16 min

0317 [News Briefing] with Dahye Jung TBS eFM This Morning

    • TV & Film

Guest: Dahye Jung, Reporter

1. President Yoon met with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Japan, and it was South Korea’s first bilateral presidential trip to Japan in 12 years
2. During a joint press briefing after the summit, President Yoon said South Korea will not seek reimbursement from Japan after compensating the victims of forced labor
3. Business communities of Korea and Japan announced that they will create a fund to conduct joint research and projects for a future-oriented bilateral relationship.
4. President Yoon ordered the government to rework the proposal of a longer workweek, but young people are still complaining that a more fundamental change is needed
5. The DP’s Political Innovation Committee is considering deleting Article 80 of the party’s constitution, and this is causing some controversy

1. “도쿄에서 벚꽃이 개화했다” 긴장 푼 기시다 총리 “12년만에 일본 방문” 윤 대통령 화답
2. 尹 "징용배상 구상권 상정 안해" 기시다 "韓재단, 판결금 지급"
3. ‘미래기금’ 1억엔씩 조성… 한·일 관계 개선 공동사업 추진
4. 尹 '주 최대 69시간' 사실상 백지화…MZ노조 "시간의 문제 아냐"
5. ‘부정부패 기소 당직자 직무정지’…당헌 80조 폐지가 민주당의 혁신?

Guest: Dahye Jung, Reporter

1. President Yoon met with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Japan, and it was South Korea’s first bilateral presidential trip to Japan in 12 years
2. During a joint press briefing after the summit, President Yoon said South Korea will not seek reimbursement from Japan after compensating the victims of forced labor
3. Business communities of Korea and Japan announced that they will create a fund to conduct joint research and projects for a future-oriented bilateral relationship.
4. President Yoon ordered the government to rework the proposal of a longer workweek, but young people are still complaining that a more fundamental change is needed
5. The DP’s Political Innovation Committee is considering deleting Article 80 of the party’s constitution, and this is causing some controversy

1. “도쿄에서 벚꽃이 개화했다” 긴장 푼 기시다 총리 “12년만에 일본 방문” 윤 대통령 화답
2. 尹 "징용배상 구상권 상정 안해" 기시다 "韓재단, 판결금 지급"
3. ‘미래기금’ 1억엔씩 조성… 한·일 관계 개선 공동사업 추진
4. 尹 '주 최대 69시간' 사실상 백지화…MZ노조 "시간의 문제 아냐"
5. ‘부정부패 기소 당직자 직무정지’…당헌 80조 폐지가 민주당의 혁신?

16 min

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