felony counts of alleged HIPAA violations.   
    Haim, a 33-year-old general surgeon, has always maintained that no medical privacy laws were broken when he provided evidence of Texas Children’s Hospital’s continued transgender program to Rufo.
    He told the Daily Wire, “It’s my responsibility as a doctor, as a physician, to expose this to the public. If I don’t, then this abuse can continue. I knew that future generations, like my children, would never be able to forgive me if they knew I had the chance to do something and I decided to stay silent. It requires average, everyday doctors to stand up and speak out against things like this.”
    Luke 12:2-3 says, "God has determined that the secrets will be uncovered, the truth will come forth, and God's thought about every behavior and action will be vindicated."
    Voddie Baucham: Pervasive sexual sin sign of God’s judgment
    Pastor Voddie Baucham warned that the pervasive sexual sins of the prevailing culture are signs of divine judgment, but that the Gospel still offers hope and that American Christians should plead with God for revival while preparing for persecution.

    President Roosevelt’s D-Day prayer, Court orders Steve Bannon to prison July 1st, Russia launching military exercise in Caribbean

    President Roosevelt’s D-Day prayer, Court orders Steve Bannon to prison July 1st, Russia launching military exercise in Caribbean

    It’s Friday, June 7th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
    By Adam McManus
    Pakistani Christian woman faces seven years in prison
    A Christian woman in Pakistan remains in jail on baseless charges of blasphemy against Islam after a judge rejected her bail application on Monday, June 3rd, reports Morning Star News.
    Stella Khawar, age 28, was arrested on May 12 in Punjab Province, and was charged with hurting the religious sentiments of Muslims.  She is suspected of besmirching Islam on a piece of paper following the August 16th, 2023 attacks on churches and homes of Christians in Jaranwala.
    If found guilty, she faces seven years of imprisonment.
    In John 15:18, Jesus said, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first.”
    Russia launching military exercise in Caribbean
    Russia is preparing to deploy aircraft and combat naval vessels to the Caribbean Sea to conduct military exercises in the coming weeks, reports The Miami Herald. This is Russia’s first set of military exercises in the Western Hemisphere involving both air and sea activity in five years.
    Oddly enough, the Biden administration is not expressing concern over the deployment, with the official stating it poses “no direct threat to the United States.” But the administration believes Moscow intends to use the exercises as a “messaging tactic” after President Joe Biden gave Ukraine permission last week to fire U.S.-made weapons across its border into Russia to defend its territory.
    COVID shots may have helped cause over 3 million excess deaths
    The popular U.K. media outlet the Telegraph published a Tuesday report admitting that a recent peer-reviewed study shows COVID shots “may have helped fuel a rise in excess deaths” numbering over three million in 47 countries, reports LifeSiteNews.com.
    In 2020, the researchers found 1,033,122 excess deaths – 11.5% more than expected – recorded in the countries when the COVID-19 outbreak began and measures such as lockdowns and social distancing were enacted.
    In 2021, when the COVID shots were widely made available for public use and “containment” measures continued, 1,256,942 excess deaths – just under 14% more than expected – were recorded.
    And in 2022, when the COVID shot rollout continued and most containment measures were eventually lifted, 808,392 excess deaths were recorded.
    The researchers noted that “side effects linked to the Covid vaccine had included ischemic stroke, acute coronary syndrome and brain hemorrhage, cardiovascular diseases, coagulation, hemorrhages, gastrointestinal events, and blood clotting.”
    Court orders Steve Bannon to prison July 1st
    On Thursday, a federal judge ordered former Trump adviser Steve Bannon to report to prison on July 1 to begin a four-month prison sentence for defying subpoenas from the January 6th Committee after a higher court rejected his appeal, reports NBC News.
    Bannon was found guilty on two counts of contempt of Congress in July 2022 for defying the committee’s subpoenas, but his sentence had been put on hold while he appealed the case.
    Following his court appearance, Bannon addressed the press.
    BANNON: “All of this is about one thing. This about shutting down the [Make America Great] movement, shutting down grassroots conservatives, shutting down President Trump.
    “We are going to prevail. In every number and every poll shows that there's nothing that can shut me up and nothing that will shut me up. There’s not a prison built or jail built that will ever shut me up. All victory to MAGA. We're going to win this.
    “We're going to win at the Supreme Court, and more importantly, we're going to win on November 5 in an amazing landslide, with the Senate, the House and also Donald J. Trump back as president of the United States.”
    80th anniversary of D-Day: Largest seaborne invasion in history
    On June 6, 1944, 80 years ago yesterday,

    Texas Supreme Court affirms ban of abortion, 21% of Protestant pastors support homosexual faux marriage, Colorado Christian University secures golf national title

    Texas Supreme Court affirms ban of abortion, 21% of Protestant pastors support homosexual faux marriage, Colorado Christian University secures golf national title

    It’s Thursday, June 6th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
    By Jonathan Clark
    Narendra Modi wins re-election in India, but anti-Christian BJP party loses
    India posted results from its general election on Tuesday. With nearly a billion voters, it’s the largest election in the world.
    Prime Minister Narendra Modi secured a third term, extending his hold on power since 2014.
    However, his Hindu nationalist party, the BJP, failed to win a majority for the first time in a decade. Over that period, Modi has overseen the suppression of religious minorities like Christians and Muslims in the country. 
    Christians in India have been praying for a change
    International Christian Concern reports Christians in India have been praying for a change in government for years.
    It remains to be seen how the recent elections will affect Christians. Edwin Anand, a bishop in central India, warns that churches should brace for more persecution under a third Modi term. 
    Christians in India have faced over 600 violent attacks each year since 2021. The country is ranked 11th on the Open Doors’ World Watch List of nations where it is most difficult to be a Christian. 
    Europeans electing new members of European Parliament
    People across Europe begin voting today in the world’s second-largest election. About 400 million Europeans will be selecting new members of the European Parliament. 
    Typically, the two largest parliamentary groups have been the center-right European People’s Party and the center-left Socialists and Democrats. 
    However, right-wing parties are gaining popularity. France 24 reports a coalition of conservative and right-wing groups could be on track to hold a majority for the first time.
    Daniel 2:21 says God “changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”
    Texas Supreme Court affirms ban of abortion
    In the United States, the Supreme Court of Texas unanimously rejected a challenge to the state’s pro-life laws.
    Between several laws, Texas outlaws nearly all abortions. The challenge sought to allow abortion in more cases like babies with disabilities. 
    The state’s abortion ban went into effect after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022. Texas reported 67 abortions the following month and three abortions the month after that. The year before, the Lone Star state reported nearly 6,000 abortions in just one month. 
    21% of Protestant pastors support homosexual faux marriage
    Lifeway Research reports that support for faux homosexual marriage is thankfully slowing down among pastors.
    In 2010, 15% of Protestant pastors supported the unbiblical practice. That percentage increased to 24% in 2019, but dropped back down to 21% today.
    Pastors from mainline denominations were the ones who drove the increase in support for celebrating people living in vile passions. Meanwhile, Evangelical pastors have consistently opposed it since 2010.
    Sexual perverts are especially proud of their rebellion this month
    Mainstream American culture is celebrating sexually perverted lifestyles this month. 
    Over the weekend, 21 out of 32 National Football League teams joined the celebration on social media. 
    However, 11 of the football teams did not acknowledge so-called pride month. Those teams include the Pittsburgh Steelers, Cleveland Browns, Cincinnati Bengals, Tennessee Titans, Kansas City Chiefs, Denver Broncos, Dallas Cowboys, Green Bay Packers, New Orleans Saints, and Atlanta Falcons.
    Exodus 23:2 says, “You shall not follow a crowd to do evil; nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after many to pervert justice.”
    Boeing sent astronauts to International Space Station
    Boeing sent astronauts to space for the first time yesterday. 
    NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams are headed for the

    • 8 min
    Biden caps southern border illegals to 2,500 per day, Tiananmen Square massacre anniversary, Arkansas had no abortions in 2023

    Biden caps southern border illegals to 2,500 per day, Tiananmen Square massacre anniversary, Arkansas had no abortions in 2023

    It’s Wednesday, June 5th, A.D. 2024. This is The Worldview in 5 Minutes heard at www.TheWorldview.com. I’m Adam McManus. (Adam@TheWorldview.com)
    By Jonathan Clark
    Tiananmen Square massacre anniversary
    Yesterday was the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre in China.
    In the weeks leading up to the massacre in 1989, students were leading pro-democracy protests in Beijing. In response, the Communist Chinese government forcibly put down the protests, killing hundreds if not thousands.
    China’s military also arrested leaders in the underground church which had fueled the protests. 
    Persecution of Christians in Hong Kong
    Speaking of China, the country’s persecution of Christians continues and is spreading to Hong Kong. 
    Since 2020, China has extended control over Hong Kong. This has led to the arrest of church leaders and the closure of some religious groups.
    Many Christians have left Hong Kong for the United Kingdom, making the Chinese church the fastest growing one in Britain. 
    Hong Kong Christians put out a commemorative prayer for the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. Despite authorities banning candlelight vigils, the prayer says, "Let us, in the great light of the Lord’s amazing grace, light a candle in the depths of our souls, to continue their unfinished aspirations in the prayers and shadows, never to be lost or forgotten. O Lord! Let there be light in our hearts.”
    In Matthew 5:14, Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.”
    United Kingdom blocks puberty blockers
    Last Wednesday, the United Kingdom issued new restrictions on puberty blockers for children in England, Wales, and Scotland. 
    The emergency ban lasts from June 3 to September 3, 2024. During the timeframe, doctors cannot prescribe the transgender drugs to people under 18.
    The new policy also introduced indefinite restrictions to the prescribing of these drugs by primary care providers in England’s National Health Service. 
    Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.”
    Biden caps southern border illegals to 2,500 per day
    Ahead of the U.S. presidential election, President Joe Biden issued an executive order yesterday to curb illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border.
    The order limits asylum requests once the average number of daily border encounters hits 2,500. The number of daily encounters is already above that. So, the order is expected to go into effect immediately. 
    It will stay in effect until the number of daily encounters drops to 1,500 or lower. The last time border encounters were at that level was 2020.
    Texas and Florida responsible for half of America’s new jobs
    In the last five years, just two states were responsible for over half of new jobs in America. Those states are Texas and Florida. 
    The conservative states feature lower wages which is attractive to companies wanting to create jobs, and lower cost of living which is attractive to workers. Not surprisingly, many people with remote jobs moved to states, like Florida and Texas, which have a lower cost of living.
    Meanwhile, liberal states with high wages and cost of living fell out of the top 10 job-creating states. They include California, New York, Washington state, and Massachusetts. California used to be the top job creator between 2014 and 2019. Now, it’s at the bottom. 
    How Indiana cut abortions by 98%
    The Indiana Department of Health released a report on abortions in the state for the first quarter of 2024.
    Remarkably, there were only 45 abortions during the first quarter, down from nearly 2,000 during the first quarter of 2023. That’s a 98% decrease!
    Indiana’s abortion ban went into effect last August. It outlaws abortions at all stages of pregnancy with some exceptions.  
    Arkansas had no abortions in 2023
    Meanwhile, a report from the Arkansas Department of Health’s Vital St

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