90 episodes

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A Jew and a Gentile Discuss Ezra and Carly

    • Religion & Spirituality
    • 4.6 • 125 Ratings

One is Jewish. One is Gentile. Both believe in Jesus.
Join us as we discuss life, faith, prophecy, current events and more.
Discover surprising insights and amazing things God is doing around the world.

    Is Standing with Israel Safe?

    Is Standing with Israel Safe?

    It was easy to stand with Israel the week following October 7, but what about now, after six months of a controversial and very complex war? In this episode, Carly and Ezra discuss the environment we’re in today, where standing with Israel can evoke all kinds of responses. They talk about how it’s possible to both stand with Israel and not agree with everything the State of Israel does. You’ll hear about:

    Stories of confrontation and the temptation to hide one’s support of Israel or Jewish identity
    How, after six months of war, people may be losing clarity on where to stand
    Why it will never be easier to stand with Israel than it is today
    If the Bible indicates that “standing with Israel” could possibly, one day, be unto the death
    How the point of making outward declarations of standing with Israel should be more about opening up a conversation than stating your stance

    Along the Way
    Along the way, you’ll also hear about:

    How a “this is true, and this also is true” approach can diffuse a confrontation
    How standing with Israel doesn’t mean whitewashing or ignoring wrongdoing
    How only God sees what it takes for us to turn to Him
    How being “grafted in,” as Gentile Believers, puts you in a familial relationship with the Jewish people
    An encouragement for Jewish believers in Jesus to “stay Jewish”
    An encouragement to Jewish listeners – believers in Jesus or not – that difficult times are maybe the best times for us to say we believe in God and that He’s actually chosen us to be a blessing to everyone else
    An encouragement to Christians about the importance of not standing with Israel naively or in ignorance

    Words You Might Learn in This Episode
    Mishpocha, Gentiles, chanukiah, Am Yisrael Chai, Yeshua
    Scriptures Referenced in This Episode
    Matthew 24:6, Mark 13:7
    Zechariah chapters 12 and 13
    Matthew chapter 25
    Romans chapters 9–11
    Previous Episodes Mentioned
    S4.5 E7 – Why Won’t Israel Agree to a Ceasefire?
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    This podcast is a production of Jewish Voice Ministries International.

    • 26 min
    Why Won’t Israel Agree to a Ceasefire?

    Why Won’t Israel Agree to a Ceasefire?

    In this episode of A Jew and A Gentile Discuss, Carly and Ezra clarify some of the complexities of a ceasefire agreement and why Israel hasn’t agreed thus far. They challenge listeners to read multiple news sources to get the whole picture because a single source gives only a single perspective. They also offer some concrete ways to pray for Israel. Here’s some of what they cover in this discussion:

    The fickle nature of the news cycle that has moved on from the Israel war, but Israel and the Middle East are still very much in the thick of it
    Misleading headlines that don’t indicate the complexities of the war and what Israel is dealing with
    The difference between a ceasefire and a truce
    What’s breaking down in the recent ceasefire talks with Hamas
    Four specific things to pray regarding this war

    Along the Way
    Along the way, you’ll hear about:

    The root of anti-Semitism
    Wait, what? Israel and Hamas were actually already in a ceasefire on October 7?
    The humanitarian crisis in Gaza before October 7 – where did all that aid go?
    How the tragic plight of the Gazans and the fight against the terrorist regime Hamas are separate issues in this very complex war
    Who this war is not against
    How both societies – Israel and Gaza – are traumatized right now, and both deserve our compassion and prayers
    The abundant opportunities for the Gospel in both Israel and Gaza right now

    Words You Might Learn (or learn more about) in This Episode
    Hezbollah, Yeshua, truce, ceasefire, Isa
    Scriptures Referenced in This Episode
    Psalm 89:14
    James 4:12
    Genesis 17:8
    Isaiah 11:10–12, Ezekiel 11:16–20
    Genesis 12:3
    Previous Episodes Mentioned
    S1 E8 – Anti-Semitism Exposed
    S4.5 E6 – Practical Ways to Combat Anti-Semitism
    S1 E14 – Israel: A Little Word Loaded with Meaning
    S1 E15 – Israel: Promised Land and Political State
    Thanks for listening!
    Other Resources for You
    Israeli News Sources:
    Jerusalem Post, www.jpost.com
    Times of Israel, www.timesofisrael.com
    All Israel News,
    Enter to win free coffee: www.ajewandagentilediscuss.org,
    Learn more about Lost Tribes Coffee Co.: www.losttribescoffee.co
    Consider financially supporting the podcast: www.jewishvoice.org/donate/wem/what-you-hear
    Ask a question, give us feedback: www.ajewandagentilediscuss.org/contact/
    Subscribe: Wherever you get your podcasts
    Social media: Find us under the handle A Jew and A Gentile Discuss.
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    This podcast is a production of Jewish Voice Ministries International.

    • 28 min
    Practical Ways to Fight Anti-Semitism

    Practical Ways to Fight Anti-Semitism

    Anti-Semitic incidents have dramatically increased since Hamas violently attacked Israel on October 7. In this episode of A Jew and A Gentile Discuss, Carly and Ezra talk about some ways to combat anti-Semitism that you may not immediately think of. They discuss the origins of anti-Semitism and how, at its root, lies a spiritual matter. They also discuss:

    Anti-Semitism isn’t new. Anti-Semitic spirits revealed in the Bible from Pharaoh to Haman and all the way to today’s terror group, Hamas
    Who the biblical kingdom of Persia is today
    What we can do about anti-Semitism
    How to explain your faith and desire for your Jewish friend to know Jesus

    Along the Way
    Along the way, they’ll also discuss things like:

    The Holocaust started as an idea that turned into propaganda
    The organized Church’s persecution of Jewish people throughout history – whether or not those people were truly followers of Jesus – has left the Jewish people with a lot to overcome about Jesus
    The fear of “Jewish fragility”
    Where “blessing Israel” and “Christian Zionism” often fall short
    Understanding that talking to Jewish people about Jesus is not anti-Semitic
    Being careful of your language when sharing the Gospel with Jewish people. They’re not converting to another religion; they’re following the Jewish Messiah sent to the house of Israel as promised by the Hebrew Scriptures
    The importance of learning to recognize subtle forms of Replacement Theology. Jewish people do not have a separate way to God apart from faith in Yeshua (Jesus)

    Words You Might Learn in This Episode
    Proto Evangelion, besora, Persia, replacement theology
    Scriptures Referenced in This Episode
    Genesis 3:14
    Genesis 3:15
    Isaiah 25:8, 1 Peter 3:18–20
    2 Timothy 1:10, 1 Corinthians 15:54–57
    Revelation 20:10
    Matthew 23:37
    Book of Exodus
    Book of Esther
    Daniel chapter 10
    Isaiah 6:9, Isaiah 42:20, Romans 11:25, Matthew 13:13–15
    Romans chapters 9–11
    Acts 4:12
    2 Corinthians 1:20
    Matthew 5:44
    Exodus 34:14
    Isaiah 63:3, 1 Corinthians 15:24–26
    Deuteronomy 4:24, 32:16, Jeremiah 31:3, Romans 11:11
    Previous Episodes Mentioned
    S4.5 E1               What’s Going On In Israel?
    S4.5 E2               Israel: 111 Days and Counting
    S1 E36                 Problems with the Church Replacing Israel
    S1 E37                 Does the Bible Say the Church Is the New Israel?
    S3 E7                   Why Christians Want Jews to Convert
    Thanks for listening!
    Other Resources for You
    Enter to win free coffee: www.ajewandagentilediscuss.org,
    Learn more about Lost Tribes Coffee Co.: www.losttribescoffee.co
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    • 36 min
    Israel: Are We in the End Times?

    Israel: Are We in the End Times?

    In this episode of A Jew and A Gentile Discuss, Carly and Ezra continue their conversation about the End Times and where Israel fits in regarding Bible prophecy. They dive into the Christian and Jewish mindsets toward the Last Days and challenge listeners to rethink a “for-Christians-only” understanding. The discussion turns to the difficult things Israel experienced on October 7, how these events may have caused some listeners to disengage with God and the importance of finding your way back to re-engaging with Him. They talk about:

    What’s meant by the End Times and what Christians think of when they hear it
    How the End Times isn’t just a Christian thing but first appears in the Hebrew Scriptures
    Hard things to come in the End Times
    The Christian response to Israel’s suffering
    The mixed reality of both grief and hopeful anticipation contained in the package of the End Times

    Along the Way
    Along the way, Carly and Ezra also discuss:

    The challenge to make room in our hearts for what Jesus feels about Israel
    What most Christians think of when they think of the period approaching the End Times
    The birth pangs, “beginning of sorrows,” that Jesus talked about regarding the Last Days
    Jesus’s love in preparing His followers for the future
    A challenge to Jewish people who think the idea of the End Times is only a Christian concept to look again at the Hebrew Scriptures, at Moses and the prophets
    How the atrocities of October 7 can cause confusion, sideline our faith and make us disengage with God, and the encouragement to check back in and re-engage with the Lord

    Words You Might Learn in This Episode
    Sukkot, pestilence, Mashiach, acharit hayamim, sof, Torah, Christian Zionism, Yeshua, Baruch haba Bashem Adonai
    Scriptures Referenced in This Episode
    Matthew chapters 24 and 25
    Matthew 24:4–8
    Matthew 24:8 (and 1 Thessalonians 5:3) John 14:3
    Joel 2:11
    Revelation 19:15
    Genesis 49:1, Deuteronomy 31:29
    Psalm 147:2, Isaiah 11:12
    Zechariah 13:8, 14:1–3
    Matthew 23:37
    Matthew 23:39, Psalm 118:26
    Isaiah chapters 12–14
    Luke 20:9–17, Zechariah 10:4
    Isaiah chapter 53
    Previous Episodes Mentioned
    S4.5 E5               The End Times: Is It a Jewish or Christian Thing?
    Thanks for listening!
    Other Resources for You
    Enter to win free coffee: www.ajewandagentilediscuss.org,
    Learn more about Lost Tribes Coffee Co.: www.losttribescoffee.co
    Consider financially supporting the podcast: www.jewishvoice.org/donate/wem/what-you-hear
    Ask a question, give us feedback: www.ajewandagentilediscuss.org/contact/
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    Social media: Find us under the handle A Jew and A Gentile Discuss.
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    This podcast is a production of Jewish Voice Ministries International.

    • 35 min
    The End Times – A Jewish or Christian Idea?

    The End Times – A Jewish or Christian Idea?

    Hamas’ October 7 massacre in Israel and the war since sparked questions about the End Times. Many people have written in, asking, “Is this the End?” or “Is this the Tribulation?” Before getting into that in our next episode, today, Carly and Ezra lay the groundwork by discussing where the concept of the End Times comes from. Did Jesus introduce it, or is it actually a Jewish thing?
    In this episode of A Jew and A Gentile Discuss, the conversation includes:

    What it was about October 7th that pushed the End Times button for us
    Wait, the End Times is mentioned in Genesis?
    The Song of Moses and if it has a place in Jewish tradition
    Why Christians don’t talk much about the Song of Moses

    Along the Way
    You’ll also hear about:

    Jewish thought about the Tribulation
    Where Christians can misstep regarding the End Times
    The Hebrew phrase vital to understanding certain Old Testament Scriptures
    A part of the Torah that’s completely overlooked in the Jewish community
    Two things we need to do if we want to be students of the Word on this subject
    If Gentile Believers are grafted into the promises of God for Israel, are they also grafted into Israel’s difficulties?
    The importance of Christians being prepared to engage with Jewish people who are confused about the difficulties they, as a people, will face and the hopeful message of the Bible

    Words You Might Learn in This Episode
    Am Israel, Yeshua, acharit hayamim, yom, yamim, the Song of Moses, Torah, Sukkot, Yom Kippur
    Scriptures Referenced in This Episode
    Zechariah 12:3 and 14:2–4
    Matthew chapter 24, specifically verses 40–41, 20, 32–33 and 6–8
    Jeremiah 29:11
    Genesis chapter 49
    Deuteronomy 4:27–30 and 31:29
    Romans chapter 11, highlighting 11:17–24
    Psalm 30:5 and Deuteronomy 7:9
    Deuteronomy chapter 32
    Previous Episodes Mentioned
    S4 E8                  Rinse and Repeat – An Annual Jewish Bible Reading Cycle
    S4.5 E2               Grafted In
    S4.5 E3               Israel: 111 Days and Counting
    Thanks for listening!
    Other Resources for You
    Enter to win free coffee: www.ajewandagentilediscuss.org,
    Learn more about Lost Tribes Coffee Co.: www.losttribescoffee.co
    Consider financially supporting the podcast: www.jewishvoice.org/donate/wem/what-you-hear
    Ask a question, give us feedback: www.ajewandagentilediscuss.org/contact/
    Subscribe: Wherever you get your podcasts
    Social media: Find us under the handle A Jew and A Gentile Discuss.
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    This podcast is a production of Jewish Voice Ministries International.

    • 22 min
    What it means biblically to be “grafted in”

    What it means biblically to be “grafted in”

    In this episode of A Jew and A Gentile Discuss, Carly and Ezra discuss the profound metaphors and analogies of Romans chapter 11 and what this has to do with how Christians relate to Jewish people and respond to the crisis in Israel. They cover:

    What it means biblically to be “grafted in”
    Making Israel jealous for their God
    Reviewing the difference between Israel the Land, the State and the people
    Ezra’s take on the “one new man” of Ephesians 2
    How the “one new man” relates to “grafted in”
    How “grafted in” evokes jealousy in Israel
    Why all of this is so important and matters to the life and faith of Christians

    Along the Way
    Along the way, they’ll also discuss:

    The importance of not skipping from Romans chapter 8 to chapter 12
    What’s the “therefore” there for?
    Compassion for Israel and for Palestinians
    Who the “natural” and “unnatural” branches of Romans 11 are
    The grafted-in design is more than a clever mashup of religious symbols
    What the “fatness of the olive tree” is
    What it means to carry your faith, Gentile Believers, in a way that makes Israel jealous
    The startling reality of what the crisis in Israel has to do with you as a Christian
    Ask the Lord to give you His heart for His Chosen People
    The game-changer conversation Christians can have with Jewish people

    Words You Might Learn More About in This Episode
    Magan David, Ibri, Jewish/Jew, Jewish Scriptures, Haaretz, Am Yisrael, tikkun, chutzpah
    Scriptures Referenced in This Episode
    Romans chapter 11 (the entire chapter and specifically, Romans 11:17, 20, 25, 20, 33)
    Romans chapters 5–8
    Romans 12:1
    Matthew 4:19
    Matthew 15:24
    Genesis 12:3
    Genesis 15:6 (and Romans 4:3, Galatians 3:6, and James 2:23)
    Genesis 12:10–20 and Genesis chapter 20
    Leviticus 17:11 and Hebrews 9:22
    Romans 12:3 and Ephesians 2:8–9
    Genesis 17:19–21 and Galatians 4:22–31
    Genesis 25:6 and Romans 9:10–13
    Genesis chapter 27
    Isaiah 6:9–10 and 43:8, Isaiah 42:6 and 49:6
    Exodus 20:4, 34:14 and Deuteronomy 6:15
    Exodus 20:5, 34:14, Deuteronomy 6:15, 32:21
    Romans 1:16
    John 3:16
    Acts chapter 14
    Ephesians 2:11–22
    Romans 9:5–6 and 3:23
    Ephesians 5:31–32
    John 14:3
    Matthew chapter 24, specifically verse 36
    Previous Episodes Mentioned
    S4 E3    Does the Bible Tell Us to Make Christians or Jews Jealous?
    Thanks for listening!
    Other Resources for You
    Enter to win free coffee: www.ajewandagentilediscuss.org,
    Learn more about Lost Tribes Coffee Co.: www.losttribescoffee.co
    Consider financially supporting the podcast: www.jewishvoice.org/donate/wem/what-you-hear
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    This podcast is a production of Jewish Voice Ministries International.

    • 35 min

Customer Reviews

4.6 out of 5
125 Ratings

125 Ratings

Dozer12Sa ,


New listener and I have been searching for answers on “what to do” “how do I feel” I have finally landed on the right track.
I always wondered if I just trust in Israel because I’m a Christian or do I trust because I was told to. Now I have learned the back ground and I will stand with Israel by faith, my own faith. I’m still learning the history but I’m not wavering. Thank you for my answers and delivery of the news.

~Micah68 ,

Love this podcast!

Super informative and engaging! Thank y’all for the wonderful work you do!

Ebin J. ,

One sided “debate”

I came to this podcast, hoping to find a neutral perspective to the war in Israel/Gaza. It is only being told from a pro-Israel prospective.

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