7 min

246 - 3 Tips for Small Businesses to FIX Trade Show Sponsorships Trade Show University for Virtual & Live Events

    • Marketing

Small Businesses have to STOP Wasting Money on Trade Show and Event Sponsorships! In fact, businesses of ALL sizes need to do this!
I know I'm going to ruffle some feathers here, but stick with me.
I'm NOT telling you to Stop sponsoring, but to do them right! I'm going to give you the 3 ways to fix your sponsorships so you get the maximum return!

Look I'm not against sponsorships - they help fund the events and can be a tremendous investment. Problem is Most companies that invest in sponsorships at trade shows, conferences and events don't know how to get an ROI.

First things first - you have to know your reason for sponsoring in the first place! Maybe it's to support the show or the association in some way, and this is how you choose to do it. Fantastic!
Maybe the show is offering some added freebies or bonuses to sponsors, and you feel it's worth it. Okay great!
But maybe you're investing in a sponsorship to get your company name, logo and brand in front of a bunch of attendees and exhibitors. You are who I am talking to today.
Think about this - sponsoring something like a lanyard or a tote bag everyone gets definitely gets your logo out there in a big way! And some people even keep these things!
But ask yourself - have you ever bought from a company, or even changed your perception of a company, because their logo was on a lanyard or backpack? If you want to support the show or association putting on the show, then go ahead and sponsor the lanyard, the backpack, the disposable water bottles, or the other products.
Then there's sponsoring events inside the events - lunches, breakout sessions, after-hours networking events. For most of these events I attend, even while in the middle of them I can't tell you who the sponsor is.

Okay - so what do you do? What is a good sponsorship? HERE'S YOUR 3 TIPS!

1 - Look for a sponsorship that will bring attendees to your booth. Bingo Card, Scavenger Hunt. But do it right!
2 - If you sponsor an event - lunch, networking event - make sure you maximize your branding AND get everyone's attention by either speaking from stage, or having a team of people going around and spreading your brand.
3 - If you sponsor a product - have a message on the product to bring that product to your booth for a free gift.

Want to MAX the ROI on your Sponsorships?? Let's jump on a FREE Discovery Call!
-- Go to tradeshowu.biz/services and click on the blue "Book My Discovery Call" button!
Mentioned in this episode:
Powerful Data Analytics with BearIQ from Bear Analytics
I want to take a second to cover one of the hottest topics in the events industry right now:
Data Analytics
If you are a show organizer, you’re probably trying to gain a leg up on how to return to
One company leading the charge for growing events is Bear Analytics.
With their cutting-edge platform, Bear IQ, easily aggregates, cleans, and measures, event
performance – showing you exactly where to focus your marketing, sales, and education
team’s energy. The best part is – it’s powered by the data you’re already collecting.
It means you can use their predictive tools to grow audience, increase exhibitor and sponsor sales, and easily measure engagement across your education and certification programs.
If you even a little curious, reach out to them at WWW.BearAnalytics.com and tell them Jim sent you!
Mention code “TSU” to let them know Trade Show University to unlock a free post-event

Small Businesses have to STOP Wasting Money on Trade Show and Event Sponsorships! In fact, businesses of ALL sizes need to do this!
I know I'm going to ruffle some feathers here, but stick with me.
I'm NOT telling you to Stop sponsoring, but to do them right! I'm going to give you the 3 ways to fix your sponsorships so you get the maximum return!

Look I'm not against sponsorships - they help fund the events and can be a tremendous investment. Problem is Most companies that invest in sponsorships at trade shows, conferences and events don't know how to get an ROI.

First things first - you have to know your reason for sponsoring in the first place! Maybe it's to support the show or the association in some way, and this is how you choose to do it. Fantastic!
Maybe the show is offering some added freebies or bonuses to sponsors, and you feel it's worth it. Okay great!
But maybe you're investing in a sponsorship to get your company name, logo and brand in front of a bunch of attendees and exhibitors. You are who I am talking to today.
Think about this - sponsoring something like a lanyard or a tote bag everyone gets definitely gets your logo out there in a big way! And some people even keep these things!
But ask yourself - have you ever bought from a company, or even changed your perception of a company, because their logo was on a lanyard or backpack? If you want to support the show or association putting on the show, then go ahead and sponsor the lanyard, the backpack, the disposable water bottles, or the other products.
Then there's sponsoring events inside the events - lunches, breakout sessions, after-hours networking events. For most of these events I attend, even while in the middle of them I can't tell you who the sponsor is.

Okay - so what do you do? What is a good sponsorship? HERE'S YOUR 3 TIPS!

1 - Look for a sponsorship that will bring attendees to your booth. Bingo Card, Scavenger Hunt. But do it right!
2 - If you sponsor an event - lunch, networking event - make sure you maximize your branding AND get everyone's attention by either speaking from stage, or having a team of people going around and spreading your brand.
3 - If you sponsor a product - have a message on the product to bring that product to your booth for a free gift.

Want to MAX the ROI on your Sponsorships?? Let's jump on a FREE Discovery Call!
-- Go to tradeshowu.biz/services and click on the blue "Book My Discovery Call" button!
Mentioned in this episode:
Powerful Data Analytics with BearIQ from Bear Analytics
I want to take a second to cover one of the hottest topics in the events industry right now:
Data Analytics
If you are a show organizer, you’re probably trying to gain a leg up on how to return to
One company leading the charge for growing events is Bear Analytics.
With their cutting-edge platform, Bear IQ, easily aggregates, cleans, and measures, event
performance – showing you exactly where to focus your marketing, sales, and education
team’s energy. The best part is – it’s powered by the data you’re already collecting.
It means you can use their predictive tools to grow audience, increase exhibitor and sponsor sales, and easily measure engagement across your education and certification programs.
If you even a little curious, reach out to them at WWW.BearAnalytics.com and tell them Jim sent you!
Mention code “TSU” to let them know Trade Show University to unlock a free post-event

7 min