17 min

38 | She lost 28lb and Cut Meds in 5 Weeks on a Plant-Based Diet – Interview with Chrystal [Part 2] {Plant Based, Meal Prep Strategies, Plantbased Meals, Cooking Tips, Weight Loss, Blood Pressure‪}‬ Plant Based Eating Made Easy | Simple Strategies & Clear Nutrition Guidance to Transform Your Health | Dietitian, Plant-Based

    • Nutrition

Can you imagine ALL that might be possible from just changing one’s way of eating – from meat-heavy dishes and high fat ultra-processed foods to a whole food plant-based diet? Chrystal didn’t. Being severely overweight with multiple health problems AND a new diagnosis of diabetes, Chrystal was facing a lifetime of managing her diabetes with pills.
But she wanted to heal her body a different way, and so embarked on her journey into plant-based eating, while her family remained on a regular diet. In this interview part 2, hear and be inspired by the myriad of health benefits Chrystal experienced within just 5 weeks of making the switch to a whole food plant-based diet, beyond just her blood sugars becoming normal. You’ll also hear about her transition challenges and walk away with some top meal prep tips and strategies to reduce double cooking in a mixed diet family!
Contact -> healthnow@plantnourished.com
Learn -> www.plantnourished.com
Join -> www.plantnourished.com/ppltcourseConnect in the Facebook Community -> www.bit.ly/pbdietsuccess
Apply -> Free Rapid Health Transformation Call: https://bit.ly/plantnourished
Free Resource -> Quick Start Grocery Guide for Plant-Based Essentials: www.plantnourished.com/groceryguide
Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email (healthnow@plantnourished.com) or submit it by a voice message here: www.speakpipe.com/plantnourished

Can you imagine ALL that might be possible from just changing one’s way of eating – from meat-heavy dishes and high fat ultra-processed foods to a whole food plant-based diet? Chrystal didn’t. Being severely overweight with multiple health problems AND a new diagnosis of diabetes, Chrystal was facing a lifetime of managing her diabetes with pills.
But she wanted to heal her body a different way, and so embarked on her journey into plant-based eating, while her family remained on a regular diet. In this interview part 2, hear and be inspired by the myriad of health benefits Chrystal experienced within just 5 weeks of making the switch to a whole food plant-based diet, beyond just her blood sugars becoming normal. You’ll also hear about her transition challenges and walk away with some top meal prep tips and strategies to reduce double cooking in a mixed diet family!
Contact -> healthnow@plantnourished.com
Learn -> www.plantnourished.com
Join -> www.plantnourished.com/ppltcourseConnect in the Facebook Community -> www.bit.ly/pbdietsuccess
Apply -> Free Rapid Health Transformation Call: https://bit.ly/plantnourished
Free Resource -> Quick Start Grocery Guide for Plant-Based Essentials: www.plantnourished.com/groceryguide
Have a question about plant-based diets that you would like answered on the Plant Based Eating Made Easy Podcast? Send it by email (healthnow@plantnourished.com) or submit it by a voice message here: www.speakpipe.com/plantnourished

17 min