9 min

5 or so minutes: What’s Team Craft‪?‬ The Peak Performing Team

    • Entrepreneurship

In this episode I talk about one of the 3 C’s that help me figure out the best intervention strategy for teams. I gave an overview of the 3 C’s in episode #6 and then about Communication in episode #8. CRAFT is an artist’s analogy for the team’s WORK. Craft has 3 components and I talk about them with a triangle in mind so you can visualize the 2 foundations to the team behaviors that you want. As you you listen, think about the analogy that makes the most sense for you, and, if you want to personalize this for your team, schedule a virtual team chat and coffee at FaithClarke.com

In this episode I talk about one of the 3 C’s that help me figure out the best intervention strategy for teams. I gave an overview of the 3 C’s in episode #6 and then about Communication in episode #8. CRAFT is an artist’s analogy for the team’s WORK. Craft has 3 components and I talk about them with a triangle in mind so you can visualize the 2 foundations to the team behaviors that you want. As you you listen, think about the analogy that makes the most sense for you, and, if you want to personalize this for your team, schedule a virtual team chat and coffee at FaithClarke.com

9 min