6 min


    • Christianity


Day 251

Date : Monday 7th September, 2020

Text: 2Corinthians 4:7(KJV)
"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."
(please read the entire chapter for understanding)

THOUGHT CODE: " The reason the devil is after you is because you are gifted and God hid something on your inside that will liberate your world from darkness"

At creation, God breathe life (treasure) into man that is why the devil has been restless; roaming about like a roaring lion looking for who has this treasure so as to destroy. He killed all the male children in the time of Moses and Jesus just because of this treasure.

The reason the devil is after you is because you are gifted and God hid something on your inside that will liberate your world from darkness. But the irony of it all is that so many people are ignorant. They are not even aware of this treasure. God did not place us on this earth to just go to school, have a good job, drive nice cars, get married and have children. Those things are good but that’s not God’s main purpose for creating you and I. The reason why God brought us to this earth is because He has a special assignment for us. He wants to use us for His glory; He wants to manifest Himself through us. There is a unique contribution God wants us to make; there is a special role God wants us to play in our family, church, nation and world at large.

The Bible in Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God has prepared in advance good works He wants us to do. What this means is that even before we were born, God had in mind a work, an assignment, a role for every one of us which He brought us to this earth to fulfill. The fact that these good works are things created and prepared by God, to show that the Almighty, the Most High, the King of Creation has interest in your life and wants to use your life for His glory.
God isn’t going to come down physically to address or attend to the burning and pressing issues in our world today. It is you and I He will use to address these issues. God has put something in you to enrich or make your church, family and nation much better than what it is today. God has set you aside to do certain things that will be of immense benefit to mankind.

To fulfill your purpose and to carry out the assignment or the role God has for you, He has put certain treasures in you.

2 Corinthians 4:7 tells us that God has given us a treasure in earthen vessels. You have been divinely equipped and empowered by God for this purpose.

God cannot give you a special assignment or role to play and not equip you with what you need to carry out that assignment effectively. To be effective and fruitful in the assignment God has for you, the treasures He has put on the inside of you are the tools you need to carry out the work or fulfill the role He has set you apart for. But you must discover it in the place of prayer and study of God's word in other to enable you activate it.

COUNSEL: Engage in indepth study of God's word and Passionate prayer supported with fasting so you can discover the hidden treasures that will liberate this world from darkness.

PRAYER: Dear Father, I pray that the eyes of my understanding may be enlightened so that I may KNOW the hope to which You have called me, and the treasure hidden on my inside, that I can become a solution in this world to the Glory of your name in Jesus name (Amen).

_If this devotional has blessed you today,kindly share and invite family and friends to join our (Youtube, Podcast, Facebook, Whatsapp & Telegram Group via the links below)_

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Stay Revived!
_©The Mindshift Online Daily Devo


Day 251

Date : Monday 7th September, 2020

Text: 2Corinthians 4:7(KJV)
"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."
(please read the entire chapter for understanding)

THOUGHT CODE: " The reason the devil is after you is because you are gifted and God hid something on your inside that will liberate your world from darkness"

At creation, God breathe life (treasure) into man that is why the devil has been restless; roaming about like a roaring lion looking for who has this treasure so as to destroy. He killed all the male children in the time of Moses and Jesus just because of this treasure.

The reason the devil is after you is because you are gifted and God hid something on your inside that will liberate your world from darkness. But the irony of it all is that so many people are ignorant. They are not even aware of this treasure. God did not place us on this earth to just go to school, have a good job, drive nice cars, get married and have children. Those things are good but that’s not God’s main purpose for creating you and I. The reason why God brought us to this earth is because He has a special assignment for us. He wants to use us for His glory; He wants to manifest Himself through us. There is a unique contribution God wants us to make; there is a special role God wants us to play in our family, church, nation and world at large.

The Bible in Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God has prepared in advance good works He wants us to do. What this means is that even before we were born, God had in mind a work, an assignment, a role for every one of us which He brought us to this earth to fulfill. The fact that these good works are things created and prepared by God, to show that the Almighty, the Most High, the King of Creation has interest in your life and wants to use your life for His glory.
God isn’t going to come down physically to address or attend to the burning and pressing issues in our world today. It is you and I He will use to address these issues. God has put something in you to enrich or make your church, family and nation much better than what it is today. God has set you aside to do certain things that will be of immense benefit to mankind.

To fulfill your purpose and to carry out the assignment or the role God has for you, He has put certain treasures in you.

2 Corinthians 4:7 tells us that God has given us a treasure in earthen vessels. You have been divinely equipped and empowered by God for this purpose.

God cannot give you a special assignment or role to play and not equip you with what you need to carry out that assignment effectively. To be effective and fruitful in the assignment God has for you, the treasures He has put on the inside of you are the tools you need to carry out the work or fulfill the role He has set you apart for. But you must discover it in the place of prayer and study of God's word in other to enable you activate it.

COUNSEL: Engage in indepth study of God's word and Passionate prayer supported with fasting so you can discover the hidden treasures that will liberate this world from darkness.

PRAYER: Dear Father, I pray that the eyes of my understanding may be enlightened so that I may KNOW the hope to which You have called me, and the treasure hidden on my inside, that I can become a solution in this world to the Glory of your name in Jesus name (Amen).

_If this devotional has blessed you today,kindly share and invite family and friends to join our (Youtube, Podcast, Facebook, Whatsapp & Telegram Group via the links below)_

YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzaXtLioxnUMhlrMzcGKrOg
Podcast- https://anchor.fm/mindshift-tv
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/mindshift.platform
Telegram- https://t.me/joinchat/JNm1xAxEkLptFC7O0iApiQ

Contact us: +2348101181349
Stay Revived!
_©The Mindshift Online Daily Devo

6 min