53 min

5 Essential Truths for Crafting Your Signature Story Hint of Hustle with Heather Sager

    • Marketing

Every business must tell their signature story. It’s how customers connect to more than a product or service, especially if you're a personal brand based business.Sadly, instead of telling a story, most entrepreneurs deliver a laundry list of experiences that sound more like a resume than a journey their audience can relate to. In this episode, I break down what you need to know to craft your signature story to inspire and connect the dots for your audience wherever you choose to tell it...

Every business must tell their signature story. It’s how customers connect to more than a product or service, especially if you're a personal brand based business.Sadly, instead of telling a story, most entrepreneurs deliver a laundry list of experiences that sound more like a resume than a journey their audience can relate to. In this episode, I break down what you need to know to craft your signature story to inspire and connect the dots for your audience wherever you choose to tell it...

53 min