36 min

1: Backcountry Ski Series Part 1: How to Buy Alpine Ski Touring Boots Breaking Trail

    • Wilderness

In the first in our series on backcountry ski equipment, we talk to former Exum guide, Brian Harder on the many things to consider when you do your backcountry ski research. Today we start with alpine touring boots? What features should you look for given your objectives? Do number of buckles matter? What about weight? He also shares some trusted resources and great boot shops. Because if you don't have happy feet, how can you possible be happy? Remember, it's a Gear Show so you don't have a shit show. 

In the first in our series on backcountry ski equipment, we talk to former Exum guide, Brian Harder on the many things to consider when you do your backcountry ski research. Today we start with alpine touring boots? What features should you look for given your objectives? Do number of buckles matter? What about weight? He also shares some trusted resources and great boot shops. Because if you don't have happy feet, how can you possible be happy? Remember, it's a Gear Show so you don't have a shit show. 

36 min