9 min

44. Meditation of Contrasts How Yoga Changed My Life

    • Fitness

Find a cozy, comfy place to sit back and chill with Mia's meditation. This episode is our follow up from Alexandra (#43). Alexandra enjoyed both meditation practices and hot sweaty yoga classes to help her balance not only her professional dance career physical requirements, but also to help her find discipline in her personal life. We hope you enjoy Mia's meditation on opposites! Please share this episode with someone in your life that would benefit from our show!Don't forge...

Find a cozy, comfy place to sit back and chill with Mia's meditation. This episode is our follow up from Alexandra (#43). Alexandra enjoyed both meditation practices and hot sweaty yoga classes to help her balance not only her professional dance career physical requirements, but also to help her find discipline in her personal life. We hope you enjoy Mia's meditation on opposites! Please share this episode with someone in your life that would benefit from our show!Don't forge...

9 min