93 episodes

1 Pastor's Point of View encourages reflection on one's life through the mirror of God's Word. After listening to this podcast you will have a better understanding of the practical application of God's Word to your own everyday experiences. If you would like to explore our church's complete website, please click this link: http://www.freegospelassembly.com/

1 Pastor's Point of View Pastor Tino DiSiena

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 5.0 • 2 Ratings

1 Pastor's Point of View encourages reflection on one's life through the mirror of God's Word. After listening to this podcast you will have a better understanding of the practical application of God's Word to your own everyday experiences. If you would like to explore our church's complete website, please click this link: http://www.freegospelassembly.com/

    Weeping & Rejoicing Part II

    Weeping & Rejoicing Part II

    Greetings, if you would like to support Free Gospel Church and our ministries, you can make a donation at FreeGospelAssembly.com.  Thank you for listening. If this message has blessed you please share it, that others may hear! God bless you.

    Psalm 126; Hebrews 12:1-3

    A simple and clear message both of rejoicing and weeping experiences for Jesus while on earth
    and His children, whether in the Old Testament or the New Testament. (See also Psalm 85)
    Some Israelites returned to Jerusalem at about 538 BC, permitted by an edict of Cyrus
    (Isaiah 44:28) who now ruled over Babylon as part of the Persian Empire. While good news, few Israelites were moved to tears of joy because of the realization that it would take very tough plowing to restore Jerusalem, even with God’s help. To restore any semblance of the past glory
    would require much labor, courage and faith. The few that would brave the journey would eventually experience the joy and restoration as well as the great difficulties (See Haggai, Zechariah, Ezra/Nehemiah)
    But the restoration depicted in the above O.T. books was physically and structurally no
    way near the splendor of Solomon and Herod’s Temples. But according to the prophetic vision of the O.T and its fulfillment in N.T. The child of God, not a building, is the Temple 1 Corinthians
    6:19-20 of the Holy God or Holy Spirit. So as N.T saints we apply these words not to a sacred edifice but to people, disciples of Jesus Christ. They like Jesus, “for the joy set before Him, Holy Spirit empowered Resurrection life (Romans 8:11), endured the difficulties especially the cross”:
    So then we “fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of [our] faith”. Our lives follow the same pattern of Jesus’s life where He both wept and rejoiced. Psalm 126:5 illustrates this process through farming metaphors: “sow in tears, at times but also we reap, by the Spirit with songs of joy.” (Psalms 126:5)”, (again remember Matthew 6:32-33 see also Psalm 85). And what is interesting here and in other Psalms, sometimes the end results, are placed up front to assure us that the restorations will come in His time and manner.
    I. “Fortunes” were restored but not to the fullest extent. Verse 1.

    1. The Israelites who returned was meager, but their joy extraordinary.
    2. The Temple they finally built which took many years, was shabby
    compared to Solomon and Herod’s edifice but full of the Spirit (See
    Zechariah 4:6-10)
    3. Even we, as Temples of the Holy Spirit, as glorious as this is, cannot
    compare with the glorious New Jerusalem coming down from heaven as
    the image of our perfect eternal existence with God after the Resurrection
    of the dead (Revelation 21:9-27, see also Revelation 21 & 22, Romans

    15:1-58). The above is the fullest extent of His will: Looking for that city
    built by God; Hebrews 11:10!
    a) Note also Hebrews 11:1; 13-16,39.

    II. We Need to “Fix or Concentrating our eyes upon Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of
    faith(Hebrews 12:2)

    1. He lived it to perfection and is experiences the “Telos” of it all, now in
    a) He, by the Holy Spirit will help us “run with perseverance the race
    marked for us” [With it’s ups and downs, pains and joys]
    b) Set or marked out” for us, also implies for “me”, the individual
    calling by God; (Examples, see Hebrews 11, all the servants of the
    Lord had similar and different callings, for their missions on earth.)
    III. Jesus’s life experiences, as reminders and the Spirit or (The Spirit of Christ) together are the best and sufficient encouragement and support for our ministry

    1. The stories of Jesus and empowerment of the Spirit, together encourage

    IV. Finally our part is being faithful in perseverance and prayer

    • 35 min
    Doing Good To All & in All Situations

    Doing Good To All & in All Situations

    Greetings, if you would like to support Free Gospel Church and our ministries, you can make a donation at FreeGospelAssembly.com.  Thank you for listening. If this message has blessed you please share it, that others may hear! God bless you.

    (Not With The Spirit & His Fruit, in the Context indefatigable Grace & Forgiveness of God)
    Galatians 5:22-24 → 6:1-10
    I) Some ways the Fruit of the Spirit is manifested through us to others
    a) Gentle loving counsel to the sinner, showing genuine concern towards restoration. 6:1
    b) Sharing burdens, the central law of Christ 6:2
    c) Taking Responsibility for our actions, both good and bad: humbly 6:3
    d) Don’t negatively compete, especially regarding the gifts of God (humbly do your gift) 6:5
    e) Generosity Now and leadership in all areas: when we show proper respect to them we
    honor God. 6:5(b)
    i) See also verses 7-8 “Sowing and reaping”
    1) (See Psalm 126 for O.T. illustration, especially verses 5-6)

    II) During Continuous Difficult Situations, Doing Good to All Becomes Weakened, because we
    are human. It seems to be the first to go! Verses 9 & 10.
    During extended times of difficulties it becomes hard not to become cynical and weary
    of doing good, when bad continues all around us: unabated and not understood.
    Examples of Jesus experiences of human weakening:
    - His continued frustrations with His chosen disciples, note Matthew 17:17 (read)
    - At Gethsemane, Matthew 26: 39; Luke 22:42
    - “Father if you are willing, take this cup(the cross) from me... (sounds like the
    words of a weary prophet)
    - Yet not my will but yours be done(said while he was tired beyond belief)
    - Until God’s intervention in Verse 43: The strengthening angel.
    - He then went back to awaken his emotionally exhausted or “weary”
    Apostles; verse 45-46

    III) When we experience similar weakenings, It’s hard to do good to all.
    Especially when we try to spend all our time “licking our wounds”
    We need strengthening angels to help carry our loads. This picture illustrates the helping power
    of the Spirit, most necessary in Jesus and our lives.
    Note Paul’s prophetic word in 1 Corinthians 12:9-11; especially verse 9
    And even if at times we fail to continue in doing good, God’s forgiveness and powerful
    grace can help us to recover.
    Remember the behaviors expected by the fruit of the Spirit, is very dependent on the
    Spirit’s power and faithfulness. They are the fruit of the Spirit not only of our own efforts.


    • 36 min
    Can It Get Any Worse? Not When We Find Strength in the Lord!

    Can It Get Any Worse? Not When We Find Strength in the Lord!

    (Some suggestions on How to do this from a disaster that occurred in David’s life,

    on His Way to Kingship)

    1 Samuel 30:1-7 (read the whole chapter) Ephesians 3:20-21 especially verse 6

    Verse 6 tells the reader that the situation couldn’t get much worse and David was
    “greatly distressed.” Not only did he lose his whole camp, supplies, people and two
    wives, but now all his men were so “bitter” that they wanted to stone him.” How low can
    you go!? Added to the above, Saul’s pursuit to end his life! “Yet” or “But” David(still)
    found strength in the Lord. This statement does not only mean psychologically,
    internally through some sort of positive thinking etc. He found strength in a Living God:
    Real power and energy which resembles the promise made to us in Acts 1:8. The
    seriousness of their distress is illustrated in verse 4, “David and his men wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep.” Still David inquired of his living, breathing personal God who is able. He just needs the opportunity to demonstrate this and for David his distressing situation provided that opportunity to discover what Ephesians 3:20-21 states, “He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.”

    • 33 min
    The Greatest of All Promises

    The Greatest of All Promises

    Greetings, if you would like to support Free Gospel Church and our ministries, you can make a donation at FreeGospelAssembly.com.  Thank you for listening. If this message has blessed you please share it, that others may hear! God bless you.

    First & Foremost love is not only a gift, like the others mentioned here and
    chapter 12:1-11, but a more excellent way! And it appears first in his description of the
    characteristics of the “produce” or fruit of the Spirit. The Fruit of the Spirit is produced,
    with our cooperation, by the Spirit from within and helps create the character traits of
    Jesus in and through us. The gifts of the Spirit are loaned to us to evangelize and edify
    the church more powerfully (Acts 1:8). This is why love as the premier trait is termed, “a
    more excellent way” (of being & living, produced by the Spirit within, with our
    cooperation) Not that we have any chance of becoming perfect like Jesus, in this fallen
    existence ( see verses 8-13)

    • 36 min
    I’d Rather Have Jesus Than Silver or Gold...” Not an Absolute Choice for All Occasion

    I’d Rather Have Jesus Than Silver or Gold...” Not an Absolute Choice for All Occasion

    Proverbs 10:22; 2 Corinthians 9:6-12, especially verse 1; Philippians 4:10-20, especially
    verse 112-13.

    Greetings, if you would like to support Free Gospel Church and our ministries, you can make a donation at FreeGospelAssembly.com.  Thank you for listening. If this message has blessed you please share it, that others may hear! God bless you.

    The key point, when it comes to especially silver and gold, is that in our service
    for the Lord’s all situations are not the same: There are times of want(hungry) and
    plenty(being well fed). What is common to both is Philippians 4:13.
    We are in the process of learning by experience that “We can do everything He
    asks us to do, through Him who gives us strength or enables us to perform His
    purposes. So in all our endeavors whether we consider them sacred or secular, there is
    no real difference, we have to rely and serve Him(We pray and live for Him “without
    ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17) And whether we are going through a period of want
    or plenty, they are both permitted by God, we have to continue to trust in Him and
    continue to do all things, sacred or secular for the glory of God: 1 Corinthians 10:31,
    Colossians 3:17.
    Proverbs 10:22 further reminds us that wealth and earthly provisions, that is
    silver or gold or the sacred, God is involved in all things concerning us; He wants to
    provide on all levels of existence (remember Matthew 6:32-33 etc). And when it is God
    enabled and given prosperity it will also be God glorifying a blessing to others and
    ourselves. And this prosperity will not cause us trouble spiritually with God that wealth
    can sometimes cause (note James 5:1-6, God is against selfish rich hoarders). Again,
    they can cause trouble for our relationship with the Lord. But note my paraphrase of
    Proverbs 10:22, placed in the context of 2 Corinthians 9:6-12: “The blessing of Yahweh,
    which also includes physical blessings, can bring wealth to those he chooses to bless
    without anxiety, stress and troubles they can cause.”
    Philippians 4:10-20 and 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 provide N.T. illustrations for what
    Proverbs 10:22 is stating.
    A) Philippians 4:10-20
    a) That while God permits periods and experiences of need and want He
    also provides times great provision even wealth for His children. But, His
    persona & Spirit never leave us nor forsakes us: Philippians 4:13 to learn

    “I can do all this through Him who gives me strength”. What is implied by
    Paul, from his own experiences is that even in periods of great provisions
    we still need him in one way or another. It just feels more difficult when we
    experience more conscious needs. But, for example, remember the
    lessons illustrated in the Scriptures: Elijah, fed by the ravens 1 Kings
    17:4-6; The Manna from heaven John 6:5-8; Jesus multiplies the loaves
    and fishes Matthew 14:17-19 and especially Matthew 6 etc.

    B) 2 Corinthians 9:6-15: Here Paul reminds us that God can bless or make us rich in
    every way. (Verse 11) And of course this includes the physical as Proverbs 10:22
    tells us, but for a purpose, note again, verse 11, so that God will be glorified by
    your growing generosity, others helped and we are blessed (The basic holy
    triangle for all things spiritual)
    a) So that when Luke 6:20 states “blessed are the poor for theirs is the
    Kingdom of God etc” What’s implied is the community th;at is part of this
    kingdom, now as well as forever, can and should step in to help, especially
    those who are experiencing wealth (read also, Acts 2:44; 4:32-37 and
    James 1:26-27). Paul corroborates this in 2 Corinthians 9:11-15, “... God
    loves a cheerful giver verse 7.”

    C) Proverbs 10:22

    This sharing of God given wealth can avoid much of the troubles and
    stress that fleshly, h

    • 38 min
    Distinguishing between spirits: Our Participation with the Holy Spirit to Analyze the Prophetic

    Distinguishing between spirits: Our Participation with the Holy Spirit to Analyze the Prophetic

    Greetings, if you would like to support Free Gospel Church and our ministries, you can make a donation at FreeGospelAssembly.com.  Thank you for listening. If this message has blessed you please share it, that others may hear! God bless you.

    1 Corinthians 12 1:1-; 4-11, especially verse 10, “distinguishing between spirits” or

    The Christian community prospers also by the gifts of the Spirit, as He gives and directs,
    for the “common good”(v7): The fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit edify or should benefit the body as well as us personally. He is the conductor and we are the varied instrumentalist of His orchestra( 1 Corinthians 12:11; 12-30)
    In today’s post-modern(modern focused on rationalism and science) perspective the
    focus is on the personal, subjective point of view rather than science and facts. There is a back to the future type of movement in religion returning our interests to Biblical experiences through the prophetic and the importance of personal mysticism.
    There is a revival of openness and experience of spiritual gifts especially the prophetic
    with a lessening of caution. While Paul reminds his people in Ephesians 6:10-18 the concurrent reality that there are “principalities” and “powers” that do the bidding of Satan and mimic gifts like the prophetic. Therefore we need the Spirit’s gift of being able to distinguish between Spirit’s (or prophets) because the true and the false sound and look very much alike but their messages and demeanor are different.
    Paul’s suggestion is not to avoid the charismatic worship and giftings but to discern and
    distinguish what looks alike but is really from a different source and purpose. For example 12:1-3 is not an illustration of what happens in Corinthian services at times (“Jesus be cursed” versus “Jesus is Lord”) rather what should happen in charismatic worship should elevate and bring glory to Jesus Christ and build up the body. Not to be a curse to Christ and His body, so to speak: The end result is like saying “Jesus be cursed”. The prophetic either builds up or divides depending on the truth of the message and the attitude of the person exercising the gift.
    Paul in chapter 14 welcomes both the exercise of the prophetic, note in 14:29 it’s
    analysis: Paul limits the amount of prophetic messages in a service, to “two or three”... “while others should weigh carefully what is said”, and how it’s said: read also 1 John 4:1-3. Therefore some suggestions on how to evaluate are:
    A) By the clear teachings of Scripture does the prophet encourage repentance (14:25)
    glorifies Jesus as Lord and builds up the church. Compare these messages to the
    creeds embedded in scripture. And don’t be afraid to ask questions: humbly and
    respectful of course.

    • 37 min

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