14 min

23 | Top Holiday Eating Success Tips for Plant-Based Eaters – Thrive at Social Gatherings! {Plant Based Diet, Plantbased Transition, Holiday Meal Tips, Stay Trim, Social Eating Tips, Weight Loss‪}‬ Plant Based Eating Made Easy | Simple Strategies & Clear Nutrition Guidance to Transform Your Health | Dietitian, Plant-Based

    • Nutrition

The holiday season is here, and with it the joy - and stress – of social gatherings. If you’re a plant-based newbie or wannabe, this time of year can feel especially intimidating. Maybe you’re the only one eating plant-based in your social circle right now, and you’re afraid of starving at that next family holiday dinner. You’re worried about what you’ll eat and how others will react. Can you relate?
Well, if you’re feeling this way, I want to help you navigate this holiday season with more confidence and success as a plant-based eater. In this episode, I’ll share pro-tips that’ll help you THRIVE (not just survive) the holidays, regardless of where you are in your plant-based diet journey. I hope you’ll see that plant-based eating can still be possible, enjoyable and doable even around the holidays. Walk away with some extra inspiration and holiday meal ideas too!
Next Steps:
Grow -> Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course: www.plantnourished.com/ppltcourse
Contact -> healthnow@plantnourished.com
Learn -> www.plantnourished.com
Join the FB Community -> www.bit.ly/pbdietsuccess
Apply -> Free Rapid Health Transformation Call: https://bit.ly/plantnourished
Free Resource -> Quick Start Grocery Guide for Plant-Based Essentials: www.plantnourished.com/groceryguide

The holiday season is here, and with it the joy - and stress – of social gatherings. If you’re a plant-based newbie or wannabe, this time of year can feel especially intimidating. Maybe you’re the only one eating plant-based in your social circle right now, and you’re afraid of starving at that next family holiday dinner. You’re worried about what you’ll eat and how others will react. Can you relate?
Well, if you’re feeling this way, I want to help you navigate this holiday season with more confidence and success as a plant-based eater. In this episode, I’ll share pro-tips that’ll help you THRIVE (not just survive) the holidays, regardless of where you are in your plant-based diet journey. I hope you’ll see that plant-based eating can still be possible, enjoyable and doable even around the holidays. Walk away with some extra inspiration and holiday meal ideas too!
Next Steps:
Grow -> Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course: www.plantnourished.com/ppltcourse
Contact -> healthnow@plantnourished.com
Learn -> www.plantnourished.com
Join the FB Community -> www.bit.ly/pbdietsuccess
Apply -> Free Rapid Health Transformation Call: https://bit.ly/plantnourished
Free Resource -> Quick Start Grocery Guide for Plant-Based Essentials: www.plantnourished.com/groceryguide

14 min