30 episodes

Today on Mindshift is a Daily Devotional of The Mindshift International for your Spiritual Growth and Mental Edification


    • Religion & Spirituality

Today on Mindshift is a Daily Devotional of The Mindshift International for your Spiritual Growth and Mental Edification




    Day 217

    Date : Sunday 8th August. 2021.

    Text: Proverbs 14:12
    _"There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death."_
    (please read the entire chapter for understanding).

    THOUGHT CODE: Anytime Gods sends a divine interruption your way, it is a warning signal and an expression of his magnanimous love and mercy.

    Not many of us like disruptions in our daily lives, especially when they cause inconvenience or a change of plans.

    While Paul was on His way to Damscus to persecute the Christians, he had a divine interruption that changed the entire trajectory of his life- (Acts 9)

    The conversion of Paul the Apostle was, according to the New Testament, an event in the life of Paul the Apostle that led him to cease persecuting early Christians and to become a follower of Jesus.

    Anytime Gods sends a divine interruption your way, it is a warning signal and an expression of his magnanimous love and mercy.

    However, so many people fail to yield to divine interruptions by God because there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.

    Alot of people have died prematurely because they failed to yield to divine interruptions; this is usually as a result of superimposing their selfwill against the divine will of God.

    What we call an interruption may be a divine redirection, appointment or deliverance the Lord has scheduled for that day. God’s plan for our lives sometimes comes through interruption, and He can interrupt our plans with much better plan. Sometimes we are too overwhelmed with problems in our lives that we don’t allow divine interruption to manifest. We must be ready to allow ourselves to be interrupted by His plan for us. The benefits of God’s divine interruptions and interventions are unconditional and uncountable, and for us to experience divine interruption, worry and anxiety must die, because they lead to fear.

    When divine interruption occurs in our situation, our progress, destiny, and lives change for better.

    Have you ever been interrupted in life by an intervention of God? If so you are blessed. It is a demonstration of mercy and grace when God does that. I am forever grateful for those divine interruptions in the course of my life. It has redirected me from the path of evil and death.

    To experience Divine Interruptions, you must be ready to submit your own plans and projects to God and be ever ready to be yielded to Gods instructions and directions.

    There is someone reading this devotional today who have tried to embark on a particular project or journey but all attempts have failed.
    It's time to surrender and yield to God. He has a better plan for you. To end the struggle in life, submit to Gods will.

    COUNSEL: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."-Proverbs 3:5-6

    PRAYER: Dear Father, I thank you for your divine interruptions unknown to me many times. Help me to be completely yielded to you in Jesus name, Amen!

    _If this devotional has blessed you today,kindly share and invite family and friends to join our (BGod'spot, Youtube, Podcast, Whatsapp & Telegram Group via the links below)_ Blogspot- http://mindshiftdevotional.blogspot.com
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    Contact us: +2348101181349
    Stay Revived!
    _©The Mindshift Online Daily Devotional_

    • 5 min



    Day 268

    Date: Thursday 24th September 2020.

    Text: Proverbs 10:22
    The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.
    _(please read the entire chapter for understanding)._

    THOUGHT CODE: "In life always do things that will power the blessings in the lives of people especially the elderly. "

    THE BLESSING of The LORD is God’s original plan for you. Contrary to popular belief, He doesn’t want you sick, broke, and lonely. He wants to make you rich in every area of life—your health, finances, relationships, and more but most times we fail to understand the power of the blessing and how to propel it in our direction.

    In Genesis 27:38, "Esau said to his father, "Do you only have one blessing, my father? Bless me too, my father!" And Esau wept loudly."

    Esau failed to understand the mystery and power of the blessing that was why he sold it out for just a plate of morsel but Jacob had a vivid understanding of the blessing, that was why he prepared the same plate of morsel which propelled the power of the blessing in Isaac to come alive.

    In life always do things that will power the blessings in the lives of people especially the elderly.

    When they say you are blessed, it's not a mere word because it has the power to engineer and reconstructs your destiny in no time.

    I have had many instances of elderly people pronouncing the blessings on me but I'll share just one encounter I had.

    I met one renowned evangelist in Nigeria 🇳🇬 at a business center one faithful morning. And people were acting busy as if they did not know him. At the sight of him trying to photocopy a document and nobody was willing to assist him, I embraced the opportunity. I assisted him to do the photocopy, which was quite bulky, paid for it, and carried it to his vehicle. As he was about leaving he told to kneel down and he laid his hands upon me and said 'YOU WILL NEVER BE STRANDED'.

    From that day till forever, I don't know what strandedness is. Whenever I'm in a strange land or place, people I do not know, always come to help and assist me because I once helped a custodian of the blessings

    Men are custodians and channels of blessings. Be sensitive and alert whenever you are around aged and elderly people. They are envoys of the blessings.

    Respect them, Buy them gifts, Pay their transport fare whenever you are in the same vehicle with them on transit. Always do what they can't do for themselves so that you can propel them to bless you and when they do, no devil can curse you.

    COUNSEL: It takes unusual sensitivity and alacrity to obtain the blessing. Be sensitive always so that you can know what, when, and how to act in order to obtain, the blessing.

    PRAYER CODE: Dear Father, I receive the grace to be sensitive always to know what, when, and how to act in Jesus' name. Amen!

    _If this devotional has blessed you today, kindly share and invite family and friends to join our (Youtube, Podcast, Facebook, Whatsapp & Telegram Group via the links below)_

    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzaXtLioxnUMhlrMzcGKrOg
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    Contact us: +2348101181349
    Stay Revived!
    _©The Mindshift Online Daily Devotional_

    • 4 min



    Day 267

    Date : Wednesday 23rd September, 2020.

    Text: Luke 10:19
    I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.
    _(please read the entire chapter for understanding)._

    THOUGHT CODE: "Satan has no power of his own. He’s using the power and authority that our misdirected faith gives him."

    One of the assignment Jesus gave us as believers is to be in-charge. Ironically, a lot of believers have handed over their authority to the devil.

    From our main text today, I'll like to draw your attention to just one word Jesus said-'Given' (past tense).

    This implies that we already have authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy and nothing will harm us.

    Jesus did not only beat the devil, but He had a triumphant procession to display the devil to the universe as a totally conquered foe. Satan should never terrify us again.

    Unfortunately, many Christians haven’t seen God’s triumphant procession that was pictured in God’s Word where Satan was displayed as a totally defeated foe. They are circulating rumors that Satan is a powerful foe to be reckoned with. That’s not so. If we believe his lies, he then uses our own authority, which our fear grants him, to work his destruction in our lives. He has no power of his own. He’s using the power and authority that our misdirected faith gives him.

    Jesus has given us authority and has commanded us to be in-charge with the assurance that "...nothing will harm us"

    COUNSEL: Stop living like a tenant where you should be the landlord in-charge.
    Arise and take responsibility for your life and destiny.

    PRAYER CODE: Dear Father, I exercise my authority in Christ today and I take charge of my life and destiny; nothing shall by any means hurt me henceforth in Jesus name! Amen.

    _If this devotional has blessed you today,kindly share and invite family and friends to join our (Youtube, Podcast, Facebook, Whatsapp & Telegram Group via the links below)_

    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzaXtLioxnUMhlrMzcGKrOg
    Podcast- https://anchor.fm/mindshift-tv
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    Contact us: +2348101181349
    Stay Revived!
    _©The Mindshift Online Daily Devotional_

    • 3 min
    GOD HAS A STANDARD- Sam. Abayomi

    GOD HAS A STANDARD- Sam. Abayomi


    Day 266

    Date : Tuesday 22nd September, 2020.

    Text: 2Timothy 2:19
    "However God's firm foundation stands, having this seal, "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Let every one who names the name of the Lord depart from unrighteousness."
    _(please read the entire chapter for understanding)._

    THOUGHT CODE: "God's standard is the the foundation for whatever that will last and stand the test of time"

    Before a building is built, a solid foundation must be laid

    The reason why the world, families, businesses, relationships and systems are falling apart is because they were never built on God's standard.

    From our main text today, we saw that '...God's firm foundation stands, having this seal, "The Lord knows those who are his," and, "Let every one who names the name of the Lord depart from unrighteousness."

    To things were itemised in this verse;
    i) The Lord knows those who are his,
    ii) Let every one who names the name of the Lord depart from unrighteousness

    These two statements are the solid materials for building God's foundation for anything that will last and stand the test of time.

    Psalm 24:3-4, says 'Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place?

    4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.

    Have you ever wondered why things dont last nor stand the test of time around you?
    Check the foundation.

    God's standard is the the foundation for whatever that will last and stand the test of time.

    What foundation is your family, businesses, relationships or life standing on?

    If it is faulty, it will not last.
    You cant build a skyscrapper on a mud-house foundation.

    For you to last and stand the test of time, focus on your foundation.

    COUNSEL: Do not begin a family, business, relationship or vision without God's standard- it is the foundation for it to last and stand the test of time.

    PRAYER CODE: Dear Father, i repent of doing things without you as the foundation. Please takeover my life, family, businesses, relationships etc henceforth in Jesus name! Amen.

    _If this devotional has blessed you today,kindly share and invite family and friends to join our (Youtube, Podcast, Facebook, Whatsapp & Telegram Group via the links below)_

    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzaXtLioxnUMhlrMzcGKrOg
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    Contact us: +2348101181349
    Stay Revived!
    _©The Mindshift Online Daily Devotional_

    • 3 min
    SIT AND COUNT THE COST- Sam. Abayomi

    SIT AND COUNT THE COST- Sam. Abayomi


    Day 257

    Date : Sunday 13th August 2020

    Text: Luke 14:28 (KJV)
    "For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?"
    (please read the entire chapter for understanding).

    THOUGHT CODE: "You will never actualize anything without first sitting and counting the cost"

    God’s plan for mankind is to start and finish. God never intended for man to start and stop half way. That is why His is referred to as '... the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End'- Revelation 22:13

    Man inherited this nature (starting and finishing) from God, such that when man gathered together to build the tower of babel, God had to come and scatter their language and He summarized their actions in Genesis 11:6(KJV)"And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do."

    From our main text today, Jesus emphasised on the place of Discipline and Dedication in the actualization of whatever is laid up in the heart of man to do.

    Have you received a vision from God about your life, family, business, marriage or destiny?

    It is not wrong to sit and count the cost. Preparation is key to achieving anything worthwhile. A man who wants to build a house would need sufficient bricks, if not when he starts building, he would get stranded as a result of not counting the cost of what he set out to do at the beginning.

    Sitting and counting the cost is the most important part of a thing else it leads to mockery and strandedness. Alot of people got stranded at a point in the journey of destiny because Discipline and Dedication was neglected.

    However, it is always never too late to restrategize. Go back to your drawing board and discover the missing link. It is discovery that leads to destiny recovery.

    You have gone too far to give up, Get up and recover all, this time around with adequate preparation and level of discipline and dedication, in Jesus Name (Amen).

    COUNSEL: Decide today to always sit down and count the cost before diving into any matter of life and destiny.

    PRAYER: Dear Lord, I receive the grace, strength and revigoration to restrategize and recover whatsoever is lost in my life and destiny in Jesus Name, Amen!

    _If this devotional has blessed you today,kindly share and invite family and friends to join our (Youtube, Podcast, Facebook, Whatsapp & Telegram Group via the links below)_

    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzaXtLioxnUMhlrMzcGKrOg
    Podcast- https://anchor.fm/mindshift-tv
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    Contact us: +2348101181349
    Stay Revived!
    _©The Mindshift Online Daily Devotional_

    • 4 min



    Day 251

    Date : Monday 7th September, 2020

    Text: 2Corinthians 4:7(KJV)
    "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."
    (please read the entire chapter for understanding)

    THOUGHT CODE: " The reason the devil is after you is because you are gifted and God hid something on your inside that will liberate your world from darkness"

    At creation, God breathe life (treasure) into man that is why the devil has been restless; roaming about like a roaring lion looking for who has this treasure so as to destroy. He killed all the male children in the time of Moses and Jesus just because of this treasure.

    The reason the devil is after you is because you are gifted and God hid something on your inside that will liberate your world from darkness. But the irony of it all is that so many people are ignorant. They are not even aware of this treasure. God did not place us on this earth to just go to school, have a good job, drive nice cars, get married and have children. Those things are good but that’s not God’s main purpose for creating you and I. The reason why God brought us to this earth is because He has a special assignment for us. He wants to use us for His glory; He wants to manifest Himself through us. There is a unique contribution God wants us to make; there is a special role God wants us to play in our family, church, nation and world at large.

    The Bible in Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God has prepared in advance good works He wants us to do. What this means is that even before we were born, God had in mind a work, an assignment, a role for every one of us which He brought us to this earth to fulfill. The fact that these good works are things created and prepared by God, to show that the Almighty, the Most High, the King of Creation has interest in your life and wants to use your life for His glory.
    God isn’t going to come down physically to address or attend to the burning and pressing issues in our world today. It is you and I He will use to address these issues. God has put something in you to enrich or make your church, family and nation much better than what it is today. God has set you aside to do certain things that will be of immense benefit to mankind.

    To fulfill your purpose and to carry out the assignment or the role God has for you, He has put certain treasures in you.

    2 Corinthians 4:7 tells us that God has given us a treasure in earthen vessels. You have been divinely equipped and empowered by God for this purpose.

    God cannot give you a special assignment or role to play and not equip you with what you need to carry out that assignment effectively. To be effective and fruitful in the assignment God has for you, the treasures He has put on the inside of you are the tools you need to carry out the work or fulfill the role He has set you apart for. But you must discover it in the place of prayer and study of God's word in other to enable you activate it.

    COUNSEL: Engage in indepth study of God's word and Passionate prayer supported with fasting so you can discover the hidden treasures that will liberate this world from darkness.

    PRAYER: Dear Father, I pray that the eyes of my understanding may be enlightened so that I may KNOW the hope to which You have called me, and the treasure hidden on my inside, that I can become a solution in this world to the Glory of your name in Jesus name (Amen).

    _If this devotional has blessed you today,kindly share and invite family and friends to join our (Youtube, Podcast, Facebook, Whatsapp & Telegram Group via the links below)_

    YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzaXtLioxnUMhlrMzcGKrOg
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    Contact us: +2348101181349
    Stay Revived!
    _©The Mindshift Online Daily Devo

    • 6 min

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