74 episodes

Learn from the best recruiting leaders.


The Modern Recruiter Robin Choy

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Learn from the best recruiting leaders.


    The Modern Recruiter #74: Mastering LinkedIn for Recruiters, Clark Willcox, Founder @ The Digital Recruiter

    The Modern Recruiter #74: Mastering LinkedIn for Recruiters, Clark Willcox, Founder @ The Digital Recruiter

    Hello everyone,
    In this episode of The Modern Recruiter, I had a fantastic conversation with Clark Willcox, founder of The Digital Recruiter and host of the podcast with the same name. We dived into how to leverage LinkedIn effectively as a recruiter, offering insights valuable for both corporate and agency recruiters. Just after, he interviewed me as a guest on his podcast on the topic of Turning your LinkedIn brand into a sales machine, I would recommend giving it a listen too!
    Here are some of the key takeaways from our discussion:
    1/ How to optimize Your LinkedIn profile as a landing page (with lots of great tips)
    Clark emphasized the importance of making your LinkedIn profile a compelling landing page and shared a story about a client who revamped his LinkedIn profile and signed a new lead within only a week.
    Here’s what he recommends:
    * Headline and About Section: Clearly state your value proposition and recent accomplishments. For example, “I build sales teams for industrial automation companies. Recently placed a Chief Marketing Officer at HireSweet”
    * Profile Picture and Banner: Use a professional and clear profile picture. Avoid AI-generated images.
    * Featured Section: Highlight your best posts, articles, or a call-to-action like booking a consultation. This section is crucial for showcasing your expertise.
    * + a few more snippets (listen to the conversation!)
    2/ The best outreach campaigns
    Clark recommends to level up LinkedIn outreach by using a LinkedIn automation tool like Dripify + Sales Navigator (or Recruiter Lite/Recruiter). Here’s the simplified approach Clark recommends:
    * No Invitation Note for Clients: Skip the note to increase acceptance rates. Once connected, engage with open-ended questions like, “How are your hiring efforts going in this challenging market?”. Play the long game, don't try to close them right away, because in Clark's words “Most of your outreach is sales is not going to work. Have that internal patience.”
    * Invitation Note for Candidates: Send a personalized message that highlights the role’s benefits. For example, “I think you might be a potential fit for a remote software developer role that offers exciting projects.”
    3/ Follow-Up Tactics
    Following up is key to maintaining engagement:
    * For Clients: Use open-ended questions to uncover needs. If they say they aren’t hiring, dig deeper by checking their job postings and asking targeted questions.
    * For Candidates: Tailor your follow-ups based on their engagement and responses.
    Final Thoughts
    Successful recruiting isn’t necessarily about grinding harder; it’s about working smarter and being strategic in our approach - and LinkedIn can be a great channel to do just that. As Clark said, “It’s about leveraging the tools of today to make your efforts more efficient and effective.” So if you’re not active on LinkedIn yet, I hope this conversation was useful and will help you get started!
    Listen to the full episode to dive deeper and learn how to create a robust LinkedIn system that drives results!
    Byw the way! I love when people reply to these emails, and I read and reply to all of your messages. They keep me motivated to continue the podcast, even after 4 years! So I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode: What strategies have you found effective on LinkedIn? What tools do you use yourselves? Come on, just hit reply and let’s chat!
    Have a great week!
    PS: My next episode will be with Jared Watts and we’ll be talking about how to apply professional sports (in Jared's case, soccer) to recruiting! It's been an awesome conversation, and I’m sure you’ll love it too! See you in two weeks!

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit themodernrecruiter.substack.com

    • 50 min
    The Modern Recruiter #73: Building and Selling a $28 Million Recruiting Agency, Diane Prince, Founder @ Recruiting Agency 360

    The Modern Recruiter #73: Building and Selling a $28 Million Recruiting Agency, Diane Prince, Founder @ Recruiting Agency 360

    Good morning everybody!
    This week, we dropped an absolute masterclass on building a highly valuable recruiting/staffing agency to potentially sell for 8-figures. My guest was Diane Prince, who achieved that very goal by founding, growing, and exiting a company for $28 million! (several times actually)
    Diane walked me through her entire entrepreneurial journey, from deciding at age 27 to "build a business to retire in our 30s" to the specific strategies and numbers that enabled her to do exactly that just 6 years later.
    Here are some of the main takeways:
    The Fundamentals
    * Identify a niche and go deep (Diane started in title insurance staffing). That is something I keep hearing from successful agency owners/solopreneurs.
    * Build a recurring revenue model as soon as possible to increase valuation multiples. Easier said than done, so I really pushed Diane to give a few examples that would work even for low-volume recruiting with smaller recurrence.
    * Diversify with at least 3-5 major "anchor" clients accounting for * Target 20%+ EBITDA margins and 3-6x EBITDA valuation multiples
    On Increasing Your Agency's Value
    * Build an executive team so the business can run without you
    * Implement robust accounting and reporting processes
    * Focus on client services that create embedded/recurring revenue streams
    On Selling Your Agency
    * Hire an investment banker to package and sell your company
    * Potential acquirers include public staffing firms, private equity, competitors
    * Relationships and networking are crucial for finding buyers
    One of Diane's biggest tips was to religiously mine your "warm leads" and nurture existing relationships, even with candidates you didn't place. Some of her biggest clients came from people who had interviewed elsewhere and gotten hired!
    There's so much more value packed into this episode. Diane draws from 30 years of staffing industry experience, multiple exits, and coaching/consulting for today's entrepreneurs. I learned a ton from her stories and tactics.
    Give The Modern Recruiter #73 a listen and let me know what you think!
    What were your biggest takeaways? People who don't own or lead an agency: did you find this useful anyway?.
    Just hit reply and let me know!
    PS: I feel this episode pairs nicely with The Modern Recruiter #70: A Pricing & Value Masterclass for Recruiters with Jon Brooks! Check it out now!

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit themodernrecruiter.substack.com

    • 33 min
    The Modern Recruiter #72: What's Really Happening in Hiring in 2024, Josh Brenner, CEO @Hired.com"

    The Modern Recruiter #72: What's Really Happening in Hiring in 2024, Josh Brenner, CEO @Hired.com"

    Hey everyone,
    With the job market changing so rapidly over the past few years, I try to keep up. That means lots of chats with folks from various sectors. One person I've been talking with is Josh, the CEO at Hired.com. Josh has access to tons of proprietary data because Hired has been at it for a decade, generating 3 million interviews and helping 30,000 people find jobs. During one of our conversations, Josh brought up their latest report, "The Future of Tech Hiring: 8 Bold Predictions for 2024" based on a survey of 250 companies and 1,000 job seekers. We dived deep into it.
    We figured, why not share this conversation with you all? I'm sure many of you would appreciate a closer look at Hired's data, whether you're searching for new opportunities or just curious about the future of the tech industry.
    So, we decided to record a new conversation and dive into what's happening in tech hiring, backed by all that data Hired.com has. Here's what we covered:
    A Shift Back Towards an Employer-Driven Market
    The past 18 months have been a rollercoaster, marked by hiring freezes, layoffs, and uncertainty. The dynamics between employers and candidates are always shifting, and it seems we're indeed moving back towards an employer-driven market, something many of us have felt.
    Yet, Josh advises, "Companies need to be really transparent and admit where things did not go as well as they should have gone," especially regarding layoffs and rehiring.
    AI's Impact on Junior Tech Talent
    One key trend is the pivot towards mid-senior level talent, reducing junior roles' availability. This shift is partly due to AI's growing influence, automating tasks once reserved for entry-level positions. However, Josh notes, "There's always more jobs that get created because of these technological advances than there are the jobs that do get lost."
    Pulling Back from Fully Remote
    The remote work landscape is also changing. What was once a necessity has now become a choice, with companies gradually retracting their fully remote positions. "During the peak of post-pandemic hiring, 70% of roles were open to remote. Now, that's dropped to below 50%," observes Josh.
    A Changing Focus on DE&I
    Although the active pursuit of diversity and inclusion goals may have seen a dip, the actual hiring of underrepresented talent hasn't declined. This hints at a more organic integration of DE&I principles into hiring practices.
    And so much more…
    As we navigate 2024, it's evident that agility, continuous learning, and openness to remote opportunities will be key for successful job seekers and recruiters. AI continues to transform the landscape, bringing new roles and challenges. We discussed all this and more, yet the outlook for 2024 remains uncertain!
    What's your take on this discussion? What are your predictions? Just hit reply and let's chat!

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit themodernrecruiter.substack.com

    • 29 min
    The Modern Recruiter #71: Nail your Job Search in 2024: Tips & Strategies from a Recruiting Pro, Melissa Grabiner

    The Modern Recruiter #71: Nail your Job Search in 2024: Tips & Strategies from a Recruiting Pro, Melissa Grabiner

    Hey everyone!
    Just wrapped up an amazing chat with Melissa Grabiner about something we all care about: how to get a better job. We talked about strategies to implement during the job search of course, but also before. We hope this will help some of you as listeners, but also your friends, family. Even if you’re not looking for a job right now, and if you probably know everything about recruiting (as you should if you’re interested in this podcast), we’re confident you’ll learn a few nuggets.
    Melissa is a pro when it comes to job-seeking advice, and she’s built an audience on that topic of an impressive 266,000 followers on LinkedIn. That's 10X myself! She's been in talent acquisition and HR for 14 years, and she has more recently taken LinkedIn to share tips for job seekers. There's a lot of BS advice on job search out there - Melissa is legit.
    Seriously, this episode's a keeper. Here's the summary on what we dived into:
    1/ Melissa's Backstory
    Melissa's been in the HR and talent game for years, making big moves and helping companies hire by the thousands. She's seen it all, from big pharma to biotech startups. And now, she's using her voice to help job seekers navigate the tricky waters of finding work, especially in a tough market like 2024.
    2/ Job Hunting Like a Pro
    We talked about everything from making sure your LinkedIn and resume are spot-on to navigating the often confusing advice out there. Melissa shared her top strategies for not just finding any job, but landing one that really fits what you're looking for. We also discussed how the best time to prepare is BEFORE actually looking for a job.
    3/ Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile
    First impressions count, especially online. Melissa walked us through how to make your LinkedIn profile pop, from a professional photo to crafting a headline that tells a story beyond just your job title.
    4/ Networking That Works
    Melissa stressed the importance of networking, not just as a way to find opportunities but as a two-way street. It's about building relationships, giving as much as you take, and leveraging those connections for mutual benefit. I really liked that part and this reminded me of a book that I often quote (Give and Take by Adam Grant).
    5/ Working With Recruiters and Agencies
    Recruiters can be a big help, but of course, they're working for the companies, not for you. Melissa gave us a few tips on how to make these relationships work to your advantage, and how to avoid putting all your eggs in one basket.
    Wherever you are, we’re sending you good vibes and strength for your job search, and really hope that this discussion will be helpful!
    What do you think? Just hit reply and let's get the conversation going!
    Wishing you a week full of opportunities,
    – Robin Choy

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit themodernrecruiter.substack.com

    • 35 min
    The Modern Recruiter #70: A Pricing & Value Masterclass for Recruiters, Jon Brooks, Founder @ The Value Advantage

    The Modern Recruiter #70: A Pricing & Value Masterclass for Recruiters, Jon Brooks, Founder @ The Value Advantage

    Hey everybody!
    In a special episode that I've been teasing for a bit, Jon and I unpack the art and science of pricing for agencies and recruiters. Even if you're not from an agency, you'll want to hear this. We cover how to show your worth, focus on what really matters, and get recognized by your clients/hiring managers. This is gold whether you're on the inside or with an agency.
    So, why Jon specifically? Well, he's probably the best expert on the topic of pricing + recruiting. After 8 years at REED (a top UK agency pulling in £1.2 billion a year), and setting up pricing strategies, he started his own company, The Value Advantage, to help recruiting firms nail their pricing.
    He's also behind the great Substack newsletter Added Value where he shares tips, landing page analysis etc. - I would recommend everyone to subscribe now. By the way - I said in the episode that it was paid, but there's also a free tier. So subscribe :)
    Honestly, this is one of my top episodes ever. I’ll keep recommending it for many years!
    Here's what we discussed:
    1/ Why we struggle with pricing innovation and a few models we can use
    We went far beyond the typical dialogue around percentages and guarantee periods (though we talked about them). Jon shared the "Good, Better, Best" way to think about pricing. This means giving clients choices that fit what they need. It makes clients happier and makes sure you get paid right for what you do. Easier said than done, so we then discussed very practical way to implement this strategy.
    2/ How we should think about Value Beyond Fees
    Our chat went beyond just how much to charge, and tried to answer the billion dollar questions: how to communicate the value recruiters bring to the table? Jon shared a few quotes for famous entrepreneurs, and techniques to better show the value created.
    3/ Practical Takeaways
    From understanding what clients truly value to adjusting service offerings accordingly, Jon shared a lot of actionable insights on how recruiters can differentiate their services and justify their fees & salaries.
    What do you think? Been thinking about how to show your value or set the right prices? I'd love to hear how you're applying these ideas. Just hit reply and let's talk!
    Wishing you a very valuable week,
    Robin Choy

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit themodernrecruiter.substack.com

    • 33 min
    The Modern Recruiter #69: The recruiting agency recipe to hit 70K€ revenue per month with 70% recurring revenue in 18 months, Samuli Salonen, CEO @ TalentBee

    The Modern Recruiter #69: The recruiting agency recipe to hit 70K€ revenue per month with 70% recurring revenue in 18 months, Samuli Salonen, CEO @ TalentBee

    Hey everybody!
    Robin here, and I'm back with another episode of The Modern Recruiter, diving deep into my latest obsession: the inner workings of recruitment agencies. This week, I had an awesome chat with Samuli, the brains behind TalentBee, a Europe-based, fully distributed recruiting agency created in August 2022, that's now booking ~70K€ of revenue per month. Not bad after 1.5 years! (and to have a comparable for the US, you can probably ~double those numbers)
    We did a bit of a podcast exchange — first, I jumped onto Samuli's show, TalentBuzz here on Spotify), where I shared all my secrets on getting candidates to actually reply to you, amassed after 8 years of working on candidate engagement and recruiting CRMs. If you follow me on LinkedIn and like what I usually say, you're gonna love this episode. Remember to leave a good Spotify review on Samuli's podcast if you enjoy it!
    Then we flipped the roles, and I got to grill Samuli on The Modern Recruiter. He didn't hold back, sharing the good and bad of his TalentBee adventure, complete with the cold, hard numbers. And let me tell you, he was super, super transparent about it all.
    What grabbed my attention:
    1/ How Samuli applied sales best practices to recruiting
    You know I can't resist comparing sales/marketing with recruiting.
    Samuli's got a background in sales and marketing, not your typical recruiter backstory, so he wouldn't disagree. What's his secret sauce and how did he apply all his previous learnings? He puts a heavy emphasis on branding and engaging candidates in unique ways — he will for instance share videos of the engineering team describing the role they're hiring for.
    He also walked us through the playbook he used to get his initial clients.
    2/ How TalentBee thinks about productivity
    Because TalentBee is fully distributed, they absolutely have to think about productivity. We talked about hours worked, time-audit (one of my favorite productivity techniques), revenue multiples, transparency about business operations, including profitability and employee contributions, etc.
    3/ How they managed to build recurring revenue
    That's the Holy Grail for a lot of agencies - yet very few manage to build true recurring revenue. Most recruiting operations are transactional by nature, which is why TalentBee's approach to locking in 70% of their revenue through recurring streams really intrigued me.
    It led us down a rabbit hole of pricing strategies, delivering value, and all that good stuff we'll dive deeper into with Jon Brooks in a soon-to-come episode (promise, it's worth the wait!).
    So, what do you think? I’d love to hear your take on TalentBee's journey and the insights shared by Samuli. Just hit reply and let’s chat!
    Wishing you an inspiring week ahead,
    – Robin Choy

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit themodernrecruiter.substack.com

    • 36 min

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