5 episodes

Welcome to the Deutschlerner Podcast, your go-to resource for learning German! Whether you're just starting your German learning journey or looking for a refresher, this podcast is designed to help you master the basics. Simply press play, listen, repeat and learn German!

Hosted by Herr Antrim, a seasoned German language teacher with a passion for grammar and all things German learning, each episode of the Deutschlerner Podcast provides valuable insights, practical tips, and engaging content to enhance your German language skills.

As a beginner-focused podcast, Herr Antrim understands the challenges and hurdles you might face when learning a new language. That's why he has curated this podcast to introduce you to the most fundamental vocabulary and phrases you'll need to communicate effectively in German. From greetings and introductions to everyday expressions and useful vocabulary, Herr Antrim has got you covered.

With a friendly and approachable teaching style, Herr Antrim breaks down the words and phrases in an easy-to-understand manner, ensuring that you grasp the foundations of German pronunciation, grammar, and usage. Each concept is presented in a clear and concise manner, making it ideal for both self-study and classroom environments.

This podcast is structured as a solo show, allowing you to focus on the content and absorb the lessons at your own pace. In each episode, we'll explore different themes, expand your vocabulary, and provide valuable context for real-life situations you may encounter while communicating in German.

The Deutschlerner Podcast is specifically tailored for beginners who are eager to gain confidence and fluency in German. However, learners of all levels can benefit from the valuable insights and expert guidance shared throughout each episode.

Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply a language enthusiast, the Deutschlerner Podcast offers a wealth of knowledge, entertainment, and practical language learning tips. Join us on this exciting language journey, as we equip you with the essential tools to navigate the German-speaking world.

To access Episode 1 and start improving your German skills right away, visit Herr Antrim's website https://www.germanwithantrim.com/100-essential-words-and-phrases-for-beginners-deutschlerner-podcast-episode-1/. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review to let us know how we're doing.

Thank you for choosing the Deutschlerner Podcast. Together, we'll unlock the doors to German fluency and open up a world of opportunities!

Herr Antrim's Linktree: https://linktr.ee/herrantrim

Deutschlerner Herr Antrim

    • Education

Welcome to the Deutschlerner Podcast, your go-to resource for learning German! Whether you're just starting your German learning journey or looking for a refresher, this podcast is designed to help you master the basics. Simply press play, listen, repeat and learn German!

Hosted by Herr Antrim, a seasoned German language teacher with a passion for grammar and all things German learning, each episode of the Deutschlerner Podcast provides valuable insights, practical tips, and engaging content to enhance your German language skills.

As a beginner-focused podcast, Herr Antrim understands the challenges and hurdles you might face when learning a new language. That's why he has curated this podcast to introduce you to the most fundamental vocabulary and phrases you'll need to communicate effectively in German. From greetings and introductions to everyday expressions and useful vocabulary, Herr Antrim has got you covered.

With a friendly and approachable teaching style, Herr Antrim breaks down the words and phrases in an easy-to-understand manner, ensuring that you grasp the foundations of German pronunciation, grammar, and usage. Each concept is presented in a clear and concise manner, making it ideal for both self-study and classroom environments.

This podcast is structured as a solo show, allowing you to focus on the content and absorb the lessons at your own pace. In each episode, we'll explore different themes, expand your vocabulary, and provide valuable context for real-life situations you may encounter while communicating in German.

The Deutschlerner Podcast is specifically tailored for beginners who are eager to gain confidence and fluency in German. However, learners of all levels can benefit from the valuable insights and expert guidance shared throughout each episode.

Whether you're a student, a professional, or simply a language enthusiast, the Deutschlerner Podcast offers a wealth of knowledge, entertainment, and practical language learning tips. Join us on this exciting language journey, as we equip you with the essential tools to navigate the German-speaking world.

To access Episode 1 and start improving your German skills right away, visit Herr Antrim's website https://www.germanwithantrim.com/100-essential-words-and-phrases-for-beginners-deutschlerner-podcast-episode-1/. Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and leave us a review to let us know how we're doing.

Thank you for choosing the Deutschlerner Podcast. Together, we'll unlock the doors to German fluency and open up a world of opportunities!

Herr Antrim's Linktree: https://linktr.ee/herrantrim

    100 Essential Words and Phrases for Beginners: Deutschlerner Podcast Episode #1

    100 Essential Words and Phrases for Beginners: Deutschlerner Podcast Episode #1

    Welcome to the Deutschlerner Podcast: Lesson #1! In this video, Herr Antrim will introduce you to 100 essential words and phrases that every German learner must know. Whether you're a beginner or looking to brush up on your skills, this lesson is perfect for you.
    Join Herr Antrim as he dives into various categories such as greetings, farewells, politeness, basic questions and answers, numbers, months, drinks, and food. Through a series of simple listen and repeat exercises, you'll have the opportunity to practice your pronunciation while expanding your vocabulary.
    From common greetings like "Hallo" and "Guten Tag" to useful phrases such as "Wie geht es Ihnen?" and "Wo ist die Toilette?", you'll gain confidence in conversational German. We'll also cover numbers and counting, months of the year, drinks like coffee and beer, and a variety of delicious foods.
    Whether you're planning a trip to Germany or simply want to communicate with German speakers, this lesson will provide you with a solid foundation. Remember to subscribe to our channel for more Deutschlerner Podcast episodes. Stay tuned for future lessons and let's embark on this language learning journey together. Bis dann! Tschüss!

    • 40 min
    125 Ordering, Traveling, & More Must-Know German Expressions: Deutschlerner Podcast Episode #2

    125 Ordering, Traveling, & More Must-Know German Expressions: Deutschlerner Podcast Episode #2

    Hallo, Deutschlerner. Welcome to the Deutschlerner Podcast: Lesson #2. Today I’m going to introduce you to 125 words and phrases that every German learner must know. This lesson is the second in a series of simple listen and repeat exercises. I say the phrase and you repeat it back so you can practice your pronunciation with me while learning new vocabulary and phrases. Today we will cover some basic words and phrases in the following categories: ordering & buying, traveling, directions & locations, emergencies & health, and opinions & emotions. 
    bestellen & kaufen - ordering & buying das Bargeld - cash  die Kreditkarte - credit card  einen Tisch für zwei, bitte. - A table for two, please.  Was empfehlen Sie? - What do you recommend?  Zahlen, bitte. - Check please.  Was ist das Tagesgericht? - What is the dish of the day?  Ich bin allergisch gegen… - I am allergic to…  Können wir bitte die Rechnung teilen? - Can we split the check, please?  Reisen & Verkehrsmittel - Travel & Transportation reisen - to travel  der Flughafen - airport der Bahnhof - train station die Bushaltestelle - bus stop  die Fahrkarte - ticket einfache Fahrt - one-way ticket Hin- und Rückfahrt - round-trip ticket das Gepäck - luggage der Koffer - suitcase der Rucksack - backpack der Zug - train die U-Bahn - subway die Straßenbahn - tram der Bus - bus das Auto - car  die Tankstelle - gas station tanken - to fill up (with gas) die Abfahrt - departure die Ankunft - arrival die Verspätung - delay umsteigen - to transfer (trains, buses, etc.) der Bahnsteig - platform der Ausgang - exit die Sehenswürdigkeit - sight, tourist attraction die Wegbeschreibung - directions Wo ist der Bahnhof? - Where is the train station? Wie viel kostet eine Fahrkarte nach… ? - How much does a ticket to… cost? Wann fährt der nächste Zug nach… ? - When does the next train to… leave? Ich habe einen Sitzplatz reserviert. - I have reserved a seat. Wie lange dauert die Fahrt? - How long does the journey take? Wo kann ich tanken? - Where can I fill up with gas? Wann kommt der nächste Bus? - When does the next bus come? Wegbeschreibung & Orte - Directions & Locations Wo ist…? - Where is…?  Wie komme ich zum/zur…? - How do I get to the…?  Ich habe mich verlaufen. - I am lost.  Ich suche… - I am looking for…  geradeaus - straight ahead  links - left rechts - right  Biegen Sie nach… ab. - Turn to the…  in der Nähe von… - near the…  die Straße überqueren - to cross the street gegenüber von - across from  neben - next to  hinter - behind  vor - in front of  Notfälle und Gesundheit - Emergencies & Health der Notfall - emergency die Hilfe - help der Krankenwagen - ambulance die Feuerwehr - fire department die Polizei - police die Schmerzen - pain die Verletzung - injury der Unfall - accident der Herzinfarkt - heart attack der Schlaganfall - stroke die Blutung - bleeding die Übelkeit - nausea das Erbrechen - vomiting die Verstauchung - sprain der Bruch - fracture die Verbrennung - burn Ich brauche Hilfe. - I need help. Wo ist das nächste Krankenhaus? - Where is the nearest hospital? Ich habe Schmerzen in... - I have pain in... Ich habe mich verletzt. - I have been injured. Ich habe einen Unfall gehabt. - I have had an accident. Ich fühle mich nicht gut. - I don't feel well. Bitte helfen Sie mir. - Please help me. Ich kann nicht atmen. - I cannot breathe. Ich habe Kopfschmerzen. - I have a headache. Ich bin allergisch gegen... - I am allergic to... Bitte rufen Sie die Polizei. - Please call the police. Ich habe mich verbrannt. - I have burned myself. Ich habe mich verstaucht. - I have sprained myself. Ich habe mir etwas gebrochen. - I have broken something. Ich brauche einen Arzt. - I need a doctor. Bitte fahren Sie mich zum Krankenhaus. - Please take me to the hospital. Wo finde ich eine Apotheke? - Where can I find a pharmacy? Meinungen & Gefühle - Opinions & Feelings Ich denke, dass... - I think that... Meine

    • 45 min
    111 German Expressions to Describe Yourself: Deutschlerner Podcast Episode #3

    111 German Expressions to Describe Yourself: Deutschlerner Podcast Episode #3

    Hallo, Deutschlerner. Welcome to the Deutschlerner Podcast: Lesson #3. Today we are going to start dialing in the words and phrases that I introduce you to in each podcast. In the last two lessons I gave you basic survival type vocabulary and phrases. Things that you will need if you are simply traveling to Germany for a quick vacation. Now we are going to start down the path of passing the A1 exam from the Goethe Institut. 
    I took the vocabulary category list from the Goethe Institut website, which you can download via the link in the description. Then I wrote example sentences to go with each group. Today we are going to focus on words and phrases used to describe yourself in German. Listen and repeat as I introduce each word and phrase. When you are done with this lesson, you should be able to describe yourself in great detail all in German. Und jetzt legen wir los! 
    der Name - name 
    Wie ist Ihr Name? - What is your name? 
    Wie heißen Sie? - What is your name? 
    Ich heiße… - I am called… 
    Mein Name ist… - My name is… 
    Mein Vorname ist… - My first name is… 
    Mein Nachname ist… - My last name is… 
    Mein Familienname ist… - My family name is… 
    die Adresse - address 
    Wie ist Ihre Adresse? - What is your address? 
    Meine Adresse ist Panoramastraße 1A, 10178 Berlin. - My address is Panoramastraße 1A, 10178 Berlin. 
    Die Postleitzahl dort ist 10178. - The zip code there is 10178. 
    Ich wohne in Berlin. - I live in Berlin. 
    Ich wohne in Deutschland. - I live in Germany. 
    das Telefon - telephone
    das Handy - cell phone 
    die Telefonnummer - telephone number
    Wie ist Ihre Telefonnummer? - What is your telephone number? 
    Meine Telefonnummer ist 867-5309. - My telephone number is 867-5309. 
    das Geburtsdatum - date of birth 
    Wie lautet Ihr Geburtsdatum? - What is your date of birth? 
    Mein Geburtsdatum ist der 15.11.1986. (der fünfzehnte November 1986) - My date of birth is November 15, 1986. 
    Wann wurden Sie geboren? - When were you born? 
    Ich wurde am 15.11.1986 (fünfzehnten elften 1986) geboren. - I was born on the 15th of November 1986. 
    das Geburtsort - place of birth 
    Wie heißt Ihr Geburtsort? - What is the name of your place of birth? 
    Mein Geburtsort heißt Berlin. - My place of birth is Berlin. 
    Wo wurden Sie geboren? - Where were you born? 
    Ich wurde in Berlin geboren. - I was born in Berlin. 
    das Alter - age 
    Wie alt sind Sie? - How old are you? 
    Ich bin 36 Jahre alt. - I am 36 years old. 
    das Geschlecht - gender 
    männlich - male
    weiblich - female 
    divers - non-binary 
    Welches Geschlecht haben Sie? - Which gender do you have? 
    Welches Geschlecht wurde bei Ihrer Geburt in Ihre Geburtsurkunde eingetragen? - Which gender was written on your birth certificate upon your birth? 
    Wie bezeichnen Sie selber Ihr Geschlecht? - How would you characterize your gender yourself? 
    Ich bin männlich. - I am male. 
    Ich bin weiblich. - I am female. 
    Ich bin divers. - I am non-binary. 
    der Familienstand - marital status 
    Wie ist Ihr Familienstand? - What is your marital status? 
    ledig - single 
    verlobt - engaged 
    verheiratet - married 
    getrennt - separated 
    geschieden - divorced 
    verwitwet - widowed 
    Ich bin nicht verheiratet, aber ich habe einen Partner/eine Partnerin. - I am not married, but I have a partner. 
    Ich bin noch verheiratet, aber wir leben getrennt. - I am still married, but we are separated. 
    Ich bin ledig, aber ich habe einen Freund/eine Freundin. - I am single, but I have a boyfriend/girlfriend. 
    die Staatsangehörigkeit - citizenship 
    Was ist Ihre Staatsangehörigkeit? - What is your citizenship? 
    Meine Staatsangehörigkeit ist US-amerikanisch. - My citizenship is US-American. 
    deutsch - German 

    • 1 hr 10 min
    German Christmas Traditions (Holiday Bonus Podcast) | Deutschlerner Podcast Bonus Lesson #1

    German Christmas Traditions (Holiday Bonus Podcast) | Deutschlerner Podcast Bonus Lesson #1

    Welcome to the Deutschlerner Podcast's YouTube channel! In this video, we present our first Bonus Lesson, where you'll learn how to talk about Christmas and all things Advent in German. Whether you are planning on visiting the Christkindlesmarkt in Nürnberg or simply interested in expanding your German language skills, this lesson is perfect for beginners and intermediate learners.

    Grundwortschatz - Basic Vocabulary
    German English der Grundwortschatz Basic Vocabulary Weihnachten Christmas der Weihnachtsmann Santa Claus das Geschenk Gift Der Weihnachtsmann verteilte Geschenke an die Kinder zu Weihnachten. Santa Claus distributed gifts to the children for Christmas. das Christkind Christ Child In manchen Teilen von Deutschland verteilt das Christkind die Geschenke zu Weihnachten. In some areas of Germany, the Christ child distributes the gifts for Christmas. der Elf Elf Die Elfen helfen dem Weihnachtsmann beim Geschenke packen. The elves help Santa Claus with the gift packing/wrapping. das Rentier Reindeer der Schlitten Sleigh Die Rentiere ziehen den Schlitten des Weihnachtsmanns. The reindeer pull Santa Claus’ sleigh. der Nordpol North Pole Man sagt, dass der Weihnachtsmann am Nordpol lebt. They say that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. die Bescherung Distribution of Gifts Die Bescherung fand am Heiligabend im Kreise der Familie statt. The distribution of gifts took place on Christmas Eve within the family. der Wunschzettel Wish List Die Kinder schreiben aufgeregt ihre Wunschzettel an den Weihnachtsmann. The children excitedly write their wish lists to Santa Claus. der Weihnachtsbaum Christmas Tree der Tannenbaum Christmas Tree (Fir Tree) Ein Weihnachtsbaum ist normalerweise ein schön geschmückter Tannenbaum, der im Haus während der Adventszeit steht und worunter man Geschenke legt. A Christmas tree is normally a beautifully decorated fir tree, which stands in the house during the Christmas season and under which one lays presents. das Geschenkpapier Gift Wrapping Paper Das bunte Geschenkpapier verhüllt die Überraschungen. The brightly colored gift wrapping paper covers the surprises.
    die Zwölf Weihnachtstage - 12 Days of Christmas
    German English die Zwölf Weihnachtstage 12 Days of Christmas die Adventszeit Advent Time Die Adventszeit ist die Zeit der Vorfreude und Vorbereitung auf Weihnachten, die mit dem ersten Advent beginnt und bis zum Heiligabend dauert. The Advent time is the time of anticipatory excitement and preparation for Christmas, which starts with the first Advent and lasts until Christmas Eve. Erster Advent First Advent Der erste Advent läutet die besinnliche Zeit ein. The First Advent heralds in the reflective time. Zweiter Advent Second Advent Der zweite Advent wird mit Kerzen am Adventskranz gefeiert. The Second Advent is celebrated with a candle on the Advent wreath. Dritter Advent Third Advent Der dritte Adventssonntag wird mit einem weiteren Kerzenanzünden gefeiert. The Third Advent is celebrated with another candle lighting. Vierter Advent Fourth Advent Der vierte Advent bereitet auf das Weihnachtsfest vor. The Fourth Advent prepares for the Christmas festival. der Adventskalender Advent Calendar Jeden Tag öffnen die Kinder ein Türchen am Adventskalender und essen glücklich das Schokoladenstück darin. Every day the children open a door on the Advent calendar and happily eat the piece of chocolate inside. der Heiligabend Christmas Eve Heiligabend ist der Höhepunkt der Weihnachtsfeierlichkeiten, denn an diesem Abend kommt der Weihnachtsmann. Christmas Eve is the highlight of the Christmas celebrations, because on this evening Santa Claus comes. erster Weihnachtstag Christmas Day Der erste Weihnachtstag wird überall gefeiert und ist immer ein gesetzlicher Feiertag. The first Christmas Day is celebrated everywhere and is always a legal holiday. zweiter Weihnachtstag The Day Aft

    • 46 min
    German Shopping Vocabulary | Deutschlerner Podcast Lesson #4

    German Shopping Vocabulary | Deutschlerner Podcast Lesson #4

    Hallo, Deutschlerner. Welcome to the Deutschlerner Podcast: Lesson #4. Today we are going to continue on the road to passing the A1 exam from the Goethe Institut. I took apart their list of vocabulary topics that A1 German learners should be familiar with (linked below) and added example sentences for everything.

    Today we are going to focus on words and phrases used while shopping in German. Where do Germans shop? What can you buy in all of the different kinds of stores? All this and more will be explained in today’s lesson.

    Listen and repeat as I introduce each word and phrase. When you are done with this lesson, you should be able to navigate most conversations you encounter while shopping in German. Und jetzt legen wir los!

    einkaufen - to shop
    Ich muss fürs Wochenende einkaufen. I have to go shopping for the weekend. kaufen to buy Fred kauft Gemüse. Fred is buying vegetables. bezahlen to pay Sie müssen für Einkaufstaschen bezahlen. You have to pay for shopping bags. Wie viel kostet das? How much does that cost? abholen to pick up, get Kann ich etwas für dich von dem Geschäft abholen? Can I pick you up something from the store? kriegen to get Wo kann ich Äpfel kriegen? Where can I get apples? suchen to look for Was suchen Sie heute? What are you looking for today? verkaufen to sell Dieses Geschäft verkauft Mountain Dew! This store sells Mountain Dew! anbieten to offer Was bietet dieses Restaurant an? What does this restaurant offer? das Angebot offer Die Bananen sind diese Woche im Angebot. The bananas are on sale this week. billig cheap Das ist aber billig. That is so cheap. günstig cheap teuer expensive empfehlen to recommend Was empfehlen Sie? What do you recommend? gefallen to like Das gefällt mir. I like that. bitte please bitten to ask, request Darf ich Sie um etwas bitten? May I ask you for something? danken to thank Ich danke Ihnen herzlich. I thank you very much. Entschuldigung! Excuse me! der Eingang entrance der Ausgang exit
    im Geschäft - in the store
    die Kasse cash register der Kiosk kiosk Am Kiosk bekommen Sie Getränke und Zeitungen. At the kiosk you can get drinks and newspapers. der Kühlschrank refrigerator Die Eier sind nicht im Kühlschrank. The eggs are not in the refrigerator. der Kunde customer (male) die Kundin customer (female) öffnen to open Öffnen Sie bitte die Tür. Open the door, please. geöffnet opened zu closed Das Geschäft ist am Sonntag zu. The store is closed on Sunday. der Schalter counter das Schild sign die Tasche bag die Einkaufstasche shopping bag die Durchsage announcement Die haben Werbung per Durchsage im Geschäft gemacht. They made advertisements via the PA system in the store. das Geschenk gift das Geld money die Karte card das Bargeld cash Bezahlen Sie bar oder mit Karte? Are you paying with cash or card?
    Arten von Geschäften - Types of Stores
    die Bäckerei bakery In einer Bäckerei kauft man Brot, Brötchen und Bretzeln. In a bakery one buys bread, rolls and pretzels. das Café café In einem Café bekommt man einen Kaffee und etwas zu essen. In a cafe one gets a coffee and something to eat. das Geschäft store das Bekleidungsgeschäft clothing store das Lebensmittelgeschäft grocery store der Laden shop das Lokal establishment das Restaurant restaurant das Reisebüro travel agency
    die Lebensmittel - groceries
    das Essen food das Ei egg der Fisch fish das Fleisch meat das Hähnchen chicken der Kuchen cake das Öl oil der Reis rice das Salz salt der Pfeffer pepper der Schinken ham das Brot bread das Brötchen roll
    das Obst - fruits
    der Apfel apple die Banane banana die Birne pear
    das Gemüse - vegetables
    die Kartoffel potato der Salat salad, lettuce die Tomate tomato
    das Getränk - drink
    trinken t

    • 49 min

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