38 min

13.3 The Audio in the Audiobook Experience The emPowered Author: A Marketing Podcast for Nonfiction Authors

    • Marketing

Words matter. Read a book by Mitch Albom and be reminded that each and every word has purpose. Work with an editor and they will help you leverage words with precision and meaning. Words connect people, break down walls and build bridges. And, guess what... audio matters too. Listen to a poorly produced podcast, and the mouth noises become like nails on chalkboards. Video calls with poor internet break conversations, hindering discussion that need to be had. And, audio matters in a...

Words matter. Read a book by Mitch Albom and be reminded that each and every word has purpose. Work with an editor and they will help you leverage words with precision and meaning. Words connect people, break down walls and build bridges. And, guess what... audio matters too. Listen to a poorly produced podcast, and the mouth noises become like nails on chalkboards. Video calls with poor internet break conversations, hindering discussion that need to be had. And, audio matters in a...

38 min