181 episodes

Are you a mom challenging the status quo? Have you woken up to the reality that the food system we use, the corporate conglomerates in it for only profit, and the medical paradigm we live in are completely broken?

Are you ready to create a new and healthier world for your children?

It takes guts and willpower to change the way we operate in a world where the quick-fix and “pill for every ill” are the norm.

It’s not normal and it’s devastating humanity.

It takes a tribe, a collective, of women to support, encourage, and grow together.

This podcast is about that journey out of the matrix and into the divine nature of our power to change the world. It’s not only possible… it’s happening!

Although you won’t find the stereotypical Hippie counterculture of the 1960s here, you will find the Mother Nature-loving, earth protecting, and peace movement modernized for today’s world.

In this unique, real, and raw life podcast, Becky Wells, founder of Hippie Moms, is open and honest about the struggles faced in motherhood and her journey to creating the optimal versions of herself and her family. One day and one baby step at a time.

It's time for ALL moms to recognize and embody their fullest potential. We have one life and not a minute to waste!

Expects lots of nature-focused tips, tricks, strategies, inspiration, and insight to creating a life that feels as if it was specifically designed for you... because it's what YOU are creating!

Topics include living in harmony with Mother Nature, mindfulness in motherhood, creating your version of your optimal self, clean-eating nourishment, non-toxic living, joyful movement, holistic care, pregnancy, getting pregnant, gentle parenting, and all things a health-conscious mama wants to talk about!
This is going to be fun! Join us!

The Hippie Moms Podcast Becky Wells

    • Health & Fitness

Are you a mom challenging the status quo? Have you woken up to the reality that the food system we use, the corporate conglomerates in it for only profit, and the medical paradigm we live in are completely broken?

Are you ready to create a new and healthier world for your children?

It takes guts and willpower to change the way we operate in a world where the quick-fix and “pill for every ill” are the norm.

It’s not normal and it’s devastating humanity.

It takes a tribe, a collective, of women to support, encourage, and grow together.

This podcast is about that journey out of the matrix and into the divine nature of our power to change the world. It’s not only possible… it’s happening!

Although you won’t find the stereotypical Hippie counterculture of the 1960s here, you will find the Mother Nature-loving, earth protecting, and peace movement modernized for today’s world.

In this unique, real, and raw life podcast, Becky Wells, founder of Hippie Moms, is open and honest about the struggles faced in motherhood and her journey to creating the optimal versions of herself and her family. One day and one baby step at a time.

It's time for ALL moms to recognize and embody their fullest potential. We have one life and not a minute to waste!

Expects lots of nature-focused tips, tricks, strategies, inspiration, and insight to creating a life that feels as if it was specifically designed for you... because it's what YOU are creating!

Topics include living in harmony with Mother Nature, mindfulness in motherhood, creating your version of your optimal self, clean-eating nourishment, non-toxic living, joyful movement, holistic care, pregnancy, getting pregnant, gentle parenting, and all things a health-conscious mama wants to talk about!
This is going to be fun! Join us!

    How Healing Happens

    How Healing Happens

    Many believe that we have only one body, the physical body that we can see, but science tells us that we actually have four bodies that impact our lives in every way possible. In this episode we explore a deeper understanding to the truth of who we are and how healing can happen when we attend to each of these aspects of us.

    On our journeys to healing and becoming whole, it takes courage to go within and stop seeking fulfillment outside ourselves. Eventually we realize that nothing will ever comfort us in a way that we are deeply yearning for. If you are ready to open yourself up to a new reality and a new way of thinking, this podcast is for you!

    • 1 hr
    How to Break Free from People-Pleasing and Live YOUR Truth

    How to Break Free from People-Pleasing and Live YOUR Truth

    If you are a woman and you live on this planet, it's very likely that you too suffer from people pleasing and sacrificing your deepest dreams and desires in order to maintain status quo.

    It's a common symptom for so many of us that eventually creates depression, anxiety, guilt, shame, and a host of other health issues that will eventually manifest as illness and disease.

    This is because when we close ourselves off from the full expression of who we are, and the gifts we are here to bring the world, our life force weakens, and disharmony sets in.
    As an intuitive coach, Kirsten, helps heart-centered women and mothers to soften into their emotional beauty and authenticity in a modern and busy world by using her intuition, inner soul guidance, and energetic connections.

    In the latest episode of The Hippie Moms Podcast Kirsten shares with us...

    - How the traditional life path we have been taught leads us right to people pleasing.
    - What a self-discovery journey can look like and how to begin that process.
    - How tuning into our innate intuitive gift, leads us to the deep connection we are longing for.
    - A three-step process that can guide us back to our hearts and our authentic selves.
    - How when we bring our shadows forward and love them, we begin to open up to the immense power we hold.
    - Why we close off our greatest gifts and how to access them again.
    - How motherhood offers us incredible healing opportunities.
    - Why always seeking outside advice and wisdom creates overwhelm and evokes guilt, shame, fear, and what we can do instead.
    - How to tap into the vast wisdom we hold as mothers and step into our power as we raise the next generation.

    What I love most about this episode is how relatable it is for so many of us as we journey as women, mother's and humans on earth.

    I believe after listening to this episode you will feel a little more compassion, grace, and ease in each step through this crazy motherhood and human journey.

    • 45 min
    Gut Health Must Haves

    Gut Health Must Haves

    Gut health is now the hottest health topic out there! I get countless questions and emails about how moms can support their and their families' guts and so this episode is dedicated to bringing you everything that I have learned and integrated in my life to heal, support, and nourish my gut.

    If we truly want to feel vibrant, energetic, and glow from the inside out, then we MUST help our guts and feed them what they need to do what they do, rebuild, regenerate, and revitalize us from the inside out.

    I offer you many easy and simple suggestions that you can begin doing right now to help your gut heal and begin your journey towards healing from the inside out.

    Be sure to check the show notes for resources that can support and honor your journey towards healing and nourishing your gut!

    • 47 min
    The Most Common Complications and Issues in Childbirth, with Gina Mundy

    The Most Common Complications and Issues in Childbirth, with Gina Mundy

    Get ready for an incredible and informative podcast episode about childbirth! PLEASE share this with anyone you know that is having a baby or is even thinking about bringing a baby into this world! For over two decades, Gina Mundy, has been an attorney specializing in childbirth cases.

    In this episode you will discover:

    - The number one mistake mother's and parents make when they look to their doctor and medical advisors for childbirth assistance.
    - The NUMBER ONE cause of complications during labor.
    - How breaking mom's bag of water can lead to countless issues or mistakes during birth.
    - The type of birth that will lead to less trauma and tragedy for mom and baby.
    - The most important thing to know when you choose a doctor.
    - The most important questions to ask when you are interviewing doctors.
    - The difference between types of doctors that deliver babies and what you need to know to make an informed decision.
    - The real purpose of a birth plan.
    - How doulas provide a much more safer childbirth experience.

    This conversation sheds so much light on how the medicalization of labor and deliver creates more issues and complications in childbirth. It's VITAL that mothers have this information so that they can make informed decisions and armor themselves against unnecessary interventions and potential tragedy!

    • 40 min
    The 7 Ways of Reconnecting to Ourselves

    The 7 Ways of Reconnecting to Ourselves

    Tired of chasing health, happiness, and just the feeling of being, okay? Society is pushing us to rush from one thing to another, distract from ourselves, and there are millions of people telling us what to do, what to avoid, and what to buy in order to be happy and healthy.

    Being on this journey for over 12 years, I have discovered the most profound and simple things that bring true joy, peace of mind, and sustainable health. Spoiler alert, they are not found in a supplement bottle, or the latest biohacking invention.

    We have become SO disconnected from ourselves and the truth of who we are. In this episode, I offer you the 7 things most fundamental and basic aspects of creating, joy, and ease in our lives, and they don't cost a thing!
    Yet, we must be willing to bring these miracle-invoking practices consistently into our everyday lives.

    In this episode I offer you what I have discovered to be the most impactful and profound

    Are you ready to reconnect with your authentic self and open up to a new and more blissful way of being? If you're answer is yes, then listen in!

    • 51 min
    The Limiting Beliefs We Hold, with Helen Knight

    The Limiting Beliefs We Hold, with Helen Knight

    What a gift it is to introduce to you Helen Knight, a beautiful Healer, Medicine Woman, Ceremonialist, HSP/Empath Mentor, Reiki Master/Teacher, and founder of Dreamtime Healings.

    Beautiful and radiant being,

    What a gift it is to introduce to you Helen Knight, a beautiful Healer, Medicine Woman, Ceremonialist, HSP/Empath Mentor, Reiki Master/Teacher, and founder of Dreamtime Healings.

    I met Helen late last year as I attended one of her medicine retreats in Northern New Mexico.

    It was a transformative experience where I processed and released great guilt and shame from my early motherhood and connected to forgiveness, compassion, and love for myself and all mothers.

    I knew then that this conversation was to be shared with our community.

    In this episode we discuss the state of moms and women today.

    We live in a rat race, stuck on a hamster wheel, and unknowingly deny ourselves our birthright of rest, pleasure, and creative joy.

    You know if you live in this energy if you feel emotionally unbalanced, easily angered, powerless, co-dependent, insecure, and withhold your love.

    I have lived in this space for the majority of my life.

    As I show my way into living a healed and balanced life, I can now see how much we as mother's and women need permission to rise above the old and outdated belief systems and create a new and more harmonious way of living.

    In this episode you will discover:

    How this world traveler found herself at the age of 33 sick, exhausted, and feeling like she was 93 years old.
    What Reiki is and how it can help us heal.
    The profound lessons she learned when she hit rock bottom.
    The most powerful part of a woman's body.
    Why so many of us feel crappy, sick, and overwhelmed.
    The simple pleasures we rob ourselves from and how to get them back into our lives.
    How when we carry the responsibility of making people happy it creates imbalances and extreme lack of joy in our lives.
    The invisible work that keeps us looping and disconnected from ourselves.
    What toxic femininity and toxic masculinity are and how they plague our world.
    How to bring these energies into balance.
    The limiting armor we build from traumas and past experiences.
    How gathering with a group of women gives us access to deep healing.
    Intuitive Microdosing with psilocybin
    And don't miss Helen's free gift she offers us; you can find when you visit the podcast!

    I ask that you come empty and open minded to this conversation. Notice how easy it is to shut down to new ways of thinking. This my dear sister is what keeps us in prison, so come empty!

    I am in such deep honor for this community and the opportunity to bring the energy and messages of people who are truly making a difference in the world.

    Watch us on YouTube
    Listen to our conversation on the podcawt

    • 34 min

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