33 min

#10 Extreme Love Love Letters

    • Relationships

How do you build a relationship with someone who saved your life? In the final episode of Season 2, Meredith Goldstein shares stories of love that flowered in moments of stress and danger. Her sister, Brette, confesses to a trick she once used to woo someone on a roller coaster. Plus, Meredith brings Erin into the studio to reflect on what she learned this season as the Love Letters guinea pig. Email us at loveletters@boston.com.

How do you build a relationship with someone who saved your life? In the final episode of Season 2, Meredith Goldstein shares stories of love that flowered in moments of stress and danger. Her sister, Brette, confesses to a trick she once used to woo someone on a roller coaster. Plus, Meredith brings Erin into the studio to reflect on what she learned this season as the Love Letters guinea pig. Email us at loveletters@boston.com.

33 min

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