Live Loud Life

Dr. Antonio Gurule DC
Podcast de Live Loud Life

Guiding you to the adventurous life you were made for The Live Loud Life Podcast is designed to help bring you the best up-to-date information on health, fitness, and lifestyle changes and habits, helping you maximize your relationships, health, and overall life! Let’s do this! Trust the process! Stronger Families for Stronger Communities! Who are your hosts? Dr. Antonio Gurule DC, CSCS, SFG-1 Dr. Nichele Gurule DC, CSCS, Prenatal/Postnatal Specialist

  1. 19 MAR

    LettingThe Old Self Die To Grow

    Live LOUD Life Show Thanks for listening. Please help this show grow and share it with a friend!-Antonio Managing anxiety through psychedelic therapy. 0:17 Antonio shares his experience with psychedelic therapy for anxiety, revealing a gradual build-up of stress symptoms. Personal growth, business, and family priorities. 1:51 Anthony Gurule struggles with unrealistic expectations and a lack of focus in his business, leading to stress and inaction. Gurule seeks a business coach to help him prioritize and restructure his efforts to avoid falling back into the same patterns of inaction. Anthony Gurule struggles with prioritization and balance in his life, particularly as a father and business owner. He seeks outside help through therapy and coaching to make ultimate changes in his life. Personal growth and psychedelic-assisted therapy. 6:06 Anthony Gurule reflects on his personal growth journey, recognizing the need to balance work and rest to avoid burnout and prioritize self-care. Gurule aims to practice gratitude and mindfulness to fulfill his potential and avoid leaving opportunities on the table. Anthony Gurule discusses his experience with psilocybin mushrooms, including the dose and the altered state of consciousness it produced. Gurule reflects on the journey's impact, including the interpretation of visuals and information that came to him during the experience. Personal growth and letting go of old habits. 11:15 Anthony Gurule describes a metaphorical experience of being shot in a game and dying, only to be revived and shot again, symbolizing the need to let go of old patterns and habits to grow into a new person. Reflecting on the experience, Gurule recognizes the difficulty of letting go of old self, but acknowledges the importance of doing so for personal growth and transformation. Anthony Gurule shares his experience of feeling like he's living the same day over and over again, laughing hysterically on Groundhog Day. Gurule reflects on the importance of laughter and finding joy in life, despite feeling sour or serious at times. Spirituality and personal growth through psychedelic medicine. 15:53 Anthony Gurule reflects on Groundhog's Day and realizes he has a choice to find beauty in everyday experiences, rather than feeling trapped in the same routine. He has a spiritual experience and learns to let go of negative thoughts and be more observant of the world around him. Anthony Gurule describes a spiritual experience where he felt connected to a central energy or God, feeling like he was everything and God was him. Gurule felt overwhelmed by the sheer power of this experience, worrying about losing his sense of self in the face of it. Life after death, priorities, and personal growth. 21:10 Anthony Gurule reflects on life's purpose and meaning, struggling with questions about death and his own identity as a helper. He acknowledges the importance of relationships and creating value for others, but grapples with balancing personal needs and professional responsibilities. Anthony Gurule reflects on his near-death experience and the insights he gained about his life and priorities. He recognizes the need to make changes in his thinking, acting, and prioritizing to create a different future. Personal growth, parenting, and overcoming fear of mistakes. 26:35 Anthony Gurule shares his struggles with perception and taking action, encouraging others to prioritize personal growth and not be afraid to make mistakes. He emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals and taking action to support each other's growth. Anthony Gurule shares his journey of self-discovery and the importance of taking action despite mistakes. He emphasizes the need to be open to the unknown and to prioritize actions based on previous knowledge.   Connect With Dr. Antonio and the Live LOUD team: Subscribe Live Loud YouTube channel: Visit the Live

    32 min
  2. 05/12/2023

    Escape the Ordinary: How Psilocybin Transformed My Life

    Welcome back to another episode of The Live Loud Live Podcast! I'm Antonio, your host, and I want to express my gratitude to all of you tuning in. Today, I'm diving into a topic that's been on my mind – reflection and the power it holds in our lives. In this episode, I explore the idea of breaking free from the constant pursuit of outcomes and embracing the satisfaction, enjoyment, and happiness that come from the process itself. I share my personal journey of self-reflection, especially after a recent psychedelic therapy session, highlighting the positive changes and the challenges I've encountered. I touch upon the importance of conversations with others and the struggle of internal thoughts going seven layers deep, often leading to unproductive scenarios. I discuss the impact of parenting and the ongoing process of understanding and improving in that role. The episode delves into the concept of letting go of the need for certainty and embracing the unknown. I share insights gained from listening to various thought leaders, psychologists, and philosophers, emphasizing the continuous process of learning and understanding consciousness. A significant part of my reflection centers around the acceptance that there may not be a single answer to life's complexities. I discuss the relief in realizing that the journey itself is valuable, contrary to my previous mindset of relentlessly seeking answers and solutions. One key area of focus has been the shift in my perspective on goals and timelines. I emphasize the importance of creating habits and behaviors aligned with personal growth and potential rather than fixating on specific outcomes. In the latter part of the episode, I touch upon the challenge of making changes in diet and discipline, linking them to broader personal development. I stress the significance of saying no to certain things to gain better yeses in return. I wrap up by encouraging listeners to reflect on their own journeys, embrace the process of growth, and seek support when needed. I express gratitude for the positive changes I've experienced and the anticipation of future growth. If you resonate with the topics discussed, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. Remember, it's okay not to be where you want to be right now – the journey is a continuous process of refining, learning, and evolving. Thanks for joining me on this reflective episode of The Live Loud Live Podcast!   Connect With Dr. Antonio and the Live LOUD team: Subscribe Live Loud YouTube channel: Visit the Live Loud website: Like Live Loud Facebook page: Follow Live Loud on Instagram:   Address: Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching Top Chiropractor and Physical Therapy in Lafayette Colorado Serving Boulder County Boulder, Longmont, Louisville, Erie, Broomfield, and Arvada Colorado Videos are instructed by professionals and for educational purposes only. Viewers should consult with their providers to see if the movements are right for them. The videos are tailored to educate families on prenatal, postpartum, and pediatric-related issues., along with general health, wellness, and pain issues such as low back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, etc.

    27 min
  3. 12/10/2023

    Psilocybin Journey My 3rd Ceremony |A Ship in the Storm|

    0:00 Psychedelic therapy experiences and integration Dr. Antonio shares his experience with psychedelic therapy, including his third journey, and discusses integration and recounts. Anthony Gurule reflects on his meditation journey, noting that the second session was more focused and structured than the first, with a goal of slowing down and connecting deeper with himself.Distractions were a theme that emerged during the meditation, with a focus on letting go of resistance and staying present in the moment. 4:13 Self-reflection and inner peace. Anthony Gurule finds calmness in storm through self-love and confidence, leading to better relationships with family and community. Anthony Gurule focuses on gratitude and appreciation during meditation, starting with a specific face and expressing thanks for various aspects of that person. He also practices gratitude for his oldest son, despite their differences and challenges, and finds it beneficial to cultivate appreciation and not let friction get in the way of their relationship. 9:16 Meditation and presence. Anthony Gurule describes a meditation session where he struggled with thoughts of wanting more medicine or wanting to go home, but ultimately found peace and a sense of accomplishment. Revelation: The struggle to feel and connect with emotions is different until you feel it, as Anthony experienced in session one. Anthony Gurule discovers the power of being present in the moment, wanting nothing else. 13:23 Self-improvement and personal growth Anthony Gurule reflects on his experience with psychedelics, realizing he was saying yes to distractions and no to deep work. He learns to embrace uncertainty, recognizing that saying yes to the unknown can lead to growth and new experiences. Anthony Gurule reflects on his personal growth journey, feeling guilty and ashamed about not being able to manifest his desires despite prior progress. He recognizes the importance of putting in the work to reach new levels of success and self-improvement, despite feeling a constant battle within himself. 18:12 Meditation and mindfulness with a focus on polarity and choice. Anthony Gurule describes his experience with meditation, including the use of an analogy comparing his mind to a magnet and the importance of focusing on the breath. Gurule notices a shift in his ability to sit still and focus as he continues to meditate, with distractions becoming less powerful and his mind becoming more refined. Anthony Gurule discovers he can manipulate his emotions by altering his magnetic field. 23:00 Meditation and energy integration. Anthony Gurule reflects on his experience with microdosing, noting the importance of sitting and letting distractions come and go to integrate the medicine. He believes the more he sits and focuses on himself, the stronger his inner magnet will become, helping him navigate life's challenges. Gurule suggests continuing to remind yourself to sit to improve meditation practice. Connect With Dr. Antonio and the Live LOUD team: Subscribe Live Loud YouTube channel: Visit the Live Loud website: Like Live Loud Facebook page: Live Loud on Instagram:

    27 min
  4. 05/10/2023

    Round Two Psilocybin Journey Walk Through

    Summary:0:00 Psychedelic experiences and personal growth Anthony Gurule shares his journey with psychedelic journeys, feeling stuck in life and seeking improvement. He reflects on the minimal outcomes of efforts and improvements, despite patience and refining processes.2:21 Stress, anxiety, and self-reflection Stress and anxiety affecting physical health, including sleep and hormone levels. Anthony Gurule reflects on his mental health journey, recognizing the importance of awareness and mindfulness in his recovery process. Gurule identifies friend groups and instances from his past that may have contributed to his negative self-talk and limiting beliefs.6:26 Mental health, self-awareness, and mindfulness Anthony Gurule discusses the importance of recognizing triggers and responding mindfully to emotional and physical pain. He shares his personal experience with integrative medicine and how it helped him find peace and overcome internal conflicts. Anthony Gurule struggles with integrating new ideas and habits into his life, feeling confused and overwhelmed. He aims to prioritize the present moment and enjoy life without constantly planning for the future. 11:37 Self-reflection and releasing judgment Anthony Gurule reflects on his past experiences and judgments, recognizing the need to let go of negative self-talk and focus on personal growth. Gurule shares examples of his own self-judgment, including past mistakes and present-day triggers, highlighting the importance of self-awareness and self-compassion. Anthony shares his struggles with holding onto guilt and shame, and how it affects his relationships and mental well-being. Through therapy, Anthony begins to release these emotions and gain forgiveness for himself, leading to a sense of relief and self-awareness.16:48 Overcoming guilt and shame to receive more in life Anthony Gurule struggles with guilt and shame from past mistakes, making it difficult for him to receive support or success in various areas of his life. He recognizes the need to let go of these emotions and forgive himself in order to move forward and improve his mental state. Anthony Gurule shares his journey of learning to embrace the unknown and enjoy the process of personal growth, rather than focusing on finding a perfect plan or solution. He emphasizes the importance of being open to new opportunities and understanding that not everything has to be figured out, and that compartmentalizing thoughts can shut out potential options.22:30 Psilocybin and mental health with personal insights Anthony Gurule shares his personal journey with psychedelics, including watching a documentary on fantastic fungi and Michael Pollan's series on how to change your mind. Gurule emphasizes the importance of having more options and layers in life, and encourages others to explore different paths and connections. Anthony Gurule discusses his part 2 journey with psilocybin, sharing insights on integration and self-care. He plans to revitalize his podcast, exploring new topics such as mental consciousness and financial advice, while continuing to prioritize family health. Connect With Dr. Antonio and the Live LOUD team: hello@liveloudlife.comSubscribe Live Loud YouTube channel: Visit the Live Loud website: Like Live Loud Facebook page: Follow Live Loud on Instagram: Address: Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching Top Chiropractor and Physical Therapy in Lafayette Colorado Serving Boulder County Boulder, Longmont, Louisville, Erie, Broomfield, and Arvada Colorado Videos are instructed by professionals and for educational purposes only. Viewers should consult with their providers to see if the movements are right for them. The videos are tailored to educate families on prenatal, postpartum, and pediatric-related issues., along with general health, wellness, and pain issues such a

    28 min
  5. 02/10/2023

    Psilocybin Integration Into Everyday Life

    Psilocybin Integration Into Everyday Life 00:00 Psilocybin journey integration and personal growth. Dr. Antonio shares his personal journey with psilocybin therapy, including his upcoming second journey and integration process, with a focus on helping other dads. 1:54 Parenting responsibilities and finding inner peace. Father feels responsibility to provide for children's well-being, prioritizing their growth and future. Anthony Gurule seeks to recapture a state of present-moment awareness and let go of autopilot responses to external stimuli. 5:38 Managing stress and anxiety through self-awareness and integration. Anthony Gurule explains how autopilot programs can cause stress and anxiety if not managed properly. Anthony struggles with setting high enough standards for himself, leading to stress and anxiety.8:35 Mindfulness, self-awareness, and personal growth Focus on one thing at a time to avoid distractions and increase productivity. Gurule seeks awareness of automatic thoughts and emotions to handle them consciously. 12:32 Personal growth and self-awareness Anthony Gurule seeks to develop mental and physical strength through challenges. Anthony Gurule shares his personal journey of finding peace and patience through mindfulness and self-awareness. He emphasizes the importance of being aware of opportunities for growth and development, and taking the time to express gratitude and wisdom. Connect With Dr. Antonio and the Live LOUD team: hello@liveloudlife.comSubscribe Live Loud YouTube channel: the Live Loud website: Like Live Loud Facebook page: Follow Live Loud on Instagram: Address: Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching Top Chiropractor and Physical Therapy in Lafayette Colorado Serving Boulder County Boulder, Longmont, Louisville, Erie, Broomfield, and Arvada Colorado Videos are instructed by professionals and for educational purposes only. Viewers should consult with their providers to see if the movements are right for them. The videos are tailored to educate families on prenatal, postpartum, and pediatric-related issues., along with general health, wellness, and pain issues such as low back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, etc.

    16 min
  6. 27/09/2023

    My First PsiloCybin Experience

    EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: Psilocybin Experience Recap Summary 00:00 Psilocybin journey and feeling stuck in life. 0:00 Antonio shares his experience with a psilocybin journey, feeling stuck in his life and struggling with anxiety as a father. He recounts how the experience helped him see his life in a new light and feel more present in his parenting. 2:25 Managing stress and mental health. 2:25 Anthony Gurule describes feeling overwhelmed and stressed due to a buildup of unresolved issues from years of dealing with various challenges in his life, including parenting and relationships. Gurule highlights the importance of recognizing that everyone is at a different point in their life and may need to address their own unique set of challenges, rather than comparing themselves to others. Anthony Gurule struggles with feeling stuck and drained, both physically and mentally, despite his perseverance and willpower. He recognizes the need for help and support, but struggles with asking for it due to his ego and resistance to delegating tasks. He is open to exploring new approaches, including Ashley's work in psychedelic therapeutics, in order to break through his current plateau. 8:27 Using psilocybin to overcome past traumas and anxiety. 8:27 Anthony Gurule shares his personal journey with psilocybin therapy, feeling stuck and broken before the session, and finding unlocking new insights and perspectives afterward. Gurule reflects on the importance of holding space and asking questions during the therapy session, leading to a deeper understanding of himself and his family's history with alcoholism. 11:04 Psilocybin-assisted therapy for mental health. 11:04 Anthony Gurule struggles with finding solutions and desires a fix for his emotional stuckness, leading to frustration and sadness. Through his psilocybin journey, he unlearns and becomes more aware of his thoughts and emotions, leading to a sense of unraveling and exposure to new perspectives. Anthony Gurule experienced taunting during a psilocybin session, with a voice saying "peace" and implying he couldn't find it within himself. Gurule became frustrated and anxious, feeling he needed to try harder to find peace, despite being close to it. 16:00 Emotional blockages and personal growth. 16:00 Anthony Gurule struggles to find peace and happiness due to a lack of emotional expression, leading him to seek therapy to understand why he feels stuck. His therapist introduces the concept of ego dissolution, which suggests that in order to truly find happiness, one must experience nothingness and let go of their ego. Anthony Gurule felt frustrated during a therapy session, thinking he was close to a breakthrough but ended up in the same place as before. He decided to do another round of therapy, despite feeling unfulfilled, knowing he needed to keep going to reach his goal. 21:35 Meditation, stress management, and self-awareness. 21:35 Anthony experiences a meditative state, visualizing peace and letting go of frustration for an hour. Anthony finds peace through breathwork, reducing stress and anxiety, and improving blood glucose levels. 24:45 Personal growth and self-awareness. 24:45 Anthony Gurule reflects on his journey of self-discovery, realizing his potential and untapped abilities. He gained clarity on his priorities, such as spending time with his kids and being present in the moment, and overcame feelings of burnout and stress. Anthony Gurule reflects on his journey and experiences, including a breakthrough moment where he realized the importance of integration in his life. Gurule shares his insights on the integration model, which he believes is essential for personal growth and well-being. Anthony Gurule shares his personal journey with stress, anxiety, and depression, and how he found help through secondary therapeutics and other forms of medicine. Gurule encourages others to research and ask questions about how t

    37 min
  7. 22/02/2023

    How Fertile Are You? | EP 92

    EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: [6:04] fertility is 1/3 male, 1/3 female, 1/2 we don’t know [6:32] women are more likely to take charge and find out solutions than males [7:06] Sperm count on a 60% decline since the 1960s [8:14] Males need a sperm analysis, blood analysis, and hormone analysis. [9:49] What are some of the lifestyle things that you're seeing that may be attributing to the 60% decline of sperm count and males and or just things that we're seeing now? Our toxic and chemical exposure has been increasing and continuing to increase [10:49] We can only change what we have control over food, water, air (what goes in your body) [12:22] Hormone imbalances: We do not live they way our bodies are intended to live by [15:07] Nutrition advice If consuming animal products, you want to source the highest quality you can find and afford animals store toxins as well in fat tissue (just like humans) Avoid Dirty Dozen Look into the Clean 15 [17:20] Think about your grandparents; would they recognize what you are eating? [18:15] KISS (keep it simple) [19:01] Protein needs to be massively increased during pregnancy Soils have been losing their nutritional value and are not rich in nutrients anymore [20:34] Top 4 supplements for most people (omega-3, Vit D, Mg+, Probiotic) [23:01] Weight Loss is in the kitchen [25:33] Changes take time think about how long it took your body to get here, it wont take the same amount of time, but it does take time for your body to adjust and makes changes [26:16] Life Cycle of egg and sperm are about 90- days [27:20] Stress is a major factor for infertility in both men and women cortisol steals nutrients for healthy fertility, lowers progesterone and testosterone [31:28] Best ways to manage stress Meditation (stress negotiation) Pleasure (Get lost) Nature (reconnect) [34 :43] Steps to connect Newsletter Blog Fertility code Daily fertility check list   CONNECT WITH SARAH:   Connect With Antonio and the Live LOUD team: Subscribe to my YouTube channel here: Visit the website: Like the Facebook page: Follow on Instagram: Guiding you to the adventurous life you were made for! . If you dig this give it a like ❤️, if you’re loving it let me hear you with a comment 🗣👂, and if you know it will help someone or anyone out please share 👥📲 Live Loud Chiropractic and Coaching Top Chiropractor and Physical Therapy in Lafayette Colorado Serving Boulder County Boulder, Longmont, Louisville, Erie, Broomfield, and Arvada Colorado

    37 min

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Guiding you to the adventurous life you were made for The Live Loud Life Podcast is designed to help bring you the best up-to-date information on health, fitness, and lifestyle changes and habits, helping you maximize your relationships, health, and overall life! Let’s do this! Trust the process! Stronger Families for Stronger Communities! Who are your hosts? Dr. Antonio Gurule DC, CSCS, SFG-1 Dr. Nichele Gurule DC, CSCS, Prenatal/Postnatal Specialist

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