33 min

123: Effecting Change From The Bottom Up - Jenean Merkel Perelstein Work From The Inside Out

    • Careers

Jenean Merkel Perelstein is a social-cultural anthropologist, who has studied behavior change across many cultures, from the markets and prisons of India to the boardrooms across America. She has implemented change strategies that have saved lives and made fortunes. This work is supported by her book, Jenean is no stranger to change. In her early years, she struggled to find her direction, hopping around to seven different schools over nine years. She eventually decided to take time away from school and find her spark, as she put it. Jenean traveled for a while and worked as a ski instructor in the Alps where she met her husband Scott, a previous guest on my podcast. Together, they traveled to India and the Middle East, and this led to Jenean’s interest in anthropology. Eventually, they returned to the US where Jenean finished her degree and went on to graduate school. They started a family and everything seemed beautiful.Several years later, Jenean was working as the CEO of a regional non profit organization and while it all looked good on the outside, the light inside of her was dimming. She was burned out to the point where she was physically ill. Jenean had to slow down, focus on herself, and regroup. As she regained her health she began to take on contract work, doing marketing and strategy consulting. This evolved to change management consulting where she applied her background in anthropology to support business and organizational cultures. Today, Jenean is a business anthropologist, US patent holder, and revered speaker, who is the CEO of Alchemy Academy, where she enriches workplace culture for clients ranging from solopreneurs to Fortune 100 companies.In this week’s learn more about Jenean’s  journey: Jenean practices anthropology day to day; she teaches people about behavior change through the lens of the culture that is either supporting them or holding them back. She mentors organizations to grow their workplace culture, develop their leadership skills, and achieve a higher level of positivity, productivity, and profitability.  Learn more and connect with Jenean here:

Jenean Merkel Perelstein is a social-cultural anthropologist, who has studied behavior change across many cultures, from the markets and prisons of India to the boardrooms across America. She has implemented change strategies that have saved lives and made fortunes. This work is supported by her book, Jenean is no stranger to change. In her early years, she struggled to find her direction, hopping around to seven different schools over nine years. She eventually decided to take time away from school and find her spark, as she put it. Jenean traveled for a while and worked as a ski instructor in the Alps where she met her husband Scott, a previous guest on my podcast. Together, they traveled to India and the Middle East, and this led to Jenean’s interest in anthropology. Eventually, they returned to the US where Jenean finished her degree and went on to graduate school. They started a family and everything seemed beautiful.Several years later, Jenean was working as the CEO of a regional non profit organization and while it all looked good on the outside, the light inside of her was dimming. She was burned out to the point where she was physically ill. Jenean had to slow down, focus on herself, and regroup. As she regained her health she began to take on contract work, doing marketing and strategy consulting. This evolved to change management consulting where she applied her background in anthropology to support business and organizational cultures. Today, Jenean is a business anthropologist, US patent holder, and revered speaker, who is the CEO of Alchemy Academy, where she enriches workplace culture for clients ranging from solopreneurs to Fortune 100 companies.In this week’s learn more about Jenean’s  journey: Jenean practices anthropology day to day; she teaches people about behavior change through the lens of the culture that is either supporting them or holding them back. She mentors organizations to grow their workplace culture, develop their leadership skills, and achieve a higher level of positivity, productivity, and profitability.  Learn more and connect with Jenean here:

33 min