1 hr 2 min

010 💰Is Money Your Friend or Enemy? Makeover Your Money Mindset and Makeover Your Midlife With Tania Vasallo The Midlife Makeover Show - Empty Nest, Divorce, Health, Fitness, Mindset, Aging, Weight Loss, Menopause, Perimenopause, Moti

    • Self-Improvement

Tania Vasallo, founder of The Courage to Be Happy, a community of independent, ambitious women entrepreneurs who want to become financially empowered, reveals the importance of embracing money, getting curious about money, and creating a good relationship with money.
What is your money mindset? What are your beliefs about money? Money touches everything, so you must get in touch with your thoughts about money. On today’s show, Tania and I talk about how to shift from a lack mentality into an abundant money mindset! Make your money matter at midlife, so you can gain financial freedom and enjoy a life you love!
Connect with Tania! 🥰
Website: https://www.thecouragetobehappy.com
Free copy of Women’s Top Money Mistakes and How to Fix Them Guide at WomensTopMoneyMistakes.com
YouTube: The Courage To Be Happy 😊
All the midlife goods! ⬇️www.wendyvalentine.com
Ready to start your Midlife Makeover? I like how you're thinking! ⬇️Enroll in The Midlife Makeover Method course! In this fabulous four-week online course, presented by your hostess of the midlife mostess, you will embark on an awesome journey of transformation! Over 4-weeks we will go through 4 phases of seed to flight. You will walk away with a midlife metamorphosis!
💰Want $50 off the Midlife Makeover Method? ⬇️️Of course you do! Go to wendyvalentine.com and download the FREE Midlife Makeover Toolkit located on the homepage. Included in your handy dandy toolkit is a $50 voucher for the Midlife Makeover Method course! Follow me on IG! ⬇️https://www.instagram.com/wendy_valentine_/ Contact us: hello@wendyvalentine.com

Tania Vasallo, founder of The Courage to Be Happy, a community of independent, ambitious women entrepreneurs who want to become financially empowered, reveals the importance of embracing money, getting curious about money, and creating a good relationship with money.
What is your money mindset? What are your beliefs about money? Money touches everything, so you must get in touch with your thoughts about money. On today’s show, Tania and I talk about how to shift from a lack mentality into an abundant money mindset! Make your money matter at midlife, so you can gain financial freedom and enjoy a life you love!
Connect with Tania! 🥰
Website: https://www.thecouragetobehappy.com
Free copy of Women’s Top Money Mistakes and How to Fix Them Guide at WomensTopMoneyMistakes.com
YouTube: The Courage To Be Happy 😊
All the midlife goods! ⬇️www.wendyvalentine.com
Ready to start your Midlife Makeover? I like how you're thinking! ⬇️Enroll in The Midlife Makeover Method course! In this fabulous four-week online course, presented by your hostess of the midlife mostess, you will embark on an awesome journey of transformation! Over 4-weeks we will go through 4 phases of seed to flight. You will walk away with a midlife metamorphosis!
💰Want $50 off the Midlife Makeover Method? ⬇️️Of course you do! Go to wendyvalentine.com and download the FREE Midlife Makeover Toolkit located on the homepage. Included in your handy dandy toolkit is a $50 voucher for the Midlife Makeover Method course! Follow me on IG! ⬇️https://www.instagram.com/wendy_valentine_/ Contact us: hello@wendyvalentine.com

1 hr 2 min