12 min

045 The story you need to gain credibility in a new field Strategic Storytelling

    • Marketing

Entrepreneurs rarely find their businesses by walking a straight line. They move from lawyer to professional organizer, from corporate exec to life coach, or from police officer to financial planner.  As they pivot, prospects ask skeptically, "Are you really qualified to do this?” They won’t connect the dots for you. That’s why you need a story that shows exactly how you got from there to here.
This episode walks you through 4 parts of a successful connect-the-dots story…a story that won’t just satisfy curiosity, but helps you position yourself as an expert…and relate more effectively to prospective clients.
References to archetypes are explained in this free guide.
Learn how to speak directly to your target market with this course
and tips for personal branding with stories 

Entrepreneurs rarely find their businesses by walking a straight line. They move from lawyer to professional organizer, from corporate exec to life coach, or from police officer to financial planner.  As they pivot, prospects ask skeptically, "Are you really qualified to do this?” They won’t connect the dots for you. That’s why you need a story that shows exactly how you got from there to here.
This episode walks you through 4 parts of a successful connect-the-dots story…a story that won’t just satisfy curiosity, but helps you position yourself as an expert…and relate more effectively to prospective clients.
References to archetypes are explained in this free guide.
Learn how to speak directly to your target market with this course
and tips for personal branding with stories 

12 min