30 min

109 | Let's Use ChatGPT to Manage Mom Life Mayhem The Undomestic Mom Podcast

    • Self-Improvement

Today, we're playing around with an unexpected hero in our everyday life - ChatGPT. (Personally, I use Jasper, but ChatGPT is the free version so that's what I'm linking for you!)
p]:inline-block [&>p]:align-top [&>p]:-mt-6 [&>p]:p-0 [&>p]:mb-4" style= "box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px solid rgb(229, 231, 235); --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(63,131,248,.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; position: relative;"> Summer Schedule Planning: We start by asking ChatGPT to plan our summer schedule. We'll give it a few qualifiers and I'll be amazed at its results. 
p]:inline-block [&>p]:align-top [&>p]:-mt-6 [&>p]:p-0 [&>p]:mb-4" style= "box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px solid rgb(229, 231, 235); --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(63,131,248,.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; position: relative; --tw-space-y-reverse: 0; margin-top: calc(-.5rem * calc(1 - var(--tw-space-y-reverse))); margin-bottom: calc(-.5rem * var(--tw-space-y-reverse));"> Meal Planning: Next, we dive into the world of meal planning. If you're tired of answering the question, "What's for dinner?", ChatGPT is here to help. We'll talk about how it can assist in planning meals for the week or even the month, considering dietary restrictions and preferences.
p]:inline-block [&>p]:align-top [&>p]:-mt-6 [&>p]:p-0 [&>p]:mb-4" style= "box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px solid rgb(229, 231, 235); --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(63,131,248,.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; position: relative; --tw-space-y-reverse: 0; margin-top: calc(-.5rem * calc(1 - var(--tw-space-y-reverse))); margin-bottom: calc(-.5rem * var(--tw-space-y-reverse));"> Girls' Night Out: Finally, we'll explore how ChatGPT can help plan much-needed downtime. I'll ask it to plan a relaxing and fun girls' night out. Listen on to discover how good of a job it actually did!
Whether you are a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, or somewhere in between, this episode is packed with useful tips to help you navigate motherhood's sometimes chaotic world more efficiently.
Mentioned in this episode:
Find me on Instagram
Email me: taran (at) undomesticmom (dot) com
applesauceandadhd TikTok
Post Partum Anxiety and Meds: My Journey

Today, we're playing around with an unexpected hero in our everyday life - ChatGPT. (Personally, I use Jasper, but ChatGPT is the free version so that's what I'm linking for you!)
p]:inline-block [&>p]:align-top [&>p]:-mt-6 [&>p]:p-0 [&>p]:mb-4" style= "box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px solid rgb(229, 231, 235); --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(63,131,248,.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; position: relative;"> Summer Schedule Planning: We start by asking ChatGPT to plan our summer schedule. We'll give it a few qualifiers and I'll be amazed at its results. 
p]:inline-block [&>p]:align-top [&>p]:-mt-6 [&>p]:p-0 [&>p]:mb-4" style= "box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px solid rgb(229, 231, 235); --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(63,131,248,.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; position: relative; --tw-space-y-reverse: 0; margin-top: calc(-.5rem * calc(1 - var(--tw-space-y-reverse))); margin-bottom: calc(-.5rem * var(--tw-space-y-reverse));"> Meal Planning: Next, we dive into the world of meal planning. If you're tired of answering the question, "What's for dinner?", ChatGPT is here to help. We'll talk about how it can assist in planning meals for the week or even the month, considering dietary restrictions and preferences.
p]:inline-block [&>p]:align-top [&>p]:-mt-6 [&>p]:p-0 [&>p]:mb-4" style= "box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px solid rgb(229, 231, 235); --tw-border-spacing-x: 0; --tw-border-spacing-y: 0; --tw-translate-x: 0; --tw-translate-y: 0; --tw-rotate: 0; --tw-skew-x: 0; --tw-skew-y: 0; --tw-scale-x: 1; --tw-scale-y: 1; --tw-scroll-snap-strictness: proximity; --tw-ring-offset-width: 0px; --tw-ring-offset-color: #fff; --tw-ring-color: rgba(63,131,248,.5); --tw-ring-offset-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow: 0 0 #0000; --tw-shadow-colored: 0 0 #0000; position: relative; --tw-space-y-reverse: 0; margin-top: calc(-.5rem * calc(1 - var(--tw-space-y-reverse))); margin-bottom: calc(-.5rem * var(--tw-space-y-reverse));"> Girls' Night Out: Finally, we'll explore how ChatGPT can help plan much-needed downtime. I'll ask it to plan a relaxing and fun girls' night out. Listen on to discover how good of a job it actually did!
Whether you are a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, or somewhere in between, this episode is packed with useful tips to help you navigate motherhood's sometimes chaotic world more efficiently.
Mentioned in this episode:
Find me on Instagram
Email me: taran (at) undomesticmom (dot) com
applesauceandadhd TikTok
Post Partum Anxiety and Meds: My Journey

30 min