35 min

085 - Good Cop, Bad Health: Dr. Melody Rodarte Hey Chaplain: The Police Wellness Podcast

    • Mental Health

Text a Message to the ShowAlthough we normally focus on interviews with police officers, today we're talking to a medical doctor who is married to a newly retired homicide detective. Her name is Dr. Melody Rodarte and I wanted to ask her about police officer health. Why do they get sick and what parts of the job cause it? And more importantly what can be done about it. Dr Rodarte has a lot of wisdom and insight, not only as a physician, but also as an LEO wife.DISCLAIM...

Text a Message to the ShowAlthough we normally focus on interviews with police officers, today we're talking to a medical doctor who is married to a newly retired homicide detective. Her name is Dr. Melody Rodarte and I wanted to ask her about police officer health. Why do they get sick and what parts of the job cause it? And more importantly what can be done about it. Dr Rodarte has a lot of wisdom and insight, not only as a physician, but also as an LEO wife.DISCLAIM...

35 min