20 min

04 - How to Handle Weight Gain (or the Fear of It) With Intuitive Eating Rebuilding Trust With Your Body

    • Nutrition

“Remind yourself that while your weight may change, your worth as a human being will not.” - Katy Harvey
Welcome to another episode of Rebuilding Trust With Your Body podcast! Today’s solo episode is going to be about dealing with weight gain, particularly the weight gain that occurs in the recovery or the eating disorder, and the intuitive eating process. Majority of us, if not all, have been taught that being fat is equivalent to being unhealthy or being unattractive. And because of this, a lot of us have developed unhealthy relationships with food. And that is why for this episode, I will be sharing with you ways on how to cope with your fear of gaining weight, I will also be sharing some tips that you can try for yourself when dealing with weight gain, and the things that you can do if you have gained weight. Make sure to tune in until the end and grab a copy of my free guide! 
What we talk about in this podcast 
Why we struggle with food in our bodies  Importance of understanding the ways we were taught about food How this can shift our relationship with food  How it can affect how we experience our own body  Dealing with Weight Gain 
How do you deal with fear of gaining weight  Eating whatever you want whenever you want is not true intuitive eating  Intuitive eating is driven by listening to your body  Tuning into those hunger fullness cues  Intentional eating vs. impulsive eating  Tip 1: Give yourself compassion Going through it by understanding the facts Reassuring yourself that it’s ok to gain weight  Tip 2: Have radical acceptance that bodies change Accept and normalize the changing of bodies  Choose to accept your body no matter what  Tip 3: Buy and wear clothing that fits  What to do if You Have Gained Weight 
Buy new clothing that fits  Do not go back to dieting no matter how bad you want to  Key mindset shift: radical acceptance that bodies change   
Resources Mentioned: 
Guide for Intentional Eating  Maintenance Phase Podcast  
Key Quotes
“The truth is that weight cycling is worse for your health than weight gain in itself.” - Katy Harvey
“Remind yourself that while your weight may change, your worth as a human being will not.” - Katy Harvey

JOIN the Non-Diet Academy! Feel worthy at any size, and to live a life of total freedom!
Get My FREE guides for Food Freedom & Body Acceptance: https://www.nondietacademy.com/freebies 
Let’s get connected! 
Instagram: @katyharvey.rd
Facebook: KatyHarveyRD
Website: https://katyharvey.net 
LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to find their own freedom with food. Listen to previous episodes on Spotify, Itunes or Libsyn. 

“Remind yourself that while your weight may change, your worth as a human being will not.” - Katy Harvey
Welcome to another episode of Rebuilding Trust With Your Body podcast! Today’s solo episode is going to be about dealing with weight gain, particularly the weight gain that occurs in the recovery or the eating disorder, and the intuitive eating process. Majority of us, if not all, have been taught that being fat is equivalent to being unhealthy or being unattractive. And because of this, a lot of us have developed unhealthy relationships with food. And that is why for this episode, I will be sharing with you ways on how to cope with your fear of gaining weight, I will also be sharing some tips that you can try for yourself when dealing with weight gain, and the things that you can do if you have gained weight. Make sure to tune in until the end and grab a copy of my free guide! 
What we talk about in this podcast 
Why we struggle with food in our bodies  Importance of understanding the ways we were taught about food How this can shift our relationship with food  How it can affect how we experience our own body  Dealing with Weight Gain 
How do you deal with fear of gaining weight  Eating whatever you want whenever you want is not true intuitive eating  Intuitive eating is driven by listening to your body  Tuning into those hunger fullness cues  Intentional eating vs. impulsive eating  Tip 1: Give yourself compassion Going through it by understanding the facts Reassuring yourself that it’s ok to gain weight  Tip 2: Have radical acceptance that bodies change Accept and normalize the changing of bodies  Choose to accept your body no matter what  Tip 3: Buy and wear clothing that fits  What to do if You Have Gained Weight 
Buy new clothing that fits  Do not go back to dieting no matter how bad you want to  Key mindset shift: radical acceptance that bodies change   
Resources Mentioned: 
Guide for Intentional Eating  Maintenance Phase Podcast  
Key Quotes
“The truth is that weight cycling is worse for your health than weight gain in itself.” - Katy Harvey
“Remind yourself that while your weight may change, your worth as a human being will not.” - Katy Harvey

JOIN the Non-Diet Academy! Feel worthy at any size, and to live a life of total freedom!
Get My FREE guides for Food Freedom & Body Acceptance: https://www.nondietacademy.com/freebies 
Let’s get connected! 
Instagram: @katyharvey.rd
Facebook: KatyHarveyRD
Website: https://katyharvey.net 
LEAVE A REVIEW + and SHARE this episode with someone who wants to find their own freedom with food. Listen to previous episodes on Spotify, Itunes or Libsyn. 

20 min