54 min

#258 How to Prevent & Manage Overwhelm as a Parent of Young (or Old) Kids, While Pursuing BIG Dreams & Goals The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast

    • Parenting

"Thanks for this episode. I wanted to get in touch to ask if you could share any advice for when your kids were younger and babies?

I run a food business and recently had my first baby. I am struggling to manage the disparity between my big ambitions for my life and my reality. I want to be more capable... I want to take my business to the next level (which includes raising investment) I want to keep exercising and doing my favourite sports, I hate that my home is not organised and there is clutter around.

I just don't know how to achieve all of this as I can't seem to find the time or the energy. Right now my partner is at home full time (looking for work) and is incredibly helpful both in the home and in caring for our daughter. But still I am not able to balance all of these things!

The two that have slipped back are exercising and my home not being in great order and I'm barely keeping up at work.

I sometimes would love to have a big family and you have really inspired me that this is possible (I have always thought about adoption) but then sometimes I think I can't even manage with one, how could I possibly manage more kids?

I'd truly appreciate it if you could share any advice or discuss this on a podcast as there are so many young mums today struggling to manage the demands of modern day life, juggling work with younger kids and babies."

If you are a mother (or father) of young children and often feel in overwhelm, then you need this episode -- especially if you are ambitious (like we are) and find yourself frustrated by your 'slow' progress as you pursue your dreams.

We've been there! Listen to discover the strategies we've used to prevent and manage overwhelm and to accomplish WAY more than we ever thought possible.


Let us help you in your growth journey.

Download the ⁠Be The Man app on iOS⁠ or ⁠Android⁠
Take the ⁠Be The Man 7-Day Challenge.⁠
Get Rachel's ⁠Family Systems & Charts⁠
Join the ⁠28-Day Challenge⁠ for Moms
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⁠Rachel’s Must-Read Booklist for Well-Read Moms
⁠Greg's Recommended Reading List for Parents & Youth
Gather with us at the World School Family (Beach & Farm) Resort in Portugal

"Thanks for this episode. I wanted to get in touch to ask if you could share any advice for when your kids were younger and babies?

I run a food business and recently had my first baby. I am struggling to manage the disparity between my big ambitions for my life and my reality. I want to be more capable... I want to take my business to the next level (which includes raising investment) I want to keep exercising and doing my favourite sports, I hate that my home is not organised and there is clutter around.

I just don't know how to achieve all of this as I can't seem to find the time or the energy. Right now my partner is at home full time (looking for work) and is incredibly helpful both in the home and in caring for our daughter. But still I am not able to balance all of these things!

The two that have slipped back are exercising and my home not being in great order and I'm barely keeping up at work.

I sometimes would love to have a big family and you have really inspired me that this is possible (I have always thought about adoption) but then sometimes I think I can't even manage with one, how could I possibly manage more kids?

I'd truly appreciate it if you could share any advice or discuss this on a podcast as there are so many young mums today struggling to manage the demands of modern day life, juggling work with younger kids and babies."

If you are a mother (or father) of young children and often feel in overwhelm, then you need this episode -- especially if you are ambitious (like we are) and find yourself frustrated by your 'slow' progress as you pursue your dreams.

We've been there! Listen to discover the strategies we've used to prevent and manage overwhelm and to accomplish WAY more than we ever thought possible.


Let us help you in your growth journey.

Download the ⁠Be The Man app on iOS⁠ or ⁠Android⁠
Take the ⁠Be The Man 7-Day Challenge.⁠
Get Rachel's ⁠Family Systems & Charts⁠
Join the ⁠28-Day Challenge⁠ for Moms
Join the ⁠Be The Man Coaching & Tribe⁠
⁠Rachel’s Must-Read Booklist for Well-Read Moms
⁠Greg's Recommended Reading List for Parents & Youth
Gather with us at the World School Family (Beach & Farm) Resort in Portugal

54 min