24 min

168. Stop Macro Counting // My Exact Guide to SIMPLE Meals for Weight Loss Holistic Mom Weight Loss | Holistic Health, Hormonal Balance, Exercise Weight Management, Lose Weight FAST, Baby Weight Nutri

    • Parenting

To the dude behind me in line at Burger King planning out how your meal was going to fit your macros--enjoy it while it lasts!

For you, mama, I’m here to steer you clear from the path of planning, tracking, logging, and worrying over every single bite. Tracking macros is fleeting, but I’ll teach you a simple system for healthier meals that you can implement right now--the SIMPLE Meal Method!

This method integrates both mindfulness and the actual “what” to eat. It’s going to be your best friend, whether you’re trying to lose weight or wanting to maintain weight. I promise!

The SIMPLE Meal Method is part of the 8-week group coaching program, The Baby Weight Loss Blueprint. This is where you find food freedom so you can finally feel comfortable in your body again!

You’ll stop relying on apps and plans to tell you how much to eat, and instead you’ll learn to trust yourself. The SIMPLE Meal Method is one part of the puzzle. The rest is waiting for you….at a HUGE Black Friday discount.

Sign up here for an exclusive one time offer on Baby Weight Loss Blueprint! www.bit.ly/bwblackfriday2022

To the dude behind me in line at Burger King planning out how your meal was going to fit your macros--enjoy it while it lasts!

For you, mama, I’m here to steer you clear from the path of planning, tracking, logging, and worrying over every single bite. Tracking macros is fleeting, but I’ll teach you a simple system for healthier meals that you can implement right now--the SIMPLE Meal Method!

This method integrates both mindfulness and the actual “what” to eat. It’s going to be your best friend, whether you’re trying to lose weight or wanting to maintain weight. I promise!

The SIMPLE Meal Method is part of the 8-week group coaching program, The Baby Weight Loss Blueprint. This is where you find food freedom so you can finally feel comfortable in your body again!

You’ll stop relying on apps and plans to tell you how much to eat, and instead you’ll learn to trust yourself. The SIMPLE Meal Method is one part of the puzzle. The rest is waiting for you….at a HUGE Black Friday discount.

Sign up here for an exclusive one time offer on Baby Weight Loss Blueprint! www.bit.ly/bwblackfriday2022

24 min