10 episodes

Ever wonder about the deeper, spiritual reasons for why things happen and what it means for you and your business?

In this podcast, Anna Tsui speaks about society, money, power, business and culture from the perspective of our collective Higher Self. Every episode gives you a specific tool to help you make the best use of current circumstances and accelerate your personal growth.

Higher Self spills the tea ☕‪️‬ Anna Tsui

    • Religion & Spirituality

Ever wonder about the deeper, spiritual reasons for why things happen and what it means for you and your business?

In this podcast, Anna Tsui speaks about society, money, power, business and culture from the perspective of our collective Higher Self. Every episode gives you a specific tool to help you make the best use of current circumstances and accelerate your personal growth.

    9. Deep Love Healing pt. 2

    9. Deep Love Healing pt. 2

    We’re diving deeper into deep love healing in part 2 of this series on loving difficult people.

    In the last episode, I introduced the idea of loving people in your life who are difficult to love as a way to expand your own healing. But in this episode, we’re going to take a closer look at just a few of the reasons why this type of deep love healing is so pure and powerful.

    So, check out part 1 if you haven’t already, grab a cup of your favorite tea, take a deep breath, and start learning how to open yourself up to the gifts and blessings you may have unintentionally been closing yourself off to.

    In this episode, we cover:

    1:48 What deep love healing really is
    2:20 How continuing in your dislike for difficult people in your life is only weighing you down
    3:15 What frenemies really do to our energy
    4:28 What happens when you love someone who’s difficult to love
    5:50 How to set an intention to receive the gifts and blessings of difficult relationships
    6:23 The way blessings compound in your life
    7:30 The role the collective plays in connecting and holding on to lack, fear, and anxiety
    8:00 How to extend love to difficult people in your life
    8:10 A productive exercise to transform your hate or disapproval of the difficult people in your life

    Listen to part 1 of this episode here.

    • 18 min
    8. Love for those hardest to love pt. 1

    8. Love for those hardest to love pt. 1

    In a time when our world feels more divided and hate-filled than ever, Higher Self and I are bringing you the radical idea of deep love in this two-part series.

    In episode 1, I’m introducing the challenging idea of loving those we loathe, hate, or dislike - anyone we find difficult to love.

    Now, before you scoff and click away, know that this type of love is the purest and most healing type of love. And I know none of us is in the position to turn away healing!

    So, take a deep breath and listen as we cover:

    5:25 The power of pure love
    6:00  How we can start to love the parts of ourselves that are hardest to love
    6:42 What true abundance really is
    7:40 How pure love and abundance can transform just about anything
    8:32 What Higher Self wants you to loosen to love the people you don’t want to love (even if your dislike of them is totally justified)
    9:35 What’s not serving you, the planet, or helping you to live your best life
    10:12 A powerful exercise to package your hatred, disdain or dislike and surrender it to the divine
    14:15 What happens to your heart when you allow yourself to receive the healing aspect of the difficult person(s) in your life

    • 16 min
    7. Exploring Deep Love with Paul Gasztold

    7. Exploring Deep Love with Paul Gasztold

    Deep love.

    If those two words already have you squirming, then this special podcast episode is definitely for you.

    With everything going on in the world, many of us are more closed off to love than ever before. So, what exactly does ‘deep love’ mean, and why is it something we should be more open to?

    My friend and coaching colleague Paul Gasztold is a talented voice and relationship coach. He also happens to be a deep love evangelist.

    His work helps transform relationships from surface level to ‘deep blue and beyond’ love, which impacts not only the relationship but almost every other aspect of life.

    So get cozy, settle in, and start getting more comfortable with deep love.

    5:00 What it means to love deeply in your relationships
    10:00 How to know when you have deep love
    10:30 What keeps us from experiencing deep love
    11:00 The role deep love plays in business and working with clients
    12:03 Does it take both people doing deep love work to make a great relationship?
    14:00 When the deep love space opens up
    16:05 Paul’s story about his relationship past and transformation
    17:55 Paul guides Anna through deep love
    27:00 The LVR framework for deep love
    29:00 Why we put up walls to being loved
    30:00 The power of giving love
    31:50 Why being available for yourself may just be the key to deep love
    33:03 The only things that matter
    37:45 The way we rob ourselves of deep love
    40:48 What happens after you connect to deep love
    45:00 The profound gift of connecting to deep love

    Be sure to check out Paul’s free gift at www.voiceforlife.ca/ask which will help you ASK for deeper love in your own relationship and RECEIVE it!

    And get in touch with Paul at https://voiceforlife.ca/contact/ to ask any questions that this podcast episode brought up for you.

    • 51 min
    6. The Why Behind Exhaustion

    6. The Why Behind Exhaustion

    You may have noticed feeling excessively exhausted lately.

    When you look at your life, though, it may not make a lot of sense why you feel more tired - no commute, working from home, etc. So, what’s really going on?

    Whenever we find ourselves feeling heaviness for no good reason, it is essential that we take a closer look at our thoughts because we are likely unknowingly tapping into the stress and worry of the global collective.

    We’re all worried about our health, about job security, about travel (or the inability to travel), and countless other things. It’s easy to tap into collective negativity, but by doing so we often block ourselves from receiving the very help we need.

    The beautiful thing, though, is that we also have the power to tap into collective positivity. We also have the power to connect with nature and sacred transmissions (both of which are also causing our current fatigue).

    In this episode, we cover:

    1:40  The first reason we’re feeling exhausted: individual and collective stress
    6:54  What to do when you feel heavy
    8:51  How to clear fear and unplug from the collective
    9:30  An exercise to raise your vibration
    13:23  The second reason why you’re exhausted: mother nature!
    15:36  How to allow the stress to move through us, like a dog
    16:04  Grounding into mother nature’s healing frequencies
    19:39  The third reason why you’re so tired: sacred transmissions
    22:08  Why Anna fell asleep on the phone with Brett
    24:36  July is about rest and renewal
    24:54  Don’t be hard on yourself when you’re tired

    When it’s hard for you to understand why you’re feeling a certain way, it’s usually a sign to dig a little deeper to understand what’s really going on. What may feel like a frustrating state (i.e, exhausted) is actually a sign of greater forces at work.

    Keep an eye out for more future episodes on this topic.

    • 32 min
    5. AOC + the Higher Self

    5. AOC + the Higher Self

    It may seem that the world is getting more and more divided. Though Higher Self is quick to point out that we are actually being given more and more opportunities to see where we are similar.

    It’s a rare thing these days to see a public figure take a stand with grace and poise.

    But this past week, we witnessed New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez do just that in response to a verbal attack by Florida Rep. Ted Yoho where he called her “disgusting” and a “fucking bitch” on the steps of our nation’s Capitol.

    What AOC did is nothing short of energetic alchemy. She took the rough materials that were thrown at her and weaved them into gold threads of wisdom that enabled transformation and growth.

    When you can create unity from division, you are fully embodying Higher Self.

    In this episode, we’ll cover:

    2:15  The surprising reason AOC couldn’t let Rep. Yoho’s behavior go

    2:48  The danger of acknowledging behavior without acknowledging the implications

    3:11  The real beauty of AOC’s response

    4:48  The hypocrisy and permission of Rep. Yoho’s actions

    6:20  The Higher Self’s role in AOC’s response

    7:30  The human’s role in Rep. Yoho’s actions

    10:30  How AOC’s response beautifully models accountability

    12:15  How you can make an impact even if you don’t have a huge platform like AOC

    13:20  The Higher Self’s tool to help you find perspective

    14:50  The power in the wake of the storm

    16:00  What Higher Self is always connected to

    16:30  The power your suffering holds and why you should be grateful for it

    The exchange between Rep. Yoho and AOC is a great illustration of human vs. Higher Self. With so many lashing out from the human side these days, we would all do well to see how the Higher Self can help us live with even a fraction of the grace and poise shown by AOC.

    If you want to check out the Youtube video of her speech that I refer to in the podcast, here it is.

    • 18 min
    4: Spiritual Weight Loss

    4: Spiritual Weight Loss

    The pandemic 15. You’ve probably heard of it. You may have even gained it. But why does it even exist?

    For many of us, the spiritual weight we feel, especially now, ends up on our physical bodies. Often, we’re holding onto spiritual weight that doesn’t even belong to us, whether it’s the weight of a friend or even lineage burdens that are passed down through our parents from generation to generation.

    So what’s really going on when we reach for something greasy or something sweet? And who (or what) is really running the show when it comes to spiritual weight?

    In this episode, we discuss:

    5:30  Why we crave greasy foods
    7:50  Why we crave sweet foods
    9:00  Who is running the show around cravings?
    10:05  The part of us that drives the heaviness
    10:30  Exercise: examine your spiritual weight/heaviness
    11:30  Distinguish different burdens
    13:07  Why there will be constant grieving this year
    14:23  Give permission to let go
    14:55  Healing Prayer
    16:20  Our shadow causes weight gain
    16:41  The part of us that thrives in chaos
    17:13  How to locate the anxious part of you
    18:17  Location emotional cravings
    20:46  How to feel better

    Gaining an understanding of what’s happening under the surface of a physical weight gain can make it easier to shift the fulfillment of our spiritual cravings to a more healthy form.

    The prayer I share in this episode can work wonders to help you release (and bless!) any weight that isn’t yours and receive any of your rogue energy that you may have unwittingly sent out.

    • 27 min

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